The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 599: : two results

The message was delivered faster than anyone expected.

In fact, whenever the situation is not calm, all kinds of news from the dark world will become the focus of people's attention.

Ever since the Beihai Wangs formed an alliance to besiege Li Tianlan, certain news from the dark world became even more crucial.

Central Continent, East Palace, Continental Union, Star Country.

Now the whole situation has become a mess, and countless seemingly clear threads will always inadvertently turn in an unbelievable direction. Under such circumstances, almost everyone's eyes widened and they refused to Let go of any news from the dark world.

Things have gotten bigger.

From the current point of view, even Snow Country, the five powerhouses, can't stand alone, let alone the two in the European Union, Xingguo and Central Continent are also the protagonists. The game in this is already specific to the bright side in the dark world on.

There will definitely be no conflicts that affect the overall situation. No one is a fool, and no one wants to die together.

However, the contest in the dark world will inevitably continue to escalate, and with the continuous investment of many parties, the scene will become more and more popular. It is foreseeable that this so-called stand is most likely to be Europe, which has now been designated as a forbidden area by the forest tribe in the dark world.

Now all parties are gathering momentum and secretly preparing their own bargaining chips. Although they are restrained, the atmosphere has become more and more depressing. When the current deadlock breaks, the overall situation will be turned upside down.

Starting from the dark world, the outbreak of turmoil will continue to spread. Once the power of secret protection is shattered, a large number of brain drains, technology losses, and secret leaks are almost inevitable. Public opinion will be completely detonated. People will be panicked and there will be no security. Environmental capital can only go out, and economic problems will lead to greater crises. All walks of life, and even everyone, will have their impact. The final consequences of the loser may not be like losing a big battle. No matter how much better, or worse.

Conflicts and games of this scale rarely occurred in the past.

But the whole situation has been slowly pushed here step by step with a few very special people, and it is almost impossible to restore it.

On the night of Murmans, Wang Tianzong's breakthrough was a beginning.

The emergence of a more powerful individual power that hits the limit of everyone's imagination will inevitably break the situation of the dark world.

Then most of the masters in the dark world fell, and a new era came, the rise of Li Tianlan and Jiang Shangyu, the breakthrough and fall of Li Kuangtu...

One major event after another shows that this era will be rewritten and shuffled.

The statement of the dynasty reached its peak after Li Tianlan defeated the alliance's siege.

What is the dynasty?

In the eyes of those who hope to create a dynasty, it is glory, endless benefits, and even the ultimate manifestation of ambition, the power of the conqueror.

But standing on the conquered side, this is an extremely tragic invasion and killing, cruelty, and indifference. It is a road that must be passed after the power expands to the extreme, destroying all the old orders and re-establishing new rules.

It's a pity that the power that is expanding and is about to destroy the old order is now in Central Continent.

This also means that once the Eastern Palace becomes the new dynasty, then Central Continent will be the only voice in the dark world.

Such a result cannot be tolerated by any force other than Zhongzhou, nor can it bear it.

Where there is light, there must be darkness. To put it bluntly, only the existence of darkness can reflect the value of light.

The light and darkness in this sentence are also completely applicable if they are replaced by justice and evil.

It is impossible for any force to avoid this problem.

So is Central Continent.

This is true all over the world.

Light never dies, darkness never stops.

Justice never dies, evil never stops.

You can say anything, but this cannot be changed.

There will be laws and rules everywhere, and the emergence of these things is for the groups that do not abide by these things.

No one or a certain group can really eliminate these darkness, and the best way is to use these groups and let them be controlled to the greatest extent.

This is what Central Continent is doing, and so is the Continental Continental Union, Star Country, Snow Country, led by the five powerhouses, and the whole world is doing the same.

Stabilize your own rules to the greatest extent, and also try your best to control some power outside your own rules through some guidance, high pressure, and wooing.

And the combination of the forces that walk outside their rules in the hands of various forces is the current dark world.

It was supposed to be chaotic here.

Only in a state of chaos can the dark world serve the interests of all.


This kind of thing should not exist.

the only voice.

Such a voice should not appear in the dark world, nor should it belong to a certain party.

This is the most correct.

But now, such a voice, such a force, is already gaining momentum in Central Continent.

what does that mean?

This means that once the Eastern Imperial Palace becomes a dynasty, Zhongzhou will rely on the Eastern Imperial Palace to indirectly control all the forces that deviate from the normal rules.

is all.

Not Central Continent's own, even if it is outside the rules of the European Union, there are others... All of these will be controlled by the East Palace and Central Continent.

For the Continental Union and the others, once they lose the power in their hands that is outside of their own rules, then any random move, every random move of these forces under the control of the new dynasty will cause harm to themselves.

If it was premeditated, the damage would undoubtedly be greater.

The emergence of a dynasty means new rules. When the new rules are backed by Central Continent, the consequences for others will be absolutely disastrous.

There are of course the most direct examples.

That is the Beihai Wang family.

Hundreds of years ago, when Central Continent was not yet the overlord, the dynasty belonging to the Beihai Wang clan rose all the way, and the old overlord Xingguo suffered disastrously all the way. The Beihai Wang clan who controlled the dark world could do too many things. When the beneficiary became Zhongzhou, a huge gap appeared almost every minute.

The peak period of the Beihai Wang Clan was also the craziest period for the development of Zhongzhou.

In the past few decades, Zhongzhou has not only secured its position as the overlord, but also the gap caused by the latecomers has not been made up until today.

Now the Beihai Wang family has long lost its dynastic status, but it is still the number one wealthy family in the dark world. The East Imperial Palace rises again. Once it succeeds, it will undoubtedly repeat the scene hundreds of years ago.

For this goal, Zhongzhou will spare no effort.

The East Palace will do whatever it takes.

And the Continental Union, as the stand, and the supporters behind it, have no room for compromise and bow their heads.

Unless they are willing to do the next moment Annan.

it's out of the question.

Because of this, everyone regards the current European continent as an opportunity.

This game will only have two outcomes, and there can only be two outcomes.

First, Central Continent won a great victory, and a new dynasty emerged.

Li Tianlan, Qin Weibai, East Palace...

At Li Tianlan's age, at least in the expected 50 or 60 years, even in the decades of Li Tianlan's son's generation, no force could challenge Zhongzhou again.

Everyone can only remain silent and suppressed, letting Zhongzhou, who is in control of the general situation, use this advantage to oppress all of them to a desperate situation.

Some people may not be able to bear it, but they have no hope of resisting at all. The only way is to bow their heads, join Zhongzhou, be a dog with peace of mind, and eat bones.

And the second result is the disastrous defeat of Central Continent, Li Tianlan, Qin Weibai and others are completely destroyed, the East Palace is completely destroyed, and the opponents of Central Continent have a great advantage. Kick up and down.

A new overlord came to power, and after hundreds of years, what is now Central Continent will become what is now Star Country.

Hmm... There is also a third possibility, that is, the defeated party can't bear it anymore, and everyone grows mushrooms together, and dies together...

But such a result can basically only be thought about.

Survival is always the first need of life, more than profit.

And the first two results, no matter which one they are, mean that everything in the global scope will shake violently.

This also caused the current situation.

Those who are qualified to end the fighting game are gearing up.

Those who are temporarily not qualified to enter are watching nervously, looking for opportunities.

Everyone is being tightly pulled on their nerves, staring at every move of the dark world.

No one has a retreat, only forward.

In such a tense atmosphere, when Xingguo made a high-profile announcement that Jiang Shangyu had officially broken through to the Tianjiao level and recovered from his injuries, one can only imagine how big a sensation it caused.

From Tiannan to Youzhou.

Before Li Tianlan got off the plane, the news about Jiang Shangyu had already shaken the entire dark world.

Zhongzhou remained silent.

The Continental Union began to rejoice, and even entered the mode of celebrating in advance.

Star Country at the same time.

Jiang Shangyu met the black robe, and after both parties had confirmed certain things to come, Jiang Shangyu, a genius-level man, left the mansion again, preparing to attend a press conference that was destined to cause a sensation in the world.

Li Tianlan's plane also landed in Youzhou at this time.


Then he saw an empty airport with no strangers.

Li Tianlan was a little confused.

When he got out of the cabin, he even felt that he had come to the wrong place.

What kind of airport is this?


There are no planes either.

The empty runway was cold and quiet, in stark contrast to the crowded environment in the past.

Li Tianlan saw Dongcheng Wudi standing outside the plane.

He seemed to be picking up the plane alone.

It seems not.

The entire airport was centered on him. Every tens of meters, figures rushed out like statues. Everyone was fully armed and motionless.

And in places that Li Tianlan couldn't see and couldn't perceive, every corner of the airport suitable for lurking, the commanding heights, were all occupied by a large number of elites.

Li Tianlan walked down the gangway in a daze, looked at Dongcheng Wudi, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Dad."

"came back."

Dongcheng Wudi's eyes were a bit complicated, with worry: "The speaker has already told me."

Taking a deep breath, he patted Li Tianlan's shoulder vigorously: "Just come back."

"What's happening here?"

Li Tianlan still looked at everything around him.

"The airport has been under temporary martial law, and operations are suspended today. In the next period of time, all international flights will be strictly checked, and the order has been issued."

Dongcheng Wudi spoke much faster than before: "Don't worry about anything else."

He maintained a calm and quick tone: "Let's get in the car first, and talk when we go back."

Li Tianlan was dragged into the car by him in a daze, and he couldn't react until now.

"Right now, no matter what, your safety is the most important thing."

The doors close and the vehicle starts immediately.

Li Tianlan glanced at the driver, was taken aback for a second, and narrowed his eyes: "Why are you here?"

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