The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 364: : Gemini

Two o'clock late at night.

Hidden Dragon Sea.

When a private meeting was about to end, Guo Wentian drank the last bit of white wine in the glass, smiled and looked at Wang Qinglei in front of him and said, "Leping will come over tomorrow, find a time, you can meet and get acquainted."

On the coffee table were several side dishes that were almost finished, two bottles of white wine, and under the soft light, both of them had a little drunkenness on their faces.

Wang Qinglei leaned back, smoked a cigarette, and said with a smile, "Leping, I'm familiar with you, my old rival..."

"I'll be my own from now on."

Guo Wentian laughed: "He had resentment in his heart at first. I have done a lot of work, and there is no knot that can't be solved. In fact, he respects you personally. You can talk and stand by me. From a standpoint, I think the two of you are complementary in some ways, which is very important, very important."

Wang Qinglei smiled and nodded: "Then tomorrow night? I will pay attention to my attitude."

"Not really."

Guo Wentian shook his head, paused and said, "I'm not being polite, it's really not."

Wang Qinglei took a breath and nodded lightly.

The so-called Leping's full name is Yu Leping. Like Wang Qinglei, he used to be a person with high expectations from their respective groups. He and Wang Qinglei are about the same age, and their resumes are roughly the same. Even their positions are equal in terms of qualifications. .

Wang Qinglei is now the speaker of Wu Yue.

Yu Leping is the Speaker of the Southwest.

The two entered the parliament in the same year. When Wang Qinglei was still in harmony with the Southeast Group and Emperor Bingshan, at the meeting of the parliament, he represented the Southeast Group and Yu Leping, who represented the Prince Group, went **** for tat.

Having had such an experience, the relationship between the two is naturally not a good one, but how bad it is, it is not too bad. Aside from the duties of the two and the construction work that they often have to contend for, in private, the two of them are at most the same. Even if they don't communicate with each other, in many public places, they can basically talk and laugh on the surface.

Their arguments are just from different positions, and in private, there is no hatred.

And the most ironic is this.

When the two were in different groups, the two had no grudges, but as Wang Qinglei joined the Prince's Group, the two officially forged a relationship.

Because Wang Qinglei blocked Yu Leping's way.

The resumes and qualifications of the two are too similar, and in all aspects, Wang Qinglei is just a little bit stronger than Yu Leping.

If Wang Qinglei hadn't joined the Prince Group, in this election, Yu Leping would have directly entered Youzhou from the southwest, becoming a director and one of the most powerful leaders of the Prince Group.

The arrival of Wang Qinglei made the Prince Group see a better choice.

If Chen Fangqing hadn't died, it wouldn't be a big problem for both Yu Leping and Wang Qinglei to go further.

However, with the death of Chen Fangqing, the Prince's Group was in turmoil. Under such circumstances, Guo Wentian's stay was a key step in stabilizing the group. As a result, Wang Qinglei and Yu Leping could only join one.

Yu Leping had no way to accuse Guo Wentian, so he could only pour out his anger on Wang Qinglei. Since Wang Qinglei joined the Prince Group, there have been a lot of ups and downs, which can be said to be enough for other groups to see the excitement.

"He is still very easy to get along with. You have some misunderstandings before, but you will know when you meet."

Guo Wentian said in a calm tone: "The future of the group still needs you to be at the helm. We all hope that you can clear up the past, so that everyone can rest assured."

Wang Qinglei moved inwardly and looked at Guo Wentian.

Guo Wentian nodded and gave him a positive signal: "At my age, this re-election is a bit reluctant. Next time, Leping will take my place, which is a good thing for the group. I can figure it out.”

Wang Qinglei understood, nodded, and hummed.

The Prince Group finally chose him and wronged Yu Leping. In addition to the great value he brought to Wu Yue himself, his qualifications a little bit better than the other party were also very important.

This seems to be just a little bit, but this so-called little bit is enough to widen the gap between their evaluations in the parliament and some old people.

If there is no Wang Qinglei, Yu Leping can also become a director, but it is basically impossible to win the position of Wang Qinglei after the general election. He has a high probability of succeeding Zou Mulin of the giant group.

Wang Qinglei's position has basically been determined after many games. After the general election, he will become the deputy speaker of Zhongzhou and the dean of Zhongzhou College.

That is the current location of Wan Qingyun of Southeast Group.

The vice-chairman with the title of director is not the mascot of the non-director vice-speaker, and the position of the dean of the academy is of extraordinary significance. Calling the dean is a kind of network in itself.

Li Huacheng reached the top from this position. Of course, the fact that Wang Qinglei can appear in this position does not mean that he can be like Li Huacheng, but this position itself represents huge energy. In Zhongzhou, this is the most likely check and balance. Li Huacheng's position may not be high in the ranking, but the right to speak is real, and it is very attractive to the Prince Group.

If it is to change Yu Leping to fight for this position, there is basically no chance.

And Wang Qinglei competing for this position will not have too much difficulty.

This is an intuitive manifestation of a little bit of seniority.

"Is there any news from Xiaoyao?"

Guo Wentian asked suddenly.

Wang Qinglei shook his head and looked at his watch subconsciously.

"The question of Qiushui, do you want to fight?"

Wang Qinglei asked intentionally or unintentionally, with a light tone.

"Hesitating, undecided"

Guo Wentian sighed: "Who would have thought that Xiaoyao and Li Tianlan had an agreement at the beginning, but this is normal, Dongdao is already Li Tianlan's sphere of influence, if Xiaoyao doesn't give him some sweetness, now he will face the Dong Palace's Revenge, but a city in autumn water..."

After a pause, Guo Wentian shook his head: "I'm a little confused right now, and I don't know what to say. Maybe it's because I'm dazzled by the results of Xiaoyao's victory. Now there is a sudden need for one less city, and there's a gap in my heart."

"You can use less."

Wang Qinglei said meaningfully: "Li Tianlan has made it clear that he is not interested in Qiushui. All he cares about is how much he can exchange for Qiushui. At present, only us and Dibingshan are bidding."

Guo Wentian was silent, and finally shook his head slowly.

Prince Group has enough capital to bid.

Emperor Bingshan can come up with a large amount of armaments and a series of technical materials.

What the Prince Group can offer is a series of positions with gold content.

But in the face of the red-eyed Emperor Bingshan, with such a bidding, in the end, maybe the Prince Group will use the right to speak in a province to exchange for an Qiushui City.

Qiushui City has a different meaning from an ordinary city, but a province... still a bit unworthy.

"It's good to be able to repay..."

Guo Wentian suddenly laughed.

Wang Qinglei's mouth twitched, but Quan Dang didn't hear it.


Lai Li Tianlan's account?

How dare you not be afraid of death to do such a thing?

"Let this matter be handled by Xiaoyao. I will adjust my mentality here. In any case, the opportunity he brings to the Prince Group is always precious. The two cities are actually not bad, beyond our expectations."

Guo Wentian smiled and said.

The current Prince Group has a lot of affection and respect for Wang Xiaoyao.

If they had a little doubt about Wang Xiaoyao before, after the alliance action, Chenxi Jun Tuan entered Beihai with a high profile, and after destroying the three sword-wielding families, no one doubted this anymore.

This nomination is really full of weight.

From top to bottom, the Prince Group regards Wang Xiaoyao as one of its own, a peak invincible master who is in his prime and still has great potential for breakthroughs.

Even if he doesn't talk about the power he has, just such a person is enough for the Prince Group to give him the greatest respect.

The loyalty issues they feared before are gone.

The entire group began to attach great importance to Wang Xiaoyao.

"So... you mean to watch Xiaoyao?"

Wang Qinglei raised his eyebrows.

Guo Wentian nodded: "Of course, regarding Beihai's issue, we must respect his opinion, I am hesitant now, does Qiushui City want it, but I don't want to pay too much price.

If Xiaoyao is interested, this matter can be discussed. "

Beihai Province is the core of the Beihai Wang Clan, and even the core of the Southeast Group. Now the Prince Group has the power to extend its hand into the Beihai Wang Clan by virtue of Wang Xiaoyao. In this way, it will control two cities or three cities. In fact, the difference is not big, they all have to operate slowly.

But this premise is that Wang Xiaoyao must be helped to stabilize the situation.

If Wang Xiaoyao felt that giving up Qiushui was too much of a threat to him and wanted to fight with Emperor Bingshan, even if the prince group was unwilling, they would still take action, and take it as the price to win Wang Xiaoyao completely.

If Wang Xiaoyao doesn't want to fight, then the Prince Group has nothing to lose.

"I will communicate with him."

Wang Qinglei said something, and suddenly it was a pity: "If Xiaoyao can talk about the rain today..."

Guo Wentian's face was gloomy for a moment.

"Jiang Shangyu is leaving Zhongzhou. Since he wants to take advantage of Li Tianlan, it doesn't make much sense to say this, but Jiangshan..."

"Judging from today's situation, it is difficult for us to intervene in Northern Xinjiang."

Wang Qinglei glanced at Guo Wentian.

Guo Wentian's face was a little ugly.

Beijiang has always been the territory of the Prince Group, and even though Jiangshan's attitude has been subtle in recent years, it is still generally consistent with them.

But in today's funeral, Wang Xiaoyao's cold reception from entering Northern Xinjiang to leaving, all of which have shown that Northern Xinjiang is completely out of the control of the Prince Group.

Fortunately, there is Wu Yue brought by Wang Qinglei.

Otherwise, the loss of Northern Xinjiang will definitely be a serious injury to the Prince Group.

It is precisely because of this that the Prince Group pays more attention to the value of Wang Qinglei and Wang Xiaoyao.

If Wu Yue brought by Wang Qinglei can be completely integrated with the Prince Group, it will be enough to make up for all the aftermath of their loss of Northern Xinjiang.

And Wang Xiaoyao represents the remnants of the North Sea

If they can let the Prince Group take over the entire Beihai Province through Wang Xiaoyao, when the major groups are now sharpening their knives and planning to dismember the Southeast Group, they are equivalent to grabbing the biggest interests of the Southeast Group.

Guo Wentian took a deep breath, eased his expression, and said with a smile, "You and Xiaoyao are now the twin stars of the group. At this stage, many things require you to make up your mind."

Wang Qinglei smiled, and just as he was about to say something, the phone rang suddenly.

He took out his phone and glanced at it, then smiled: "There is news from Xiaoyao."

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