The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 581: : Consciousness that should exist

Qin Weibai was awakened by a violent buzzing sound.

The strong buzzing roared with a sharp breath, and it was extremely sharp when it fell on people's ears.

She opened her eyes in a daze, and slowly sat up from the bed, silently in a daze.

There is still a piercing buzzing in the ear, maintaining a fixed frequency, single, but continuous.

Qin Weibai stretched out his hand and rubbed his pure white forehead, sighed, a little confused and puzzled.

She put on her shoes and got out of bed, walked to the dressing table and sat down, looking at herself in the mirror.

The blankness in her eyes had disappeared, replaced by calmness and depth. Under the long eyelashes, those eyes blinked slightly, as bright as stars in the night sky.

Qin Weibai pursed his lips, and murmured to himself with some doubts: "Why did it fail..."

Yes, her slumber failed.

For nearly a week, she remained in a deep sleep most of the time, she didn't pay attention to anything in the East Palace, and she never even left her bedroom.

She expands her spiritual power infinitely, but in the most sensitive state, she can clearly grasp the various emotions in her heart.

Then She began to fantasize about a brand new self.

In Qin Weibai's vision, the new self can be very simple, very cute, without scheming, and will not hide emotions, like to act like a baby, like to pester Li Tianlan, and be his pistachio.

The new self can satisfy any requirement of Li Tianlan, can be lively and active, can also be well-behaved and obedient, can be salty or sweet, pure and lustful...

Qin Weibai knew Li Tianlan too well.

So everything she envisioned was definitely a perfect woman who could satisfy Li Tianlan in every way.

She can pour her feelings into the brand new self she fantasizes about. In the sharpest state, when her spiritual power is completely exhausted, her fantasies about herself are very likely to become reality.

To be precise, after she completely consumed her spiritual power, when her mental state became unstable, her mind could split to form a new personality.

Qin Weibai named this new personality Qin Xi'er.

She wanted to use this new personality to return to Li Tianlan's side.

She said that she would visit him every week from now on, and as long as she went to Youzhou, Qin Weibai planned to change into this new personality.

The feelings of the new personality remain the same, but some memories are relatively blank. She will not know Dongcheng Huangtu, she only knows Li Tianlan, and only Li Tianlan is in her heart.

Qin Weibai hopes to use this new personality to help Li Tianlan find his place in this world again.

Li Tianlan didn't really resist her.

What she resisted was nothing more than some things formed in different time and space that no one could explain clearly.

And when these things did not exist in Qin Xi'er, Li Tianlan would definitely not refuse.

This is Qin Weibai's plan.

For this plan, she seemed to be sleeping for a week, but she was actually implementing a whole set of extremely strict procedures.

It is not easy to actively create a perfect and not extreme personality in such a short period of time, but it is not too difficult for Qin Weibai.

She is a transcendent realm in the spiritual realm. In this realm, her status is almost equivalent to Li Tianlan's status in the world of martial arts. The plan she personally planned has a success rate of almost 100%.

Qin Xi'er will definitely appear in her weakest state.

As long as Qin Xi'er appears, Qin Weibai can rely on this personality to consume her mental strength as quickly as possible, so that she doesn't have to sleep for another week, and has time to deal with other things.

And Qin Xi'er's existence will not be too long.

Because she is in a transcendent state, Qin Xi'er's appearance is due to her mental weakness, but her spiritual power will recover, and it will recover soon. When her spiritual power recovers, Qin Xi'er The personality of the son will naturally be suppressed by the master personality.

This process takes about twenty-four hours.

Qin Weibai can use this time every week to find Li Tianlan, and become a well-behaved and lively Qin Xier, and when her mental state recovers, she can become Qin Weibai to rule the East Palace again...

Everything is under her control, it is perfect.

But what she didn't expect was that this plan, which had no loopholes at all, would fail at this time.

Inexplicably, for no reason.

Without Qin Xi'er.

When she finished the whole process and opened her eyes, she was still Qin Weibai, and the fictional personality of Qin Xi'er did not appear.

"What went wrong..."

Qin Weibai unconsciously bit his little finger, frowning, looking pitiful.


Another sharp buzz sounded.

very noisy...

It's so loud...

Qin Weibai stood up, went to the window and looked down.

In her line of sight was the square in front of the main gate of the East Palace Castle.

The fountain sprayed water droplets, and a faint rainbow emerged in the sunlight.

And the knight who was supposed to protect himself outside the door was standing in the square at this moment, holding a huge black sword in his hand, constantly using force, force, force...

She held the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands, her body was constantly bent due to excessive force, and her face was flushed red...

The giant sword kept vibrating in her hand, humming after another, the meaning of resistance was so obvious.

Everyone nearby watched this scene intentionally or unintentionally, watching the knight draw his sword, just like watching a monkey.


Qin Weibai looked at it for a few seconds inexplicably, then pushed open the window.

The knight downstairs shook his body, subconsciously let go of the hilt of his sword, and stood up straight.

"Come up and say."

Qin Weibai said calmly.

The knight glared at Xuanyuanfeng who was stuck on the ground, his body suddenly turned into a flash of lightning, and appeared beside Qin Weibai.

"Are you still not convinced?"

Qin Weibai took a serious look at the knight. Although he felt a little annoyed, he still couldn't help laughing and said, "If it didn't have almost no energy now, you would already be dead."

Xuanyuanfeng, who was full of energy, only needed a little control of external force, and he was able to inflict heavy damage on Wang Tianzong, which he could not recover up to now.

And the current Xuanyuanfeng is a fierce soldier who has integrated this time and space, and its power is even stronger. If it is full of energy at this time, let alone a knight, it is the so-called peak invincible state. Hack and kill.

"I am loyal to the palace lord and His Majesty."

The knight muttered softly: "It's not that it doesn't know me, so it won't kill me."

"How did you compete with it?"

Qin Weibai asked curiously.

"I received a call from the deputy palace master Masi."

The knight frowned: "Palace Master, while you were sleeping, something happened, and Annan couldn't handle it anymore. Just yesterday, Li Songping formally bowed his head to Zhongzhou and agreed to sign the Tiannan Treaty."

Qin Weibai sat down and hummed, signaling the knight to continue.

"As for Central Continent, His Majesty is in charge of presiding over the signing ceremony. Well, he should be called Li Shuai now."

"Shuai Li?"

Qin Weibai blinked his eyes, as if a little surprised.

"The whole world knows."

The knight spread his hands: "The parliament has given Li Shuai great trust, and his identity has officially appeared in front of everyone. If you have time to surf the Internet, you can take a look. Li Shuai has swiped the screen. The hottest topic right now is why Li Shuai can occupy a high position at such a young age... Ah, and, by now, you may have countless more rivals in love...

Yesterday's signing ceremony was broadcast live globally, Li Shuai made his official debut for the first time, I don't know how many people are chasing my husband..."

Qin Weibai: "..."

"Say something useful."

she said softly.

"Well, after the signing ceremony, Li Songping arranged a welcome dinner. Everyone understands the meaning, but at present, there seems to be some changes in the banquet, or Li Shuai personally encountered some situations..."

The knight looked at Qin Weibai's face, and immediately said: "But Li Shuai is fine now, and he is currently in Annan, but the capital of Annan has become a piece of land. ruins...

The situation is a bit complicated now, and no one can tell what is going on. It is said that during the banquet last night, Li Shuai suddenly disappeared for a few minutes, and then reappeared...

Chairman Li Huacheng has rushed to Tiannan after receiving the news, and has already contacted Li Shuai. Li Shuai said that he is waiting for his sword..."

The knight said in a mess, and then suddenly became angry again: "But that **** doesn't want to go to Annan, it doesn't even intend to move, I can't even pull it out, I've already said , to take him to His Majesty, um, Li Shuai...

But I can clearly feel its resistance, it just doesn't want to go. "

After a pause, she said cautiously: "Palace Master, tell me, did Li Shuai throw it to West Lake and it got angry?"

Qin Weibai listened silently. After a long silence, she suddenly said: "I'm thinking about a question."


The knight was stunned.

"Different time and space do exist. In different time and space, there are the same people. For example, there are two me, and there are two Jiang Shangyu..."

Qin Weibai said softly: "We are one person, but we are also different individuals, so what about the murderous soldiers?

The current Xuanyuanfeng is the combination of all the fierce soldiers in two time and space...

Xuanyuanfeng was originally conscious, but after containing the fierce soldiers in this time and space, it should have two consciousnesses...

But where is its other consciousness now? "

The knight blinked and said honestly, "I didn't understand."

"I don't quite understand either."

Qin Weibai said softly: "But what is certain is that Xuanyuan Feng's consciousness will definitely know more than us, much more..."

She glanced at the knight and said calmly: "So, knowing so much about it, it won't have too many strange emotions. The only reason why it doesn't go now is that it knows that Tianlan is not waiting for it."

"Who is that?"

The knight was a little dumbfounded.

"have no idea."

Qin Weibai stood up and walked to the bathroom: "You make arrangements, I'll take a shower, and then go to Annan to find Tianlan."

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