The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 296: : Father and Son

There are no words to describe Li Tianlan's feeling at this moment.

Powerful, surging, confident, indifferent.

It swelled to the extreme, as if the whole world was in his hands.

It was an unprecedented power, an absolutely invincible belief.

The sun, moon, mountains and rivers, all things, the so-called life, the so-called material, the survival or death of all things, are completely under their control.

Sword Qi circulated wildly on Xuanyuan Feng's sword.

An incomparably strong sword energy barrier suddenly erupted from Li Tianlan's body.

The countless shells that were bombarding indiscriminately around him were swept away directly.

The air waves and flames rolled wildly.

The interior of the sword energy barrier became completely quiet.

The intense sword energy completely isolated everything.

The white silk thread finally appeared in Li Tianlan's line of sight again, and the silk thread stretched from his body into the continuously churning smoke several meters away.

Strong sword energy rushed out from the smoke.

Li Tianlan narrowed his eyes.

Xuanyuan Feng kept shaking in his hand, and the sword qi he really felt was constantly flying in his consciousness, becoming more and more clear.

Xuanyuan Feng's huge sword body shone brighter and brighter.

Eternal sword!

Li Tianlan was extremely convinced that this sword was a well-deserved eternal sword.

There is no such thing as infinitely close.

Compared with the sword that hit Wang Tianzong heavily in the sky above Murmans, the sword in Li Tianlan's hand at this time was not in the least bit inferior.

Only when he truly mastered the power of this sword did Li Tianlan truly understand what this power really meant.

With a sword in hand, it's like really mastering everything.

Lin Shiyi in front of him, the surrounding artillery fire, the fighter planes in the air, Li Kuangtu at the edge, the calm apostle...

The entire battlefield, the nearby cities, the entire Annam, and even the whole world.

The mountains and the sea, the earth and the sky.

Just one sword!

Li Tianlan even felt that he could tear the galaxy apart with just a wave of his hand.

But the problem is...

He couldn't make a move with this sword.

There seemed to be an indescribable silence on the battlefield.

Li Tianlan's hand holding Xuanyuan Feng kept shaking.

Xuanyuan Feng was also trembling constantly.

With the sword energy from the void, he used his own strength to control that trace of sword energy.

Xuanyuan Feng and Li Tianlan were so radiant.

The colorful sword light almost instantly illuminated the surrounding tens of thousands of meters of heaven and earth.

But this sword can't be shot no matter what.

It seemed that the whole world was doing its best to fight against Li Tianlan and against that wisp of sword energy.

The clearest feeling is suppression.

The endless edge was passed from the void to Xuanyuan Feng, and then was suppressed and suppressed continuously.

The wisp of sword energy that was close to nothingness was being wiped out uncontrollably.

This feeling is like the whole world is suppressing this sword energy, trying to suppress this sword energy to an acceptable limit.

Sword Qi spreads wildly with the power like a landslide and tsunami.

The endless shells approached Li Tianlan, and they were shattered into powder before they could explode.

An unprecedented heartbeat sounded on the battlefield.

The heartbeat is like a violent drum, constantly beating, getting faster and faster.

At the edge of the battlefield, as the sword energy of the Six Paths Samsara Sword dissipated, almost out of instinct, Li Kuangtu turned around and ran.

A kind of edge that seems to be able to destroy everything seems to fill the sky and the earth silently. The closer you get to Li Tianlan, the stronger this feeling.

The so-called Tianjiao who has just broken through to a new realm, and when his physical strength has bottomed out, is completely a joke in front of this kind of edge.

Li Kuangtu's figure passed through the frenzy driven by sword energy and power, getting further and further away, and he didn't even dare to look back.

The endless cannonballs and warplanes are still raging.

The apostle floated in the air with a solemn and serious expression.

The inexplicable suppression between heaven and earth turned from illusory to reality in an instant.

Li Tianlan's palm completely stabilized.

Xuanyuan Feng's continuous burst of light instantly restrained himself.

In just a few seconds, the edge contained in that wisp of sword energy seemed to be suppressed countless times.

The world becomes real again.

Introverted sword light.

Rampage power.

Shredded shells.

The flames around Li Tianlan finally dissipated for a moment. He could see the surrounding battlefield, Lin Shiyi, and the white silk thread connecting him and Lin Shiyi.

Lin Shiyi had blood all over his body.

But his eyes were already shining to the extreme.

No pupils, no whites.

At this moment, Lin Shiyi's eyes were filled with pure indifference and destruction.

No thinking, no nonsense.

The moment the suppression was completely lifted, Xuanyuan Cheng slashed straight down.

An earth-shattering colorful rainbow suddenly lit up on the battlefield in the northern border of Annan.

Eternal sword!

It seems to be the most splendid light in the world, with a strong will to fight and determination, with an invincible will, shining to the extreme, like wildfire, burning everything.

The space was completely torn apart in an instant.

The fire quickly faded away.

The smoke was completely evaporated.

The blast of air was evaporated into nothingness in the turbulent Changhong.

Soaring missiles, fighter planes in the air, remaining sword qi...

Everything was shattered into the most nihilistic state under this sword.

The ground collapsed silently.

The clouds in the sky shattered.

Li Tianlan seemed to have become the only light source in the world. The shining sword energy Changhong continued to burst out with him at the center. The sword light was only a single beam, but it instantly turned into a curtain of light covering the entire battlefield.

The sky is full of colors.

It seems that no one can take this sword.

Wherever the sword light goes, nothing is unbreakable. Facing this sword, one must either escape or be completely destroyed.

But in this piece of sword light that destroys everything, there are still people moving forward.

Lin Shi.

The distance seems to have blurred.

In Li Tianlan's line of sight, Lin Shiyi stepped forward and then ran wildly.

The black sword energy condensed a substantial black giant sword in his hand.

Lin Shi Shi charged with a sword.

Don't compromise, don't back down.

In the colorful sword light that filled the sky, Lin Shiyi's figure became the only black.

There was no more gleam in his eyes.

It was as if one man faced the charge of the whole world.

But in the surging sword light, Li Tianlan didn't feel the slightest tragic or crazy.

His eyes were fixed on Lin Shiyi's figure.

In the line of sight, that is a face that is calm and not even calm.

Absolute emptiness, absolute indifference.

There is no emotion, no life and death, no despair, no hatred, not even the will to fight, just nothingness.

That's a genuine indifference to everything.

The so-called glory, the so-called ambition, the so-called life and death.

It doesn't matter at all.

A touch of extreme darkness appeared beside Lin Shiyi.

The extreme darkness spreads, renders and erodes rapidly in the splendid light curtain.

Lin Shiyi's breath rose to the real extreme in an instant.


Breaking through the boundaries of the so-called arrogance.

Then all the way up.

to the real limit.

Li Kuangtu's martial arts height was almost instantly left behind by Lin Shiyi.

His realm began to stabilize, and then in the blink of an eye he reached the pinnacle of a new realm.

The dark sword light continued to spread, becoming more indifferent, more deadly, and more empty.

That emptiness of sword light brought everyone an indescribable despair.

Dark sword light.

Colorful edge.

In an instant, the sword qi of Li Tianlan and Lin Shiyi seemed to have crossed an intersection, and then turned into two completely opposite sword qi.

One is the ferocity that tears apart all things.

The other is the ultimate extinction without any emotion!

Eternal sword!

Another eternal sword.

The sword light of the broken reincarnation rushed toward the face.

Lin Shiyi finally completely fused with the sword energy in his body.

His realm completely broke through, and he was infinitely close to the true master of that sword energy.

And Li Tianlan held Xuanyuan Feng full of energy.

The extreme explosion of the two is a real sword that is not inferior to the eternal sword.

This is the fairest confrontation.

Across time and space.

This is the battle between Li Tianlan and Lin Shiyi.

But on another level, this is also the collision between Sword God Li Dongcheng and War God Lin Xuanyuan.

Lin Shiyi borrowed the sword energy of Li Tianlan's son.

Li Tianlan mobilized Lin Shiyi Laozi's sword qi.

Under the extreme suppression of the real environment, in the same realm, the diametrically opposed sword qi kept shining.

Lin Shiyi rushed to Li Tianlan's side.

Xuanyuan Feng fell.

The two swords collided completely.

In an instant, all sounds on the battlefield completely disappeared.

The colorful light curtain and the dark sword light blended with each other and spread wildly.

The extreme edge directly swept the surrounding area of ​​tens of thousands of meters in the shortest time.

Above the sky, dozens of fighter planes burst into pieces, but not even the wreckage was left. All the steel alloys were directly smashed into powder by the sword energy.

All the shells around were smashed to pieces.

The battlefield completely subsided.

The apostles floating in the air, including the mecha, were completely smashed into a splash of water.

Li Kuangtu, who had fled with all his strength and had already escaped to ten thousand meters away, turned his head in horror.

Two kinds of sword lights, pitch black and colorful, have already arrived.

In an instant, Li Kuangtu didn't even have the courage to fight back.

One after another, a curtain of sword energy appeared in front of him.

The immortality seals appear alternately.

Jiukong Hentai began to simulate various defensive skills.

The two sword energies, which had been completely fused together, were indistinguishable, without the slightest pause, directly smashed Li Kuangtu's countless unique skills within half a second, and continued to wreak havoc with the sky full of blood.

At the very center of the collision of sword qi, Li Tianlan and Li Kuangtu shook violently at the same time.

Blood splattered directly from the two of them.

Both bodies fell from the sky at the same time.

Yes, in the air.

The ground beneath the two of them had completely collapsed, and the area over a thousand meters had turned into a bottomless crater.

Li Tianlan still stared at Lin Shiyi with some dazed eyes.

To be precise, it was staring between him and Lin Shiyi.

The transparent silk thread has been stretched to the limit in the extreme collision between the two, and it seems to have become more fragile, but it always exists, without the slightest break.

Lin Shiyi's body was still falling.

But in the process of falling, he suddenly laughed.

"No idlers to disturb you, Your Majesty."

His voice seemed to be back to normal, no more talkative or crazy: "You and I fight a fair fight, never die, this is my greatest honor."

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