The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 529: : the so-called truth

As the person in charge of the second medical team, Lin Su's status in the Lin clan is not low at all.

Although the overall scale of the biological laboratory of the Lin family is not as large as that of the Beihai Wang family, it is still a very large and professional elite team.

In this team, she can be said to be a well-deserved number two.

In the cutting-edge field of research and development of various genetic medicines, even if Lin Su went to the Beihai Wang family, which is the most developed in this area, he could become the core figure of the Beihai Wang family.

She is professional enough and her status is respectable enough.

Ever since she was a child, she has also seen many cases of so-called "rich families quarreling". It is true that the Lin clan is indifferent to the world, but if you really think that every branch leaves Wangyou Villa peacefully, then That's naive.

Some things have been seen a lot, so it is easy to think too much.

What's more, her work, in a sense, is actually exploring the unknown, facing a large number of probabilities and data combinations.

Integrating the most cost-effective medicinal materials into genetic medicines with different effects is a job that requires countless attempts.

This is also what Lin Su is best at.

The unique direction of work makes her thinking active enough. Combined with some stories she has seen herself, she can easily think of things in other directions.

It was as if she had spent countless late nights in the laboratory constantly combining and deploying genetic medicines.

The deployment of countless medicinal materials is a process of constantly eliminating wrong choices.

During this process, Lin Su naturally encountered some situations that she didn't understand what happened. At the end of many experiments, it was just that the medicinal materials could not be determined blindly. Numerous experiments eliminated a large number of seemingly correct ones. Options, but the final result is that the most unlikely option in theory has become the correct one in reality.

This is actually very reasonable in this case.

The three passwords in the laboratory are the strongest insurance to protect Qin Weibai, unless someone can get the password from the two medical team leaders, Lin Fengting and Qin Weibai, or completely kill everyone in the Lin clan headquarters, Otherwise, there is nothing that can threaten Qin Weibai's safety.

Even with the depth of the laboratory underground and the most advanced ecosystem, it can be used as a refuge. Even if there is a mushroom explosion on the ground, there is no need to worry too much about the safety here in a short period of time.

Now the Lin clan headquarters is safe and sound.

But Qin Weibai put a rabbit in his dormant cabin.

This rabbit was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, it was enough to completely destroy Qin Weibai's dangerous state that was not even stable now.

This means that someone got the three passwords of the dormant compartment and put the rabbit in without anyone noticing.

Of course, there are many prerequisites.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

The most important prerequisite is that someone has obtained the three passwords to open the dormant chamber.

It is possible to do this, who is the entire Lin clan?

At least Lin Su and another medical team leader couldn't do it.

No matter how trusted they are, this is not something they can get, otherwise the three passwords are meaningless.

Lin Fengting also couldn't do it.

The friendship between the Lin family and the Li family does exist, but everything is difficult to be truly pure.

The facts are right in front of us, the reincarnated palace master who should have fallen secretly appeared in the cultivation of the Lin clan.

The Lin family took a long time and invested a lot of resources in the treatment regardless of the cost.

If the Lin clan succeeds in recovering the reincarnation palace master, no, she doesn't even need to recover her strength. As long as she wakes up, she can act like a normal person. For Li Tianlan and the East Palace, this is unimaginable, even Favors they cannot afford.

More precisely...

This kind of favor, Li Tianlan can't finish it all his life.

Rescuing Qin Weibai was out of the friendship between the Lin family and the Li family.

But the waste of resources for treatment at any cost even affected the distribution of the overall gene potion of the Lin tribe, and also made the major branches of the Lin tribe have nothing to say. This is undoubtedly because this is a favor that can change Li Tianlan for a lifetime.

Therefore, Lin Fengting had no reason to kill Qin Weibai at this time. He was the one who proposed to set up three passwords. This is the Lin family. In fact, only two passwords are enough.

But he still invited Qin Weibai to set up a third password.

Since this is the case, how could it be possible for Lin Fengting to get the third password?

Even if he wanted to, he couldn't get it now.

There are only four people in the world who have mastered these three codes respectively.

Two medical team leaders.

Lin Fengting.

Qin Weibai of the East Palace.

Now the three people in front cannot get the three passwords.

So who else could it be?

Lin Su didn't dare to say.

Her heart at this moment was extremely complicated, as if she had just successfully synthesized a bottle of brand new genetic medicine with the most unlikely single medicinal material after countless failed experiments.

There is a sense of satisfaction in my heart.

But it also carries a kind of panic and trembling after peeping through the secret.

Remove all impossibilities, and what remains, no matter how impossible, is the truth.

Lin Su's gaze was a little dazed.

At this moment, her thoughts flew a little far.

As a young woman she graduated from the Solex Federal Institute of Technology, one of the best universities in the world for biology.

When she was young, she didn't have an alluring appearance, but she was born in the Lin tribe, so she had an aura that attracted the attention of the opposite sex.

The first half of her life can be said to be smooth sailing, regardless of career, love, or even family.

She grew up smoothly, graduated smoothly, joined the family's biological laboratory smoothly, met the man she liked smoothly, and got married smoothly.

But the so-called marriage always has a period of burnout.

Lin Su also failed to survive the curse of the seven-year itch.

It was a total accident to find out that the husband had a lover.

Lin Su herself wasn't surprised, and didn't even plan to pursue anything. She talked to her husband a few times, but the other party didn't restrain herself in the slightest.

Women's jealousy is sometimes so strong that it is inconceivable, even incomprehensible.

Perhaps it was because of impulsiveness, or because of something else, Lin Su was disappointed, and directly knocked her husband's lover into a sack and sank it into the river. It seemed that her husband really fell in love with that **** woman and had a complete relationship with her. Turning around, it has been almost twenty years since that incident. During the long years, she and her husband have not divorced, but they have no contact with each other. Although she occasionally thinks about it, in fact, Lin Sulian's husband is now It's not clear where, what he's doing, or if he's still alive.

She shook her head in confusion, controlling herself not to think about it.

But the recent turmoil in the dark world had to make her think about something.

The biggest disturbance in the dark world at present is the great change in the East Palace.

His Majesty Li Tianlan and Qin Wei's master of the White House completely turned against each other.

Countless people all over the world are trying to find the truth.

But for the two medical teams of the Lin family, the truth can be guessed.

The relationship between Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai has always been very stable.

Such a perfect woman, no man would not hold it in his hands and take care of it carefully. Basically, there would be nothing that could cause the two of them to completely break up.

The most likely truth is that Li Tianlan discovered that the current Qin Weibai is not Qin Weibai.

No one can guess the reason for such nonsense.

But the reason for this nonsense is obvious to the two medical teams in the laboratory.

Because there is really another Qin Weibai here, the real Qin Weibai.

The Lin family explained to the two medical teams that Qin Weibai also had a twin sister who had been secretly hidden since she was a child. The older sister lay inside and the younger sister lay outside.

The elder sister caused chaos in the Snow Country, and wanted to open a new era for Li Tianlan with a mortal heart, but she couldn't let go of the man in her heart, so she entrusted her younger sister to use her identity to take care of Li Tianlan for the rest of her life.

No matter how **** this story is.

But in reality it did happen.

So after the chaos in the Snow Country, everything seemed to be calm.

Until recently.

Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai broke up completely.

Then, the real Qin Weibai, a rabbit appeared in her dormant cabin.

Neither she nor Lin Fengting could get the third password.

Qin Weibai also couldn't get the first two passwords.


The spiritual power of the transcendent realm can completely do this step.

The powerful spiritual power can even hypnotize Lin Fengting, making him reveal all the secrets in his heart. A password is just a random question for the hypnotist.

And if that kind of spiritual power were placed on the two medical team leaders, they would have no room to resist.

They can't even remember what happened afterwards.


It was Qin Weibai outside, who wanted to kill Qin Weibai in the dormant cabin.

As ridiculous as this is, it's the only possibility.

And, is it really ridiculous?

From the standpoint of a woman, Lin Su felt that the so-called absurdity was not really so incomprehensible.

She thought again of her husband's lover.

In some extreme moments, a woman's jealousy can really overwhelm all reason.

No one can reject a woman like Qin Weibai.

But Lin Su is a woman, and she knows better that in the current dark world, no one can reject a man like Li Tianlan.

sister sister.

The two have similarities not only in appearance, but also in personality.

When their relationship exceeds a certain limit, the strong possessiveness is enough for her to kill her own sister in order to possess her man.

She may be miserable afterwards.

But absolutely no regrets.

The thoughts in Lin Su's mind became more and more chaotic.

She felt that she had seen the truth, and such a truth was absolutely logical.

But she really didn't dare to say it.

So she reported this matter to Lin Fengting immediately.

She hoped that Lin Fengting could also guess the truth.

In this way, this mistake has nothing to do with her.

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