The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 592: : You invite me to dinner, I will accompany you...

Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai went to Tiannan.

The Central Continent team headed by Bai Qingchao and Aoba will bring the Tiannan Treaty back to Central Continent.

Thor will stay in Annan for the time being. He is responsible for withdrawing the Bloody Legion to Nanyun in batches. This kind of withdrawal must not bypass Tiannan. All kinds of resources and coordination are the same, so Ma Si also temporarily stays to help.

Li Huacheng will also return to Youzhou.

Although Li Tianlan, who has lost his martial arts, is now difficult to define strengths and weaknesses, but Li Huacheng is the chairman of the council after all, not a bodyguard, and it is impossible for him to follow Li Tianlan wherever he goes.

And if he just went to Tiannan, Li Tianlan's safety was well guaranteed. No matter what, Qin Weibai was in a transcendent state, not to mention his combat effectiveness, but it was enough to ensure that Li Tianlan would not receive a security threat.

Annan's affairs came to an end temporarily.

In the future, Zhongzhou's will and the power of the Prosperous Age Fund will spread unscrupulously.

Now Xintiannan, which completely belongs to Zhongzhou, has changed from 30,000 square kilometers to 130,000 square kilometers. With the full support of Zhongzhou, it will firmly hold on to Annan, the blood-drawing machine, and continue to develop at the fastest speed.

"So, you're telling me you're going to be busy?"

The helicopter is getting farther and farther away from An Nanguo.

In the cabin, Li Tianlan was sitting opposite Qin Weibai, with a subtle emotion in his voice that he didn't even notice.

The knight on the side gave him a surprised look, but did not dare to speak.

Qin Weibai was also taken aback for a moment.

In fact, her heart has always been a little flustered. She is a perfect woman without any flaws in the eyes of countless people, and she can even be said to be a goddess.

But she also has an extremely fatal weakness, that is Li Tianlan.

After the alliance's siege of Li Tianlan was over, the relationship between Li Tianlan and her became a bit messy. The breakup was said and gestured, but because of Qin Weibai's initiative to attack, the two of them became a little bit chaotic.

Of course Qin Weibai didn't like this state.

What she likes is the feeling that both of them regard each other as the most important person.

But she can also accept this state of constant entanglement.

It's not really a clean cut, after all.

She wanted to split a brand new personality, but failed, so she could only use the same old style, stalking, stalking, and rolling around.

Li Tianlan obviously couldn't handle this.

So Qin Weibai planned to grind it out slowly, two years if one year failed, three years if two years failed, until the other one woke up, and slowly untie Li Tianlan's knot.

But Li Tianlan changed again.

He has changed, but it seems that he has not changed.

In him, Qin Weibai could no longer see the kind of forced indifference, and the extremely complicated resistance that he liked but couldn't accept.

Li Tianlan became very natural and calm.

All the attitudes he showed were the most natural, natural alienation, natural indifference, and natural calm.

Qin Weibai was a little flustered, but also a little distressed.

She didn't know what happened during this time, but Li Tianlan's natural alienation seemed like he had completely let go of the past, and began to look at the past between them with a very calm and even indifferent rationality.

This means that she is no longer good at messing around.

Because Li Tianlan was already looking at everything squarely, and his heart was calm.

He was very calm, indifferent, natural, and alienated. With this attitude, Qin Weibai couldn't find a breakthrough even if he wanted to continue messing around.

So on the way from Annan to Tiannan, Qin Weibai didn't even know what to say to Li Tianlan.

She was full of longing, grievance and resentment, but she dared not say it.

She was afraid that she would irritate this man again by saying the wrong thing, and she was afraid that she would tell the entangled state of the two of them again while talking.

Because the current Li Tianlan is too natural.

Treating her naturally is like treating a very familiar stranger.

In this state, Qin Weibai was really flustered. If the topic between the two of them brought up their current relationship again, she was really afraid that Li Tianlan would use this natural attitude to completely cut off the relationship between the two of them. all possible.

Then everything is really irreparable.

Feelings cannot be said, thoughts cannot be said.

So all she could talk about was work, the future development plan of the East Palace, the help Annan brought to the East Palace, and so on.

There was no silence between the two, but what they said was dry, without any personal factors.

It was only when she had finished speaking that Li Tianlan suddenly opened his mouth and asked her such a question.

"So, you're telling me you're going to be busy?"

This question is obviously not in line with the current 'breakup' relationship between the two.

Because the subtle emotion that Li Tianlan brought out in this resentment.

Or rather, complaining.

This kind of emotion, after the two initially established their relationship, every time Li Tianlan didn't see Qin Weibai for a period of time, Li Tianlan would have it.

Between the lines, there is a sense that you will be very busy in the future and I will not see you.

Qin Weibai didn't know if he was thinking too much.

She bit her lower lip lightly, and said anxiously: "It''s okay...but Tiannan has expanded so much at once, and the future development route needs to be re-planned. It involves new provinces. Until then, many things have to be decided by me, so..."


Li Tianlan said lightly, and didn't say much, but it was just one word, and the subtle emotion became stronger.

If it was before, Qin Weibai would have to find a way to make him happy, but now, because he was not sure whether Li Tianlan meant this, Qin Weibai didn't dare to say anything, but just tilted his head and looked at him.

"As you said before, going to Youzhou once a week doesn't count, right?"

Li Tianlan looked at Qin Weibai and asked.

His tone is still very natural, his complaints are natural, and his sense of alienation is also very natural. This completely different emotion is expressed in one sentence, which seems very awkward, but this awkwardness is something that Li Tianlan has been trying to hide before. s things.

The previous Li Tianlan had always maintained his indifference, not wanting to show the slightest bit of this contradictory and awkward emotion. He pretended to be indifferent, pretending not to give up at all, wishing to tell the world that he did not have the slightest bit of heartache when he abandoned Qin Weibai. I also wish that the whole world could see his crispness.

But this kind of awkwardness, which he tried to hide, is now exposed in this sentence.

And it's awkward and natural.

Qin Weibai was a little dazed, but his eyes became a little brighter.

"That's right."

She looked at Li Tianlan's expression, and said softly, "I'll go to Youzhou to find you when I'm busy."

Li Tianlan said again, "Don't think too much, I think if you don't go, parents should talk about me again, it's not that I want you to go."

He said things that he didn't believe, just as naturally, and he didn't intend to hide anything.

Qin Weibai blinked, as if he was adjusting his emotions, trying to keep up with Li Tianlan's rhythm: "What about you? If you really don't want to see me, then I can just visit my parents."

"Call me when you come to Youzhou, and I'll treat you to dinner."

Li Tianlan was silent for a while, then said: "After all, I've gone."

All gone, all come...

There was a smile in Qin Wei's white eyes, as if she had found a new way to get along with Li Tianlan.

Somewhat tentatively, she stood up and walked to Li Tianlan to sit down, stretched out her hand and pulled Li Tianlan's palm.

Almost instinctively, Li Tianlan held Qin Weibai's hand in his, in a gesture of caring.

Then he subconsciously frowned again, but he didn't hide anything, still holding Qin Weibai's hand.

"Then what do you want me to eat?"

Qin Weibai looked at Li Tianlan with a smile.

"You decide."

Li Tianlan said.


Qin Weibai laughed brightly and beautifully, and her voice became very gentle: "Then it's settled, I'm going to Youzhou, you treat me to dinner, and I'll sleep with you, okay?"

Li Tianlan nodded, hummed and said, "Okay."

"It's really cheap for you."

Qin Weibai snorted softly: "But I also have conditions. I won't go to your house. Shengshi Fund has a hotel in Youzhou, and one has a suite with a good environment. I like it very much. You can book it, and I will go to Youzhou in the future." The state also needs to have a place to stay.”


Li Tianlan agreed casually.


Qin Weibai looked at Li Tianlan, his eyes blinking, as if he wanted to make other requests.

"If you deliberately embarrass me, forget it."

Li Tianlan said lightly: "I can't do it either. If you don't want to, you don't have to come to Youzhou."


Qin Weibai flattened his mouth with some dissatisfaction: "I will talk about other requirements when I think about it."

She pulled her hand out of Li Tianlan's hand, opened it, and said to Li Tianlan, "Hug."

Li Tianlan picked her up, put her on his lap, and naturally wrapped her around her waist.

Almost at the same time, both of them took a deep breath, which can be said to be in sync.

Qin Weibai laughed again.

She looked at Li Tianlan with gentle eyes like water.

Li Tianlan closed his eyes and frowned, but he hugged her tighter and tighter, the awkwardness and contradiction in it couldn't be concealed at all.

Qin Weibai watched silently, she seemed to understand something, and naturally knew how to cooperate.

Such a change was something she did not expect, but anyway, such a change also meant that the relationship between her and Li Tianlan seemed to be entering a new stage.

"Why are you going to the East Palace? Do you want to take me away from the East Palace?"

Qin Weibai put his arms around Li Tianlan's neck, and said in a low voice, "I can go directly with you in Annan."

"I'm going to see Xuanyuan Feng."

Li Tianlan put his forehead on Qin Weibai's slender shoulders, and said calmly: "I don't know why, but I suddenly want to take a look. It seems that it is waiting for me in the dark. After losing my martial arts strength, I can't feel it anymore." to its state."

Qin Weibai was stunned for a second, then suddenly straightened his body.

"Without martial arts strength..."

Her brows were tightly frowned: "Why is this?"

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