The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 538: : Heroes Square


When Li Songping's vehicle drove into Heroes Square, the square was already crowded with people.

The citizens of Annan, the media from all over the world, the heavily armed guards at the scene...

There are figures with different expressions everywhere.

Everyone crowded together, and the whole scene was noisy.

Li Songping rubbed his forehead, only to feel a splitting headache.

Heroes Square is one of the landmark buildings in the capital. The square is very large, has a wide view, and has extraordinary historical significance. It is usually the place where ice readings are held inside Annan.

But today, this place of glory is about to bear the greatest humiliation in Annan's history.

And still in full view.

Although Li Songping had already made good mental preparations, when he really came to the scene and looked at the crowd around him, he still felt a great shame, accompanied by even greater hatred and helplessness.

"Central Continent is too deceitful!"

Ruan Chenglin, Minister of Communications sitting next to Li Songping, gritted his teeth and looked angry. His face was gray, his hair was messed up, his eyes were bloodshot, his expression was grim and distorted, and he looked like an impotent and furious defeated dog.

The location of the signing ceremony was chosen by Zhongzhou.

Zhongzhou did not choose the office building that had been humiliated countless times by Thor, but chose the Heroes Square as the signing location.

This is completely determined to leave a mark belonging to Central Continent on this place that bears countless glory.

Moreover, Zhongzhou also made a clear request, hoping that Annan would arrange for the media from all over the world to conduct a live broadcast, and hoped that this friendly signing could be completed under the witness of Annan's people.

Heroes' Square is large enough to hold tens of thousands of people.

In such an environment, signing the contract in full view, Li Songping was thus forever crucified on the pillar of shame.

"What else are they dissatisfied with? Huh? What else is dissatisfied? They can't see our sincerity! They can't **** see it.

They're still shaming us, assholes, all assholes! "

Ruan Chenglin cursed loudly, trembling with anger.

Needless to say about his friendship with Li Songping, and his feelings for Annan, just speaking realistically, no matter how much humiliation Li Songping has endured today, Ruan Chenglin, as the Minister of Communication, is destined to endure such a great humiliation.

This alone was enough to break his defense completely.

"That's the loser's price."

Li Songping's voice was low and weak, his eyes were cloudy, and he carried a clearly visible look of anger: "Of course it is impossible for us to understand the other party's behavior, but from the standpoint of Zhongzhou, it is the most reasonable to do so. ,if..."

He shook his head and didn't continue talking.

If they succeeded in killing Li Tianlan during the siege of Li Tianlan that night, then the current Li Songping should also appear in Tiannan, which they have long been unable to control, and announce Tiannan to the whole world in a high-profile manner.

Even without Li Tianlan, Zhongzhou is still very strong, but if Li Tianlan falls, it means that Annan, Beihai Wang, Kunlun City, and Jiangshangyu will all be temporarily bound together. As for Zhongzhou's revenge, as long as there is time, everything will be easy to talk about.

success and failure.

Two very different outcomes.

Li Songping laughed at himself.

Success, Annan can cheer and celebrate Tiannan's return.

Now that they have failed, Zhongzhou is warmly welcoming Tiannan to join.

"calm down."

Li Songping glanced at the trembling Ruan Chenglin: "The fact is already like this, no matter how unwilling it is, it's useless."

Ruan Chenglin's face was still ugly, he gritted his teeth and said nothing.

"What about the specific arrangements?"

Li Songping continued to ask.

Ruan Chenglin was silent for a while, and then said in a low voice: "It's almost there."

"There must be no accidents at the scene."

Li Songping said softly: "Annan has passion, but with passion, sometimes not only will nothing happen, but bad things will happen instead.

The scene must be firmly controlled, and no accidents are allowed to happen. "

He pursed his lips and said hoarsely, "After all, any small accident today may become a knife on Annan tomorrow."

Ruan Chenglin nodded: "I will keep an eye on it at any time."

Annan sold a large area of ​​the northern border, and the area with the most abundant resources, to Central Continent.

This matter is no longer a secret.

Zhongzhou and Annan started their propaganda almost simultaneously, which caused a storm all over the world.

So far, this matter may not be known to everyone in the world, but at least Annan and the vast majority of people in Central Continent have already known the news.

This is an honor to Central Continent, but a disgrace to Annan.

The signing ceremony was held in Annan, and there are still a large number of Annan people in the Heroes Square at this time. No one is sure that with so many people, there will be some people who are so hot-headed and impulsively do something irrational to the guests from Central Continent. .

Even if these things happen, they won't hurt the visitors from Central Continent, but it's always good to let off steam, which is also human nature.

But such human nature will only become a bargaining chip for Zhongzhou Lion to open his mouth at the negotiating table.

And now Annan really can't give too much.

Li Songping looked down at his watch and murmured: "There is still about an hour."

An hour later, the plane from Youzhou will land in this city.

Li Tianlan will leave his name here and completely kill Annan's future in the next few decades.

Ruan Chenglin bit his lip and said in a low voice: "The welcome ceremony is ready. In ten minutes, the whole city will enter a temporary control state to ensure that their vehicles can enter Heroes Square unimpeded."

Li Songping nodded.

The vehicle drove slowly on Heroes' Square and finally stopped in the center of the square.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Li Songping suddenly felt that the noise around the square seemed to be much quieter.

It seems that there are countless eyes, and countless gazes are projected from all directions, looking at his car.

The corner of Li Songping's mouth twitched. He wanted to get out of the car, let go of the door handle, and his face turned red: "Drive forward..."

After a pause, he gritted his teeth and said, "Find a place with few people."


"Tianlan and the others are probably coming soon."

middle continent.

Hidden Dragon Sea.

Li Huacheng put down the teacup in his hand, looked at his watch, and said with a smile.

"Why does the speaker trust Li Tianlan so much?"

Hua Zhengyang, who was sitting opposite Li Huacheng, endured and endured, and finally couldn't hold back, and asked out the doubts in his heart.

To say that the one who has the most tacit understanding and trust with Li Huacheng is undoubtedly Ma Si.

But strictly counting, the one who has been with Li Huacheng the longest is Hua Zhengyang.

Hua Zhengyang had never been Li Huacheng's secretary.

But his growth trajectory is almost exactly the same as that of Li Huacheng.

When Li Huacheng was the vice-governor, Hua Zhengyang was the chairman of the city council.

Li Huacheng became governor, and Hua Zhengyang took over as his deputy governor.

Li Huacheng became the speaker, and Hua Zhengyang became the governor.

Until Li Huacheng came to Youzhou, joined the parliament and became a director.

Almost every time Hua Zhengyang went up, he was replaced by Li Huacheng.

If such a person did not gain Li Huacheng's complete trust, it would be impossible.

Hua Zhengyang thinks that he can see Li Huacheng's mind clearly most of the time.

But Hua Zhengyang couldn't understand Li Tianlan alone.

If he remembers correctly, some time ago, Li Huacheng was obviously a little jealous of Li Tianlan, or he was worried, or something else, anyway, it would not be the way he is now, and he has 100% trust in him.

But since the Beihai Wang family formed an alliance to besiege Li Tianlan, Li Huacheng's attitude towards Li Tianlan and the East Palace suddenly changed.

How good is he to Li Tianlan now?

To kill Li Kuangtu, facing Guo Wentian's threat of tearing his skin apart, Li Huacheng helped him carry it calmly.

There may be factors of Dongcheng Invincibility in this, but at that meeting, if Li Huacheng's attitude was to support Guo Wentian, things would definitely not be like this.

The establishment of Tiannan, such a great honor, Li Huacheng let Li Tianlan lead the team without saying a word.

what does that mean?

Don't think this is just a simple appearance.

In fact, in the entire council, except for Li Huacheng, every other director wanted to go.

This signing ceremony is truly a major event that can leave a name in history. In the future, no matter whether it is a hundred years or even a thousand years, as long as Tiannan is still there, the person who presides over this signing ceremony will always be remembered.

This kind of honor, this kind of credit, Hua Zhengyang himself also wants to get it.

At present, the competition between him and Wen Siyuan is almost at an absolute disadvantage, and he has no temper when he is suppressed. Even if the signing ceremony does not consider the issue of being famous in history, as long as he can attend such an occasion, it will work well. There can be a glimmer of hope to turn defeat into victory.

But unfortunately, Li Huacheng had no choice in the end, but gave this opportunity to Li Tianlan.

Famous in history, we all know...

and then?

What's next?

Li Huacheng was obviously paving the way for Li Tianlan.

He is personally creating a hero with a high status, so what will he do next?

"Because he deserves it."

Li Huacheng glanced at Hua Zhengyang, and said with a smile: "Tiannan's joining Zhongzhou is originally due to Tianlan's credit. Even Tiannan's appearance at the beginning was all done by Dongcheng Invincible. This credit is not given to Tianlan. Who else can Lan give it to?"

"Aren't you worried that he will grow bigger in the future and won't be able to shake off his tail?"

Hua Zhengyang smiled wryly.

"Nothing to worry about."

Li Huacheng shook his head: "He called me teacher."

Li Tianlan will grow up, and he will also grow old.

But now, he can still check and balance Li Tianlan.

When he can't check and balance Li Tianlan, Li Tianlan at that time doesn't need to be checked and balanced.

At that time, maybe he should consider how to check and balance others.

"I still can't figure it out."

Hua Zhengyang shook his head.

"Then don't think about it."

Li Huacheng's smile remained unchanged: "It's still a long time, just watch."

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