The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 381: :escape

Either you go on your own, or I'll take you on your way...

An inexplicable sense of crisis shrouded without warning.

Li Kuangtu's body suddenly tensed, his hairs stood on end, his extremely sharp mental strength began to concentrate almost uncontrollably, and his body's instinctive reaction to danger caused his body to take a half step back uncontrollably.

The pupils shrank to the extreme, and Li Tianlan's voice fell into Li Kuangtu's ears, finally making his mind realize what Li Tianlan meant.

In the middle of the night, suddenly, an uninvited guest.

Li Kuangtu also wondered what Li Tianlan was doing.

Combining all the situations, he really didn't feel that he and Li Tianlan needed to meet now.

Everything seems to be a foregone conclusion now.

Next, Li Tianlan doesn't need to show his face at all. The resources in his hands are enough to allow him to mobilize suffocating power at will. The so-called personal force is actually not important before this kind of power, unless the personal force can truly break through. limit.

What can Li Tianlan do?

According to the plan of the parliament, Li Kuangtu will soon have more than one-third of the voice of the Central Continent Special Warfare system.

This represents one-third of the defense of the underground world of Central Continent. Several special warfare regiments, countless special warfare agencies, the wealthy families, intelligence systems, various secret groups, and laboratories in the region will be directly under his control. .

Of course, this is in name.

What does Li Tianlan need to do?

With his current status and strength, he only needs to express his attitude, and then these powers that originally belonged to Li Kuangtu are likely to go directly to Li Tianlan, and then act against Li Kuangtu, Li Tianlan keeps nibbling away at Li Kuangtu. When Li Kuangtu was pushed to the edge without causing any turmoil, then Li Kuangtu would be of little use.

If Li Tianlan was ruthless enough, Li Kuangtu, who was able to squeeze, wouldn't even be able to eat during this process.

There is no way Parliament can intervene in these matters.

This is the way to play within the rules. Li Tianlan attacks and Li Kuangtu defends. When his orders cannot be delivered, he will change people, report them, investigate, and use various resources to operate.

In this regard, Li Tianlan's advantage is too great. His only disadvantage is that he is not very familiar with this game for the time being, and has little experience. Not too mature.

But this so-called disadvantage was not worth mentioning in the face of Li Tianlan's advantages, so Li Kuangtu would not have any chance at all.

What he needs to do next is how to live in Central Continent, cope with Li Tianlan's offensive, keep compromising, and look for opportunities when his injury recovers.

So Li Kuangtu really didn't think there was any need for him to meet Li Tianlan.

The rules of the game are on the bright side, and then the two sides will see each other and dismantle them.

We met, what can I say? What can we talk about?

Nothing to talk about.


Li Tianlan wasn't here to talk about anything at all today.

He is here to kill!

Just...why is this?

Li Kuangtu's body was completely tense. That was the instinctive reaction of his keen mind when he felt the fatal danger, but his reason had subconscious doubts.

If you describe it specifically, it is four words.


Li Kuangtu didn't believe that Li Tianlan dared to do something to him.

Where did he get the guts? What's the basis?

During the alliance operation, Li Tianlan's combat effectiveness at his peak was indeed astonishing.

But he didn't break through after all.

In Li Kuangtu's prediction, with Li Tianlan's vitality and endurance at the time, if he made a breakthrough and reached the peak in a new realm, he would basically have no scruples.

In other words, only Li Tianlan of that level has the truly unscrupulous capital.

Only Li Tianlan of that level can truly sweep the world alone.

At that level, the title of the world's six powerhouses is meaningless.

At that height, there will only be one strong person in the world, Li Tianlan.

This possibility exists.

But not now.

The current Li Tianlan is far from being able to do this.

Gu Xingyun fell, Jiang Shangyu ran away, and he and Li Tianlan occupied the special warfare system in Central Continent.

This is the will of Li Huacheng and the parliament.

Or it is the will of the whole of Middle-earth.

The current Li Tianlan, why can he defy this will to kill him?

By himself? Pingdong Palace? With Shengshi Fund?

Not enough, far from enough.

Li Tianlan couldn't bear the fate of angering Zhongzhou now.

Why would he dare to kill him like this?

This is simply courting death.


Is he bluffing?

No, it can't be said to be bluffing, is he cheating himself?

After all, Li Tianlan wanted him and Phoenix to die on their own, willingly.

In exchange for Lee's future...

If he and Phoenix committed suicide, no matter what happened to Zhongzhou, Li Tianlan couldn't be blamed.

Is this Li Tianlan's plan?

Li's future is handed over to Huawu...

To be honest, Li Kuangtu has no doubts about this promise.

In today's Eastern Palace, Li's power still occupies a relatively important position, but it is only more important. From the very beginning, the core of the Eastern Palace is the power of the Samsara Palace and the Prosperity Fund.

Li's initial strength cannot be said to be dispensable in the Eastern Palace, but it really doesn't have much weight.

Later, with the addition of Sigh City, the Li family became a very important part.

Then there is the admission of defeat in purgatory.

After absorbing the power of Tiandu Purgatory, Li's power began to expand further in the Eastern Palace.

But with the expansion of Shengshi Fund, Li's strength is also not the core.

Today's East Palace really has too many possibilities and an infinite bright future.

If he and Phoenix die here in the future, it will take at least twenty years before Li Huawu takes control of the Li family. This is the most conservative estimate.

And during this period of time, Li Kuangtu did not dare to imagine how far the Eastern Palace could develop.

But what is certain is that as long as Li Tianlan is not surprised, Li Tianlan in twenty years will not look down on Li's strength at all.

When the time comes, the power of the Li family will be separated from the Eastern Palace and handed over to Li Huawu. This cannot be said to be a drop in the bucket for the Eastern Palace, but it is nothing more than dividing a little thing, far from hurting vitality.

In addition to Li Tianlan's own character and his real life experience, he really doesn't need to covet something like this from the Li family.

Therefore, Li Huacheng believed Li Tianlan's promise.

But the key was that Li Kuangtu didn't want to die.

The Li family is indeed very important, but the Li family in his hands is the most important.

Li, who is now being forced to death by Li Tianlan to let his son get the future, in his opinion, this is the most incompetent performance, which is completely opposite to his attitude towards things.

He didn't want to die here in such a humiliating way. He even wanted the entire Eastern Palace to be replaced by Li Tianlan. He was already a genius. If Li Tianlan fell, the future of the Eastern Palace would be the future of the Li family.

The Lee Dynasty.

How exciting?

How could he be willing to die?

Even though the chance is now very small or even non-existent, he still wants to fight.

There is no chance now, but who can say that there will be no chance in the future?

Countless complex ideas flashed in my mind.

All kinds of ideas kept coming up.

The body backs away with instinctual vigilance.

Li Kuangtu's expression was still filled with anger and ridicule. This expression had not disappeared, but had turned into a little bit of fear and doubt.

His back footsteps fell, and he made a sound: "You 1

"Om 1

The harsh buzz of fame suddenly sounded.

The sword energy in Li Tianlan's eyes shone, and the frantic sword light burst out instantly with him as the core.

The night seemed to be completely torn apart.

The sword energy gathered together violently, and illuminated the entire dark night into a colorful world.

The surging sword energy gathered to a point.

The messy wind blew through the phoenix, blew the dawn, blew the dawn, and concentrated in Li Tianlan's hands.

Li Tianlan's outstretched palm instantly lit up and pointed like a sword, stabbing Li Kuangtu between the eyebrows.

He gave Li Kuangtu another chance after another.

A decisive battle from the North Sea.

To the siege of the Nagumo Jungle.

to the siege of the Alliance.

Nothing but three.

But in fact, counting the time when the chaos in the Snow Country ended.

If Li Tianlan wanted to kill Li Kuangtu, Li Kuangtu had already died at least four times.

The first time was for Lee.

The second time was for Li Honghe.

This is the third time for Dongcheng.

The fourth time for what?

Not important anymore.

The important thing is that Li Kuangtu regards this opportunity as his own destiny.

If you don't know how to cherish it, then die.

The killing intent in Li Tianlan's eyes suddenly became extremely determined.

The will of the council, the wrath of Middle-earth...


Li Tianlan laughed suddenly.

In front of his fingers was the mental barrier that Li Kuangtu burst out hastily.

It's all going too fast.

The spiritual power that Li Kuangtu burst out could not even turn into pure sword qi, it could only be a spiritual barrier mixed with these Xu Jian qi.

Li Tianlan pointed his finger.

The mental barrier shattered in an instant.

A huge shock wave suddenly swept across the night sky.

Li Kuangtu's figure flew back.

The pale Li Tianlan rushed over without hesitation.

The sword is soaring.

The colorful sword light surged endlessly.

Layer after layer of mental barriers were completely torn apart.

Li Kuangtu's hands knotted with cherry blossoms

The ferocious spiritual power finally turned into sword energy.

The cage of the immortal baby.

The deep night was turbulent like ripples in an instant.

All the air in the surrounding 100 meters shrank in the opposite direction towards Li Tianlan and Li Kuangtu, forming a space like a realm.

The air is constantly squeezing, turning into a wall visible to the naked eye.

The continuous burst of colorful sword light impacted the surrounding air walls, and the walls in all directions were twisted at the same time.

Li Kuangtu finally reacted and said instinctively, "Take the children and go to Youzhou."

" file a complaint?"

Li Tianlan's gloomy voice sounded.

"Go 1

Li Kuangtu's voice was fast and serious.

Phoenix is ​​his woman.

Dawn and Dawn are now seriously injured. Staying here will not help, but will be a drag.

These few people were the last members of his team to stay by his side, and in Li Kuangtu's heart, he was his wife, children, and two younger brothers. No matter how he treated others, Li Kuangtu absolutely cared about them.

"He can't kill me."

Phoenix hesitated for a second, then turned around abruptly and rushed to his room.

Dawn Dawn no longer hesitated, and rushed over with Phoenix.

In the next second, the entire room collapsed, and several figures directly slammed into the wall of the room, and rushed into the jungle with the child.

Li Tianlan didn't stop him, just watched quietly.

After waiting until these figures disappeared completely, his eyes refocused on Li Kuangtu.


Li Kuangtu stared at Li Tianlan, his eyes extremely solemn.

"Idlers leave..."

Li Tianlan chuckled lightly: "It's time for you to hit the road too."

Li Kuangtu took a deep breath, and without talking nonsense, turned around and ran.

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