The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 821: : Sunlight allure

It was still a quiet day in Isenbul.

The sky was overcast, and light rain was falling. From morning to afternoon, the entire city was shrouded in water vapor, making it hazy.

Under the rain, this city that spans two continents and has a population of tens of millions is running as usual, calm and noisy.

Everything seems so natural, as if the world should be like this.

The endless flow of streets, well-proportioned buildings, people coming and going, museums, churches, temples scattered in different corners of the city, important areas where Eastern and Western cultures and ideas meet, tourists from all over the world, countless families...

The flow of people coming and going is everywhere in this world-class first-tier city.

People play here, work here, and settle here. Various means of transportation take different people to different places.

Family, career, study, growth, dreams, ambitions, or numbness...

The good, the bad, the cherished and disgusted...

The joys and sorrows of tens of millions of people are all concentrated here.

Almost everyone thinks this is a very ordinary day. It rained in the morning, and it may rain until tomorrow. In the rainy sky, they continue to do what they should do, day after day, for a certain goal, or there is no goal. .

Everyone will live in a different state, slowly moving towards death in a peaceful or spectacular situation.


Going to death should be a very long process, so long that no one even thinks about it on ordinary days.

A very ordinary day, no festival, no celebration,

A day that no one will intentionally remember...

A pure and clear flame appeared under the rain curtain of Isenbul on this day.

The soft light appeared directly on the square in the center of the city.

The patter of rain did not extinguish the fire, but all the water was completely swallowed up by the flames at the first time.

The flames swallowed up the rain and became more dazzling, sweeping and spreading across the square.

The sudden change quickly attracted the attention of countless people in the square.

The crowd closest to the fire subconsciously screamed and exclaimed. Facing the white fire, they subconsciously wanted to run away, but when they found that the fire rolled around them, they felt no pain but felt very comfortable. Stopped curiously.

People in the square kept letting out comfortable sighs under the light of the fire.

The fire was still sweeping quietly, covering more and more people.

People who are already healthy have increasingly rosy complexions and stronger bodies.

And as the flames covered them, those who were in poor health, those who were sick, and even the disabled who had lost certain parts of their bodies, one after another, all began to become radiant under the shroud of this flame.

An old man in a wheelchair watched helplessly as his legs, which had been paralyzed for many years, regained feeling. He seemed a little unbelievable. After trying several times, he finally plucked up the courage to stand up.

A terminally ill patient was relaxing in the square with his family, enjoying the last moments of his life. The firelight swept over his body, and his body, which was dizzy and sweating all over, suddenly became relaxed, and all the weakness disappeared. disappear at the first time

Lost, and his whole person became full of energy.

There were screams of exclamation again in the square, but it was no longer panic.

Voices full of joy, positivity, and surprise sounded from every corner of the square. Silently, the white fire of life covered the entire square.

Some people knelt directly on the ground to welcome the so-called 'holy light', while others subconsciously rushed forward, trying to rush to the place where the flame first appeared.

The crowd moved toward the center of the square in chaos.

Under the gaze of countless people, the pure firelight was still emitting fire-like light. It was constantly fluctuating in the center of the square, and a human figure vaguely appeared inside.

The figure of the Lord of Samsara Palace slowly walked out of the firelight,

Her attire has changed based on Qin Weibai, who has been quarreling with her in her mind.

Wearing a simple and slim-fitting red dress, her hair was fluttering slightly with the firelight in a loose state. The wisps of firelight outlined the outline of her body, and the light seemed to flow through every strand of her hair and between her fingers. When she came out, she emerged from the flames, but her whole person seemed blurry and clear, mysterious and dreamy.

This is indescribably amazing.

She was standing there, cool and blazing yet fiery, delicate, elegant, mysterious, dignified, even perfect...

All words can be applied to her, and eventually it becomes a kind of sacredness that no one dares to look directly at, let alone blaspheme.

The entire square was bathed in her light, and the shock was strong enough to shock everyone's consciousness, making everyone lower their heads subconsciously, not daring to take another look.

"A lowly, defective product."

The voice of the Lord of Samsara Palace

The sound started.

Her voice was not loud, but it was conveyed clearly, with a touch of arrogance and extremely ethereal.

The person closest to her subconsciously raised his head and looked at her blankly.

The Lord of Samsara Palace was silent for a while, then slowly raised his palm.

Her delicate fingers were slightly opened in the rain curtain, with an ethereal voice: "My..."

The next second, her voice paused, and then she murmured: "Real..."

At this moment, she suddenly realized that she could not control the city in an instant.

Standing within the confines of Wangyou Villa, she can create a desert that spans hundreds of miles in the blink of an eye, but here, the scope of her ability is only one city area...

Because there are only a few scattered people left in the former, but here, there are huge crowds of people...

The disparity in the number of people made the Master of Samsara Palace clearly feel the feeling of being suppressed by the real environment.

"Your truth?"

Qin Weibai's mocking voice sounded: "Are you starting to talk nonsense?"

"Shut up."

The Lord of Samsara Palace responded expressionlessly.

"I hope you know what you're doing."

Qin Weibai continued: "There are tens of millions of people in Isenbul, tens of millions. If you can't control your instinct, have you ever thought about the impact this will have? What will Tianlan think of you?"

"Who is he? What does it have to do with me?"

The voice of the Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation was so ethereal that it was almost clear. It was clear without any emotional fluctuations.


Qin Weibai sneered: "Why didn't you tell me who he was when you hugged your legs in front of him? You taught me..."

"Shut up!"

The voice of the Lord of Samsara Palace suddenly became

When she became cold, she and Qin Weibai were connected in consciousness. Qin Weibai felt all the violent mood swings in that moment. It was not just the mood swings. Qin Weibai could even feel that the memory of the Master of Samsara Palace had emerged. Then A series of shameful scenes appeared and disappeared quickly, and then returned to calm again.

Tiannan, East Palace.

Qin Weibai fell into deep thought.

She had a clear feeling, but she couldn't explain it or pinpoint it.

According to Xuanyuan Wushang, the current Master of Samsara Palace should be called Life...

But she could feel that the Lord of the Palace of Samsara opposite her should still be the Lord of the Palace of Samsara. She had relevant consciousness. She might have become another symbol different from herself, but her consciousness should still exist.

But now, under the influence of that so-called symbol, her consciousness seems to have difficulty understanding the emotions she once felt.

And in the process of becoming a living being, she seemed to have accepted countless messy information. When the memories of both parties were synchronized, Qin Weibai could see countless scenes from the other party's memory that made her hair stand on end.

It was the destruction and birth of planets and even galaxies, the ignorance and destruction of countless civilizations, and the distortion and mutation of various life forms. This information formed an information flow that was so powerful that it could almost destroy the consciousness of the Lord of the Reincarnation Palace. And it impacted her consciousness all the time.

It's just because the other party is connected to his own spirit, so no matter how the information flow is tossed, those information flows will be transferred to himself before the consciousness of the reincarnation palace master is completely shattered and dissipated.

Under such circumstances, the consciousness of the Lord of Samsara Palace still exists and is closely related to

Life is constantly merging, and his own existence seems to be equivalent to erecting an impenetrable firewall for the reincarnation palace master to ensure that her consciousness will not completely dissipate...

But these are Qin Weibai's own understandings, and she is not sure whether they are correct.

Being affected by life, being impacted by the flow of information, being unable to understand various emotions from the past, and being confused, all of these seem to be the causes of the state of the reincarnation palace master.

Qin Weibai was thinking wildly, and subconsciously imagined various scenes with Li Tianlan in his mind, countless scenes from another time and space to the present.

From the initial hostility, to acquiescence, to acceptance, to the process of acknowledging owning and being owned, every detail is passionate, romantic, warm, and plain.

All the details, no matter how big or small, were remembered by the Lord of Samsara Palace. If she remembered, Qin Weibai would also remember it. Now that Qin Weibai remembered it, the Lord of Samsara Palace would also remember it.

If her spirit is a firewall erected deep in the consciousness of the reincarnation palace master, then Qin Weibai's current memories are equivalent to a counterattack against those huge information flows from within the firewall.

"Do you only think about reproduction?"

A picture appeared in Samsara Palace Master's mind, and she pressed it down again, with a hint of contempt in her voice.

Qin Weibai:? ? ?

Only reproduction?

Can’t you see the memory of Tianlan taking you, no, taking me, no, taking us shopping and watching movies?

Can’t you see him cooking the food himself?

Can’t you see that he takes us on a trip?

When we taught him skydiving and fishing, she swore on the yacht that you couldn't see it?


Or is that all you have in mind?

All kinds of emotions

The brain passed on.

The Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation said in a cold voice: "I'm not blind, and I don't have that kind of low-level needs. You understand my physical condition."

Qin Weibai was silent for a moment.

The Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation is now life.

In Xuanyuan Wushang's words, it is the symbol of all life in the universe.

The moment she took control of her life, her instincts began to lead her to evolve towards the most perfect physical state.

What is the most perfect?

The most perfect physical state is one in which there is no concept of male and female, yin and yang.

The current reincarnation palace owner's body structure is completely different from that of humans. She has no gender.

Even if Li Tianlan can subdue the Master of Samsara Palace now, he can't imitate him even if he tried hard.

Because the reincarnation palace master does not have it.

There is no gender.

Unless she willingly becomes a woman again.

Qin Weibai remained silent, simply putting down most of the memories in his mind, and just kept thinking about the most unspeakable ones.

She wanted to use this method to stimulate the consciousness of the reincarnation palace master.

To a certain extent, what she did was actually not wrong.

But she didn't know how much of a blame her current actions placed on Li Tianlan.

Those so-called unspeakable things will become sweet memories for her and Li Tianlan after they face up to their relationship.

But for the current reincarnation palace master...

People have no emotions, but having no emotions does not mean that they can be humiliated casually. And in the eyes of the Palace Master of Samsara, this is not even humiliation, it is blasphemy!

Qin Weibai felt the strong and repulsive emotion coming from the Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation.

The next second, her cold and ethereal voice rang directly in Qin Weibai's mind: "You are trying to suppress

Control my instinct? In those messy ways? This makes no sense, I will make the truth pay... From here, my Isembl... my... realm! "

Qin Weibai's face changed.

She currently knows much less than Li Tianlan, but she is very aware of the instinct of order and authority.

That's a strong sense of territoriality.

Speaking of instinct or territorial awareness is actually not accurate.

Order is part of the world. In the eyes of order authority, this world should belong to them.

To be precise, every order authority has an ability similar to a domain. No matter what the circumstances, order creatures will instinctively expand their domains.

For example, a mechanical legion with technological authority sieges a city.

For example, the Great Wall of Elements with element authority.

Such as real dreams with spiritual authority.

Another example...

The life domain of life authority.

Creatures of order will instinctively expand their own territory. To a certain extent, their own domain range is the radiation range of their peak strength.

Don't think this is a limitation. On the contrary, it is a disaster for any non-ordered creature.

And now, the Lord of Samsara Palace obviously intends to use Isenbul as the starting point of his domain...

"do you know..."

"You can't stop me. Not even the truth."

The Lord of Samsara Palace interrupted Qin Weibai's voice.


In the square of Isenbul.

The fire of life continues to burn like the Holy Light.

The Lord of Samsara Palace retracted his outstretched palm and closed his eyes.

With her body as the center, one life after another

The fire of life suddenly erupted in an almost crazy manner.

A pure white shock wave composed of the fire of life suddenly appeared in Isenbul's square.

The shock wave formed a ring, spread rapidly, and swept through the entire city in the blink of an eye.

This is the limit of influence that the current Lord of Samsara Palace can have.

The figure of the Lord of Samsara Palace disappeared directly from the square. The next second, with the surging vitality, her figure appeared at the edge of the city. Another shock wave spread around her, and was pushed vigorously to the next city.

Isenbul was completely enveloped by shock waves one after another in just a few dozen seconds.

The fire of life continued to rise, and the soft flames dispersed the patter of rain and the dark clouds floating in the sky. The entire sky suddenly lit up under the shroud of the fire of life.

The rain cleared.

The sun is setting on the horizon.

The afterglow of the setting sun penetrated the atmosphere in the distant space, projecting a burning color down, dyeing the entire Isenbul with an extremely magnificent fiery red.

The ever-expanding flame of life is mixed with the sunlight and spreads over every corner of Isenbul.

In an instant.

The sun shines all over the city.

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