The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 772: :See

Is wiping out most living things the only way to make the apocalypse manageable?

Everyone heard this meaningful sentence, but just after listening to it, no one thought about it at all, or in other words, even if they thought about it, they couldn't express it.

This so-called method sounds unreliable at first glance. Xuanyuan Wushang may be correct, but such correctness is meaningless.

The meaning of the end of the world is also for people. If everyone dies, then whether it is the end of the world or the prosperous times, what does it have to do with human beings?

The time is a month later, or a few days more, or a few days less.

What does it mean to kill the vast majority of living things in such a short period of time?

The only way is to stand and fight, and it is the kind of super-large scale in which all forces ignore the consequences.

So humans take the initiative to create the apocalypse, and then the apocalypse is controllable?

Xuanyuan Wushang's figure dimmed from the screen, and then disappeared completely.

Jiang Shangyu was still standing in the conference room, looking at the screen where Xuanyuan Wushang disappeared, without speaking for a long time.

"Are you still here, do you want to attack us, or do you think we will keep you for dinner?"

Li Huacheng glanced at Jiang Shangyu and asked with a smile. His expression was smiling and natural, but his eyes were getting colder and colder.

"You...rejected me."

Jiang Shangyu said softly.

As he opened his mouth, sharp edges suddenly gathered in the huge conference room, and it seemed that the next moment it would turn into sword energy and cut everyone into pieces.

Li Huacheng's smile remained unchanged, but the killing intent in his eyes was almost undisguised.

The sound of electricity sounded again.

The next second, Wang Shengxiao's figure appeared where Xuanyuan Wushang had disappeared.

on the screen.

Jiang Shangyu just moved his fingers and paused slightly. He squinted his eyes and looked at the screen with unclear meaning in his eyes.

He knew that he had not killed Wang Shengxiao just now, or in other words, Wang Shengxiao who took the initiative to self-destruct was not dead.

The survival and destruction of mechanical life never depend on the body, but on the integrity or lack of the overall data.

But Jiang Shangyu really didn't expect Wang Shengxiao to recover so quickly.

This is a city of miracles, a place suppressed by real circumstances.

Wang Shengxiao could recover so quickly. Where did that virtual engineer get so much energy?

"I changed the module."

Wang Shengxiao's figure moved on the screen. He looked at Jiang Shangyu and smiled: "I feel pretty good so far. Do you want to have a new experience?"

His figure moved forward.

Go forward from the screen.

So in everyone's sight, his figure became clearer and clearer, getting closer and bigger.

His face disappeared as he moved forward, leaving only his upper body.

Half of his body was almost completely squeezed onto the screen, leaving only one button on his clothes getting bigger and bigger.

Amidst the harsh sound of electricity, the entire screen continued to distort, and large pieces of data runes shot out from the screen to form a hand.

The data palm became flesh and blood the moment it appeared, and then continued to exert force.

Wang Shengxiao's figure squeezed out of the screen little by little with the force of his palms.

A faint blue light continued to dance in the conference room.

Wang Shengxiao walked out of the screen and stood in the conference room.

This weird, scary and sci-fi scene makes people feel incredible and incomprehensible at the same time.

At the same time, it inexplicably made most people present feel excited.

After all, no matter what, Wang Shengxiao has always been on the side of Zhongzhou and the Parliament compared to Jiang Shangyu, who has a clear hostile stance.

"Are you still fighting?"

Wang Shengxiao took two steps in the conference room, seemingly finally adapting to the new module and body, and looked at Jiang Shangyu and asked.

Jiang Shangyu's face was expressionless.

Appearing from the screen and crossing an unknown distance sounds mysterious and mysterious, but in fact it is just a simplified method of virtual shuttle. No, such a method is not even worthy of the simplified version.

From inside the screen to outside the screen, to put it bluntly, at that moment, Wang Shengxiao just turned into something similar to a communication signal, which was displayed on the screen, and then projected over, reassembling its own data structure.

It doesn't look simple, it sounds simple, but it's actually very troublesome.

The 'virtual engineer' behind Wang Shengxiao has shown more and more characteristics of high-level authority.

Under such circumstances, what's the point of staying here and fighting with Wang Shengxiao?

Even if he can kill Wang Shengxiao ten thousand times, as long as the virtual engineer is there, Wang Shengxiao can be resurrected ten thousand times.

Only the virtual engineer is the key.

Return to Star Kingdom and conquer the world by force.

Go to Beihai and find that thing.

Find Li Tianlan and kill the virtual engineer.

These are the three things Jiang Shangyu has to face now.

As for these three things, you can do any of them first. There is no so-called right or wrong, and there is no particular order.

Jiang Shangyu took a deep look at Wang Shengxiao. He didn't say anything more. Silently, his body transformed into the purest sword energy.

The sword energy is like a ray

The breeze dissipated without a trace in the conference room.

Wang Shengxiao did not stop Jiang Shangyu from leaving. He waited until his breath disappeared completely before he found a seat and sat down. He watched the smoke and dust that covered the sky reappeared on the screen and remained silent.

"Can he do it?"

Li Huacheng's voice suddenly sounded.


Wang Shengxiao glanced at him.

"Can he conquer all places except Middle-earth and Yinggelan by force?"

Li Huacheng looked at Wang Shengxiao and asked seriously.


Wang Shengxiao was silent for a few seconds and nodded.

There was a commotion in the conference room for a moment.

"you sure?"

Guo Wentian looked at Wang Shengxiao with a solemn expression.

"Because I can do it."

Wang Shengxiao said in a calm voice: "In the battle with him just now, I lost. Although the loss was not ugly, a loss is a loss. I can do what I lost to him, why do you think he can't do it? arrive?"

"In other words, if there is no us in this world, given enough time for Jiang Shangyu, he can wipe out the whole world with one person and one sword."

The corner of Guo Wentian's mouth twitched, and he looked at Li Huacheng, whose face was still calm. He suddenly didn't know what to say.

Wang Shengxiao stopped talking and looked at the screen silently, as if he had turned into a statue.

Li Huacheng took a deep breath and said calmly: "Then, let's continue the meeting. Time is tight. It's best today. I want a detailed implementation plan."


On a deserted battlefield shrouded in smoke and dust, Jiang Shangyu's figure reappeared in the center of countless Lucifers.

As soon as he appeared here, he saw Lucifer lying on the ground eating dirt.

Not a Lucifer


Instead, a large number of densely packed Lucifers all maintained a similar posture, lying on the ground on all fours, reaching out to grab the dust on the ground, and stuffing it into their mouths.

He vomited while eating, and a large amount of dust was swallowed alive by him. Liquid stained with saliva and blood mixed with smoke that turned into mud flowed from the corners of his mouth. A large amount of Lucifer was coughing continuously, and then spit out from his mouth. One after another, insects of different shapes.

A large number of insects lay on the ground and began to eat the soil.

Lucifer kept making vague mumbling sounds, not knowing what he was mumbling.

Jiang Shangyu watched this extremely disgusting scene calmly.

If he hadn't obtained Li Tianlan's martial arts tree, the moment he broke through to the genius level, he himself would have been affected by the chaotic aura on his body and turned into something like Lucifer.

That kind of life without accurate thinking means nothing to him.

And even if he got Li Tianlan's martial arts tree, he could only temporarily suppress the chaotic atmosphere and could not achieve absolute safety.

Only getting that thing from Beihai is the only way for him to change his destiny.

"Is there any result?"

Jiang Shangyu took the initiative to ask.

The sounds of eating dirt, coughing, vomiting, and crawling insects all around me stopped completely at this moment.

Countless Lucifers turned back at the same time and stared at Jiang Shangyu.

Jiang Shangyu looked at every Lucifer in his sight expressionlessly.

"Soon, soon..."

After about ten seconds, countless Lucifers laughed at the same time. They murmured to themselves and picked up the dust at a faster speed and ate it into their mouths.


Many of the abilities of chaotic creatures have no logic.

But there is no logic, which does not mean that they can achieve their goals by doing nothing. They also need to do things in a certain way.

Li Tianlan has been silent here for nearly ten days, and his breath has already been left on this land.

Lucifer's seemingly abnormal behavior now is to collect Li Tianlan's aura to determine his location.

Using breath to determine the position sounds like a nonsense method, but it has become a matter of course under the chaotic rules.

"be quick."

Jiang Shangyu took a deep breath: "If the time drags on too long, I will give up this operation and return to Star Kingdom."

For him, capturing Li Tianlan alive is no longer a necessary task.

After Middle-earth rejected his deal, he really needed Star Kingdom's power.

But the situation has changed that Reinhardt was only willing to help him after he captured Li Tianlan alive.

Even if he couldn't capture Li Tianlan alive, he could still use force to conquer the Star Kingdom.

Now he stayed here to let Lucifer find Li Tianlan, not because of Reinhardt's order, but because he was instinctively uneasy after learning that Li Tianlan was about to regain his strength, and wanted to take action to kill the threat.

This matter is urgent.

But if Lucifer really can't find Li Tianlan's current location, then he can only leave and return, and then individually conquer the collective and use the power of the collective to achieve his own goals.

"Don't be impatient..."

"Hey Hey..."

Lucifer murmured to himself, his silly voice suddenly paused: "I saw it... uh... I really saw it, I saw it, hahahaha... I saw it

. "

"What do you see?"

Jiang Shangyu suddenly raised his eyebrows.

All Lucifer's voices suddenly stopped for a moment, and then he looked at Jiang Shangyu and laughed: "I saw...I saw you died, hehehehe..."

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