The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 574: : New Tianjiao (7)

Li Tianlan's martial arts strength.

If this can also be regarded as a gift, then this is indeed a great gift.

To say that it is a big gift is considered light.

This can almost be said to be the heaviest gift in the dark world.

Just to put it another way, what kind of gift is this?

Li Tianlan can be invincible in the world. His strength can only be called Li Tianlan's martial arts strength if he puts it on himself.

It is not a weapon, it is not wealth to be transferred, it is not power to be taken away.

Personal strength is not illusory, but taken alone, it is definitely more illusory than anything else.

Li Tianlan could die, he could fall completely, and he could also be abolished. Naturally, these strengths would cease to exist.

However, to deprive Li Tianlan of his strength and transfer it to another person?

This is his own idea, understanding, inheritance, power, and use of power...

Take these away...

Heipao suddenly thought of something.

"Is it a great way to attract stars?"

He said casually, and he couldn't help laughing.

The kind of unique technique that can absorb the opponent's inner strength...

The problem is that Li Tianlan also has to have the so-called internal force for you to suck...

The so-called martial arts itself is the ultimate development of one's own body. Strength and speed are the most intuitive improvements. Muscles, bones, blood vessels, and even the transformation of every cell...

What is internal force???????????????????

"You do not believe?"

Jiang Shangyu asked calmly.

"You think I should believe it?"

The tone of the black robe is a little strange: "You are in Xingguo now, Li Tianlan is in Annan, thousands of miles away, you want to use his martial arts strength... this... um, this..."

He couldn't comment for a while, this is no longer whimsical.

"So, did you find out?"

There was a smile in Jiang Shangyu's voice: "You can't understand what I'm doing now, but our thinking is connected, why can't you understand?"


The black robe froze for a moment.

The thinking of the two is now synchronized.

But he didn't know what Heipao was thinking, so the only explanation was that Heipao didn't know what he was thinking, and he also didn't know how he could obtain Li Tianlan's martial arts strength.

But he just knows that now that he is here, he can achieve everything he wants.

It's... instinct.

After all, there are still two individuals of one person. When the individuals are scattered, even if the thinking and perception are completely consistent, the instincts are relative.

So the black robe couldn't perceive Jiang Shangyu's instinctive reaction.

Jiang Shangyu also couldn't grasp the instinctive reaction of the black robe.

For example, if the black robe is attacked at this time and Jiang Shangyu is sleeping, when the blade strikes his head, the black robe will subconsciously blink his eyes, and Jiang Shangyu will wake up from sleep and open his eyes.

The two may have the same idea in their hearts: who is killing me.

But their responses were inconsistent.

The black robe was silent for a while, then slowly said: "Are you sure?"

Jiang Shangyu slowly responded, "Just look at it."

The black robe stopped talking and closed his eyes again.

His perception silently permeated the entire building.

One has surpassed the peak invincibility, one is half-step invincible at the top, and the two are Jiangshangyu. Although their strengths are not the same, their perceptions are completely synchronized. His perceptions can easily radiate half of the city. Specifically, for this building, as long as he Think, there are no secrets here.

He saw someone standing across the corridor outside his office, pointing in the direction of his office, and saw someone passing by the meeting room outside the door and subconsciously slowed down, as if he wanted to hear something.

He also saw Ryan sitting in the office, sneering at some of his plans proposed by Reinhardt.

Seeing Reinhardt's secretary and another female employee sitting intimately together, taking off their high heels, both of them smiled charmingly, and there was a male employee kneeling in front of them.

Most importantly, he saw Reinhardt on the phone.

His face was sometimes solemn and sometimes excited.

Artes was on the other end of the phone. The true giant of the star country is in a state of silence at this time, but through the microphone, whether it is the black robe or Reinhardt, they can hear the breathing of the other party is becoming more and more messy.

A smile appeared on the corners of their mouths at the same time.

"Can you confirm the authenticity of this news? Reinhardt."

After a brief silence, Artes' hoarse and trembling voice rang from the phone.


Reinhardt said with certainty: "Jiang is not an idiot, we all know that.

I personally think that even if the news of his breakthrough is even a little bit impossible, he will not take the initiative to announce it.

In fact, he broke through first and told us later that was the right thing to do.

But he didn't do that. The only explanation is that he thinks that the success rate of his breakthrough is 100%, so he intends to maximize his value and show his bargaining chip in the most shocking way. "

"Very reasonable reason."

Artes pondered for a while, and said slowly: "Maybe, we were too cold to him."

"It's too late to adjust the strategy now."

Reinhardt smiled, and said in a calm voice: "A super master at the Tianjiao level means a lot to us and to the dark world.

Whether it is internally or externally, we now need a strong master to support the situation, maintain a balance externally, and maintain a deterrent internally. Jiang, especially?????????????????? After breaking through, Jiang can completely complete this task, provided that we truly welcome him to Xingguo.

Mr. Artes, I need to re-examine one point. I did not doubt Guo Jiang's position. In other words, I dared to give him 100% trust. The reason I said last time is that he is a villain and has no bottom line. "

Jiang Shangyu is a villain with no bottom line.

That doesn't sound like a good thing to say.

But that's exactly why Reinhardt can trust him.

Without a bottom line, naturally there will be no feelings for family and country. As long as the interests are sufficient, he can betray any position.

It doesn't matter whether Li Huacheng drove him out of Central Continent, or whether he put on a bait while showing Li Tianlan a show.

The important thing is that as long as the rain on the river comes out, as long as the benefits for him are large enough, then he can become one of his own without the slightest obstacle.

This is the rain on the river.

If Jiang Shangyu, who has not made a breakthrough before, is not worthy of Xingguo's full support, then is Jiang Shangyu, who is about to break through, or even has already broken through, worth it?

An own person, an own person at the level of Tianjiao.

The answer to this question doesn't even need to be thought about.

"You know, Reinhardt, I hate waiting."

Artes said slowly: "I hope to see Jiang's breakthrough, and the deterrence formed after his breakthrough can sweep the entire dark world, but I don't like the feeling of waiting, which means that there will be various variables during this period. Do you get me?"

Reinhardt understands, Artes hopes to see Jiang Shangyu's breakthrough, but also needs Jiang Shangyu to immediately have the super deterrent power of a genius-level master after the breakthrough, just like the current Li Tianlan.

But now, Jiang Shangyu is still injured, and he still needs to stabilize his realm. These are the so-called waiting periods.

Reinhardt narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "Jiang just told me that as long as he succeeds in breaking through, his injuries will recover as soon as possible. As for the state...he doesn't need time to stabilize the state."

"The fastest time to recover, how long? One year? Half a year? Only give him one month, is it enough?"

Artes smiled: "I will look forward to his breakthrough, and I can give him greater honor, but if he wants something practical, he must exchange it with something more practical. I believe he can understand this, I will give him as much power as he is worth, and what I want to see is a Tianjiao who is at his peak, not a Tianjiao who is so seriously injured that he can be killed by Li Tianlan."

"One month is enough."

Reinhardt smiled and said, his eyes sparkled with anticipation.

He is the one who supports Jiang Shangyu the most, and the two are now bound together. As long as Jiang Shangyu really rises to the top, he will also gain greater benefits in the monarch's side. The improvement of status is the most basic. If it works If it is done properly, he can even reach the height of being on an equal footing with Artes in the future by using this relationship with Jiang Shangyu. "One month, enough?"

Artes' tone was a bit erratic: "How long will he be?"

"One second."

Reinhardt smiled and said: "Jiang's original words are the time of one heartbeat. One second, or two seconds, as long as he can break through, his injury will be fully recovered, and we don't need to wait."

"I'll go to the six-star building right away!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Artes directly expressed his attitude.

Reinhardt narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Sir, so far, I am the first to inform you of this news..."

He didn't finish his sentence.

But Artes understood what he meant.

He was the first to hear the news that Jiang Shangyu was about to break through and recover, and no one else knew about it.

Whether others know and when they know depends on Reinhardt.

Who does Reinhardt want to notify, when to notify, who to notify, one step faster, or one step slower...

This mainly depends on Artest's interests.

He is a giant, but that doesn't mean he has no rivals.

It is very important to contact Jiang Shangyu first, and the possibility of reaching an agreement between the two parties will be greater.

Artes wants to know it himself, or wants a limited number of people to know it, or wants his opponents to know it later...

He can do all of these now, because it is Reinhardt who holds the news.

???????????????? He can order Reinhardt not to notify some people temporarily, provided that he wants to give the other party enough benefits.

"I see."

Artes thought for a few seconds, then laughed: "General, I'm on my way now, we can talk a little more."

Leonhardt laughed.

The black robe who was watching the conversation also smiled.

His perception shifted in an instant.

Jiang Shangyu's voice rang in his mind: "Do you want to know how I took away Li Tianlan's martial arts strength? Watch and learn."

There was a smile in his voice, full of excitement and joy.

The perspectives of both sides are completely synchronized.

In front of the black robe, the bustling streets of the six-star building disappeared in an instant.

In front of him was a small base that was extremely delicate but extremely dark.

In the line of sight, Lucifer was opening his hands crazily, roaring at the distorted space in front of him, crying and laughing, totally irrational.

Around him, more than a dozen people who seemed to be staff members of the base were all screaming, some were crawling on the ground, some were beating their companions frantically, and some were screaming unscrupulously.

Everyone seemed to be crazy, and the atmosphere in the base was frenzied and crazy.

The air in front of Lucifer was constantly distorted, and the transparent air seemed to be distorted into an obvious shape.

It was a stick.


Is it a branch?

Jiang Shangyu watched silently.

There are more and more branches in front of Lucifer, spreading continuously, leaves, branches, treetops, trunks, roots...

Lucifer's screams grew louder.

A small tree about the size of a fist clearly appeared in the air in front of him.

A patch of green saplings turned bright red the moment they were fully outlined.

The densely packed branches and treetops are like blood vessels.

The whole little tree kept vibrating in a specific rhythm in front of Lucifer, like a heart.

Lucifer laughed like crazy.

His roar echoed throughout the base: "Invincible! Invincible! Chaos! Chaos! Ahahaha, chaos! Chaos!!"

The black robe's pupils suddenly shrank.

The moment he saw the little tree, a very unfamiliar word popped into his mind.

It was a concept he didn't understand at all before, but was suddenly recalled by Jiang Shangyu, and then transmitted to him simultaneously.

A concept that doesn't exist in today's dark world, Li Tianlan doesn't even know about it, but is subconsciously practiced by him.

That little tree belonged to Li Tianlan.

In other words, that itself is the tool of all his martial arts.

This kind of thing is called the martial arts tree.

Martial arts tree belonging to Li Tianlan.

Jiang Shangyu chuckled, and said, "Look carefully, now, it's mine."

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