The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 534: : control

Jiang Shangyu's current state is very strange.

It was an emotion that was obviously very happy, but extremely frightening.

Joy and fear emerge at the same time, perfectly in sync.

This made him curl up tightly in the carriage, but there was still a smile of great anticipation on his face.

Perception is completely confused.

Jiang Shangyu is very experienced in this kind of thing.

In this state, he was indeed happy, and he didn't feel anything.

But the other self was in a state of extreme fear, not knowing what he was afraid of.

"What are you doing?"

Jiang Shangyu's body was tightly curled up, he didn't dare to raise his head, but the corner of his eyes was vigilantly looking at everything around him.

At this moment, in the perception transmitted by another self, the whole world seems to be dangerous.

Every action, every tall building, every gust of wind, every breath of air seemed to pose a huge threat to him.

"Domination!! It is domination!!"

In his mind, Jiang Shangyu, who was still hiding on the isolated island, screamed frantically.

The thought link between the two Jiang Shangyu was intermittent.

All Jiang Shangyu from Xingguo received were messy pictures, unrealistic, and most of them were fantasies.

Puppet, natural enemy, powerless to resist, life would be better than death...

Messy thoughts hit his mind, which made him even more frightened.

"I... support... support your uncle."

Jiang Shangyu's mood was so irritable that he didn't even realize it. The fact that he could be irritable now meant that his fear was weakening, and he just felt embarrassed.

He has met with Reinhardt and Chairman Cade in the past few days, and he has successfully established a strong enough image in front of them. Just now, he was even chatting with Reinhardt about **** Die Li Tianlan.

As a result, the other self who was thousands of miles away actually stretched his hips like this, and somehow became a frightened bird. Under the influence of such emotions, Jiang Shangyu didn't even know how much perseverance he had to keep his legs between his legs so that he didn't let himself be scared. wet pants.

Once such a thing happens, and it is still in Reinhardt's car, then I will never even think about raising my head in Xingguo in this life.

The other self in consciousness is silent.

The thinking of the two is still synchronized.

But Jiang Shangyu sat in the car, but didn't get any emotions from his other self.

The opponent's brain is completely blank.

It was a state of sluggishness and numbness after being greatly frightened, and all thinking was completely absent.

Jiang Shangyu was full of anger, but he couldn't help it at all.

If it was someone else, he could do whatever he wanted, but what could he say in front of his other self?

The feeling of fear slowly diminished and finally disappeared completely.

Jiang Shangyu closed his eyes, took a deep breath, relaxed his body a little bit, and gradually stretched his expression.

"Sorry, Mr Minister."

He looked at Reinhardt, who had a dignified and puzzled face, and smiled slightly: "I had some minor accidents in my body, and now there is no problem."

"If necessary, you should go to the hospital for an examination."

Reinhard was silent for a while, then spoke softly.

He felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

After all, Jiang Shangyu is different from Lucifer.

Facing the somewhat inexplicable situation just now, at least Jiang Shangyu didn't give him any fear or strange feeling.

If Lucifer had become a monster, Jiang Shangyu could at least be considered a person.

"It's not a big problem." Jiang Shangyu's voice was very calm: "Mr. Speaker wants me to familiarize myself with the situation in the Defense Department first. I don't know if there is anything I can do."

"I'll take you to meet someone first."

Reinhardt suppressed the doubts in his heart and smiled: "In the future, you will have a lot of contact, and even overlap in the scope of authority.

Deputy Minister Ryan, you should be familiar with this person, right? "

"I have admired your name for a long time."

Jiang Shangyu nodded. He had never met Ryan, but he had heard the name before when he was in Central Continent.

In fact, the existence of Ryan also gave Zhongzhou some inspiration.

When Gu Xingyun was alive, Zhongzhou was already tentatively trying to limit the supreme power of the special warfare system.

It's a pity that Gu Xingyun died on the night when the alliance besieged Li Tianlan.

If Gu Xingyun was still alive, he would still be the God of War to protect the country in Central Continent, and Li Tianlan would be the special advisor to Central Continent.

These two positions are balanced with each other, which is almost like the comparison between Jiang Shangyu's next position and Ryan's current position.

One is bright and the other is dark, theoretically they are the bosses in this system, and who is the real boss depends on the strength of both parties.

But in any case, as long as there is a comparison in a system, it is equivalent to a balance. Although the weak are under great pressure, the strong will also be restricted.

"Ryan is actually a very easy person to get along with."

Reinhardt smiled: "I believe you can cooperate happily. Of course, if you need anything, you can also ask me for help. As I said, you are my friend. I am willing to trust you, and I will naturally help you." , I hope one day you can trust me like I trust you."

Jiang Shangyu glanced at him.

After all, he is not Li Tianlan. If it was Li Tianlan, Li Tianlan might not understand Reinhardt's words, or even if he did understand, he would pretend not to understand. Run over without hesitation.

But this kind of strength and confidence, the current Jiang Shangyu does not have, so after coming to Xingguo, every word of Reinhardt, even if it is pure small talk, he will think deeply.

So he knew very well that what Reinhardt said just now was all irony.

Ryan might be really nice to be with, but not to him.

The conflict between the two is inevitable. This is a purely natural opposition in their positions, so their cooperation cannot be happy.

And I am new here, even if I am very strong, I am afraid that I will be suppressed by Ryan in a short time.

Reinhardt said he could help, but what he didn't say was what it would cost him.

Oh, I actually said it, at least part of it.

So, as long as I can give Reinhardt more trust, can I get more help from him?


Jiang Shangyu glanced at Reinhardt with a smile, and suddenly said, "Can I ask why?"


Leonhardt froze for a moment.

"The trust of Mr. Minister."

Jiang Shangyu narrowed his eyes: "I don't want to say polite words. Well, polite words, your Chinese is very good, you should know the meaning of this word.

I mean, my time in Xingguo was very short, very short.

The whole Xingguo didn't accept me in the true sense, just doing some superficial work.

But Mr. Minister, you are different. I can really feel your trust. I don't know what you think in your heart, but I can be sure that you trust me a lot more than others, so why? Why do you trust me so easily? "

Reinhardt was silent for a moment.

He smiled self-deprecatingly: "Do I have a choice?"

"Because of Lucifer's threat?"

Jiang Shangyu was a little puzzled: "The current Lucifer didn't let you see any threat from him, he just acted like a neurotic brain damage."

"This idiot cannot be easily given up."

Reinhardt said seriously: "I need someone to balance the instability brought by Lucifer, this is indeed a very important reason.

There are other reasons, of course.

Jiang, you may not believe it, I have studied your information in depth a long time ago, and the Defense Department even once had an office composed entirely of psychologists who analyzed your personality in depth.

You are a proud man, we are very sure of that.

In the words of Zhongzhou, it is impossible for a person like you to be inferior to others. "

"and then?"

Jiang Shangyu smiled very modestly.

"Then no."

Reinhardt also laughed: "To be honest, I don't know how you will choose between Star Country and Central Continent at the most critical moment. I don't know what will happen in the future. At least for now, you actually There is a retreat back to Central Continent, I do not deny this possibility, and I do not want to speculate on your loyalty to Central Continent.

The only thing I'm sure of is that it is impossible for you to coexist with Li Tianlan when he is alive.

So as long as Li Tianlan is still alive, I can trust you.

Maybe the relationship between us will change in the future, but that's in the future, isn't it? "

Jiang Shangyu gave him a deep look, but didn't speak.

"Would you like one?"

Reinhardt offered a cigar.


Jiang Shangyu took it over, nodded and said, "Thank you."


The long breathing sound suddenly rang in my mind.

Another Jiang Shangyu, or Heipao, who had been silent for a long time, finally heard a voice as if he was relieved.

On the island.

In the warm room, the black robe lowered his head, looked at his drenched trousers, was silent for a while, and then said softly: "It was dangerous just now."

"I see."

Jiang Shangyu's response was passed silently in his mind: "It's so dangerous that you peed your pants? Heh, you really don't know how hard I endured just now. If I peed on Reinhardt's car, we would have already You can think about what to do after leaving Star Country.”

"terribly sorry."

The black robe's voice was faint.

"Domination, what is it?"

Jiang Shangyu didn't talk much about this topic, after all, it was exposing his own shortcomings, and it would be meaningless to talk too much.


There was a trace of fear in the voice of the black robe, and he forced himself to be calm: "Domination, is domination..."

"Be clear."

Jiang Shangyu was a little impatient.

The black robe was silent for a while: "That' can control yourself to speak, walk, run, and fight.

The so-called **** is to fundamentally control all things, your thoughts, your actions, your destiny, subtle, grand, specific to every gust of wind, detailed to nothingness and reality, the sun, the moon, the stars and the sky, everything... .

dominate everything. "

Jiang Shangyu was a little incoherent: "Anything, ignoring the law...dominates...the only natural enemy."

"It looks like you've been scared out of your wits."

Jiang Shangyu was silent for a while, then said.

"I just thought of something."

The black robe forced a smile.

"For example? What did you think of?"

Jiang Shangyu asked.

"For example, when can Li Tianlan be killed..."

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