The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 813: : Awesome

Li Tianlan temporarily stayed at Wangyou Villa. While studying the physical condition of the Master of Samsara Palace, he was also paying attention to the news from the outside world.

Three days are enough for the outside world to brew all the news to its extreme and form a huge influence.

The fireworks over Virginia finally went out.

The sudden natural disaster also came to an end.

The huge tsunami submerged countless buildings in the Weiyi Islands, and at the same time the land plates were torn apart. The super strong earthquake turned most of the Weiyi Islands into ruins, with more than 200,000 victims and countless property losses. .

All this is due to the chain reaction caused by a battle, and the subsequent effects are still continuing.

The Star Kingdom has always maintained silence. In silence, they mobilized disaster relief resources, appeased the people, and made promises. All their behaviors were very normal.

It was as if this was really a sudden natural disaster that had nothing to do with anything else.

There was no protest or condemnation, and even in private, Reinhardt did not vent any dissatisfaction to Zhongzhou.

As for revenge, there was no such thing.

Not at all.

For a moment, the second strongest man in the world behaved like a poor guy who was frightened and stunned by being beaten. He was honest and did his duty, which made him stand out as a well-behaved and pitiful person.

The whole world understands this very well, and also understands that they no longer have the ability to retaliate.

Because Jiang Shangyu disappeared.

Three days have passed since the battle on the Weiyi Islands, but Jiang Shangyu seems to be dead, and there is no news about him.

No one knew whether he was dead or alive, and no one knew what his condition was. He disappeared in the Weiyi Islands, and there was no news from him again.

In fact, even if there is news about Jiang Shangyu, the so-called second strongest man will basically not have the confidence to retaliate. After all, Jiang Shangyu was the first to land in Weiyi State and massacred a large number of elites. It is an irrefutable fact. He took the initiative to fall out with Xingguo. Under the circumstances, if he had not disappeared, the problems Reinhardt would face now would be even more troublesome.

Over this period of time, disappearance seems to have become a theme within the Second Strongest Group.

Jiang Shangyu disappeared.

On the night when the battle ended, one of the most advanced motherships of the Deep Sea Fleet, the USS Finikos, also disappeared while returning home.

It was not that he encountered a strong enemy or was besieged, but that he disappeared without any warning during an ordinary voyage, and there is still no news.

Reinhardt dispatched the few remaining air forces to investigate the missing location, but no conclusion was reached. The squadron also disappeared.

This time Reinhardt fell completely silent and did not react at all.

The missing Fenikos was the mothership that locked the Weiyi Islands and planted mushrooms on Li Tianlan and Jiang Shangyu. It disappeared on the night after the battle. It is difficult to say that all this has nothing to do with Li Tianlan.

At least Reinhardt seems to have recognized this fact and regards all this as revenge from Li Tianlan.

The mothership disappeared, the aircraft fleet disappeared, and the mushrooms turned into fireworks all over the sky...

All this seems to prove a fact.

The era of the five powerful men has become a thing of the past.

At least as the second strongest people, they had lost all ability to resist when facing Li Tianlan.

The strength and heritage they were proud of seemed to have no meaning at all under Li Tianlan's weird ability.

So they completely let go of their arrogant attitude as strong men.

On the fifth hour after the disappearance of the Fenikos, it seemed that after a long meeting, Speaker Cade called the Eastern Palace and expressed his attitude of asking for peace, or in other words, begging for mercy.

The call was made to the headquarters of the East Palace, and it was Han Xinyan who answered the call. Han Xinyan, who had been instructed by Qin Weibai before, asked Cade for a large amount of resources, only resources.

Faced with a list that could almost wipe out their wealth, Cade, Reinhardt, and even Artes behind them had no room for resistance, and simply chose to compromise and tolerate.

The huge air transport team began to set off towards Tiannan.

Yes, Tiannan...

Whether begging for peace or compromising, from beginning to end, Cade contacted the Eastern Palace, not Zhongzhou. After being completely hurt, they seemed to be more awake than anyone else.

Zhongzhou is also busy.

With Youzhou as the core, orders were issued continuously, and the entire Central Continent began a massive evacuation drill. In terms of the media, various winds were blowing. At first, it was about how to protect oneself in the chaos, and gradually deepened into What to do in a disaster.

A large amount of infrastructure power was mobilized, and Dongcheng Wudi even used Junfang's power.

Youzhou, Huating, Shenhai, Jinling, Lin'an, Luzhou, Shengzhou...

A large number of infrastructure construction forces began to use core cities as the starting point, investing resources at all costs, evacuating people, stopping subways, racing against time to build underground projects, and began to plan the best route from the ground to the underground.

Starting from the core city, a large amount of infrastructure power was operating in hundreds of cities at the same time. The entire Central Continent was boiling, and all kinds of opinions were noisy. Although Li Huacheng had tried his best to control public opinion, in just a few days Here, the atmosphere in Central Continent continues to become solemn.

In addition, the Continental Alliance has also begun to become very well-behaved. It is said that Snow Country has sent a luxurious team to Central Continent to learn more about the details, and the Continental Alliance has now almost regarded Wangyou Villa as a holy place, and Li Tianlan He doesn't appear on the ground very often, otherwise if he just goes out for a walk, he will definitely meet many spokespersons of various forces in the European Alliance.

Li Tianlan now spends most of his time living directly in the Lin clan's underground biological laboratory.

Qin Weibai would live with him, but occasionally he would go up there to deal with people he didn't want to deal with, such as the spokespersons of various forces in the European Alliance.

In addition to receiving external news, Li Tianlan also had to study Qin Weibai's situation, and at the same time, he also had to study his own situation.

When his abilities were unrestricted, many of Li Tianlan's abilities were confused because he had too many abilities restored at once, which directly led to him not having a clear concept of various abilities.

In the final analysis, the core ability of lie authority is analysis.

From analyzing space to analyzing concepts, to deceiving concepts, and even creating concepts, there is only one core ability, analysis.

As we continue to move forward on this path of analysis, various abilities such as collection, distortion, wavedo, void walking, exile, deception, transformation, precognition, and backtracking are derived.

Li Tianlan can only make the most basic use of these abilities now. He has abilities, but his experience is still slowly increasing, which directly results in him being very stiff in using each ability.

To use the most accurate way of describing it, Li Tianlan is probably at level 1 now, with full skills and a rookie with six divine outfits...

The same phenomenon as cheating.

He has skills, but not enough mana, and he has equipment, but no consciousness.

In this situation, facing other opponents, there is certainly an advantage, but it is really hard to say how big the advantage is.

For example, with the most basic collection of lies, Li Tianlan can collect attacks, but cannot collect other things.

Then there is the walking in nothingness.

Li Tianlan can enter this state by himself and lead others into this state, but he cannot make his enemies enter this state.

Or deformed.

He can turn into the appearance of others, but he cannot turn others into a dog.

But in fact, Li Tianlan felt that he should be able to do all these, but he couldn't find the right way.

He can use analysis and lies to use every seemingly monotonous ability in different ways at different angles and at different levels. It is as fancy as it is and is infinitely close to omniscience and omnipotence. This is the charm of lie authority. It is also the most perfect authority for the neutral camp.

But now Li Tianlan's development and utilization of the authority to lie is really as rigid as a fool.

Li Tianlan was aware of this problem, but he was unable to complete sorting out the lie authority in a short time. His thinking speed was now extremely fast, but even so, it would still take a long time to fully understand these things.

In addition to this problem, there is also the problem of the reincarnation palace master.

There was no way he could copy Qin Weibai's state to awaken the Lord of Samsara Palace.

This can only mean one thing, something beyond his knowledge.

That is, the reincarnation palace master and Qin Weibai are different.

Why is it different? Why is it different?

The key is...

Li Tianlan couldn't find the difference at all.

In his analysis, Qin Weibai and the Master of the Palace of Reincarnation are exactly the same. This similarity includes the fluctuation of thoughts and the composition of cells, from the inside to the outside, they are identical in an absolute sense.

This is the conclusion he came to.

But the facts told him that these two people were exactly the same, but she was different.

The same individual in two time and space, why are they different?

No, if we really get to the source of this question, it should be why there are two Qin Weibai.

How did the two Qin Weibai come to be when the Supreme Being is unique?

The Lord of Samsara Palace is still sleeping.

Li Tianlan canceled all her treatments and even took her out of the dormant room and arranged a big soft bed for her.

The reincarnation palace master showed no signs of waking up, but her body was still getting better and better after leaving the treatment, and with this, Qin Weibai's body also began to get better and better.

Amidst such changes, Li Tianlan still couldn't find any difference between the two Qin Weibai.

Li Tianlan seemed to be obsessed with it, and his research became more and more detailed, but the result he got was always the same, the same, the same... just the same.

It was obviously the most impossible thing, but it just happened.

Li Tianlan had no clue about this.

What he couldn't figure out even more was that the Master of Samsara Palace's body was obviously normal, but why couldn't he wake up?

For Li Tianlan, this matter is even more important than the coming doomsday, and it is much more important.

There is no time in the laboratory, no concept of day and night.

The electronic clock was completely destroyed by Li Tianlan's unintentional burst of power, and the time on it was completely frozen.

Li Tianlan stayed in the laboratory, seemingly leaving everything behind and studying the state of the Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation without any distractions.

The study of lie authority does not require the use of any equipment. What this authority relies on most is the core analysis ability.

He couldn't figure out why there were two Qin Weibais in the world for the time being. The only thing he could do now was to find out what the difference was between the two Qin Weibais.

This may be the key to awakening the reincarnation palace master.

All the people in the laboratory were cleared out by Li Tianlan. When there were no outsiders, Li Tianlan naturally had nothing to worry about when facing his own woman. He took off all the clothes on her body, analyzed her from head to toe, and then talked to Qin Wei Useless comparison.

The completely consistent conclusion did not discourage him. He would reanalyze it without hesitation, again and again, taking the trouble to spare no details.

The Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation is in a very stable sleeping state, but there is indeed nothing wrong with his body, and he will react as he should, but he seems to be unconscious, but he is not a vegetative state in the conventional sense.

He didn't know how many times he analyzed it, but he couldn't find anything different from Qin Weibai.

The sound of the elevator door opening sounded from the edge of the laboratory hall.

Qin Weibai's face was flushed, and he walked over with light steps. He looked at Li Tianlan who was completely selfless, bit his lower lip gently, his eyes were as charming as silk, and his voice was trembling: "You stinky pig, big hooligan, what are you doing? "

"I'm studying how to save you..."

Li Tianlan said without raising his head.

Qin Weibai seemed to be a little unsteady, and slowly sat down on the bed, saying angrily: "Are you saving me or playing with me? Do you know that I am meeting with the spokesperson of Germania, and you really want to see me make a fool of myself? ?"

Make a fool of yourself...

Li Tianlan finally came to his senses and glanced at her.

Qin Weibai's face was red and his eyes were a little hazy, making people want to pounce on him and take a bite.


Feeling a little weird in his heart, Li Tianlan's voice also became a little unnatural: "I didn't pay attention..."

Qin Weibai felt equally weird. It seemed like it was the first time she had such an experience.

They are all within the scope of Wangyou Villa, one above ground and one underground. The two selves are completely connected in perception.

Li Tianlan's serious and detailed research here may really have no other meaning, but the hand he placed on the reincarnation palace master was completely equivalent to landing on Qin Weibai, and the feeling was exactly the same.

When Li Tianlan made a move here, Qin Weibai felt as if he was being harassed by an invisible person. However, it was still in a relatively serious situation. The spokesperson of Germania on the opposite side obviously saw something and his words were a little unnatural. Fortunately, the other party It's a woman, otherwise it would be really embarrassing.

"So that you don't notice, so that you don't notice!"

Qin Weibai gritted his teeth and rushed forward, hooked his hands around Li Tianlan's neck from behind, and pressed his body close to him intentionally or unintentionally.

"Your reaction is a bit exaggerated..."

Li Tianlan was a little helpless.

"How long has it been since you touched me?"

Qin Weibai felt a little aggrieved: "After all, dreams are not reality. You know how to guard her here, and there is no one else in your eyes, right? Why don't you just stop asking me and go with her?"


Is this the legendary jealousy of oneself?

Li Tianlan was a little helpless: "Isn't she you?"

"She's not."

Qin Weibai snorted and reached out to grab the hand of the Palace Master of Samsara: "You go, you go..."

The corner of Li Tianlan's mouth twitched, and before he could speak, he felt Qin Weibai's body stiffen suddenly and let out a soft sigh.

She grabbed the palm of the reincarnation palace master and pressed hard again, as if she was waiting for something.

"What's wrong?"

Li Tianlan was a little confused.

"She...she pinched me!"

Qin Weibai stuttered: "Just now, she pinched me. Really, I felt it!"

She stretched out her hand in front of Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan looked down and saw a shallow nail mark on Qin Weibai's wrist. With extremely fast thinking, he immediately concluded that it was indeed the nail mark of the Lord of Samsara Palace.

The Lord of Samsara Palace lay there quietly, sleeping motionless.

Li Tianlan was silent for a while, holding Qin Weibai in one hand and the Palace Master of Samsara in the other, and made another analysis and comparison.

The results are still the same, and the conclusion still proves that the two people are completely consistent, with no difference from before.

Just now...

Why did she react?

Li Tianlan thought for a while: "You talk to her..."

There is nothing wrong with the body of the Lord of Samsara Palace, Li Tianlan is very sure of this.

She couldn't wake up. To some extent, it was because she was unconscious. It was not accurate to say that, but Li Tianlan couldn't find any other description.

This was not a difficult task for him. He could copy Qin Weibai's state to awaken the Palace Master of Samsara. In other words, he could make Qin Weibai's consciousness appear in the Palace Master of Samsara. This was not a replacement, because the two of them are essentially the same.

Li Tianlan did indeed do this, but the result seemed to be harm to Qin Weibai, while the Lord of Samsara Palace refused to wake up in this way.


If she can refuse, it means she is conscious, but Li Tianlan can't find where the so-called consciousness is. He has been trying continuously during this period to determine whether the consciousness of the Lord of Samsara Palace exists. If it exists, then Where, how, and how to communicate.

All his efforts were in vain.

But it happened that Qin Weibai made the reincarnation palace master react at that moment.

She pinched Qin Weibai.

Qin Weibai pinched Qin Weibai...

What did Qin Weibai just do?

She wanted to drive away the Lord of Samsara Palace, and even used her hands to pull her...

Therefore, can the consciousness of the reincarnation palace master be able to hear the other self talking, or can he feel the touch of the other self?

Because they are essentially one person, will the consciousness of the reincarnation palace master react?


Li Tianlan urged.

"Ah, what did I say?"

Qin Weibai was stunned.

"Whatever you say, maybe she needs some stimulation from you!"

Li Tianlan spoke quickly.


Stimulate yourself? This is so exciting...

Qin Weibai hesitated for a moment, then came around from behind Li Tianlan and lay on his side next to the Lord of Samsara Palace, looking hesitant.


Li Tianlan slapped Qin Weibai directly on the **** and urged him to take action.

Qin Weibai glared at Li Tianlan, pursed his lips, and without any further hesitation, he leaned into the ear of the Palace Master of Samsara and whispered, "Your husband is great, but he is mine now."


Li Tianlan: "???"

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