The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 568: : New Tianjiao (1)

Strictly speaking, after Jiang Shangyu entered Xingguo, it seemed that he did not have much influence on the interior of Xingguo as a whole.

There are no secrets in this world.

And now, although Reinhardt seems to rely heavily on him, he definitely doesn't trust him unreservedly. At least some basic operations, Reinhardt should still do what he should do.

So on the second day after Reinhardt talked with Jiang Shangyu and reconfirmed Jiang Shangyu's position, Xingguo immediately announced Jiang Shangyu's choice and welcomed him to join.

Reinhardt's action was very high-profile, as if he was provoking Zhongzhou. No one knew whether he meant it, but his actions let the whole world know that Xingguo had obtained Jiangshangyu.

This makes countless people very sorry.

Because before this, neither the Snow Country, nor the European Continental Union, nor even Hengguo, Red Maple, or even Nan'ao, had ever given up on chasing Jiangshangyu.

Li Huacheng drove him out of Central Continent purely because of his big heart, or in other words, because of his excessive trust and optimism towards Li Tianlan.

So few people laughed at his choice, because it was completely taken for granted.

After the night when the alliance besieged Li Tianlan, Jiang Shangyu and Li Tianlan completely tore their skins apart. The two sides made it clear that they couldn't coexist, and Li Huacheng was naturally impossible. Give up Li Tianlan and choose Jiang Shangyu, who is weaker.

But although Jiang Shangyu is weak, after leaving Central Continent, in the eyes of everyone in the dark world, he is actually very valuable.

He may not have the terrifying combat power to crush Li Tianlan, but when necessary, he has the strength to barely contain Li Tianlan. Among other things, getting Jiang Shangyu is enough to make all the forces who are afraid of Li Tianlan feel safe increase.

All parties are working hard, and they are very active. Because they are in the alliance state, they even had some private conflicts because of Jiang Shangyu's intelligence.

But in the end Jiang Shangyu chose Xingguo.

This makes other forces not reconciled, but also means that Xingguo's voice in the dark world has become stronger again because of Jiang Shangyu's joining.

In the chaos of the Snow Country, Xingguo lost Castrote, its fierce soldier Void God Light, and Chaos. It can be said that the loss was heavy. It has been keeping a low profile for the past few years, until the night when the alliance besieged Li Tianlan , they really showed their fangs.

The Angels, who are always in a state of stealth, appear on the world stage with an extremely powerful posture.

In addition to Jiangshangyu who has surpassed the invincible realm and is not far from Li Tianlan...

Xingguo has gone through the throes after the chaos of Snow Country in one fell swoop, and its overall strength is only stronger than before the chaos of Snow Country.

So the dark world has recently begun to move around again.

In the final analysis, for the Continental Union, although it is a pity that they did not get Jiang Shangyu, the existence of Jiang Shangyu is still a good thing. At least in the process of confronting Zhongzhou, this matter can give them more confidence.

So during this period of time, their small movements were extremely frequent.

This is the external influence that Jiang Shangyu caused after joining Xingguo. With his identity, he now even has the power to influence the situation in the dark world.

But internally...

The interior of Xingguo is really calm, without any waves.

Jiang Shangyu is now Reinhardt's deputy in name, and in that magnificent building, he also has his own luxurious office with a high status, but...

Little real power.

Many of his responsibilities are vague and incomprehensible, and there is a great overlap with Deputy Minister Ryan's remit.

More importantly, since Jiang Shangyu came to Xingguo, he has not received any real superpower support.

Although the speaker had met him, everyone knew that the speaker was leaving soon.

And Jun Fang, who can really make everyone awe, is lukewarm about Jiang Shangyu's joining. Up to now, he has never had a serious conversation.

This falls seriously on others, which undoubtedly shows that Jiang Shangyu has not really established himself in Xingguo, at least in the eyes of the group of people who really control the destiny of this country, he is still an outsider.

The signal is clear enough.

Therefore, Jiang Shangyu's already vague authority almost completely disappeared.

No one reported to him, nor did he have any tasks to deal with, except that Reinhardt was still enthusiastic about him, but he was also given nothing to do.

Although he is still in Xingguo, he doesn't seem to exist as a whole. In other words, he is a mascot. It looks like this, but in fact it is useless at all.

Jiang Shangyu has lost his temper with another self more than once.

This kind of aggrieved life is even worse than that in Central Continent to some extent.

The thought link between him and his other self was always intermittent, which also caused some problems in their thinking.

Jiang Shangyu wanted to leave.

But the other

So he could only sit in his office, idly looking out the window all day in a daze.

"Take it as a vacation. Isn't it uncomfortable on such a day?"

The other self, every time to persuade him is this sentence.

Until today, until now.

"Your vacation seems to be coming to an end."

When the voice of another self sounded in his mind, Jiang Shangyu was staring at the computer screen in a daze. His pale and weak face was reflected in the screen, and he was also irritated and tired that could not be concealed.

When he heard that the so-called vacation was coming to an end, he was taken aback for a moment, then stood up abruptly from his seat.

The black robe in his mind seemed to feel his shock, and he didn't speak for a while.

Jiang Shangyu supported the table with his palms, and his face was a little cloudy. After a while, he was a little uncertain: "Is my feeling wrong? are..."

"Yes, I'm in Xingguo. I'm holding a sandwich in my hand. It tastes average. It may be because you often use it for lunch during this time. I'm tired of eating it."

The black robe chuckled, his tone extremely casual.

Jiang Shangyu took a deep breath and frowned, "How did you come here?"

"By boat, I came secretly, and no one found my whereabouts."

The black robe said slowly.

"That's not what I asked."

The sound of the rain on the river was a little cold.

Heipao is another Jiang Shangyu.

In other words, the current Jiang Shangyu was originally another black robe.

The two are two individuals, but their thinking is completely synchronized and their feelings are the same. From this perspective, they are one person.

But the problem is, they are obviously one person, although the thinking link these days is intermittent... But this kind of intermittent, it is impossible for the black robe to secretly come to Xingguo without telling him.

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"Believe in me, that is to believe in yourself."

The black robe was silent for a moment, and then laughed: "You should be clear. During this period of time, I have been in a very special state, and even... I don't know what I am doing. What I mean, you understand ?”

Jiang Shangyu's heart moved slightly.

He really felt it.

During this period of time, I was in Xingguo, and the other self was in the base, and the link in thinking was intermittent, but even when the minds of the two sides were connected, the other self was silent most of the time.

I didn't get any thoughts and ideas from him, which means that the other party didn't have any ideas at all.

So, when the other self was silent, without his own knowledge, he did something that he didn't know?

This is easy to understand.

Why don't you know? Because the other self doesn't know what he is doing.

"what happened?"

Jiang Shangyu took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know... thinking about something."

Jiang Shangyu said slowly: "During this period of time, my mind was a little messy, messy, and then... Then I didn't know anything, and I felt like I fell asleep."

He paused for a while, and smiled wryly: "The problem is also here, I just feel that I fell asleep, but after waking up...I found that the black ship I made was about to approach the Star Country, so I came here After that, I contacted you as soon as possible."

Jiang Shangyu was a little uneasy and had a headache. He rubbed his forehead and said tiredly: "You mean, you don't even know what you are going to do here? Does that mean you have to go back secretly after eating a sandwich?" ?”

"It's not like this."

The black robe sighed: "I don't know how I came here, but after I came here, I suddenly knew what I should do. Isn't it strange that you said this?"

"what are you up to?"

Jiang Shangyu narrowed his eyes.

"Of course I'm here to end your vacation."

Jiang Shangyu laughed, his laughter became extremely weird, but it was extremely stable: "I left something here."

"So, you want to get it back this time?"

Jiang Shangyu raised his eyebrows.

"Get some of it back, a small part, but it's exactly what I need most."

The black robe said slowly: "From now on, I am Jiang Shangyu, and you are the black robe."

Identity is transformed between sentences.

Heipao sat in the office, holding the phone, frowning: "What do you want me to do?"

"High profile."

Jiang Shangyu said calmly: "Be loud."

"How high-profile?"

Heipao was a little puzzled.

Jiang Shangyu's voice became soft: "Aren't you bored? Soon, everyone will come to kneel and lick you. Now, leave your office, go to Reinhardt, go to Ryan, go to everyone, tell them..."

"You are about to break through, after Wang Tianzong, after Li Kuangtu, the new arrogance is not Li Tianlan, but you, Jiang Shangyu.

Tell them that your breakthrough is very critical and needs the protection of the Star Kingdom. I want you to raise your profile, and I want the entire Star Country to notice you now. "

"Are you crazy?!"

Heipao's voice was startled.

"What I said is real."

Jiang Shangyu smiled and said: "If there are no accidents, today, no, at most one hour, I can really break through, and it's a breakthrough after recovering from the injury. Surprise?"

The black robe was speechless for a while.

"You can do it, attract everyone's attention, let everyone know what you are doing."

Jiang Shangyu said softly: "When everyone's eyes are on you..."

Near the Six Star Building, Jiang Shangyu stood on the side of the street, looking at an ordinary small supermarket.

His gaze seemed to pass through the surface, and he saw the small base under the supermarket.

He chuckled lightly, and said slowly: "I can then get something that allows me to break through."

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