The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 779: :Resuscitation (4)

When the body was frozen and solidified, the world in front of him became blurry.

The tide flying against the sky had a somewhat turbid color, and the water spray and sword energy were completely solidified during the splashing process. The various types of sea areas only struggled hard for a while, and then became completely quiet.

The sounds of "kakaka" sounded densely, and the monstrous waves stopped in the air. The extremely cold ice spread rapidly. The low temperature froze the nearby sea surface and the rising waves at the same time. The world seemed to be affected by this wave that was at least below zero. On Baidu, the temperature is even close to minus 200 degrees.

The only reaction Jiang Shangyu could make was to condense a sword energy barrier in front of him that could surround him.

However, as the cold current swept across, the extremely low temperature even the sword energy was completely frozen.

Nothing exists here anymore.

Sea water, sea fish, sword energy, and even the air are all in a frozen state. No matter what they were originally, they are now just one thing: ice.

Thick and despairing, indestructible ice.

This is a low temperature that exceeds natural phenomena. In terms of temperature, it can barely be said to be outrageous. After all, it has not reached the so-called absolute zero. However, at the moment it appears, it has the ability to freeze everything, not only the sword energy, but also the The cold current spread, and in just a few seconds, Jiang Shangyu clearly felt that his body, thinking, perception, and physical activity began to become stiff quickly.

He was squeezed tightly inside by the ice from all directions, and there was no room for movement.

Through the thick and despairing ice, Jiang Shangyu could barely feel the orange-red light that was brewing outside the ice.


It is a high temperature that can destroy everything, like fire and magma, with extremely abundant energy.

The dragon has flames in its mouth, not that it is holding back, but that it is waiting.

Jiang Shangyu knew what he was waiting for.

Wait until the ice layer gets thicker, wait until the temperature continues to drop, and wait until you are completely frozen.

This is a low temperature that is beyond natural phenomena.

Then the next step must be a raging flame that is beyond natural phenomena.

Extremely cold for a moment.

Hot in an instant.

At the moment of transition between ice and fire, the completely frozen self may be completely shattered into dozens or hundreds of pieces in the burning flames, and then turned into smoke and dust, or even countless ice shards may fly out...

After such a serious injury, can I still survive?

Jiang Shangyu thought stiffly for a second.

He felt that he should still be able to live, but such an injury would inevitably wipe out most of his vitality at once, causing him to lose the greatest confidence in a short period of time. Under such circumstances, if Xuanyuan Wushang was able to support the sky giant structure project again around him Blockade the sea area and Wang Shengxiao self-destructs again, the result will be hard to say.

He moved his eyes with some difficulty.

There was a sudden sound of skin tearing.

A cut opened directly on his face, which formed a mouth. However, under the ice, his skin became extremely fragile, so the cut opened directly from his face to his neck, and blood flowed out. As it flowed out, the mouth-like opening became a real **** mouth.

His **** mouth opened wide and he let out a silent scream.

Chaotic rules were disturbing the ice. In the extreme freezing, one of Jiang Shangyu's arms suddenly felt extreme heat.

The concept of ice and fire was

Lucifer was confused and confused. As a result, one of Jiang Shangyu's arms was not in a frozen state, but in a burning state.

Under the severe pain, Jiang Shangyu immediately opened his hands.

The extremely bright sword light gathered in his hand, and the light immediately dimmed, and then began to twist crazily.

Jiang Shangyu pressed his lips against the ice and made a vague sound with great reluctance: "Sword...sword energy...increase...strengthen..."

As his words fell, his slightly stiff eyes were obviously stunned, and there was a flash of unspeakable awkwardness and confusion.

The sword light in his hand was still dim and was constantly twisting.

This sword light underwent an incredible change as his voice fell: because this sword light did not change at all.

How can this be? !

A trace of confusion flashed in Jiang Shangyu's awkward eyes.

The sword energy is enhanced...

This is not his slogan.

This is a law!

The laws of swordsmanship that can be used by the peak ranger level.

After seeing the law, he can prohibit the sword energy of the warriors, interrupt their sword intention, and erase their sword light. He can also use it in the opposite direction to enhance his own sword energy.

But why do the laws of swordsmanship fail?

Are you not at a good level?

This is impossible. After merging with Lucifer, Jiang Shangyu is convinced that he has reached the peak level of the ranger, which is the so-called ultimate state of genius, and the law of swordsmanship cannot be invalidated.

Is your voice too vague?

This is even more impossible. The laws of kendo are related to will and have nothing to do with sound.


"Sword energy... increases..."

Jiang Shangyu reluctantly said it again, but this time

His decree was never finished.

The awkward feeling in his heart was getting stronger and stronger. While he was turning around the idea of ​​using the kendo law, there seemed to be another consciousness belonging to him that was constantly telling something.

The so-called kendo should not be like this at all.

What kind of laws are these?

Martial arts don’t need these bells and whistles.

The law is invalid.

Jiang Shangyu's eyes widened, his body became stiffer and the burning sensation in his arms became stronger and stronger.

But his eyes lit up inexplicably at this moment.

In his body, the martial arts tree was constantly vibrating, and the lush trees were constantly shaking. Branches and leaves fell from the martial arts tree one by one. More martial arts branches and leaves began to grow. The entire martial arts tree seemed to have not changed, but it It seems like a subtle change has occurred.

In this subtle change, the chaotic atmosphere that was already close to out of control was suppressed again.

Jiang Shangyu's eyes suddenly became extremely complicated.

At this moment, he understood the reason why the kendo law was invalid.

Because of the fusion with Lucifer, the chaotic aura gradually broke through the suppression of the martial arts tree. Under the influence of the chaotic aura, he could more clearly perceive the changes in martial arts and feel the source of martial arts more clearly.

What is the origin of martial arts?

If this so-called source is an idea, it may not be absolutely correct, but at least at this stage, in martial arts, before a more correct idea appears, it represents the truth.

If this so-called source is a person, then his existence is equivalent to the strongest person in the martial arts authority in the entire starry sky.


It's the source.

The source caused changes in martial arts, forcing him to enter a meditative state some time ago, but this change did not end completely, because it was a change in martial arts, rather than letting them enter a meditative state. All people with martial arts authority need to Time to adapt to changes in the source of martial arts.

Jiang Shangyu gained a breathing method during that change. It was something that existed before the source changed, and he felt it first.

And now...

The reason why the law of swordsmanship failed was because he once again clearly felt some changes caused by the source change under the perception of chaotic aura.

There is only one reason why the kendo law is invalid.

That is the new source that believes that the existence of kendo laws and regulations is unnecessary and incorrect for martial arts.

Therefore, the source deleted, or revised the Kendo Laws, so that the Kendo Laws disappeared from the martial arts authority. This is not a loss, because it was replaced by... what the source considered to be correct...

Jiang Shangyu slowly closed his eyes.

He felt the correct thing after the source change, which represented the truth of the current martial arts authority. He felt it, so the martial arts tree changed, but the changes in the martial arts tree suppressed the chaotic atmosphere again, which also made him unable to feel it anymore. Others, new changes.

Gains and losses, gains and losses...

In a silent sigh, the extremely twisted sword light in Jiang Shangyu's hand disappeared.

His five fingers were closed and clenched one by one.

Every joint becomes incredibly tight.

The veins clearly spread along his arms to his whole body. In an instant, the muscles all over his body were forcibly adjusted to their maximum strength.

suitable limit state.

Jiang Shangyu's height inexplicably increased by a few centimeters at this moment, his muscles began to bulge, and he opened his eyes.

His pupils turned pitch black at this moment, the whites of his eyes completely disappeared, and the breath in his body completely disappeared.

An extremely dead and empty feeling emerged from him.


Explodes instantly! !

Outside the ice, the silver metal dragon raised its head high, and the blazing flames shot out like a torrent with incomparable surging momentum.

The raging air waves instantly ignited the sky and tore the ice apart. Fire surged between the sky and the earth, and everything was burning.

The ice did not melt under the impact of the fiery torrent, but began to collapse and break in an extremely tragic state.

The torrent of rushing flames penetrated everything.

At the same time, Jiang Shangyu opened his eyes and waved his fist.

The magma torrent penetrated everything with an indestructible attitude, and in the direction of the rain on the river, there was also a colorful sword light illuminating the thick ice with extremely sharp sword energy.

This is an indescribable sword, the most extreme edge in the world.

The ice that seemed to freeze everything was shattered the moment the sword light was lit.

The sword light moved forward, tearing through the ice and shattering the space. It became brighter and brighter under the night sky, and it lasted for an eternity.

The eternal sword!

The deep night was completely illuminated by the majestic sword light in an instant.

Moonlight and starry sky.

Fire and sword hilt.

All the light was completely dimmed under this sword light.

The sharp edge condensed to the extreme penetrated the blazing torrent without any suspense. In the sky full of fireworks, the fire that ignited the space was directly extinguished by the aftermath of the sword energy.

Sword light rendering night

The curtain penetrated the sky, shattering the ice and fire. Before anyone could react, a sword struck the silver dragon hovering in the air.

There is no suspense.

Large swaths of sparks exploded on the huge body of the mechanical dragon.

Before the dragon's high-pitched roar could be heard, its huge body had shattered, messy data was flying, and metal debris was flying everywhere.

The extremely bright sword light flashed away in the dragon's suddenly collapsed body.

Ice and fire completely disappeared.

The world suddenly fell silent.

Jiang Shangyu's figure reappeared in the sky.

His body swayed, and the whiteness of his dark eyes gradually returned, and there was no trace of exhaustion in his dead eyes.

This is not physical exhaustion, but mental exhaustion.

Countless messy data gathered around Xuanyuan Wushang and reassembled Wang Shengxiao's body.

Large sparks continued to rise from his body, bringing up bursts of black smoke. His body was chaotic and swaying as if he was drunk. Finally, he supported Xuanyuan Wushang and managed to stand still.

He panted heavily, the data that made up his body gradually returned to stability, and his person also became conscious.

Xuanyuan Wushang remained silent.

Wang Shengxiao transformed from a dragon into a human again, and finally said his first words: "Fuck!"

Xuanyuan Wushang did not respond, but raised his head and looked at Jiang Shangyu quietly.

Their eyes met and collided in the air.

The sword energy and energy caused ripples in the air.

"A very strong sword..."

Xuanyuan Wushang whispered: "A sword with level five authority..."

His tone was full of complexity and slight confusion.

The brilliance of that sword

, is the true light of martial arts, it can even be said to be brilliant.

In Xuanyuan Wushang's impression, he seemed to have never seen such a shining martial arts.

No matter how miserable Xuanyuan Wushang was suppressed in the real environment, his vision was always online.

Jiang Shangyu from sword to destruction...

That moment of eternity and sharpness had truly entered the realm of fifth-level authority.

Although the peak power of that sword only lasted for a moment, not even half a second.

But level five authority is level five authority.

This means that Jiang Shangyu just now had the ability to resist the fifth-level authority, at least for that half second.

Half a second is very short, but in such a short time, crossing the boundary between human and non-human, even a tenth of a second, is extremely luxurious.

The key is...

Xuanyuan Wushang felt the power of this sword belonging to the fifth-level authority, but he did not notice the fluctuation of the fifth-level authority.

in other words...

Jiang Shangyu truly stood in the field of fourth-level authority and used a sword with fifth-level authority. The essence of this sword was still at the fourth-level authority level, but the peak power reached level five in an instant.

This is not suppressed by the real environment, because the essence of this sword is at the fourth level.

Jiang Shangyu's state is obviously wrong. He himself has not reached the peak of level four authority. He only reached this level because of his fusion with Lucifer. It is self-evident how big the flaws are.


If Jiang Shangyu really reaches the peak of level four authority, not counting Lucifer, he will be the one to use this sword...

The peak power of that eternal sword light will still be

Half a second?

From level four to level five...

The crossing of life levels...

Xuanyuan Wushang didn't believe that this was Jiang Shangyu's talent. To be precise, he used Li Tianlan's martial arts tree, but even Li Tianlan didn't have the ability to cross this level. This was simply not something that talent could do. .

The only explanation is some ability of the fourth level martial arts authority itself.

But Xuanyuan Wushang has never seen such ability.

So, is this the result of martial arts changing from the source after the God of War took control of Wu Qing?

Does this mean that in the vast starry sky, every elite at the peak of level four authority has now experienced a qualitative change in strength?

Martial arts authority has also begun to transform towards perfection.

Xuanyuan Wushang was mixed with joy and worry, and slowly said, "What was that just now?"


Jiang Shangyu, whose eyes were still a little tired, curled up his lips: "I feel the changes in the source of martial arts... The Laws of Kendo disappeared... No, it was corrected by the source. The fourth level of authority replaced the Laws of Kendo. It’s more suitable for martial arts and has more pure abilities.”

Xuanyuan Wushang said nothing, his eyes flashed, and a pair of eyes suddenly appeared on the bridge of his nose.

He adjusted his glasses and glanced at Jiang Shangyu.

Jiang Shangyu remained motionless.

But in Xuanyuan Wushang's sight, Jiang Shangyu's body suddenly turned into countless data.

The data was arranged into lines of text that only Xuanyuan Wushang could understand, and Jiang Shangyu's detailed information appeared in front of him.

Name, age, gender, precise combat power down to a few decimal places, personal attributes, authority levels, various abilities, all at a glance


In the face of technological power, everything in the world is data.

This is not even a panel attribute bar in an online game, but an extremely complicated result calculated from a large amount of information.

To put it bluntly, if Xuanyuan Wushang is willing, he can even calculate how long Jiang Shangyu's invincible second brother can last each time, and it's not minutes, but seconds, or even milliseconds.

Jiang Shangyu's current state is chaotic fusion.

In his ability list, the original kendo laws are slowly disappearing, and a new ability appears, which is currently in a gray state and cannot be used.

"Ultimate Fury: Physical strength and willpower are greatly increased, lasting three seconds."

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