The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 326: : a future worth looking forward to

It was not until Dongchengyue left the wooden house that Li Tianlan sat up straight from the bed.

"Actually, I don't need any gifts."

He said softly, "I don't lack anything there."

"It's a little bit of our mind."

Li Dongcheng shook his head: "I don't know what she prepared, but no matter what it is, it's good to take it back and show it to my mother."

He turned around and opened the closet, and found a shirt and trousers that had not been worn yet, along with shoes, and handed it to Li Tianlan: "They are all not worn yet, you can see if they fit."

Li Tianlan breathed a sigh of relief and lifted the thin quilt on his body. He was actually very embarrassed now. All the clothes on his body were completely shattered during the battle with Lin Shiyi, and his shoes were naturally gone. When he appeared here, he first wore It was the cloak that Xuanyuan Feng had turned into, and there was nothing under the cloak.

After arriving at the wooden house and lying on the bed, Lin Shiyi covered him with a quilt, and then Lin Qingya asked to see Xuanyuan Feng.

Li Tianlan, who was a little confused at the time, didn't feel embarrassed, and couldn't care about it, but after a sleep, his physical condition stabilized and then facing his niece, Li Tianlan only felt uncomfortable all over, and didn't dare to drink the medicine just now. Get out of the quilt.

A thin layer of ice appeared on his body.

The ice layer squeezed his body, washed off the blood on his body, barely took a shower, and the water mixed with blood was thrown out the door by him, and then started to get dressed.

Li Dongcheng is a little taller than him, about one or two centimeters apart, and the body shape is similar, so there is nothing inappropriate. After putting on his clothes, Li Tianlan, who finally felt calmer, smiled, looked at Li Dongcheng and asked, "There is a smoke. ?"

Li Dongcheng took out a cigarette and handed it to Li Tianlan, lighting him on fire.

After hesitating, he lit one himself.

The smoke slowly rose in the room, and the two smoked in silence, not knowing what to say for a while.

Until now, Li Tianlan's heart was a little subtle. He could rationally accept the idea of ​​crossing the boundary of time and space, but emotionally, he was still skeptical and stunned. More importantly, all the facts were in front of him. When it comes to his life and destiny in this space and time, he has absolutely no idea how to face his children in this space and time.

own child?

A child who has never met and does not know that there is a child older than himself...

He has no experience in this area, let alone how to communicate.

And Li Dongcheng was obviously still digesting the huge amount of information that Lin Qingya had brought him, and he also didn't know what to say.

Because according to Lin Qingya, the father around him is not his father in another time and space...

But from any point of view, he is his biological father, the same person in different time and space.

The complex emotions in his heart are even more exaggerated than Li Tianlan. It's not that he can't face them, but just like Li Tianlan has no experience in communicating with children, Li Dongcheng also has no experience in communicating with his father.

He retains the memories of his childhood and can naturally carry all hatred and avenge his parents, but he has never been prepared to meet his biological parents.

Li Tianlan appeared suddenly.

When the initial shock and astonishment passed, he couldn't wait to tell Li Tianlan his story, he wanted to change the fate of his parents, but from Li Tianlan he got the answer that his parents' fate had been changed by them.

Same father, different time and space, different destiny.

All this does not need Li Dongcheng to say anything.

It seems that nothing needs to be said.

After smoking a cigarette silently, Li Tianlan got off the bed and took the initiative to break the gradually embarrassing atmosphere: "Go out for a walk."

Li Dongcheng hummed.

This time, Xuanyuan Feng turned into a black trench coat and draped it over Li Tianlan. The two walked out of the cabin.

The sky over Xihu has gradually dimmed.

A gentle wind blew through the hazy twilight, with clear water vapor, comfortable and gentle.

"Tell me about you."

Li Tianlan suddenly said, "Tell me your story, the story of me in this space and time after I fell."


Li Dongcheng was stunned.

"I'd like to know, though..."

Halfway through what Li Tianlan said, he shook his head and did not continue.

"Actually, I have memories..."

Li Dongcheng was silent for a while, then said softly: "Although I haven't seen you, I still remember my mother... I remember it since I was born. After you fell, my mother gave birth to me. At that time, my mother's mental state was already Very bad, she has entered a state of detachment, her mental power is always out of control, and I also retain the memory of that time under the stimulation of her mental power...

It's just that I didn't know what my mother said at the time, I just remembered it.

Later, the mother prepared everything and planned to avenge you.

In fact, at that time, she didn't want to live anymore. After all, revenge... She was the murderer who killed you. She wants to kill everyone who besieged you, and naturally she wants to kill herself.

She handed me and my sister over to my master and hoped that master would take us back to the Lin family. I still remember that day, but I didn't know what it meant at the time. Later, when I couldn't see my mother, I started to cry. My sister hugged me and ran out to find my mother. What did the two children know at the time?

We ran out of the hotel at the time, and we couldn't find our way back, so my sister took me to wander outside. "

Li Dongcheng was silent for a while, then laughed: "Actually, when I think about it now, I can't understand why my sister didn't leave me at the beginning, a child who is only a few years old, takes care of a baby for a year, and I can change it for me. Can't do it.

A little girl of four or five years old holds a small baby in her arms all day, or carries it on her back.

Walking on the street, passers-by gave us food and water. Someone wanted to call the police to help us, but when my sister heard that it was a police officer, she ran away... Begging on the street, and begging for food from the roadside stall, I have lived in a garbage dump for a long time, especially in winter, it is very warm and it is easier to find food, and I have been taken in by people with ulterior motives... During that time, no matter where I was, she took me, and we didn't To starve to death is nothing short of a miracle.

Later, Master found us and brought us back to the Lin Clan, and our life got better.

I learned kendo from Master, and I heard more and more of your stories. I gradually understood hatred, and I saw the aggressiveness of Tiandu Purgatory and Beihai Wang's.

Godfather... Well, my godfather is Lin Youxian, you should have known each other in another time and space.

After you fell, the Eastern Palace fell apart, and the godfather kept some of the most important things. Later, he died in the hands of Li Huawu, and these things were taken over by me.

I turned the East Palace into the Sword Dynasty.

At least one thing is fortunate, that is, my talent is really good, my martial arts has not encountered any bottlenecks along the way, the breakthrough is logical, the strength continues to increase, and the understanding of kendo is getting deeper and deeper.

I have a growth rate that makes all enemies desperate, Beihai Wang Clan and Tiandu Purgatory have done several kills against me, and after all of them fail, no one can stop me, and then..."

Li Dongcheng paused, and continued: "Then I started killing people.

People from purgatory in Tiandu, people from Beihai Wang Family, people from Sanctuary, people from Rothschild... and people from East Palace.

After your fall, many people who are loyal to you have joined the Heavenly Capital Purgatory. Who are these people? In another time and space, they are all still alive, so I will not say. In fact, their loyalty is only for the Li family. You have fallen. They joined the Tiandu Purgatory and are still in the Li family, so they have a clear conscience and they are righteous.

I also killed all of them.

After the Sword Dynasty fully rose, the Central Continent Council came to me and hoped that I would take the overall situation as the top priority. Wang Jingxin tore my face and threatened me, and then the entire Beihai Monarch Group was destroyed by me, together with Qiushui City and Tongtian Port, and then I went to the East island...

There is the base camp of the Li family. I made an appointment to fight with Li Huawu. Li Huawu avoided the fight, so I went straight to him. I arrested Li Huawu and wiped out the entire Li family. I just died before, I wanted to torture them, but when I got tired of torture, I killed them all.

After the Li family was gone, I went to Beihai again, and then the Beihai Wang family no longer existed. The Sword Dynasty has now become the only superpower in the dark world. As long as I am here, the Sword Dynasty will have the power to rule the world. I He picked an apprentice from the Lin family, handed Sword Dynasty to him, and then brought his sister here and met Lin Qingya.

This was a month ago, and then, today. "

Li Dongcheng thought for a few seconds, and then said softly: "In my life, there is really nothing to say."

Li Tianlan was silent for a long time.

The two walked silently all the way back to the tombstone.

On the tombstone, the photo of Li Tianlan and Gu Xianyan cuddling with each other is clear and dazzling.

"I want to say sorry."

Li Tianlan said softly, "Even if I'm not qualified..."

He reached out and patted the tombstone in front of him: "It's just for the sake of myself lying here."

A strange look flashed in Li Dongcheng's eyes.

He was also looking at the grave in front of him.

Looking at the grave in front of him, Li Dongcheng always felt that he was looking at his own life.

There really isn't much to say about his life.

Since birth, he has been burdened with the regret and hatred of his father and mother. His martial arts have advanced by leaps and bounds, the rise of the Sword Dynasty is unstoppable, and his 40-year life has been busy. The Sword Dynasty surpassed his father's Eastern Palace.

He avenged the revenge of his parents.

The enemies of the parents are dead.

He has solved everyone, completed all goals, and then, he has no direction in his life.

It was as if he had lived in the shadow of his parents' hatred all his life, and when the hatred disappeared, he would never find a way forward.

Li Dongcheng has no ambitions or pursuits. He doesn't care about anything, he doesn't like beauty, and he doesn't want children. He doesn't know what to do next.

So he returned to the Xihu Cemetery, sitting day after day, without expectation or loss, just an empty silence.

The tombs of his parents formed a shadow that surrounded him, and he mused quietly in the shadow, and his heart was at peace.

But it was only after he knew all this that he understood today that what he was guarding, in every sense, was an empty tomb.

His father was not in it, nor was his mother in it.

They are in another time and space, and they have already started their own stories. Everything seems to be doomed. As long as he works harder, there is a possibility to meet again in the future.

His parents didn't need to apologize to him.

Just as his parents never asked him to avenge them.

"You don't need to apologize."

Li Dongcheng said softly, with obvious sincerity in his voice: "Thank you very much for giving me life, maybe it didn't start well..."

He was silent, then suddenly laughed.

In Li Tianlan's line of sight, there was a perfect face that seldom smiled so that it was a little stiff, but as the corners of Li Dongcheng's mouth raised, this somewhat stiff smile had an indescribable brilliance: "But at least , the future is worth looking forward to.”

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