The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 595: :friend

It wasn't until the vehicle in sight completely disappeared that Li Tianlan let out a long breath.

One of his legs was exerting force on the ground, constantly exerting force, and then chopping violently a few times.

His expression began to twitch slightly, and the soreness spread from the soles of his feet to his entire thigh in an instant. He wanted to shiver subconsciously, but he gritted his teeth firmly to hold back.


stomp... stomp again...

His expressionless face twitched violently and twisted into a strange look.

After a full minute, Li Tianlan let out another breath and limped towards the castle ahead.

The fountain square in front of the castle is still spraying water jets. The water jets form a rainbow under the sun, and the water drops fall with a pleasant sound.

The hundreds of meters tall pitch-black giant sword stood there quietly. In front of the giant sword, a giant sword that looked small but was still two meters long was silently inserted into the ground.

As if sensing Li Tianlan's arrival, its pitch-black blade trembled slightly, conveying a somewhat complicated will.

Li Tianlan didn't look at Xuanyuanfeng.

Surrounded by water drops, the first time he came here, he knew why he insisted on coming here to see Xuanyuan Feng.

It wasn't that Xuanyuan Feng was waiting for him.

Rather, someone was waiting for him.

Dressed in a black dragon robe, with sharp edges and corners, a masculine and charming face, masculine, sharp, and resolute.

He has a slender figure and a calm expression. His black dragon robe is as complicated and gorgeous as a long windbreaker, and the various patterns on the clothes are constantly changing.

His expression was clean, but there were bloodstains all over his body.

Countless good bloodstains flowed from his body, but the moment they left him, they turned into a **** mist, which circulated repeatedly.

Li Tianlan looked at him quietly.

He was obviously not from the East Palace, but the people around him automatically ignored him, and at the same time ignored Li Tianlan.

"You look familiar."

Li Tianlan took the initiative to speak: "Have we met?"

Should have seen it.

No, I've definitely seen it.

But at this moment, Li Tianlan suddenly couldn't remember where he met him.

"I wanted to scare you with blood on my face."

God of War sighed softly.

As he spoke, numerous cuts and fissures began to appear on his face.

A large number of wounds appeared in an instant, covering his entire face, but all the wounds began to heal automatically at the moment of appearance, and then appeared again, continuously healing.

"Blood all over..."

Li Tianlan thought for a while: "It's quite scary."

God of War also laughed, and with his smile, an extremely deep tearing wound appeared on his face, and the bright red blood that seemed to be glowing floated into a blood mist the moment it appeared, and the wound healed instantly, and the blood mist In the mist, his sharp-edged face became a little blurred.

"Then are you afraid?"


Li Tianlan walked over, touched his pocket, took out a cigarette and handed it to God of War.

God of War shook his head. He can smoke, but he doesn't feel much about ordinary tobacco, and he doesn't bother to light it.

Li Tianlan clicked on it by himself, looking at his wounds that were constantly splitting and healing repeatedly from top to bottom: "What's your situation?"

God of War smiled and said, "It's a very bad situation anyway."

Li Tianlan didn't speak.

Some things don't need to be perceived, they are visible to the naked eye.

The wounds on the other party's body were definitely not ordinary trauma, and even every wound could be said to be fatal if placed on an ordinary person, no, even placed on himself at his peak.

But such wounds spread all over his body, constantly tearing and healing, which is enough to show how terrifying the other party's vitality is.

But Li Tianlan always felt a little strange.

He was smoking a cigarette, and turned around the body of God of War unsuspectingly.

God of War stood quietly without speaking.

Li Tianlan was silent for a while, then suddenly stretched out his hand.

The incomparably illusory, blurred truth appeared in his hands, constantly changing its shape.

Inexplicable fluctuations covered the body of God of War.

As a result, God of War's body began to fluctuate slightly, constantly misaligning.

This feeling is like the light and shadow projected on the water surface. As the water surface fluctuates, the light begins to refract and misplace.

Li Tianlan finally confirmed something, and said, "Are you not a real person?"


God of War said.

"Sword Qi clone?"

"Almost that's what it means."

"How much difference is it?"

"That should be quite a difference."

"There are quite a lot. Other people's sword avatars are very stable. You also have special effects? How much did you pay for them?"


"Why don't you talk?"

"What do you want me to say?"

"Your special effects, bleeding all over your body, is not simple. Where is the main body? Are you dying?"

"It can last a while."


Li Tianlan laughed.

There is indeed a big difference between projection and sword aura, but the basic principle will not change, just like whether one plus one or functions are all mathematics, there may be differences in levels, but the essence remains the same.

The opponent's projection can have this kind of tragic special effect, which only shows that the opponent's body is so bad that even the sword energy clone, um, even the projection cannot be maintained.

"Are you here for something?"

Li Tianlan stopped talking nonsense and asked directly.

"Look at your status."

God of War turned around and looked at him, his eyes were calm and unwavering: "How is your condition now?"


Li Tianlan answered very conservatively.

In fact, where is it so-so, his current state cannot be said to be bad, but it is definitely not good.

He lost martial arts, and then found a new way.

In other words, it wasn't about finding a new path at all, but Li Tianlan suddenly found that he had gone a long way on another path while losing his martial arts.

He doesn't know how far this very far is. Anyway, looking back from his current height, he can't even see the very beginning.

This also means that his mind is full of all kinds of messy thoughts.

Communicate with heaven and earth, and enslave all things.

He felt that he could fly into the sky and escape from the earth, and coincidentally, every part of his body also felt that he could fly into the sky and escape from the earth.

He felt he could overturn mountains and seas.

Every part of his body felt equally capable of moving mountains and seas.

He felt omnipotent, and every part of his body felt omnipotent as well.

He is always in tune with his body, yet in constant conflict.

His brain, his limbs, his mouth, his eyes, and his heart all feel that they are omnipotent and can do anything. When these thoughts return to a whole, Li Tianlan Of course nothing can be done.

It's not that nothing can be done, but there are countless more hindrances.

He wanted to take a step forward, but when his legs went out, his arms told him to come and come.

He wanted to say what he said, but the moment he opened his mouth, his eyes said that I can do it too, I do what I do...

Everyone wants to be active, and then everyone else keeps holding back.

The various theories in his mind also turned into a mess of ideas.

Power, perception, speed, all gone.

Li Tianlan has really become an ordinary person now, an ordinary person whose mind is full of flying to the sky, but in fact he can't even run fast.

Not to mention the invincible state, anyone who comes to the air control state can kill him with a wave of his hand, provided that he does not have the truth in his hand.

"Is there a solution?"

Ares asked.


Li Tianlan took the last puff of his cigarette and threw away the cigarette butt: "I need to sort out my thoughts, at least see the beginning of a new road, take it slowly, of course, it won't be too slow..."

After all, this is something he already has, no need to practice, no need to accumulate, all he needs is to think, maybe an hour, a day, a month, he can complete the transformation at any time.

So his current state is very bad, but it is not bad at all.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to regain your martial arts strength for the time being."

God of War continued.

Li Tianlan hummed.

"There is even worse news, do you want to hear it?"

"Tell me."

"You lose your martial arts strength, but next, you will find that martial arts will become more difficult, not only your opponents, anyone, as long as they are people who practice martial arts, they will find that their strength is increasing and their speed is increasing. Faster, more destructive... In other words, your current friends will get stronger, but your opponents, too, will get stronger."

Li Tianlan narrowed his eyes.

He instinctively sensed that the other party's words contained an extremely important message, but he didn't know what it was.


he asked.


Ares nodded.

"The whole world, breaking through at the same time?"

Li Tianlan's voice was full of temptation.

"No breakthrough."

"It doesn't matter."

Li Tianlan said: "Everything is getting stronger, so it means there is no change."

Ares didn't speak.

In fact, what Li Tianlan said is right, they are getting stronger, that is, they have not changed, but the problem is...

Li Tianlan has no martial arts anymore.

His martial arts were stolen, and without martial arts, the next thing he would face was an opponent who had become stronger after stealing his martial arts.

In other words, the person who stole Li Tianlan's strength in martial arts... is now equivalent to a Li Tianlan who is in his peak state and has a better match.

"It's good that you know what's in your heart."

Ares nodded.

"Is there anything else?"

Li Tianlan asked.

God of War hummed.

For the first time, his eyes fell on Xuanyuan Feng who was beside him.

Xuanyuan Feng vibrated slightly, conveying a vague will, the meaning was hard to understand.

"This sword is not bad."

God of War said.

"You like it?"

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I want to take it away."

God of War is not polite at all.


Li Tianlan also did not hesitate at all.

God of War stretched out his hand and grabbed Xuanyuan Feng's sword hilt.

Xuanyuan Feng was shocked suddenly, as if countless sword qi erupted continuously inside its sword body, but finally it became quiet.

God of War glanced at Li Tianlan.



Crisp and neat.

The projection of God of War began to shatter.

Xuanyuanfeng's sword body also began to shatter.

A **** mist floated in front of Li Tianlan.

People and swords disappeared one after another, without sound or trace.

Li Tianlan stood where he was, thoughtful.

Asking the other party to take Xuanyuan Feng away, but he didn't feel sorry for him at all.

Even if he doesn't know who the other party is now.

But that intuition and instinct are so strong, from the first moment of seeing each other, that strong intuition began to explode continuously.

This feeling is called trust.

Some people are special after all.

So special that apart from wives, everything can be indistinguishable from each other.

What's mine is yours.

What's yours is mine.

Such a person has an exact title.


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