The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 551: : the eye in the wine glass

"Not so far."

Ruth shook the wine glass in her hand, looked at the man opposite, and said with a smile, "Do you know what I'm thinking now?"

"Should be the same as I thought."

The man looked in the direction of the lounge calmly: "I'm praying, I hope he won't come out now...five minutes, ten minutes at most."

The man's name is Pantheon.

Even looking at the entire banquet hall, among all the families, the strength of the Pan family can be said to be the top.

They are also one of the families that cooperate most closely with the Li family. They only occupy two seats in the Annan Council. It can be said that in the entire Annan, the Pan family and several other families are the most powerful locals besides the Li family. wealthy.

But at this moment, Pan Sen's side was also the most deserted.

Because there are still many smart people.

Their stalemate with Li Tianlan at this time is a misjudgment of the situation, but everyone will understand the outcome of the Pan family and other families.

After the Tiannan Treaty was signed, the entire Annan had to turn around and go down a different path.

The old ways have been negated.

And the families headed by the Li family, the Pan family, the Ruan family, etc. are behemoths on the old road.

Their size is too large, and they have been integrated with the old road. Even if they want to turn, they can't move their bodies.

New directions have emerged.

The old roads will naturally collapse completely.

And these few families who used to be high in Annan naturally have no reason to be spared.

Their collapse has even entered the countdown, maybe tomorrow, maybe a week later...

The so-called Li family, the so-called Pan family, the so-called Ruan family, these giants in the eyes of Annan people, will be completely fragmented, and there is no possibility of rising again.

Unless Annan can emerge a new path in the short term.

Just, is it possible?

Now the new road is given by Zhongzhou.

This is the direction pointed out by the overlord to Annan. They can only bury their heads in it. What new path can they have?

So in the entire banquet hall, Pan Sen's side was the most deserted.

If it was in the past, the place where he appeared would definitely become the focus of people's attention, but now, everyone intentionally or unintentionally marginalized him completely.

He sat in this corner all night, but almost no one was willing to come to him and talk to him.

Ruth was the first.

And the two seem familiar.

"He won't come out."

Ruth was still shaking the glass in her hand.

The dark red liquid in the wine glass was like fresh blood, swirling slightly on the glass wall to form a scarlet vortex.

The corners of Ruth's mouth curled up slightly, and she said with a smile, "He's more patient than I thought."

"It's good to be patient."

Pan Sen nodded: "Generally, very patient people will die miserably, right?"

Ruth giggled and seemed to be very happy.

Many people around were attracted by her laughter, glanced at her intentionally or unintentionally, and then saw Pan Sen who was sitting with her, and then everyone turned their eyes away.

Many people here know Ruth, and she is considered a celebrity in Annan.

Technically, Ruth is a widow.

People from Xingguo, who were born in a middle-class family in Xingguo, took over the power of that middle-class family after their husband died.

This process was not easy. Obviously, Ruth's life in Xingguo was not easy, so she simply shifted her focus and came to Annan to develop.

Her family's family is not ranked in Xingguo, but when they came to Annan, relying on the aura of Xingguo, this family became the leading family in Annan. The consortium also has a close relationship with the Li family.

She and all the families headed by the Li family are allies. In the current situation, they are all grasshoppers on the same rope, and they are all destined to be cleaned up.

So the people nearby just glanced at her, and didn't look any more.

But just such a glance.

The eyes from all directions fell on Ruth.

Ruth's face showed an extremely intoxicated expression, her plump and tall body trembled slightly, and she seemed to be enjoying herself immensely.

"It's the smell of doubt..."

Ruth trembled and said, "It's delicious..."

"I've had enough."

Pan Sen spoke calmly.

In terms of being suspected, he was the one most suspected by everyone in the banquet hall.

Because everyone felt that his family had no way out.

But he still came to attend the banquet. It seemed that he was dying, but the others had to think more, wondering if there was any turning point for the Pan family.

"It's coming, it's coming..."

Ruth was grinning, as if she was drunk, leaning lazily on the sofa, watching everything in the banquet hall silently with blurred eyes.

Her perspective is different from others.

Because the world in her eyes is completely different from others.

The lights in the banquet hall were completely distorted in her eyes, reflecting strange colors one after another.

The so-called figure has long since disappeared.

What moved in the banquet hall was one irregular meat ball after another.

They formed circles one after another, making chaotic sounds of unknown meaning.

Ruth saw herself in the side of these people.

Countless selves.

There are countless Pantheons.

There are countless Chen Shaoqing...

Countless more and more people...

In the distorted lights, they have almost occupied the entire banquet hall.

They appeared in every corner, sticking closely to the meatballs in the banquet hall.

All kinds of light radiate from the moving meat balls.

Those rays of light continuously emanated from their bodies, hair, internal organs, and breath.

That's a wide range of emotions.

Anxious, excited, angry, apprehensive...

Ruth saw countless herself lying on top of these meat balls, absorbing everyone's emotions almost greedily.

Those fleshy **** had started to get stiffer and stiffer.

So the surrounding sound began to become smaller and smaller.

Ruth still squinted her eyes, shaking the wine glass in her hand.

The color of the liquid in the wine glass became darker and darker, from red to deep red, to scarlet...

Eventually, little by little, the liquid turned black.

The black liquid swirled in the quilt, vaguely forming an eye.

The black eyes are hidden in the wine glasses, hidden in everyone's wine glasses, observing everything in the banquet hall furtively.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

The banquet is still going on.

But from a certain moment, the voices in the banquet hall became smaller and smaller.

The originally lively banquet hall became quiet, and then completely dead still.

Ruth laughed. She looked at the lounge and said with a smile: "Look, he didn't come out, right? He's scared, giggling, he must be scared."

"It doesn't matter..."

Pan Sen sat up straight slowly, and said calmly, "Let's... go find him."

In the lounge, Li Tianlan slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"what happened to you?"

Thor asked.

Li Tianlan shook his head and did not speak.

But strands of sword energy emanated from him, covering every corner of the lounge bit by bit.

His eyes looked through the window, looking out at the banquet hall.

Everyone in the banquet hall was still moving and communicating.

But in Li Tianlan's perception, the voices of these people all disappeared.

no, exactly...

It is his eyes that can still see people outside.

But in his perception, these people outside do not exist at all.

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