The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 624: : Exit

When Xia Zhi left, she pushed the wheelchair by herself, and before leaving, she took her little grandson with her.

She cried, but she didn't make a big fuss with her son after all, just like what she said to her daughter-in-law Song Ci: The men of the Wang family in Beihai are all **** and jerks.

Starting from my father-in-law, to my husband, and then to my son, all in the same line, and if we push forward, Wang Tianzong's grandfather, grandfather's father, and then go on...

Hundreds of years ago, Tianjiao Wang from Zhongzhou founded the royal family in Beihai, and finally formed the Wang family of Beihai today.

From that ancestor to Wang Shengxiao, the Beihai Wang family has gone through ten clans...

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