The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 807: : Time, Space and Identity

It was already early in the morning when the plane landed at a small airport less than thirty kilometers away from Wangyou Villa.

Li Tianlan did not use void walking to cross this distance. Although he could do this with Qin Weibai and Lin Fengting, for him, this was also unnecessary consumption.

It is said that the authority of lies does not consume physical strength like martial arts, nor does it consume energy like the authority of science and technology. Standing on this path, Li Tianlan consumes his thinking speed.

The speed of thinking decreases, in other words, the thinking slows down, the grasp of space becomes slower and slower, the fatigue will increase, and it will be accompanied by severe headaches.

Li Tianlan's current true level is actually the peak of level four authority. Although he has the characteristics of level nine authority, his true level has always been fixed at this stage. Once his own thinking speed drops to a certain limit, he will fall directly into a coma. In other words, it is a state of sleep, and even the most basic ability to move will be lost.

Only sleep can slowly restore thinking speed.

This is also a flaw of the lie authority. In a combat situation, high-level lie authority can be said to be infinitely close to omnipotence. But as the state continues to decline, they are also the easiest to kill. Even if this authority reaches level nine, they become Master, once the thinking speed drops to a certain level, the Master will also fall asleep directly and lose all consciousness and ability to move.

Now in the entire starry sky, the only one who can always keep his thinking speed at its peak is Taihao, who currently occupies the top of the lie authority.

Taihao holds the power of lies, which is the power of lies. He can use the power to deceive his thinking speed and create a lie so that his thinking speed will never run out.

When Li Tianlan fully recovers, he can do the same. He can turn his thinking speed to be at its peak forever and turn it into a 'truth'. In this way, he will not have a period of weakness. But to create this kind of truth, Li Tianlan is still Can't do it.

After temporarily solving the problem of Jiang Shangyu, turning mushrooms into fireworks, and coming to Fog City from Baiyu Port, Li Tianlan could clearly feel that his headache was getting worse.

In this state, he still has the ability to take Qin Weibai and Lin Fengting across nearly two thousand kilometers in an instant while walking in nothingness, but such consumption is meaningless and will also delay his 'treatment' of the Reincarnation Palace. Lord's time.

Yes, ‘treat’ the Lord of Reincarnation.

This is the purpose of Li Tianlan's trip.

As soon as his authority was restored, he had already felt the existence of two Qin Weibais. One was clear and the other was fuzzy. He could grasp the state of one Qin Weibai, and he would naturally know the other fuzzy one. who is it.

It’s nearly a three-hour flight.

Li Tianlan was carefully shaken awake by Qin Weibai.

He took a sip of the water handed over by Qin Weibai, rubbed his temples, feeling that the pain had been relieved a lot, and let out a breath.

"Do you have a headache?"

Qin Weibai stretched out his hand and massaged Li Tianlan's scalp with his cool fingers. His voice was gentle and even a little flattering.

"much better."

Li Tianlan said.

Qin Weibai forced a smile, but did not stop moving his hands. He still maintained a somewhat awkward posture and massaged Li Tianlan's head.

The two Qin Weibai's secrets were not kept for a lifetime as the Lord of Samsara Palace originally expected. From the time Li Tianlan discovered the secret until now, no one knows how much grievance and even panic Qin Weibai has accumulated in his heart.

It seemed easy for her to get along with Li Tianlan, but it was just a dream.

But in that dream, the two experienced miserable and desperate lives again and again.

In the long, empty and real time, the two came together again. Qin Weibai was very satisfied. She really didn't want any more twists and turns between herself and Li Tianlan.

But there is no doubt that the existence of another Qin Weibai is the twists and turns between them.

Qin Weibai was a little uneasy because she didn't know what Li Tianlan was thinking now. Ever since Li Tianlan asked to see another Qin Weibai in Fog City, the two of them had basically not communicated much.

After coming out of the hotel, Li Tianlan got into the car and started to sleep. When he arrived at the airport, he woke up for a while, got on the plane and fell asleep again, and he has been sleeping until now.

Qin Weibai became more and more uneasy and thought wildly all the way until the plane landed. Her mentality that had barely calmed down suddenly became panicked again.

Is he still angry?

There shouldn't be any quarrel this time, right?

Will he scold me and break up with me...

The Qin Weibai in his heart has always been not me, but her...

Will he still think I'm a fake?

Will he not want me anymore...

All kinds of thoughts popped up, Qin Weibai's heart became more and more chaotic, and the movements of his hands became more and more chaotic.

Li Tianlan glanced at her, looked at her pale face, was slightly startled, and subconsciously held her hand.

"What are you thinking about?"

he asked in a low voice.

Qin Wei's eyes were red, with clear grievances in her eyes. She turned her head and said nothing.

"look at me."

Li Tianlan frowned.

Qin Weibai quickly turned to look at him and whispered: "Let's go."

Li Tianlan simply hugged her and put her on his lap: "What's the matter with you?"

"I'm fine."

Qin Weibai's voice seemed to be a bit angry: "Don't you want to ignore me? Then just ignore me."


Li Tianlan was confused and subconsciously stretched out his hand to rub his forehead.

Qin Weibai, who seemed to be angry, hesitated for a moment, then put his hand on Li Tianlan's head again, sat on his lap and massaged him, but did not take the initiative to speak.

"My new abilities have many methods, but they consume brain power, or to be precise, my thinking speed. I consumed a lot tonight, my head hurts, and I really want to sleep. I just held on while chatting with Uncle Lin. , I didn’t have anything to do after I got in the car, so I slept a little longer and didn’t mean to ignore you.”

Qin Weibai paused in his movements and looked at Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan's expression was sincere.

This performance seemed to turn him into Li Xiaohei again.

Qin Weibai hesitated and grabbed Li Tianlan's hair: "Then...will you suddenly not want me? After all, I am a fake, this is..."



A clear voice sounded with Qin Weibai's scream.

Qin Weibai's body suddenly straightened up, one hand subconsciously covered her buttocks, and her toes turned up. Her face was red, but it was not because of shyness, but because of pain.

Li Tianlan's slap had no force at all. Qin Weibai could feel the handprints formed in the white snow without even looking. She wanted to stand up but was held down by Li Tianlan. Her whole body seemed to be separated from her body. The fish on the surface of the water kept struggling.

"You hit me, what did you say when we got married! You domestically abused me and beat my wife. I have been with you for several lifetimes and you have never hit me..."

Qin Weibai kept moving and moving, as if he really knew the pain, and there was a cry in his voice.

"I'm disciplining you."

Li Tianlan hugged her tightly: "If you dare to say that you are a fake in the future, you will get more than just a beating, do you hear me?"

"It's obviously you who said you were a fake!"

Qin Weibai said angrily.

"That's what Li Tianlan said. What does it have to do with me, Li Xiaohei?"

Li Tianlan said lightly.

"Okay, Li Xiaohei, what did you say to me when we got married for the second time? How dare you hit me..."

"What does what Li Xiaohei told you have to do with me, Li Tianlan?"

"You... let you hit me, let you hit me..."

"Obviously you will be happy if I hit you sometimes, but..."

"You still say that! Shameless, I will bite you to death..."

"If you dare to bite me, I'll scratch your face!"

Qin Weibai's movements suddenly stopped.

Li Tianlan's expression also froze.

There was a sudden silence between the two of them, and they looked at each other.

Qin Weibai's eyes were a little weird. For a beauty, threats such as disfigurement and scratching your face can be said to be quite vicious. However, Qin Weibai was not angry. Instead, he felt that he heard the absurdity and familiarity of the lines. stunned.

Li Tianlan also clicked his tongue and suddenly laughed: "It's good to be nostalgic once in a while."


"You still say that! Shameless, I will bite you to death..."

"If you dare to bite me, I will scratch your face..."

Qin Weibai's eyes were a little dazed.

This line is indeed quite nostalgic. It is a deep memory that she cannot recall at all...

To be more precise...

This was the first time Dongcheng Huangtu had forcibly occupied Gu Xianyan, and the conversation between the two took place the next morning.

The reason why Qin Weibai has a deep memory is that with this kind of intimidation, Dongcheng Huangtu completed a deeper occupation of Gu Xianyan. He did not scratch her face, but painted her face...

At that time, Gu Xianyan felt very humiliated, but later, well, later... the humiliation turned into fun.

Of course, to be precise, the person who experienced all this was not Qin Weibai, but the Palace Master of Samsara. She was just painted on the face by Li Xiaohei or Li Tianlan...

But she and the reincarnation palace master share memories...

But, Li Tianlan...

How come he has this memory?


Qin Weibai opened his mouth and said, "You..."

Li Tianlan looked at her, resisted the urge to kiss her, and smiled: "I just suddenly figured it out... No, I suddenly realized something... such as the so-called other time and space..."

Qin Weibai pursed his lips.

"It's not some parallel time and space..."

Li Tianlan said softly: "It's just the same me in different spaces on the same timeline..."

"How did you..."

Qin Weibai's voice was a little complicated.

"I've been to that time and space."

Li Tianlan said softly: "I saw our son...but in that time and space, there was no doomsday coming, which already explains the problem.

Time, what exactly is it?

On this planet, we use the rotation and revolution of the planet, and the changes in seasons to record time...

But time is just the process of material, energy, and biological changes...

To be precise, the time and space in the Imperial Map of Dongcheng is just the same space as ours now, but in terms of time, it is consistent within the scope of the entire starry sky.

There is no end in that time and space because there is no other Supreme and another world. The world comes to an end on one timeline, and different spaces will change at the same time...

As for me...

I just failed in that space, and then along the timeline, I came to this space and started over again. I am still me..."

Qin Weibai looked at Li Tianlan blankly.

Li Tianlan suddenly smiled: "Even if I die now and my body rots, decomposes, or burns to ashes and turns into the most basic particles, these particles will not change. After a while, the particles that make up my body will Come together again and become myself again. There has never been another me, only the basic particles that make up me are gathering and reshaping again and again...

And this kind of aggregation and reshaping only shapes me, and it cannot include memories, because memories are not basic particles, so every time we reunite, I have to spend time to re-activate my brain to a certain extent and get the memories back. This process is probably what Fatty Xuanyuan calls regression...


Li Tianlan stretched out his hand and touched Qin Weibai's face, and his fingers touched Qin Weibai's red lips little by little.

Qin Weibai groaned subconsciously and gently bit Li Tianlan's finger.

"I am who I am, whether I am Dongcheng Huangtu, Li Xiaohei, Li Tianlan, or any other identity...I am who I am.

I failed in that space and came here, but the things in that space were still done by me. I can't say that it was done by others just because I haven't remembered everything yet. In the final analysis, I still don't have enough knowledge. "

Feeling the numbness on his fingers, Li Tianlan shook his head subconsciously.

His initial emotional breakdown and Qin Weibai's conflict broke out because he instinctively felt that the so-called other world, the so-called Dongcheng Emperor Tu, was just another self in parallel time and space, and actually had nothing to do with his current self.

But in fact, that is just a parallel space, not time and space.

Peak experts, even supreme beings, are always unique. Because of the true imprint, no matter how broken the basic particles that make up their bodies are, they will reunite sooner or later. This is a person in the true sense, and it is impossible for another self to appear.

This kind of understanding was understood after Li Tianlan unlocked part of his memory, but he still felt a little conflicted in his heart.

But now from the Fog City to the vicinity of Wangyou Villa, the aura belonging to the Lord of Samsara Palace is becoming more and more obvious. The entanglement in Li Tianlan's heart is also unconsciously dissipating, and he begins to become calm.

He has remembered some things, maybe not everything, but as he said, since he knows what happened and has remembered some things, he can't shamelessly say those things just because he hasn't remembered everything. Didn't do it myself.

"You don't know enough and you hit me? You were the one who said I was a fake in the first place."

Qin Weibai bit Li Tianlan's finger.

"I remember you stabbed me and I didn't say anything. Now I slap you and you start to make trouble with me. What's going to happen if you don't discipline her well? When I recover, I have to treat you well. Just set the rules."

Qin Weibai panicked instinctively: "It was not me who stabbed you."

Li Tianlan was stunned and didn't speak for a while.

He thought in silence for a while, and then said softly: "This is the strangest thing about me... You and I are the same. Under normal circumstances, no matter how the space changes, there will never be two you. ..It is absolutely impossible, after all, you are different from Jiang Shangyu..."

He paused and his tone stopped again.

Jiang Shangyu is a special case caused by being parasitized by chaotic creatures. To say the least, even if there are no chaotic creatures, as long as Jiang Shangyu has the luck to change space, there will also be two Jiang Shangyu in this space.

Because Jiang Shangyu's level is not enough, or in other words, before this space, he had no level at all.

But Qin Weibai was different.

Li Tianlan knew this very well. Qin Weibai was at the same level as him, they were both supreme beings with power.

Peak powerhouses whose authority can reach level nine, and even supreme beings, are truly unique beings.

Just like no matter how Li Tianlan dies, he will still be Li Tianlan when they reunite.

Qin Weibai shouldn't have two, let alone two.

But the reality is that there are two Qin Weibai, exactly the same, two Qin Weibai.

what is this?

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