The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 322: :hatred

Li Dongcheng stopped and swept away the wind and snow in the air.

He sat casually on the soft grass, watching the sunset and sunset in the distance, the whole person suddenly became quiet, as if he had lost all emotions, and turned into a statue again.

Lin Qingya squatted down beside him, her knees together, her arms folded on her knees, her face resting on her own arm, and she tilted her head to look at Li Dongcheng's profile.

The long and supple hair blew up with the wind of the stream and lake, and the flying blue threads were dyed with the magnificent brilliance of clouds.

This picture is quiet and beautiful.

Lin Qingya pursed her lips and her eyes became softer.

In this state, Li Dongcheng's quietness is somewhat unreal, as if it will dissipate in the wind and sunset at any time, turning into the most gorgeous appearance.

Lin Qingya smiled secretly.

When his royal father told her that there was someone in the city of miracles worthy of her attention, she was actually very calm, neither resisting nor rejoicing.

There is no marriage tradition in the God of War world. Even if they have a good relationship with the Imperial Palace, most of the feelings between their children are voluntary. This does not mean that the God of War does not interfere with the choice between children. In fact, it is quite the opposite. , When he finds outstanding young people, he often asks his children to try to get in touch with each other.

This is completely from the perspective of a father, and does not contain any concept of interests, but simply thinks that his son or daughter will be very good with each other.

But if the two sides don't feel anything, the God of War will not force anything.

So when the God of War mentioned Li Dongcheng to Lin Qingya for the first time, Lin Qingya just smiled and didn't take it seriously at all.

At that time, she was building several large-scale star gates in the star field, and she also planned the star map. Every day she saw the vast starry sky. As the princess of the God of War, she was destined to take on greater responsibilities while enjoying the glory. Where is the mood to pay attention to a person of the opposite **** that you don't know?

She doesn't feel that she needs any man, and she doesn't need anything to rely on. Standing at the pinnacle of the eighth-level authority, the strength of the sixth princess can be ranked in the top ten even if it is placed in the entire God of War Realm. She is her own support, even if she wants to. To reproduce offspring, she should also consider these when she has entered the peak authority and can leave her bloodline inheritance.

She thought that her attitude could make her parents understand her meaning, but what she didn't expect was that her father mentioned to her several times in a row, asking her to pay attention to a young man in the city of miracles.

The sixth princess was a little helpless and a little annoyed. She planned the star map, completed the task, and finally opened the information given to her by her father in her spare time.

And then no more.

To be precise, she finally knew what she wanted in that document.

This is actually something she has always been confused about.

She has always wanted to become stronger, to break through, to survive, to protect the human race, and to protect the War God Realm.

But in the end, everything she wants is something derived from the pressure of survival.

Besides, Lin Qingya didn't know what she wanted.

She is a princess, status, power, wealth, strength, she has everything, her life is in a state of perfection, in addition to the special state, her talent is the best among her brothers and sisters, if you add a little Luck, there is a chance to set foot on the peak authority.

Man, she really doesn't need it. In the long years, she has seen too many so-called geniuses and rising stars, but compared with herself, this is actually the case.

She knew that the young man who could make her father mention it repeatedly must be unusual. Maybe he had a great history, or had a talent that the father and the emperor had to pay attention to, or something else.

But so what?

Even if the other party's talent can surpass himself, even if his future achievements can be compared to the father and emperor, so what?

She doesn't need to.

This reason is enough.

And all this, she didn't understand until she saw Li Dongcheng's information...

In fact, she doesn't need a man.

It's just the man she's seen before...

Neither look good.

That's why.

The sixth princess suddenly became really fragrant from being uninterested.

The sixth princess didn't even look at other things in the data.

The son of Huangxi, the future supreme, Balabala...

Whatever, the Sixth Princess doesn't care.

Mainly... The little brother in the profile is really nice.

Li Dongcheng, who perfectly inherited Xibai's genes, is not feminine, but a clean and perfect that makes people feel very comfortable when seen.

Every angle of his seems to be in line with the aesthetics of the human race, giving people a kind of heartfelt pleasure and admiration.

Lin Qingya is not interested in what kind of talent.

What really conquered her instantly was Li Dongcheng's looks.

In terms of appearance, even her father emperor is not as good as Li Dongcheng.

So she came to the City of Miracles, and when she saw Li Dongcheng for the first time, she couldn't help calling her husband.

She acted very naturally at the time, no one could imagine how embarrassed and embarrassed she felt at the moment when she said this.

It was a feeling of being at a loss to shout out what was in her heart under excitement. Thinking back to this day, Lin Qingya felt a sense of social death.

In some beautiful stillness, Lin Qingya giggled, she covered her face with her hands, and smiled like a nympho: "Husband, you can only have me and my sister in the future, no one else can, do you know?"

Her voice had an uncontrollable rise at the end, and there was a kind of sweetness and happiness that came from the heart.

This year's Li Dongcheng is actually forty years old, but his appearance looks like he is in his early thirties. When he leaves the City of Miracles and steps into a new level, the transformation of his breath is destined to make his appearance even better.

Lin Qingya can completely imagine the situation after Li Dongcheng went to the God of War Realm. After all, it is not a city of miracles. Li Dongcheng is destined not to have the aura of awe-inspiring invincibility in a short time. There are so many goblins who don't know whether to live or die, and the sixth princess's deterrent power is not easy to use.

It is necessary to discuss with my sister a way to strictly guard against it.

Lin Qingya bit her lip lightly. She looked at Li Dongcheng as if she was looking at a unique treasure, some proud, some secretly happy, and some uneasy about sharing it with others.

Li Dongcheng glanced at him silently and said nothing.

The amount of information that Lin Qingya said before is too much, the impact is still impacting his heart, he needs time to digest these contents, the real environment, the world, malice, real brand, father and mother, leave this environment, The world is dying...

All the information is constantly entangled and chaotic. He needs to sort out his thoughts. How can he be in the mood to respond to Lin Qingya's subtle psychology?

"If I want to leave..."

Li Dongcheng thought seriously: "How should I leave?"

"See what your husband means."

Lin Qingya's eyes were bright: "If you want to keep a low profile, we can leave at any time, and no one will find out. If it's a little bit louder, I can also let the whole world witness this scene."

She took off a necklace from her neck and handed it to Li Dongcheng.

Li Dongcheng took it and looked at it. The pendant of the necklace was a piece of metal the size of a grain of rice. It looked like a diamond and a crystal, and it was crystal clear.

"This is my palace. It is currently folded. If it is unfolded, it can be turned into a small spaceship. You can make it bigger if you want. Its final size can even hold the entire City of Miracles. If you want other scenes, there is even a fleet..."

Lin Qingya's tone was a little excited.

"City of Miracles?"

Li Dongcheng raised his eyebrows.

"That's what we call this environment, this planet."

this planet...

The meaning of changing the environment may be very clear, but only Lin Qingya's words really clearly pointed out the meaning of changing the environment.

Leave this planet and go to the wider world.

Ships, fleets, planets...

"So, you are an alien?"

Li Dongcheng couldn't help laughing: "There are really aliens?"

There was no disbelief in his tone, just a novelty.

"I am human."

Lin Qingya said seriously: "Although I wasn't born on this planet, my royal father left here."

Looking at the surrounding environment, she suddenly sighed: "Husband, the world is very big, the city of miracles is just a speck of dust in the world, or even smaller, this place is beyond the eyes of the world, it is the place where miracles are created, and it is also the origin. But if you put these aside, to put it bluntly, this is actually a surface civilization that currently has no access to interstellar information. From the perspective of the starry sky, there is nothing new here, and it can even be said to be backward.

I do come from outside this planet, aliens... uh... is there anything strange about that? Such a large world, planets, star regions, galaxies, galaxies, star clusters, star fields... Countless star fields are criss-crossed, and we simply don't know how many planets and stars in this world, and billions of trillions of stars complement each other, so How arrogant does the big world have to think that humans are the only intelligent creatures in this world? How arrogant is it to think that this is the center of the entire universe? "

Li Dongcheng looked up at the sky, dazed.

There was a hint of longing in his deep pupils.

"Father and mother, can you come back?"

he asked softly.

"Yes, everything is going well so far."

Lin Qingya nodded: "In fact, if it weren't for an accident in this space-time, after the father and mother broke through, they would meet their leader... So in the space-time that belongs to the father, their leader It appeared before they broke through, intervened in advance, and put an end to all accidents, husband, believe me, my family will be together in the future."

"About the mother..."

Li Dongcheng suddenly said: "Two mothers... But my father doesn't know this now, he always thought that the reincarnation palace master had fallen... Why didn't he tell his father the truth of the matter? Tell him that the reincarnation palace master is still alive? "

Lin Qingya pursed her lips. Before she could explain, Li Dongcheng said again: "If father knew the truth of all this, what do you think he would do?"

"I do not know."

Lin Qingya whispered: "Actually, not only can we tell my father that the reincarnation palace lord is still alive, but we also have to tell my father that the reincarnation palace lord has fallen."

After a pause, she suddenly asked in a low voice, "Husband, if you are your father... in the face of this 'truth', can you forgive your mother?"

"How to forgive?"

Li Dongcheng turned to look at her: "What is there to forgive? Forgive her for killing her father?"

His voice was calm and indifferent: "If I were my father, I wouldn't blame my mother for killing me at all. This matter is not the key. It's just that my mother regards it as the key, and the real key, she never seems to be the key. Didn't realize it."

"The real key?"

Lin Qingya was a little puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Qin Weibai didn't realize it.

Lin Qingya also didn't realize it.

Li Dongcheng said calmly: "This feeling is too bad, you don't understand...

If I were a father...I would be very her.

Not that she killed me, but hate her self-righteous deception and fulfillment. "

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