The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 792: :Donghuang (5)

at the same time.


With the signing of the Tiannan Treaty, Annan finally completed the preliminary distribution of benefits under the chairmanship of Li Songping in nearly half a month.

A lively dinner was going on in the hotel where the Annan Treaty was signed. Annan's new rich and old guys from the old era alternated on stage, and the atmosphere was warm.

Li Songping was talking to a certain family leader who had taken refuge in the East Palace. He stretched out his hand as if he wanted to take the grapes in the fruit plate.

But when he stretched out his hand, he found nothing.

The fruit plate and even the coffee table in front of me suddenly and inexplicably disappeared.

Before he could react, wow...

A large amount of fishy and salty seawater poured directly into the banquet hall from the air. Two puppets that looked like Jiang Shangyu hugged each other and rolled crazily in the seawater, faster and faster.

The banquet hall was filled with screams and uproar.

The turbulent sea water continued to flow in the air, like a waterfall suddenly appearing in the banquet hall. The sea water instantly flooded the banquet hall, impacting the two puppets that looked like rain on the river, rolling, rolling, and directly smashed the banquet. Floor-to-ceiling windows at the edge of the hall.


With a clear cracking sound, the two puppets fell directly from the top floor of the hotel.

East Island.

Over the Houshi Islands.

Li Tianlan ate a grape casually, and the expensive coffee table fell in front of him. He held the fruit plate in one hand and slapped the other two puppets with the other hand.

The space fluctuated for a moment, and two more puppets disappeared instantly.

On the deserted island that Li Tianlan left, Xuanyuan Wushang and Wang Shengxiao were about to go back, but before they could take off, two confused puppets had already crashed directly in front of them.

Wang Shengxiao was stunned for a moment.

Xuanyuan Wushang's mouth corners

Twitching, he raised his arm without hesitation, energy gathered in his palm, and in the roar, his voice rang out: "What are you doing in the cold? Kill him."

The bunch of grapes that came from afar was not finished in the end. Li Tianlan threw the grapes into the sea, and with one last slap, all the puppets disappeared.

Only the white mist continued to fill the air, and most of Jiang Shangyu's body had been pieced together.

In the diffuse white fog, a black light kept trembling. Lucifer seemed to want to say something, but because Jiang Shangyu's body was not completely put together, he could not speak at all.

All the puppets belong to his family, and he naturally knows where those puppets are now.

Li Tianlan pulled it over one by one. There were more than a dozen puppets, some in Tiannan, some on the deserted island just now, some even appeared in Italos, and some in Murmans. The puppets were scattered everywhere. Although most of the puppets are not dead, there is no need for the puppets that can only exist for a short time and exert their strength at such a long distance to come back.


To Lee now, the siege was a complete joke.

No matter how many people he faces, he can create a perfect one-on-one environment if he wants to.

Jiang Shangyu's broken body finally reassembled, and the white mist continued to surge around him, but he felt that the recovery this time was extremely difficult, and even now that he had recovered, his vitality was still being consumed. His body was clearly at its peak, but he felt inexplicably weak.

This is a lie.

Li Tianlan deceived his physical condition, not only to make him recover

The future was even more difficult, and even after he returned to his peak, under the power of lies, his body still believed that he was seriously injured. Not only his combat power was reduced, but his vitality was wasted.

But Jiang Shangyu no longer has the time to think about this.

He looked at the empty battlefield, his eyes lingered on the place where the puppet disappeared for a moment, and his eyes became more blank.

"What's this?"

The corners of his mouth moved and his voice became a little hoarse.

Li Tianlan twitched his lips: "Guess."

"Exile! Exile! Exile!"

Lucifer kept roaring in Jiang Shangyu's mind.

Jiang Shangyu said nothing. He actually knew he was being exiled, but he couldn't believe it.

The so-called banishment is an ability obtained after a high level of lie authority. It is essentially similar to a kind of space displacement.

Lie authority has the core analytical ability, and analysis can not only analyze the traces left by all substances in space, but also analyze the space itself.

What is space?

Or to put it another way, what are the basic materials that make up space and the universe?

The so-called air, the so-called ocean, the so-called land and void, including living things...

The universe itself is made of elementary particles.

The analysis of the authority of lies is to analyze everything at the particle level. The particles are arranged in different ways and form different things. They are also particles. Some arrangements can form air, some arrangements can form land, and similarly, Youzhou Compared with Dongdao, the space is different and the particle arrangement will not be the same.

The so-called spatial replacement is to use analytical capabilities to reorganize the arrangement of particles.

Li Tianlan completely understands

After analyzing the particle composition of Annan's banquet hall, he directly arranged the particle composition of Annan's banquet hall here in this space, or in other words, arranged the particle composition here to look like Annan's banquet hall. .

With the ability of analysis, as long as the analysis is correct enough and enough particles are arranged in the same way, then the space here and Annan Banquet Hall will be changed. In a very short time, the space here and Annan will be directly replaced. , people in this space are forcibly moved to another space, and things in the other space will also appear here.

This is exile. Strictly speaking, this is not even a spatial displacement in the same space, it even involves the power of time.

Because Li Tianlan has never been to Annan now, he doesn't know what is happening in Annan now.

And space is forever changing, and in a space that seems to never change, the presence of someone, something, even a casual breath or a gust of wind will change the composition of the space, resulting in a composition that is different from what Li Tianlan mastered. situation.

So now the miraculous banishment is like magic. Seriously speaking, it was Li Tianlan who first banished those puppets to Annan more than ten days ago. At that time point in the past that he completely controlled, when the banishment was successful, Li Tianlan did not maintain it. In this state, the puppet broke free from the power of time, but was restricted by space, so it appeared in the current Annan.

The most formal banishment can completely utilize both time and space to banish the target to the future timeline or the past.

On the timeline, allowing yourself in another timeline to hunt down the exiled target, or directly exile the target to an indescribable place outside of time and space, is tantamount to completely trapping the target to death.

Li Tianlan seems unable to do this because of the suppression of the real environment.

But he was able to banish his opponent.

This is simply not something that can be done before the fourth level of lie authority, or even the fifth level.

What level of ability is this? The memories Jiang Shangyu and Lucifer inherited are unclear, but they are certain that this is definitely an advanced ability and something that should be suppressed and restricted to death.

Why is Li Tianlan not restricted?

What else could he do without restrictions?

"If you have any other skills, show them to me. The martial arts tree is in you, but your performance did not meet my expectations."

Li Tianlan looked at the silent Jiang Shangyu and said casually.

He knew that he was using banishment, but he didn't know what level of ability banishment was. Some of the steps he had received so far were completely confusing and could not be sorted out at the moment.

But this is not important anymore. What is important is that he can only be suppressed by the real environment, but there is no limit.

What does it mean to have no restrictions?

It means that on the road of lying authority, from the first level authority to the ninth level authority, he can use all abilities. Although these abilities are suppressed beyond recognition and the power is also suppressed to the level of fourth level authority, the combat power is not outrageous. , but he can use high-level abilities, and as long as he wants, he can definitely make the battle as fancy as he wants.

Various abilities that may be suppressed under level four authority

It is not easy for him to want to kill Jiang Shangyu, but if others want to kill him, it is even more difficult for him to even think about it.


"If you don't want to die, run away! Now, run away!"

In Jiang Shangyu's consciousness, Lucifer's voice kept echoing. After seeing the banishment, he seemed to have been frightened crazy and kept urging Jiang Shangyu.

Can't fight.

In this situation, he and Jiang Shangyu couldn't fight at all.

There is no limit to Li Tianlan's abilities, but under the suppression of the real environment, his lethality is very weak. No matter how flashy he is, his abilities are still at the level of fourth-level authority, so it is not easy for him to kill Jiang Shangyu.

But it’s just not easy.

Jiang Shangyu wanted to kill Li Tianlan, but he had no chance at all.

In this situation, if you don't run but still want to fight hard, that is truly seeking death.

Jiang Shangyu gritted his teeth and said nothing.

He paid the price and gave up his other self, and now Lucifer told him to run away...

Run away...

His breathing was getting faster and faster, and his sanity was quickly approaching the edge of collapse.

"If you don't show me two hands, then I'm going to show you something else."

Li Tianlan looked at Jiang Shangyu and suddenly smiled.

His eyes became gentler and more indifferent.

It was a look that even the ants didn't see, contemptuous of everything, and arrogant.

Without restrictions, there are so many things he can do. The lie authority seems to only have a few abilities, and one analysis is the core of the core. But in fact, many operations can only be done by Li Tianlan temporarily. Basically, Nothing can't be done.

"I'm not convinced..."

The sound of rain on the river sounded,

Low and husky.

"I'm not convinced..."

He spoke again, his tone full of madness and violence.

If when Li Tianlan had not lost his martial arts, although there was a gap between the two, it was not despairing, then with Li Tianlan now, Jiang Shangyu no longer even thinks about catching up.

There may not be much difference in their actual combat power now, Li Tianlan just has more tricks.

But this is a gap drawn by the real environment. Such a gap, even the slightest bit, is enough to make people completely collapse.

"You have no right to be dissatisfied."

Li Tianlan said calmly: "I don't need to care about your opinion."

"Run quickly..."

Lucifer's voice sounded again, like mumbling to himself, repeating continuously and quickly: "Run, run, run, run, run... I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die... I'm going to die... .”

A large number of complex, repetitive sounds echoed crazily in Jiang Shangyu's ears.

"Shut up...shut up...shut up!!"

Jiang Shangyu suddenly roared and beat his head hard and like crazy.

Blood poured from his head.

The white fog continues to spread.

Jiang Shangyu's eyes were scarlet and he stared at Li Tianlan. The anger, hatred and unwillingness in his eyes were constantly burning.

He doesn't want to retreat.

Can't retreat either.

"You can't kill me."

Jiang Shangyu looked at Li Tianlan and said word by word: "I am the invincible."

Li Tianlan looked into Jiang Shangyu's eyes quietly.

After a while, he suddenly laughed: "It's interesting."

"Do you think you can really do whatever you want? Some fancy means..."

Jiang Shangyu slowly spoke, again

Repeated: "Some fancy tricks..."

Amid increasingly turbulent emotions, Jiang Shangyu took a step forward, gritted his teeth and said: "I don't accept it, I am invincible."

Li Tianlan was silent for a moment and said calmly: "While I haven't had enough fun, I'll give you a chance."

He snapped his fingers casually.

The lies that had been affecting Jiang Shangyu completely disappeared.

The white mist that enveloped him surged faster, and in an instant, Jiang Shangyu returned to his peak state again.

Jiang Shangyu took a deep breath and clenched his fist tightly.

The white mist converged on him.

Then white mist drifted past his eyes.


White mist...something representing vitality floated past in front of his eyes...

Jiang Shangyu's body stiffened little by little.

He has withdrawn his vitality.

Then the white mist in front of me...

He looked at Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan, who has completely lost his martial arts strength and has not recovered yet, is changing.

His clothes, his hair, and his height were all changing, and wounds appeared on his body, which were then covered by white mist and healed instantly.

He was floating in the air despite his obvious lack of martial arts, and an extremely sharp edge began to emerge from his body.

Jiang Shangyu watched silently, as if his whole body was completely numb.

Li Tianlan is still changing, constantly changing.

Lie Permissions: Morph.

In Jiang Shangyu's eyes, white mist continued to float, and he watched helplessly...

He watched helplessly as Li Tianlan turned into himself.

An identical Jiang Shangyu appeared in front of Jiang Shangyu.

Li Tianlan became Jiang Shangyu.

He was surrounded by endless sharp edges, and in an instant, the sword energy soared into the sky.

"Aren't you convinced?"

Li Tianlan looked at Jiang Shangyu. He stared at the face that was exactly the same as Jiang Shangyu's, with the same body as his: "Come on, kill me head on."

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