The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 324: : alone

When he opened his eyes again, with the return of consciousness, Li Tianlan found that his injuries seemed to have begun to stabilize.

The pain that seemed to be torn into countless pieces with every breath has disappeared, replaced by a slight numbness and coldness.

The second heart seemed to have entered a state of silence, without the slightest movement.

Li Tianlan took a deep breath. In the midsummer season, the air he breathed in was a little cold. Not only that, Li Tianlan even felt that his body temperature was much lower than normal.

Perhaps it was the influence of the bowl of medicine he drank before, or what Li Dongcheng did while he was in a coma. His body is now in a strange semi-dormant state to some extent. In other words, he is now Although he can move, his body is like lying in a dormant cabin, and the activities of cells and blood in his body are kept to a minimum. In this way, the vitality bursting out of the body does not have too much burden, which can make his The speed of recovery from injuries continues to accelerate.

The only downside to doing this is that it's a little uncomfortable.

Dizziness and headaches due to hypothermia persist.

The constant hunger and weakness that comes with most of the body's semi-dormant state also persists.

Also because of the decline in physical function, most of his body was numb, and he almost lost most of his consciousness.

This is destined to cause his combat effectiveness to continue to decline for a period of time in the future, to the extent that his body can bear it.

However, Li Tianlan was very satisfied with this. The fight against Lin Shiyi was unimaginable. The moment the thread of life appeared, this battle was doomed to be unavoidable. This was the most difficult situation Li Tianlan encountered, and it was also The most desperate battle has drained his physical strength and exhausted his trump cards. Xuanyuan Feng's energy has changed from peak to weak, and he has overdrawn himself again and again, squeezing all the energy of his second heart.

Time and time again, Li Tianlan felt that he had reached his limit, and that he could endure it was entirely based on an unwilling belief that he did not want to lose, let alone die.

Now I appear in this space and time.

The thread of life disappeared.

It seems that it can be concluded that Lin Shiyi has fallen, and he has finally won this battle.

Li Tianlan couldn't predict his own situation, but he knew very well that this was a tragic victory.

He can come here, communicate with Li Dongcheng, and act on his own. All this is the same as when Wang Tianzong was still struggling to return to Dibing Mountain after taking the eternal sword. It belongs to the body and will.

When the body and the will slip from the state that was mobilized by the battle, the weakness must be revealed.

Li Tianlan didn't know what was waiting for him. With this kind of injury, even if his condition was a little better than Wang Tianzong's, it was probably limited. When he was lying on a simple single bed, his consciousness was completely blurred. Be prepared to never wake up again or open your eyes again after a few years.

He appeared in another time and space, and his coma would make the East Palace lose its strongest combat power, Zhongzhou, Xin Group... The Beihai Wang Clan counterattacked after confirming that he was seriously injured, Li Kuangtu who broke through the realm of Tianjiao, Li Dongcheng s story...

A second before he fell into a coma, there were countless messy thoughts in his mind, just like a second before death, his whole life would appear in his mind.

When darkness fell, his consciousness began to sink.

Dissatisfaction is naturally there.

Because he didn't know how the East Palace would face the tide of the times without him, and before the start of this battle, he also didn't expect that he would really fight with Lin Shiyi to the end of the road, or even nearly die together.

This is his unhappiness.

But there's not much to worry about.

The East Palace is without him, but Qin Weibai is still there. Qin Weibai, who has broken through the transcendental realm in the spiritual realm, is enough to make a choice that is beneficial to the East Palace in the next turbulent situation. The transcendent Qin Weibai may not be able to kill Li Kuangtu, but he is not afraid of him at all, and Qin Weibai now has the qualifications to be crowned. In addition to the Lin clan who joined the WTO, such an Eastern Palace, in the If he is seriously injured, he may not be able to form a real dynasty, but if he protects himself, there will be absolutely no problem.

Without his East Palace, when facing the dark world, he would definitely be much more calm than the Beihai Wang Family without Wang Tianzong.

So if he puts aside his unwillingness, Li Tianlan has nothing to worry about. He feels that the possibility of his fall is not high. At most, he is the same as Wang Tianzong. The big deal is to give himself a long vacation.

It's just that he didn't expect that when he closed his eyes and opened it, he saw this simple cabin again, with the single bed under him, and his body had become stable.

Although the feeling of waking up is not very comfortable, and the combat effectiveness has dropped by most, it may be awake, and no one wants to sleep in the dormant cabin for several years.

He couldn't be more satisfied with the current state.

"Uncle, are you awake?"

A soft voice rang out, and Dong Chengyue, who continued to decoct Li Tianlan in the room, came over and looked at Tianlan, whose face was still pale, her eyes were a little curious, a little close, and a little concerned: "Is there something wrong? Comfortable?"

Li Tianlan, who was uncomfortable all over, shook his head: "It's okay, how long have I been in a coma?"

"Six hours."

Dongchengyue looked at her watch and laughed: "The second medicine is about to be boiled. My sister said that this is the medicine she brought back from her hometown, and the effect is very good. Uncle, you should feel better after drinking it."

good results...

Li Tianlan felt his own physical condition. Of course, this effect was good. Although these medicinal materials were not like immortality potions that increase vitality, but with such serious injuries, he could regain consciousness after only six hours of sleep, and even his body The situation can be stabilized for a while...

This level of 'traditional Chinese medicine' has surpassed those genetic medicines that Li Tianlan knew were specially used for healing.

Li Tianlan nodded and said, "Thank you."

Dongchengyue smiled, looked down at her watch again, confirmed that it was time, walked over to pick up the jar of the medicine, poured the fragrant soup into the bowl and brought it over: "It's still a little hot, but my sister said this medicine Just drink it while it's hot."

"It doesn't matter."

Li Tianlan's palm was covered with a thin layer of ice, which cooled the hot medicine a little, and then drank it in one gulp.

The warm Chinese medicine enters the stomach down the throat, like a non-scorching but extremely warm fire, and the effect is immediate.

The originally cold body suddenly became warmer under the stimulation of the drug, and Li Tianlan's expression became a lot more soothing.

"Bitter? This is for you."

Dongchengyue took out two fruit candies from his pocket.


The corner of Li Tianlan's mouth twitched. After coming to this space, he felt embarrassed for the first time.

Not because of this fruit candy.

When he first came here, his consciousness was in a trance. In addition, the incredible sight of Li Dongcheng, and his doubts after traveling through time and space, all these made his emotions extremely complicated.

It was not until now that he had fallen asleep, his body had temporarily stabilized, and his consciousness had become clear, did he fully realize what this environment meant.

He seems to have really encountered some phenomena that are completely unexplainable by current science. During the battle with Lin Shiyi, he broke the boundaries of time and space, came to another time and space, and saw his son, daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, and niece...

Dongchengyue, who was still a baby in her own world, called her uncle here.

She called out to her uncle, but Li Tianlan felt that the way she looked at her was quite wrong.

Dongchengyue may not even realize this.

But from the look in her eyes, Li Tianlan felt like she was her nephew, and Dong Chengyue was her elder.

What is it like to be treated as a junior by one's younger generation?

He looked at the fruit candy in Dongchengyue's palm, pondered for two seconds, and finally took it and peeled it off and put it in his mouth.

Dongchengyue took the medicine bowl back, put it aside, picked up the phone and sent a message to Li Dongcheng.

Li Tianlan watched Dongchengyue quietly, with sugar in his mouth, but the few tombstones he had seen not long ago came to mind.

That is the pain of the entire Dongcheng family after the death of himself in this time and space, miserable and tragic.

Li Tianlan pursed his lips. He didn't know what to say. From his standpoint, he didn't even know if he should apologize to this older niece.

"I only saw you not long ago."

Li Tianlan spoke suddenly.


Dongchengyue put down her phone and looked at Li Tianlan.

"In my world, now is not the midsummer, but the Spring Festival has just ended."

Li Tianlan smiled, and then felt that the smile seemed a bit inappropriate: "I only saw you during the Spring Festival, you were just born, and you are less than two years old. I still hugged you, but you don't seem to like me very much. , I like your aunt more."

Dongchengyue's eyes became a little complicated and a little warm.

"The Dongcheng family is doing well now."

Li Tianlan said softly, he didn't know what to say was the most appropriate, but he instinctively wanted to say something: "Your grandma will enter the parliament this year and go to the cabinet, your father is in Nanyue, and you can also get the status of an alternate member this year, you Mother is now in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the speaker of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, many things have changed, everything is fine now.

No matter what happened in this space and time, it will not be repeated there, and even without me, there is now enough power to keep everything going. "

His voice paused, and suddenly laughed at himself: "Actually, without me, it might be a good thing, no matter what time and space it is."

"It's actually good."

Dongchengyue smiled: "This is really good. I went to my uncle's place with Dongcheng before, but our stay was short. At that time, Dongcheng wanted to tell you something, but he didn't have time. After he came back, he lost his temper. ...But it's not too late to say, our destiny can be changed, right?

I was born not long ago, and I am still a little young. Uncle, you will treat me better in the future. Also tell my parents, let them treat me better.

In fact, I have nothing to regret. I was with Dongcheng when I was a child, and since then I have been in the Lin family. My life is very good. Although I haven't met my father and mother, I do not lack warmth. In my world, having a younger brother is enough.

Ah, and also, if my uncle and aunt have another small Dongcheng, you must make our sibling relationship better. "

Dongchengyue's voice paused and murmured, "It will definitely be fine, very good."

Li Tianlan nodded, he wanted to promise something, but when the words came to his mouth, he simply nodded: "Okay."

"Actually don't feel guilty, really."

Dongchengyue looked into Li Tianlan's eyes silently, with a soft voice: "I am not qualified to forgive you and my aunt for my parents, not because I can't represent them, but because I know very well that they won't blame you at all, no blame, No need to forgive."

Footsteps sounded outside the door.

Li Dongcheng walked into the cabin alone.

Dongchengyue, whose eyes were a little dazed, smiled and got up and looked at Li Dongcheng: "Where's my sister?"

"She said she was going to prepare a present for her father to bring back."

Li Dongcheng said softly, "Sister, she needs your help."


Dongchengyue nodded and glanced at Li Tianlan: "Uncle, don't forget what I said."

"I remembered it all."

Li Tianlan nodded seriously.

Dongchengyue laughed: "The time is limited, so I won't disturb you being alone."

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