The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 774: : That’s it?


The unknown metal was shaped into a somewhat weird shape in Xuanyuan Wushang's hands. On the island where night was approaching, he held the deformed metal in his hand and carefully piled it on top of a simple metal object in front of him.

The thing in front of me made up of small pieces of metal is similar to a tower. I don't know if it's because of its appearance or because Xuanyuan Wushang's workmanship is really bad. In short, when the tower is built, the overall appearance looks extremely weird.

It is about twenty or thirty centimeters in size. Because the base is uneven, it cannot stand upright, so Xuanyuan Wushang inserted it directly into the ground. The small metal tower, which can be described as strange-looking, is maintained in a state that is likely to fall apart at any time. This That is to say, the tower is small in size. If it were completely enlarged, it would look even more terrible.

But Xuanyuan Wushang seemed to be very satisfied with this. After putting the deformed small metal on top, he casually pinched another spire and put it up again gently.

The metal tower seemed to have reached its limit. The very small spire seemed to be the straw that broke the camel's back. As the spire was lowered, the entire tower began to shake, and it seemed that it would collapse in the next second.

But the collapse did not come after all. Instead, as the small tower shook, a string of vague data began to fly out from the tower, turning into something like a signal, seeping into the surface, flying into the sky, and finally Disappear.

Xuanyuan Wushang thought for a while, then took out a small ring and placed it on the top of the tower. He looked at his work and finally nodded with satisfaction.

"Are you practicing handicrafts or reminiscing about your childhood?"

Just now

Wang Shengxiao, who rushed back, looked at the ugly thing made by Fatty Xuanyuan and asked curiously.

There is more and more data being circulated around ugly things.

Xuanyuan Wushang curled his lips and said, "You know nothing, this is business."

Wang Shengxiao believed this.

Just by looking at the data that kept flying and escaping in the air, Wang Shengxiao knew that Xuanyuan Wushang was indeed doing something serious, but he couldn't understand why this fat man could always be such a fool when doing so-called serious things.

He looked at the thing Xuanyuan Wushang had made and was really embarrassed to think of it as a tower. After thinking for a long time, he said, "What is this for?"

Those data were very esoteric to him, and he couldn't understand them at all.

"To save your life."

Xuanyuan Wushang answered seriously.

Wang Shengxiao was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at the throne suspended in the air.

Li Tianlan was still in a state of half-asleep.

But dozens of minutes ago, neither he nor Xuanyuan Wushang could get close to the throne.

Li Tianlan is obviously in good condition.

In other words, his recovery speed was faster than Xuanyuan Wushang expected. Such speed allowed Wang Shengxiao to clearly feel Xuanyuan Wushang's surprise and expectation.

In his current state...

Wang Shengxiao thought for a while. In this state, Wang Shengxiao was really not conceited at all when he came to kill him. Strictly speaking, Li Tianlan in this state could no longer be regarded as a drag and a burden.

Although he seems to be unconscious now, since neither he nor Xuanyuan Wushang can get close to the throne, it means that Wang Shengxiao also

He couldn't get close. If there was a fight, Li Tianlan might not be able to take action, but Jiang Shangyu would have a hard time touching him.

So what is Xuanyuan Wushang doing with this ugly thing?

No, to be precise, two ugly things.

The ugly thing that Xuanyuan Wushang made at the beginning has been sent to Emperor Weapon Mountain by Wang Shengxiao under his instructions. The thing sent to Emperor Weapon Mountain can barely be regarded as a tower. It is not as good as this one. There are still hangings on it. A necklace.

"According to Li Tianlan's current state, is it still necessary for you to do this?"

Wang Shengxiao was a little skeptical.

Xuanyuan Wushang glanced at him and asked a little strangely: "Who told you that I did this to protect my eldest brother?"

He laughed: "This thing is used to save your life and mine."

"You and I?"

Wang Shengxiao's expression became a little exaggerated: "Save your life?"


Xuanyuan Wushang took out a large bottle of Coke, tons, tons, tons...

"Did you say something wrong?"

Wang Shengxiao felt a little uncomfortable: "Jiang Shangyu cannot threaten our life or death. If we want to guard against Li Tianlan, why do you feel that as soon as Li Tianlan recovers, he will disown all his relatives and go on a killing spree? As for that?"

"As for the eldest brother, once he recovers, even some unintentional actions may cause disaster to us."

Xuanyuan Wushang said calmly: "And it's the kind of disaster that we can't bear."

The corners of Wang Shengxiao's mouth twitched slightly: "That's an exaggeration..."


"I mean, it's an exaggeration. It's just outrageous."

Wang Shengxiao said helplessly: "According to you, don't we have oppression on this planet? Why do you think this kind of oppression

To Li Tianlan, is it as if he doesn’t exist? Even if it didn't exist, how strong could Li Tianlan be? "

As he was talking, he suddenly thought of the space crack he saw not long ago, and fell silent.

"You only need to think about one question about this matter..."

Xuanyuan Wushang smiled: "If the eldest brother is really just a simple Li Tianlan, if it is that simple, why do you think I am here?"

Wang Shengxiao was stunned for a moment.

Li Tianlan, is he not just Li Tianlan?

What does this mean?

Xuanyuan Wushang didn't say much. He thought of the eldest princess whom he didn't know whether to call sister or niece.

At that time, only a soul fragment belonging to Xi Bai was temporarily revived, and the eldest princess who arrived immediately was greatly affected.

So what about Li Tianlan now?

Having temporarily put aside martial arts and accepted the correct authority, Li Tianlan would directly jump from the initial completion of the return process to the initial point of official return.

The integration of True Brand and Li Tianlan is even more profound.

what does that mean?

This means that after Li Tianlan completely wakes up from his current state, the first thing he and Wang Shengxiao see will not be Li Tianlan, but Huang Xi, who is infinitely close to his peak state and has temporarily appeared!

Maybe Huang Xi's appearance was short-lived, but this so-called short-lived time has no meaning at all.

A true Supreme, a Supreme with more than one authority, a Supreme with a true will!

The existence of true will makes the oppression of him by the real environment almost non-existent.

In that situation, just one unconscious aura fluctuation was enough to put Xuanyuan Wushang in danger.

this time

Xuanyuan Wushang faced Huang Xi, to a certain extent, it was very similar to the eldest princess facing Xi Bai's soul fragment.

The latter's original advantage was that her authority was higher than that of Xuanyuan Wushang, and she was a peak powerhouse close to the supreme level.

But the fragment of Xi Bai's soul she faced was equivalent to facing a pure sense of oppression from the supreme order camp.

And now Xuanyuan Wushang faces Huang Xi. The advantage is that he has one neutral camp authority that has reached the eighth level. This is an advantage. The disadvantage is that the other two authority belonging to the order camp will be impacted by the neutral camp supreme.

No matter what the taste was, it was not something Xuanyuan Wushang was willing to try.

That's why he and he arranged two small metal towers, one here and one on Imperial Arms Mountain.

In this way, when Li Tianlan fully recovers and Huang Xi's will revives, Xuanyuan Wushang can use these two small towers and a large amount of energy to complete a short-distance virtual teleportation and run away directly.

The two ugly things he spent time and painstakingly made can be regarded as things that determine the position coordinates of each other. The two things continuously send signals and will form a state similar to quantum entanglement in a short period of time. The two ugly things The small accessories on it, the ring and necklace, are the key.

Those are all things that contain a lot of energy. If you use one less one, with Xuanyuan Wushang's current suppressed state, it is basically impossible to accumulate that energy. Burning energy at critical moments can only help him and Wang Shengxiao. The quantum entanglement state of two ugly things moves from one side to the other in an instant.

Time is slow, distance is short, it’s extremely strenuous, and the key is it’s luxurious.

It's a bit exaggerated. A series of costs can be used to barely use a virtual teleportation. This is the suppression of the real environment.

And such suppression was almost completely non-existent at the moment Li Tianlan fully recovered. The difference was simply immeasurable.

"Anyway, let's all be smarter. Just leave as soon as I say."

Xuanyuan Wushang chuckled: "If Jiang Shangyu comes here before eldest brother recovers, then he will basically not be able to leave, and no one can save him. If he comes after eldest brother, we will just act according to the situation. "

He pointed at the ugly thing he had made, and there was a kind of pride in his tone that could not be concealed. It was an expression that showed me whether I was awesome or not, and said: "Virtual teleportation, go directly to the Imperial Soldier from here." Mountains, you can go back and forth! How about it, have you learned a lot?"

Wang Shengxiao's expression obviously paused for a moment.

"Virtual teleportation?"

He looked at Xuanyuan Wushang and confirmed as if he couldn't believe it: "From here to the Emperor's Armed Forces Mountain?"

"Yes, and it's a round trip!"

Xuanyuan Wushang nodded.

Wang Shengxiao subconsciously calculated the distance to and from the place, and his eyes turned pitiful when looking at Xuanyuan Wushang. He hesitated several times, but finally couldn't hold it back and asked, "Is this it?"


Xuanyuan Wushang looked at Xuanyuan Wushang in confusion: "That's it? Have you drunk too much?"

"I think you drank a little too much."

Wang Shengxiao clicked his tongue: "That's it, do you have the nerve to say that you are stronger than the apostle? Stronger than the three of them combined? At that time, the apostle took me and his young master from Tiannan to West Africa in an instant. This distance

It's enough for us to go back and forth hundreds of times now, and people can leave whenever they want, without this ugly thing as a support. I'm just wondering, why are you so proud of building this thing now? "

Xuanyuan Wushang looked at Wang Shengxiao silently. He was silent for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Can you not mention that pretense?"

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