The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 597: :medium

In the small base under the supermarket, Lucifer has been mad for a long time.

The entire base was filled with a frenzied scene beyond comprehension.

Lucifer crazily smashed everything around him, the villa he lived in had completely collapsed, the flower beds were in a mess, all kinds of armaments were scattered into fragments all over the place, the two maids turned into corpses, blood was everywhere, traces of chaos Extending all the way, the entrance is completely broken.

All kinds of weird sounds came out of Lucifer's throat, irritable roars, piercing screams, crying and laughing for a while, emotional confusion, loss of sanity, and the whole person seemed to have completely lost control.

The members of Lucifer's team have all woken up from their deep sleep.

Including the staff on the base.

Everyone was crawling aimlessly on the ground at this time, and occasionally bumped into each other, without the slightest hesitation, and began to bite each other. More and more people were entangled, like worms, wriggling, biting Crying and laughing, with incomprehensible chaotic sounds, the entire base went completely crazy.

Anger or something, this kind of emotion no longer exists, and what kind of emotion anger is is becoming blurred.

Lucifer's careful design and meticulous lurking finally let Li Tianlan enter the game. He tried his best to obtain his martial arts strength, but he was intercepted by Jiang Shangyu just after he succeeded...

It doesn't matter what it feels like.

Because there is no feeling.

Lucifer didn't realize anger or hatred at all. When Li Tianlan's strength was snatched away by Jiang Shangyu in his hands, his only reaction was madness. Without reason, he would naturally have no emotions.

The madness seemed endless.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

Lucifer seemed to have endless physical strength, crying, laughing, and screaming.

He didn't know what he was supposed to do or what he was doing. He just instinctively tore up everything he saw and installed it on himself.

The picture of the entire base has become extremely grotesque and absurd.

At a certain moment, Lucifer, who had been mad all the time, finally stopped and stared blankly in a certain direction.

At this time, he had completely turned into a monster, with more than ten arms all over his body, thighs grew out from his back, two feet appeared on his chest, and countless arms were wrapped around those two feet, constantly entangled , squirming.

Lucifer wandered around the base in a daze, staggered, he didn't fall, but with the shaking of his body, a large number of arms on his body fell to the ground.

It wasn't his arm in the first place.

Instead, in a state of madness, after tearing up the people around him, he took the parts from them and spliced ​​them on himself.

These parts kept falling down when Lucifer started to wake up, and Lucifer's expression, which was dripping with black liquid, kept twitching, twisting, and ferocious, and finally let out a long, extremely intoxicated and painful sigh.

The base fell silent.

Lucifer bent down and picked up the parts that fell from his body. He walked around silently, gathering all the parts that had been torn apart by him like picking up garbage, and then continued to piece them together.

From time to time, he smeared some black liquid from his body and applied it to the patched wounds to glue them together. Time passed slowly.

Life appeared again in the weird and cold base.

A human figure was slowly pieced together by Lucifer.

A tall white man lying on the ground moved his arms slightly, and opened his eyes in a daze.

He saw Lucifer.

Lucifer squatted in front of him, looked at him, and smiled.

The smile was reflected in his sight, blurred on the one hand and clear on the other.

"team leader?"

He sat up slowly, shaking his head vigorously.

But half of the vision is still blurred.

"You're all right, Luke, I just..."

Lucifer waved his arms: "I'm very worried about you..."

"my eyes..."

Luke was a little dazed: "There is one, I can't seem to see anything..."


Lucifer seemed a little apologetic: "Maybe it was a mistake, it should be Eisen's eyes... But, I was in a hurry... so... I'm sorry..."

Luke looked at Lucifer a little slowly, and said indifferently, without thinking about anything.

He feels his body...

The arm...should be its own.


Damn, one long and one short, this left leg is obviously Hill's leg...

He struggled to stand up, his legs were one long and the other short, making his body tilted a little, making him look like a disabled person.

"Go ahead, Luke."

Lucifer smiled and waved his hands: "Next time, next time I will definitely arrange for you to satisfy you, and I can give you the best, how about it? Legs, hands, eyes, even internal organs... I will give you everything. You change to the best one, uh...let me think about it, it will take time, time, time, hehehe...I want to study your configuration..."

Shaking his head in confusion, like blood, black liquid dripped down from Lucifer's body.

Lucifer suddenly raised his head: "Ah, I have something for you to do..."

Luke nodded: "Okay, I'll get ready and go right away."

"But I haven't said what it is..."

Lucifer glanced at him: "I haven't said it yet, look, you forgot again, I haven't said anything yet... I haven't said it yet!!"

He rushed forward, and his whole body rushed directly in front of Luke like a hurricane.

Reach out and tear.

There was a scream: "It hurts! Ah, it hurts hahaha..."

Lucifer held one ear in his hand, and his other hand covered his ear just like Luke did, and they both said at the same time: "It hurts, it hurts, it hurts...hehehe..."

He kept laughing for a long time before he calmed down and said again: "I have something for you to do."

Luke looked into his ear, but didn't speak.

"You should ask me, such as what I want you to do."

Lucifer pointed patiently: "You are my vice-captain, my left hand, we can't be so tacit..."

Speaking some confusing words, Lucifer tilted his head and looked at him: "Do you understand?"


Luke nodded: "What does the captain need me to do?"

He didn't argue about anything, and he didn't want to argue about anything.

Individual thinking, collective thinking, all definitions are infinitely blurred in the chaos, he is Luke, the vice-captain of Lucifer's team, but he is also Lucifer, the boundaries of identity no longer exist, he is Luke Lu It could be Lucifer, or Lucifer Luke, or anything else, a person, a group, or a clone, it doesn't matter.

Luke knew what Lucifer was thinking, but since the other party needed his cooperation, it was better to cooperate.

Lucifer kept wiping the black blood on his body, sucking his fingers almost greedily, and said with a chuckle, "Lead the team yourself, call Lemiel and Gabriel's team, go to Youzhou, and bring Li Tianlan back."

Luke knew why, but he still pretended to be stunned for a moment: "Bring it back?"

"Of course, of course, of course."

Lucifer repeated his own words: "Bring it back, bring it back, the one who wants to live, I want him to live, bring him back.

In addition to the two teams of Remiel and Gabriel, you can also bring some other forces and spread the word. Li Tianlan has lost all his martial arts strength now, and he is completely useless at the moment. Someone will go with you by then. . "

Lucifer paused, and looked straight at Luke: "Don't let me down, you must bring him back."

As the vice-captain of Lucifer's team, Luke's strength is second only to Lucifer's. Just martial arts, he is infinitely close to the peak of invincibility. After being affected by the chaos, his various methods are even more unimaginable. Zhou, plus some other stragglers to attract attention, with Li Tianlan without strength, there is almost no possibility of failure.

It's not that there are no masters in Central Continent now, but there really isn't anyone who can stop Luke.

Jiang Shangyu's sword light has already illuminated the whole city.

That almost iconic sword energy that the whole world knows belongs to Li Tianlan keeps fluctuating and mighty along with Jiang Shangyu's domain.

Lucifer's expression has completely calmed down.

That should belong to his sword light, his glory, and his key to open this era.

But when he was about to succeed, all these made Jiang Shangyu a wedding dress.

just one step away...

Cooked duck flies...

"Rain on the river...rain on the river...rain on the river oh, rain on the river, rain on the river..."

Constantly muttering to himself, Lucifer looked back at Luke.

His eyes were scarlet, and he said word by word: "Go to Youzhou and bring Li Tianlan back."

Luke said no more, turned and left.

Lucifer clenched his fists tightly, breathing heavily.

Having regained his sanity, he knew that everything in Xingguo was about to undergo drastic changes. With the rise of Jiang Shangyu, both sides knew what was going on with the other side but couldn't fully understand it. Jiang Shangyu had already gained the upper hand. It will inevitably squeeze the living space of Lucifer's team, and even the entire Angel Corps.

This matter was even more important to Jiang Shangyu than dealing with Li Tianlan.

But for Lucifer, there are still opportunities.

"There are still..."

He said something to himself.

Li Tianlan was his chance.

As long as Luke brings Li Tianlan back, Lucifer can use Li Tianlan as a medium to get back what was taken away by Jiang Shangyu.

Even Jiang Shangyu's stuff will become his stuff.

Li Tianlan is the key.

Especially the living Li Tianlan, this is the most important medium.

Plus he needs another thing.

Lucifer turned his head and looked in a certain direction with greedy eyes.

that thing...

The thing that had stimulated his sanity and brought him back to sanity in his wildest moments.

Lucifer lowered his head and looked at the group of angels on the ground that he had pieced back into human form.

He wandered around the base, found a cell phone that hadn't been completely destroyed in the corner, and dialed a number.


Gasping for breath, I waited.

The first time the phone was connected, Lucifer said directly: "Get ready... huh... get ready, hehe...I want...hehehe, hehe...I want to see Wang Xiaoyao... Huh...huh...go to Beihai. Make arrangements...huh...right Beihai."

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