The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 401: : I'd better be a dog

When it came, it was full of roaring artillery fire and sword energy that filled the sky.

When walking, it was like a gust of wind, silent.

In the No. 105 underground base, He Yu and his four deputies fell into a state of doubt about life almost at the same time.

Li Kuangtu died.

Li Tianlan left.

No, just die like that? Just gone?

He Yu's eyes became extremely complicated, and there was an indescribable feeling in his heart, it couldn't be called loss or anger.

The battle between Li Tianlan and Li Kuangtu has been advancing from dozens of kilometers away. In the process, the firepower intervention of No. 105 consumed countless artillery fire.

Every time the sparks in the air shine, it is actually a huge amount of money. This kind of intervention may not hurt Li Tianlan, but it definitely caused him a lot of trouble.

If it wasn't for firepower intervention, Li Kuangtu would not have escaped for dozens of kilometers and finally escaped into Base 105.

The two squandered a lot of artillery fire at the base, killed six helicopters, and eventually turned the entire base into ruins.

Not to mention the damage to the base's buildings.

Base 105 is the United Armored Monarch Regiment.

The most intuitive loss of Base 105 was the loss of a reinforced armored lion regiment.

Under normal circumstances, such a loss is enough for the head of the base, He Yu, to go to the court, which is related to his future and his destiny.

But Li Tianlan left after the matter was resolved.

It was as if all this was just a trivial matter to him.

The destruction of the base, the loss of armaments, the attitude of Base 105...

Everything seemed to be completely ignored by Li Tianlan.

This is the ultimate, with defiant arrogance.

Li Tianlan once again emphasized a fact to them with the most unintentional attitude.

You are all ants.

He didn't care, and he didn't even remember what Base 105 represented when he walked away.

The hearts of the generals who witnessed this were all empty.

Especially He Yu.

He didn't expect Li Tianlan to express any apology, even if the other party killed him aggressively because of the firepower intervention, he could ask him to ask for his guilt. This could at least prove something.

And now this kind of ignorance brings them complete crit-like damage.

He Yu was dazed in his mind. Compared to this ignoring humiliation, he also had fear in his heart.

He had no idea what was waiting for him next.

He has prepared the best medical team in the underground space.

As one of the most important bases in the southwest region, the level of the medical team here is of course needless to say. He has been waiting for the medical team to rush out to treat Li Tianlan after the battle.

This would allow him to connect with Li Tianlan logically. He Yu thought he could accept Li Tianlan's attitude towards him at that time.

Even if he was an ant, he was a general anyway. The firepower intervention that was made tonight was also due to the official order from the king's department. Li Tianlan couldn't have killed him directly.

Just get on the line with Li Tianlan.

But now, that opportunity is gone.

Li Tianlan left immediately.

He Yu clenched his fist tightly, looked at Li Huacheng who still didn't hang up the communication, the corner of his mouth moved, hesitatingly said: "Speaker..."

He wanted to see the attitude of Li Huacheng and the council, and then decide his next move.

In any case, he knows that after this incident tonight, it is unlikely that he will stay in the Prince's Group. If he sticks to his head and stays on, he may move to a new position for a few months at most, and then make some more Scandal, let alone future, his freedom is not even guaranteed.

Tonight, he has turned against Wu Jianfeng. Now that the matter is over, he can only find a new master to take refuge in.

Li Tianlan...

No, it's the new group.

New Group is the best place to go.

It is close to Tiannan, and the tentacles of the new group have already begun to extend towards Nagumo. Base 105 has enough weight. If he takes refuge in the past, I believe the East Palace will not refuse, and he will become a member of the new group at that time. It won't be reused, but it's not a big problem to keep the current position.

He had planned to take refuge in the past as soon as possible.

But as soon as Li Tianlan left, he felt humiliated and frightened, but at the same time he finally realized that today's affairs were not over yet.

Li Tianlan killed Li Kuangtu.

This is blatant infighting.

What will the parliament do next to Li Tianlan?

"It was hard work tonight."

Li Huacheng didn't speak, and Dongcheng Invincible's voice came from the screen.

He Yu smiled bitterly, not knowing what to say.

What he carried out tonight was the order of the King's Department, but it was Wu Jianfeng's order, not Dongcheng's invincible.

Dongcheng Wudi has a close relationship with the Dong Palace, so naturally he will not have a good opinion of him.


He Yu's mind was turning. At this moment, he really had a kind of intention to betray on the spot. He simply told Wu Jianfeng's plans. Combined with some of the circumstances he had grasped, he believed that he could cause great harm to the prospective member who had been offended to death by himself. Trouble.

However, this idea was only thought for a while, and then he suppressed it again.

He wants to leave the new group, no matter the cause, it is betrayal in the eyes of others.

A dog who betrayed his master is not a good name anymore.

A dog who betrays his master and bites back, who would dare to take him in?

Base 105 is important.

But He Yu is not irreplaceable. In the current situation, it is better not to do more and more mistakes.

"Come to Base No. 105, come to Youzhou with tonight's materials, I'll wait for you at the Junbu Building, and give a good report on tonight's situation."

Dongcheng Wudi said calmly.

He Yu was stunned.

Dongcheng Wudi said that he wanted to let them go alone, but he did not call him over by name.

He Yu was a little unsure about the meaning of this.

But he was sure of one thing.

At this time, it may be okay for others to go to Youzhou, but if it is him, it is basically impossible to come back.


Dongcheng Wudi is helping himself?

He looked up at Dongcheng Wudi.

Dongcheng Wudi was also looking at him with deep meaning in his eyes.

Li Huacheng remained silent.

He Yu suddenly understood something like a heart, and tentatively said, "The loss of the base..."

Dongcheng Wudi was furious, and said angrily: "Why don't you ask? The loss of the base is the responsibility of your base 105, He Yu, this is your dereliction of duty! You'd better think about how to deal with the aftermath."

He Yu's heart was settled, and he completely understood what Dongcheng was invincible.

Dongcheng Wudi looks very angry now, but his words are very interesting, he let himself think about how to deal with the aftermath.

In other words, the issue of the aftermath is still up to you to think about.

The meaning is very clear.

He Yu bowed his head slightly, a little dissatisfied, and a little aggrieved: "All this is because of the battle between His Majesty the East Emperor and Li Kuangtu. The matter is more urgent, I can only withdraw the people from the base, there is no time..."

"Li Tianlan, this bastard!"

Dongcheng Wudi snorted coldly and became more and more angry: "Look at how much Li Tianlan has swelled now, does he really think that he is invincible in the world and no one dares to treat him? Li Kuangtu kills him if he says it, what does he want to do? What does he want to do? Does he still take the parliament in his eyes?! This incident must teach him a lesson, and he must understand the price of violating the will of the parliament."

Guo Wentian watched Dongcheng Invincible's performance gloomily, a sneer and mockery flashed in his eyes.

Dongcheng Invincible with such exaggerated acting skills, he really hasn't seen it for many years.

"It's time to teach him a lesson."

Li Huacheng's voice sounded: "Young people, you still have to beat and beat, or you won't have a long memory."

A quick smile flashed in Dongcheng Wudi's eyes.

Li Huacheng's words were very rude.

But it directly sets the tone for things.

is beating.

Not more radical measures, let alone destruction.

Dongcheng Wudi was relieved in his heart, but he was still a little puzzled.

Li Huacheng is very strange.

To be precise, Li Huacheng's attitude tonight is very strange.

Li Kuangtu's death, Li Huacheng should be extremely angry, after all, in everyone's heart, Li Kuangtu is the most important piece of chess that Li Huacheng uses to balance the East Palace.

Now that this chess piece is gone, it means that it is difficult for the current Central Continent to find a person who can check and balance Li Tianlan.

If you think down this logic, the consequences are actually quite serious. Even a relatively optimistic prediction can lead to the conclusion that the East Palace will become the next Beihai Wang Clan.

Li Huacheng could not tolerate this.

But why...

Why is he acting so calmly?

Dongcheng Invincible's flamboyant performance is just a step. This step is not even strong enough, and Li Huacheng can't wait to step on it.

why is that?


Guo Wentian's expression changed suddenly: "Li Tianlan killed Li Kuangtu. This is a blatant violation of the rules, and even trampled on the bottom line of the parliament. This kind of thing can't be solved by giving him a lesson. I suggest..."

"I see."

Li Huacheng interrupted Guo Wentian and nodded with a smile: "But things are a bit strange tonight, even if we take measures against the East Palace, before that, we must at least listen to Li Tianlan's explanation, and deal with Li Tianlan's affairs, you can temporarily slack off. After a while, he was here anyway and couldn't run away.

For now, let's solve the problem of Base 105 first. The Bloody Monarch is still in Annan, and Base 105 needs to restore order as soon as possible. "

Guo Wentian gritted his teeth, but he couldn't say anything.

Li Huacheng looked at He Yu on the screen and said calmly: "For the problem of base 105, you go to the East Palace and ask them to compensate, ten times the compensation must be in place as soon as possible, for this matter, go to the East Palace in person and be tough. some, understand?"

He Yu took a deep breath and nodded solemnly: "Understood."

Li Huacheng nodded: "Other things will be discussed later."

He said nothing more and hung up the communication.

He Yu slowly sat in his seat and let out a long breath.


The No. 2 person in charge of the base looked over and looked a little apprehensive.

"According to the speaker's wishes."

He Yu took a deep breath: "Write a letter of protest to the Eastern Palace, and I will bring it over in person. The wording should be tough, the tougher the better."


The second person in charge had a wry smile on his face. He thought about the battle that destroyed the base and wondered how tough he could be?

"What do you know!"

He Yu glared at him: "Ten times the compensation, don't you understand?"

Looking at the other party's blank face, he shook his head and sighed.

Ten times the compensation looks terrifying, but in fact, it is not a big deal for the Eastern Palace.

Because what the East Palace lacks most now is wealth, almost massive wealth.

Ten times the compensation from the Eastern Palace was completely given.

This also means that the size of Base 105 can be expanded tenfold!

It may be inappropriate to say the scale, but the comprehensive strength of Base 105 will definitely double.

Of course there is a premise.

The premise is that he wants to keep the thigh of the East Palace.

In this way, it is equivalent to Dong Palace building a super-large base No. 105 in Nanyun. This seems to be a huge compensation compensation, but in fact Dong Palace spends its own money to do its own affairs.

And his future depends on the effect of going to the Eastern Palace to 'protest' this time.

Of course there is a protest.

If the letter of protest is not strong enough, then the meaning of his humility after going to the East Palace will be discounted.

He Yu sat silent for a while in his seat, and suddenly laughed at himself: "Can we take off in one wave this time, after seeing the East Palace, can I pretend to be a dog...

Well, not pretending...

I'd better be a dog. "


(A day off tomorrow~ No update on the 30th, try to write as much as possible on the 31st... Notice in advance~)

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