The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 831: :sealed

If you look at it from a distance, at the Isenbul ruins, the world is actually in a strange state of constant fluctuation.

After two consecutive seals, Li Tianlan took over the battle.

Qin Weibai is still in a stalemate with the power of death.

Two kinds of light, dark and pure white, clearly divided the entire world, and Li Tianlan stood in the center of the two colors. A complex and precise Rubik's Cube was suspended in his hand, radiating lines of different colors and rotating rapidly.

Li Tianlan stood quietly, expressionless.

Taihao exited the transformation, and the power of death was also dissipating. For the Master of Samsara Palace, the current stalemate, or the time she was controlled, was only one second at most.

But under Li Tianlan's lies, this second was directly lengthened. He fundamentally changed the process of material changes in the world. As a result, the power of death dissipated and the power of life exploded, including the thoughts of the Lord of Reincarnation. All prolonged in lies.

Only the imitation in his hand kept turning.

Countless complicated lines shining with various colors fell on Qin Weibai's body, spreading from her body to the entire battlefield, and the messy and shining light illuminated the entire world of Isenbul.

More and more Rubik's Cubes appeared in various locations, constantly rotating.

The figure of the Lord of Samsara Palace exuding the fire of life becomes more and more illusory in a state visible to the naked eye, and with her as the center, everything around her is also becoming illusory.

It was as if a pair of invisible giant hands had picked up the nearby sky and ground and rubbed them repeatedly. The entire battlefield began to stretch, fold, and twist from all angles.

Countless messy lights

The line spread to the edge of the battlefield, then turned back from the edge of the battlefield and landed on the Lord of Samsara Palace.

At this moment, Li Tianlan temporarily gave up his martial arts and lie authority, and exerted the power of destiny authority to the extreme.

Destiny authority level 7·Weaver.

He is weaving the entire battlefield.

He said, this is a story.

The chain composed of light completely blocked the entire world under Li Tianlan's control.

In an instant, the world fell into an unprecedented state of chaos.

Taihao, who was watching all this not far away, closed his eyes.

With Qin Weibai as the center, the entire nearby area, from time, to space, to various concepts, to various permissions, and even to dimensions...

Everything was in extreme chaos in the intense light.

The entire battlefield was stretched directly from the three-dimensional space into a flat surface by the power of fate in the chaotic light.

Landscapes and vegetation, the night sky, Isenbul on a white field, the constant intertwining of death and life, the Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation...

Everything has become a two-dimensional plane.

The battlefield became completely silent, losing all sound.

In front of Li Tianlan, an extremely real plane outline stretched out in front of him. The sky and the earth, a huge battlefield, were in front of him...

turned into a painting.

The Lord of Samsara Palace and everything related to the Lord of Samsara Palace have been separated from the three-dimensional space where they are and turned into a two-dimensional picture.

This is the weaver's weave.

He weaves the real space into a painting, or in other words, into a story.

That story is in this painting and has no connection with reality.

Li Tianlan spoke again.

His voice became

Characters glowing with golden light one after another surround the huge picture scroll in the sky.

"It's just a story."

“The power of death will remain in a stalemate with life in the story, because the power of ‘if’ is supporting death, and the state of life is not good. Such a stalemate cannot allow life to break through the story.

On the contrary, in a story where there is no life but death, the state of life will get worse and worse, and even authority will fall into a weak state. All this is in line with the logic of the story and is very reasonable. "

His voice turned into golden words, which were imprinted on the images in the void one by one. In an instant, shining golden light burst out.

The Rubik's Cube in Li Tianlan's hand flew out and began to rotate continuously in the huge screen.

Li Tianlan's voice continued to resound throughout the world, turning into more characters.

"Even authority has destiny."

He said this sentence very briefly, but there were countless densely packed characters flying in the air.

Even authority has destiny.

From a practical point of view, Li Tianlan is just bragging, but in the story he weaves, this awesomeness will be continuously improved according to his own logic, so that the authority in this story will really have its own destiny.

"The state of life does not conform to the logic of the story. It is just a story, and every story has an end.

Death will disappear at the end of the story, and before death disappears, life will also enter its weakest state, because every story needs an ending.

It is logical that life cannot defeat death, so after death disappears,

Life will pay a more painful price, which is the perfect ending. "

Li Tianlan's voice was still ringing.

This time, he wasn't seriously bragging.

The only thing that is really bragging is that authority also has destiny.

This awesomeness will be continuously improved in the story according to the logic of the story, and what Li Tianlan is doing now is to give this story a result according to his own logic.

The result is that the power of death in the story is harmed by life under the support of 'if'. The power of death disappears, the power of life enters its weakest state, and the story has an ending.

This is a prophecy.

Destiny authority level 8·Prophet.

This is also the level that Xuanyuan Wushang is at now. Xuanyuan Wushang's current state is the eighth-level peak apostle + the eighth-level saint + the eighth-level peak prophet, spanning the three authority of technology, life, and destiny, but he does not have the authority. He is not even a peak powerhouse and there is no way he can appear here.

And Li Tianlan, who holds the power of "If", although his proficiency in authority is far inferior to Xuanyuan Wushang due to his incomplete memory, his prophecies can also affect lives at the same level.

An eighth-level prophet's own existence is logic. Wherever his own logic can influence, the voice of the prophet is the beginning, the process, and the result.

In the picture presented in the void, the powers of life and death were rapidly dissipating, and every word of Li began to irreversibly become the reality in the story.

Li Tianlan is still talking.

"The sound of prayer can give life enough humanity, it..."

Li Tianlan suddenly paused, and all his voices seemed to sound at this moment

It was all stuck in my throat, making it difficult to say another word.

He himself is logic, destiny, and what-if.

But this does not mean that he can talk nonsense about anything. There are some basic logics that even a braggart must abide by.

For example, Li can control three thousand women in one night. This is bragging, but no matter how he brags, he cannot brag about it three thousand times in one night.

Because there is not enough time, even if you are a fast shooter, not enough time is not enough.

Time is a logic that cannot be circumvented by bragging about this kind of content, and it is also a logic that bragging must abide by, otherwise it is likely to have the opposite effect.

If bragging was free, Destiny Authority would have overturned the world long ago.

The situation was obvious at the moment. Whether it was prophecy or weaving, Li Tianlan was unable to turn the fact that prayers could give life authority enough humanity into reality.

The core logic of this matter lies in enough.

Enough humanity that this is clearly impossible.

Qin Weibai was able to obtain the power of life while possessing control. This was obviously an overall situation. How many arrangements, plans, coincidences and luck were involved in this situation? Li Tianlan is still confused because of his incomplete memory. Nothing.

It is already a huge surprise that the sound of prayer can affect lives. Strictly speaking, this can even be regarded as a result that can only be achieved by a sneak attack. Humanity enough, logically, the word "enough" cannot be bypassed at all.

Li Tianlan immediately changed his mind: "A life that has lost part of its breath will be most affected by the sound of prayer. The strong emotions in the prayer will initially activate the main force of life."

Be aware that the instinct of authority and consciousness will be separated, leading to further weakness in life. This is the most reasonable process. "

This is still a prophecy.

And as he spoke, in the scroll that almost occupied the entire sky, the Lord of Samsara Palace suddenly covered his forehead and seemed to be screaming.

But everything around her has been woven into stories that have nothing to do with reality.

Through the scroll, Li Tianlan clearly saw the disgust and hatred in the eyes of the Master of Samsara Palace.

If the original reincarnation palace owner only had the instinct of authority but no clear consciousness, so that she could not understand emotions, then the current reincarnation palace owner's instincts may still occupy the main part, but in the sound of prayer, she has begun to be affected by negative emotions. about.

Li Tianlan moved in his heart and directly added a patch: "After waking up from a long sleep, instinct and consciousness begin to split. In the dilemma of fighting against death and 'what if', life will not make too extreme choices. When the consciousness is awake, , and she would have no motivation to choose extreme methods."

Li Tianlan took a deep breath. This time, instead of speaking, he raised his finger.

Destiny Authority has the strongest sealing power, but when things have developed into this situation, both he and the neutral camp must be more greedy.

He wants to seal the authority.

To be precise, it is the instinct to seal authority, thereby releasing the consciousness of authority, which is the consciousness of the Lord of Reincarnation Palace.

This requires him to complete the final part of the story.

Li Tianlan's finger fell in the air, and his fingertips were as red as blood for an instant, and then a dazzling blood burst out.

In a story whose ending he has predicted

, he added another paragraph.

This is the final outcome and a new beginning.

Li Tianlan wrote one handwriting after another in the air, and the breath of fate continued to boil under the influence of authority.

“Prayers originate from sounds, but at their core, all prayers are spiritual.

Qin Weibai's spirit is connected to life, so when the instinct retreats and the consciousness of life initially recovers, there will be unexpected gains in control due to the prayers originating from the starry sky. This is a reasonable process. "

Li Tianlan took another deep breath and wrote the last sentence.

"The instinct of authority will fall asleep, and the consciousness of life will awaken. The Creator is about to come."

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