The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 805: :Tianguang


Qin Weibai straightened up from Li Tianlan's arms and looked straight at Li Tianlan.

"you do not know?"

Li Tianlan was a little surprised.

"I know."

Qin Weibai nodded: "Are you referring to the resurgence of authority that Xuanyuan Wushang said? The loss of personal force that the teacher mentioned? I have contact with him, and he has told me. What he means is that the resurgence of authority will cause the end of the world. , personal force is completely out of control..."

"No, what I mean is...from your own perspective, haven't you discovered the changes in the world? And the dangers this change may bring to you?"

Li Tianlan asked seriously.

He could clearly feel the strength of Qin Weibai's aura. Standing at the peak level of a spiritual lord and mastering the characteristics of fifth-level authority, Qin Weibai could not have been unaware of the changes in the world. She should have realized the end of the world a long time ago. Xuanyuan Wushang didn't need to remind him of his arrival.

The two of them were sitting in the car returning to the hotel. The driver in the front was the Cavalier. The middle fender was down, and the spacious space in the back was comfortable and quiet.

The vehicle drove at a constant speed on the streets of the foggy city. Qin Weibai remained silent for a full intersection.


Li Tianlan spoke up again.

"I can feel the changes in the world..."

Qin Weibai whispered: "But I can't feel the doomsday you mentioned, and the danger you mentioned..."

Can you feel the changes in the world, but not the danger?

Li Tianlan was stunned for a moment. He thought for a few seconds and asked, "Then what are the changes you feel?"

"'s a very comfortable change..."

Qin Weibai leaned in Li Tianlan's arms again, listening to his heartbeat quietly, his expression gradually softened, and he looked very comfortable: "I can't explain it, but I just feel that the world is gradually becoming different, and it is becoming more and more comfortable. Well, no, it’s getting safer and safer, as if something is dissipating at a very high place, and I feel very relaxed and relaxed.”

Li Tianlan touched Qin Weibai's hair and remained silent.

He only recovered a small part of his memory, but after hearing Qin Weibai's description, he still understood what was going on.

For people with level four authority, although the changes in the world today are still subtle, the frequency of changes has become so obvious that they can clearly feel it.

Li Tianlan can feel it, Jiang Shangyu can feel it, and Qin Weibai can also feel it.

But their feelings are different.

From Li Tianlan's point of view, he can directly realize what this change means to the world. The recovery of authority, the fall of the Supreme, and the real environment gradually returning to what it should be in a world that is about to end. All these have a profound impact on the world. It's the end of the world.

But Qin Weibai was different from him.

In other words, the two people's permissions are completely different.

Qin Weibai has spiritual authority.

Spiritual authority belongs to order.

The neutral camp protects the City of Miracles. From another perspective, it is equivalent to suppressing the authority of order.

Now that the protection has dissipated, the world has returned to what it should be under normal circumstances. This is the best for order authority and Qin Weibai. Any changes in this world will only have benefits and no harm to her. .

As the only Supreme who stands in the neutral camp but holds the power of order, Qin Weibai's combat power may not be the strongest, but he is definitely the most special one.

Li Tianlan straightened up again and looked at Qin Weibai seriously.

Qin Weibai, who was originally leaning in his arms, fell directly onto his lap because of this action.

She moved her body and lay in a more comfortable position, saying in a lazy voice, "What's wrong?"


Li Tianlan shook his head subconsciously, his eyes becoming more and more thoughtful.

Even if he only recovered a small part of his memory, he still knew the special nature of Qin Weibai. Over an extremely long period of time, he had experienced various stories one by one with different identities. No matter what kind of story they were, standing on the There will always be Qin Weibai by his side. Supreme level, authority recovery, what does this mean?

Li Tianlan is a standard example.

He temporarily put aside martial arts and regained his form as soon as he returned to his own path.

A state of being suppressed but unrestricted in a real environment.

Qin Weibai's level is definitely not lower than him. His strength may be different, but his level is definitely the same.

But what's Qin Weibai's current state?

The fourth-level spiritual lord controls some of the characteristics of the fifth-level authority.

Strictly speaking, Qin Weibai's current state is not even as good as Xuanyuan Wushang.

This is obviously not normal.

Under normal circumstances, like Li Tianlan, Qin Weibai should also be in a state of being suppressed but not restricted.

But now Qin Weibai is suppressed and restricted. She has no other qualities with higher authority, lacks mobility, and the disadvantage of being bulky as a spiritual lord is extremely obvious in her. Qin Weibai in this state can almost be said to be An extremely heavy turret, no one is afraid of standing up and firing, but if others want to run away, she can hardly catch up with them.

What is the reason for this phenomenon?

Is it a real environment?

At the same level, there is no reason why the real environment should only restrict Qin Weibai but not himself.

The most likely situation is that the real environment does not restrict Qin Weibai, and her current state should be restricted by the neutral camp's protection here.

When the protection here is completely dissipated and the world returns to its most correct appearance under the suppression of the real environment, will Qin Weibai also become an unrestricted existence in the spiritual realm?

Li Tianlan was a little distracted. He pinched Qin Weibai subconsciously and said to himself: "The next step is really our time..."

"Li Xiaohei!"

The back of his hand was gently pinched by slender fingers, and Qin Weibai made a somewhat embarrassed voice.

The sound was so natural that Li Tianlan didn't notice anything was wrong at all. He subconsciously hummed, retracted his palm, and even called Mr. Bai.

As soon as the words came out, both of them realized something was wrong at the same time, and their bodies froze.

Qin Weibai's palms that were adjusting her collar froze for a moment, and a shy and charming expression emerged at the same time. The extremely contradictory expression gave her whole person a strange charm, which was thrilling.

Li Tianlan's retracted palm was also a little stiff, and he seemed to want to stretch it out, but hesitated.

At this moment, the dream and reality that had lasted several lives seemed to begin to overlap and intersect repeatedly.

Li Tianlan and Li Xiaohei.

Qin Weibai and Bai Xiaobai.

Two people and four identities are constantly intertwined.

From Li Xiaohei's point of view, Li Tianlan felt that he was a bit of a gangster, but from Li Tianlan's point of view, he felt that this was entirely his subconscious action.

The same is true for Qin Weibai. From Qin Weibai's point of view, it is impossible for her to refuse as she has always been obedient to Li Tianlan. But from Bai Xiaobai's point of view, in broad daylight and in the car, she instinctively I feel a little ashamed.

After a few seconds of silence, Li Tianlan coughed dryly.

Qin Weibai suddenly laughed. She lay down on Li Tianlan's lap again, took Li Tianlan's hand, and said with a smile: "I will reward you once, don't push yourself too far..."

Li Tianlan smiled, and instead of climbing up the pole, he put his hand on Qin Weibai's flat stomach and covered it.

Qin Weibai squinted his eyes and moved again, like a lazy cat.

Li Tianlan looked down at her, his eyes warm as before.

The quarrel and even divorce between the two not long ago seemed to be completely over.

I don't know if it was because of his mentality or other reasons, but at this moment Li Tianlan felt that Qin Weibai was Qin Weibai. She could also be Bai Xiaobai, but she was no longer the ancient beauty in another time and space, nor was she any longer. He is the reincarnation palace master in this time and space.

He seemed to be able to really tell the difference between Qin Weibai and the Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation, but while he was able to tell the difference between them, Li Tianlan also found that he seemed to be unable to tell the difference between himself and the Emperor of the East City.

It doesn't seem like another self in a different time and space.


Have you always been yourself?

This mentality is irreversibly penetrating into his cognition and even into his soul. Li Tianlan can't find any reason or excuse to resist.

The memory of Dongcheng Huangtu was resurrecting in his mind. The scene at that time, his mood at that time, his thoughts at that time, his feelings at that time, everything in detail, all appeared in his memory.

This is not assimilation or substitution. From a factual point of view, he is who he is.

"There are never two me."

Li Tianlan said softly: "I am who I am."

Qin Weibai was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand with a smile and pinched Li Tianlan's face.

"Li Xiaohei."

Her voice was soft, her eyes were watery, and her voice was delicate.


Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows.

"kiss Me."

Qin Weibai looked at Li Tianlan with burning eyes, exhaling like blue, with passion like fire.

Li Tianlan simply picked up Qin Weibai and put him on his lap, lowering his head slightly.

The fog outside the car window is in the evening.

The light of the setting sun shines in the car window, and the silence is extremely gentle, as if it has lasted forever.

I don't know how long it took, Qin Weibai leaned into Li Tianlan's arms again and said softly: "You have just regained your strength. After solving Jiang Shangyu, you should return to Zhongzhou as soon as possible. If you want me, you can let me fly back. .”

Li Tianlan took out a tissue and wiped the lipstick on his lips, shook his head and said, "It's not suitable for me to go back now. Fatty knows what to do. When the situation becomes clearer, we can go back together."

"On the European side, the value is not very great, but the resources here are of great value. The next step is mainly to collect resources. In addition, the Lin clan and the Dark Knights will return to Central Continent with us, and..."

Li Tianlan kept talking, being clear and organized, arranging everything one by one.

Qin Weibai frowned slightly: "Is it really so serious if personal force is out of control? It's just a chaotic situation. Our current strength is not weak..."

Their strength is not only weak, there is a master who is not restricted but whose strength is suppressed at the peak of the fourth level, a spiritual lord, a fat man who has mastered three kinds of authority, a mechanical life...

Such strength can already cope with most situations.

"My personal force is out of control, this is what the teacher should say."

Li Tianlan passed his fingers across Qin Weibai's face and said calmly: "The fat man's statement should be that the authority has recovered, or even more vague. Under such circumstances, the teacher came to the conclusion that personal force was out of control. This conclusion cannot be It's not true, but it's too biased...

The world will return to its most normal state. The so-called loss of control of personal force is only part of the recovery of authority, and it is not even the most important thing. "

"Then what's most important?"

Qin Weibai asked curiously.

Li Tianlan looked at Qin Weibai.

The most important thing is probably what Qin Weibai has been waiting for...

He smiled expressionlessly and said softly: "It's Tianguang."

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