The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 823: :Play

From the world's perspective, Li Tianlan's most correct name today is truth.

Names like Li Tianlan or Huang Xi are just names between people. He can be called anything, including a cat or a dog.

The real imprints are broken and gathered together to form an identical person. In the eyes of the world, this person's imprint is there and cannot be changed, it is the truth.

When the authority completely transcends the ninth level and begins to contact authority and become supreme, this process is the process of turning oneself into the authority of the world.

Why is there a gap in the combat power of the Supreme?

For example, the Supreme Human Emperor, who is now recognized as the weakest...

The gap is mainly reflected in the process of turning oneself into the world's authority.

From the initial grasp of the power of authority, to the complete integration of authority into one's true mark, and then to the fusion of true mark and authority, oneself completely becomes the authority itself...

Each of these three steps is equivalent to a tit-for-tat confrontation with the world at every moment. When you try to erode your authority, you will inevitably be eroded by it. People at this level will not die, but in the process of competing with the world Here, there is also the risk of being assimilated by the order.

The weakest Human Emperor has chosen the wrong path but has gained the right authority. Therefore, his upper limit at this time can only be stuck at the first step of supreme, which is to initially grasp the power of authority.

The previous God of War had already taken one step ahead, completely integrating the limit and the true mark with himself. Finally, at the end of the world, he reached the third step before his death, which affected the entire martial arts and completely transformed him into the limit.

Li Tianlan is also at this level now.

he has control

The truth is also the truth. Now he has officially begun to return, gradually coming into contact with his previous memories, and the true imprint has begun to recover...

In this state, at least in a real environment, he no longer has the concept of death.

His body can be destroyed at will, which will make him weak and slow down his thinking speed, but the concept of death will not appear.

People can see that Li Tianlan is a man, and he is very young, handsome or not. All impressions don't matter, because his brand in this world is a complete mask.

This is the appearance of authority itself. Under real circumstances, there is no power to destroy this mask.

But this does not mean that the Lord of Samsara Palace has nothing to do with him.

The fire of life kept rising in the sky above Isenbul, and Li Tianlan kept switching between the mask and the human form.

The supreme level of life transfer, even in a suppressed real environment, is enough to completely transfer Li Tianlan's life force in an instant.

Li Tianlan couldn't hold on for even a second. The will of life kept staring at him. While his body was recovering, his life force would be completely emptied and transferred to the city below.

How terrifying is the life force at the supreme level?

Even though Li Tianlan is still 18,000 light years away from being the true Supreme, he is now truly in full control of his own power.

The life force that was transferred out of him seemed light and scarce, not even comparable to any ray of life fire.

But with such a pitiful amount of vitality, as it was transferred out again and again, something happened again in the deathly silent formation below Isenbul.


Some people's faces were suddenly shrouded in light, and then turned into a broken mask.

Some people's dull eyes gradually became smart and cunning.

Someone subconsciously stretched out his palm, touched the fire of life in front of him, and...


Someone carefully touched his companion, and in the next second, the companions standing quietly beside him quickly disappeared one by one, and even the houses near him disappeared at the same time.


He collected the companions in his neighborhood and even the houses on the street.

The authority to lie was revived within Isembl.

Because of Li Tianlan's influence, the aura of authority naturally affects the super genes of some people in the city, turning them into elites who lie about authority.

The fire of life still lingers around them.

What this means is self-evident.

Within Isenbul, some monsters have low-level lie authority, or in other words, within the legion of the Lord of Reincarnation, lie authority has appeared, a lie authority that is completely loyal to life.

The Lord of Samsara Palace did not make any unnecessary moves.

Her eyes were locked on Li Tianlan, and she was using one ability from beginning to end: life transfer.

She does not have the power to destroy the truth, but she has the means to exploit the truth.

Li Tianlan does not have the concept of death.

Put another way, Li Tianlan, who cannot die, is alive.

This is a fact.

To live is to have life.

The Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation itself is the authority of life.

She was trying to completely fix Li Tianlan's life form through life transfers.

This method is no longer about forcibly rewriting Li Tianlan's genes;

Directly conceptually fixing the meaning of existence of Li Tianlan, an immortal being.

The meaning of the existence of truth is to serve the territory of life.

Why do people live?

For money, for women, for desire, for dreams, family, children, parents, or just to live...

And the current Master of Samsara Palace wants to change the meaning of Li Tianlan's life to live with her.

Such modifications are within the ability of the Lord of Samsara. Once successful, she will get a mask made of authority. At that time, Li Tianlan will become a tool in the hands of the Lord of Samsara, and a representative. A future of infinite possibilities.

When her condition is completely stable, when she recovers and leaves this planet, she can still wear this mask to find knowledge and let the knowledge help her merge with the truth. Oh, or she can also take away the control and wear the eyes of control. ...

By combining the three types of authority, she can do more things.

The sunset in Isembour sinks into the sky.

But the city is still as bright as day.

The silent burning fire of life, the silent city.

The Lord of Samsara Palace raised the corner of his mouth and smiled: "Don't you want me to go home with you? Don't go to such trouble... just merge with me..."


Amidst the subtle hum, the mask floating in front of the Lord of Samsara Palace suddenly trembled.

In an instant, Isenbul, who was originally extremely bright under the shining of the fire of life, had an extra layer of shadow.

The mask was trembling rapidly, bringing up afterimages one after another. Each afterimage turned into a new mask as it trembled.

It's like the authority is dividing.

The equipment trembled, densely packed, and identical masks began to appear one after another. The new masks that appeared also trembled, and then more and more masks appeared, covering the sky and flying all over the sky.

The Lord of Samsara Palace fell silent.

Her eyes moved slowly. At the same time, the densely packed monsters on the ground raised their heads and looked at the countless masks seriously.

Exactly the same appearance, exactly the same smell...

Each mask floats slowly in the air, seeming to be crying but not crying, seeming to be smiling but not smiling. They float in the air, among the crowd, and inside the fire of life, silently.

Even the Master of the Palace of Reincarnation has no way of judging which one is the truth.

The next second, all the dense masks covering the sky turned into Li Tianlan.

The exact same Li Tianlan.

In Isenbourne, which has a population of tens of millions, at this moment there seemed to be tens of millions more Li Tianlan appearing in every corner.

The Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation couldn't tell the difference between true and false. She knew that most of them were false, but she couldn't tell at all.

The smile on her face slowly faded, turning back to expressionless, and she said calmly: "Oh, you realized it."

From the very beginning of the fight at Wangyou Villa, the Master of Samsara Palace realized something was wrong with Li Tianlan in front of him.

She is life.

An authority that has always existed since the birth of this world, but has never appeared.

But this does not mean that she has no information.

As the pinnacle of all life, the moment she fully revived and appeared in the Lin Clan laboratory, she had already obtained a large amount of information through sounds that were horrifyingly complex and indescribable.

She knows the camp and the so-called

Authority, knowing that what was standing in front of him was the truth and control, and also knew their abilities.

But when she actually fought, she found that everything was not what she knew.

Let’s not talk about a temporarily incomplete control.

The seemingly complete truth appeared to her like a slow-witted idiot.

What he has is the authority to lie.

But what is his performance?

When the reaction was too slow, facing people of the same level, he clearly had the authority to lie and could deceive the truth of everything, and he became a character who was completely deceived.

From the very beginning until now, Li Tianlan's reactions were always slow. If this continues, the Master of Samsara Palace thinks that he cannot kill him, but wants to turn him into a tool and a weapon of his own... .

It seems like there are opportunities everywhere.

A weapon of convergence of authority...

The Lord of Samsara Palace has no reason not to be moved.

"You can't run away..."

She looked at Li Tianlan who was all over the city in front of her, and her voice became softer.

"Have you had enough?"

Li Tianlan asked lightly.

At that moment, he really felt the danger, not the threat of death, but a threat that was more uncomfortable than death. He tried various methods and finally chose to deceive himself.

Let the whole world have more than one self.

The buildings in the city, the monsters on the streets, the molecules in the air, and every gust of wind are all me.

This is a lie.

In such a lie, he completely split himself into countless pieces, everywhere, thus getting rid of the life transfer of the Lord of Reincarnation Palace.

After all, the scope of the reincarnation palace master’s abilities is only

It was just one city area, but now he was spread all over the city.

"No...I still have a lot of fun."

The Lord of Samsara Palace laughed.

"Then I will play with you..."

Li Tianlan's eyes became colder little by little.

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