The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 290: : invasion

Strictly speaking, it was not Li Songping who suddenly shot.

But it was his will, but it was executed several hours later.

Who in the world pays the most attention to the northern border of Annan?

Not Central Continent, not Continental Continent, and not the major giants.

It was Li Songping.

As Speaker Annan, he provided the alliance with a battlefield to snipe Li Tianlan, and let the most peak battle in the dark world take place in his own country. He has 10,000 reasons to care about the outcome of this battle.

And Li Songping also has high expectations for this battle.

Because the victory of the alliance means Annan's endless interests.

Beihai formed an alliance, and at the same time gave Annan enough sincerity.

If this alliance's action is successful, with the fall of Li Tianlan, the East Palace will cease to exist, and the tens of thousands of square kilometers of land in Tiannan will be divided equally between Beihai and Tiandu Purgatory, and the city closest to Annan will be Unconditional return to Annan.

The six cities in Tiannan were originally from Annan. Now they have been fighting for several years, and only one has been brought back. It seems that it is a loss to the grandmother's house, but what can Annan do?

The general situation of the world is under the control of Central Continent. To be able to unite Beihai to take back a city is already considered a timely stop loss. If this situation is placed in another country, it may be delayed for ten, twenty years, or even longer. , looking forward to the dream of bringing back the entire Tiannan.

But Li Songping is more sober than anyone else, because they have no confidence to fight against Central Continent. When the city closest to Tiannan returns to Annan unconditionally, it means that the land of the other five cities will be officially merged into Central Continent, becoming the most important city in Central Continent. Young province.

There was no way to stop it, Li Songping could only acquiesce.

The only thing Beihai can call the shots is to give them a city. If Beihai destroyed the Eastern Palace and handed Tiannan to Annan, his **** would be crooked to such an extent that under Zhongzhou's anger, Beihai would not even have room to breathe.

In order to quell the anger of Central Continent, the ownership of the majority of Tiannan must also have an immediate result.

As compensation, Beihai will give Annan a lot of economic assistance, and at the same time decide to share some military information with Annan. At the same time, Annan will also provide enough convenience to Beihai, and the two sides will cooperate deeply to form a win-win situation.

Not just the North Sea.

What Li Songping got was the promises from the Beihai Wang Clan, the Heavenly Capital Purgatory, the Sanctuary, and the Sanctuary.

Once Annan is involved with these superpowers, there will be enough capital to rise in five or ten years.

Li Songping could not resist this temptation, and no one could resist.

So just win.

As long as the East Palace is destroyed, in a few decades, in the entire Asian continent, Annan may become the power second only to Central Continent and East Island. It is even more awesome when it is a powerful country.

So when the operation was about to start, Li Songping left the battlefield and the city that had been almost completely emptied. When he returned to the country by helicopter, he immediately called up the clearest satellite image.

Annan's satellite technology is obviously not satisfactory, so that Li Songping is sitting in his office and watching what is happening in his own country, and even the clarity cannot be compared with that of countries such as Central Continent.

But it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that even if his picture is not clear enough, it is enough for him to judge the situation in the field.

He locked himself in the office, drove out the secretary and his confidants, prepared a bottle of spirits and a few side dishes, and drank it for himself. He felt that this was a carnival that belonged to him alone.

He saw that Lin Shiyi and Li Tianlan were evenly matched at the beginning, and his heart was full of emotions.

He saw that Li Tianlan copied the attack of everyone in the alliance and then severely damaged the entire alliance, and the whole person was stunned.

He saw the cooperation of the apostles and saints.

Huge wings obscured the sky, and the mighty life force and continuously exploding artillery fire distorted the picture.

Li Songping's blood boiled.

Behind that bizarre thought, there was a little bit of greed gradually.

Especially the series of weapons of the apostles, this kind of equipment that obviously surpasses the level of modern technology, it is enough to shock all the monarchical experts in the world at night.

Not to mention anything else, just that pair of mecha, if Annan can get it, he can dominate Quanqiu in the shortest time.

In the completely blurred picture, he saw Li Tianlan's inexplicable breakthrough.

Serious injuries seem to heal in the blink of an eye.

A Donghuang who seemed to have surpassed the peak also brought Li Songping an unimaginable blow and anger.

The league's masters withdrew one by one.

Li Songping sat stiffly on the spot, and the whole person began to tremble violently.

death, fall.

The league's manpower is dwindling.

Beihai Wang's exit.

Li Kuangtu broke through.

The situation was constantly changing, and Li Songping's heart began to go up and down.

Until Li Kuangtu was completely suppressed by Li Tianlan.

Li Songping finally couldn't bear it any longer, grabbed the phone and called his confidant, Annan's Defense Minister Jin Yongcheng.

"Speaker, something is wrong..."

Jin Yongcheng's voice came from the phone as if he had seen a ghost.

"There is nothing right or wrong."

Li Songping was holding on to the phone, his voice trembling slightly, but he was trying to keep his composure: "We have no choice, we have made a decision, Li Tianlan must die, he must die!"

"But we can't kill him!"

Kim Young-sung's voice has a taste of doubting life.

Li Songping didn't think much about it for a while, and in extreme anxiety, he even automatically replaced the phrase "we" said by the other party with "Alliance".

"It does not matter."

His tone was fast: "Li Tianlan is indeed invincible, the Alliance can't kill him, but it doesn't matter, there is still us."

"We have made all the preparations. The two cities near the station have been emptied. This is the cemetery we chose for Li Tianlan. If he wants to die here, he must die here."


Jin Yongcheng did not speak for a while.

"We should make a move."

Li Songping's voice was cold: "We should let the whole world know that this is Annan, the so-called masters are meaningless here, Yongcheng, activate the Junhuoku, and kill Li Tianlan at all costs, even if the northern border is destroyed. , this is an order! Execute immediately!"

"it's useless..."

Jin Yongcheng's voice sounded like muttering to himself.


Li Songping said angrily, "This is an order!"

"it's useless..."

Jin Yongcheng's voice was filled with tears: "Our weapon system has been invaded and we have lost control, Speaker, this is what I want to report.

Our entire Annan weapon system has completely failed. There is no way to activate it, let alone aim it. We have a large number of island bombs that have all fallen into a silent state, and we can't get back the control authority of the weapon system at all. Some hackers have invaded the entire Annan's weapon system, no, even the communication system. Our current dialogue may be under the surveillance of the other party. "


The wine glass in Li Songping's hand fell to the ground, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching. After a while, he muttered to himself, "What...what...what are you talking about?"

Jin Yongcheng's whole person seemed to be completely collapsed, and he cried out on the phone.

Li Songping's brain was extremely confused.

The weapon system that guards the security of a country does theoretically have the possibility of being hacked.

But that's only in theory. Not to mention twenty-four hours, this weapon system is maintained by a large number of professionals every minute and every second. The system itself will also clean up all viruses. If it is really invaded, then It can't be silent, so many professional talents in Annan, plus the intelligent system imported from Xingguo at a high price, are all dead?

How could even a warning not be issued?

If the intrusion can be detected even in a short period of time, Annan can shut down the system with just a warning.

But none of that.

That is to say, someone silently invaded Annan's weapon system and gained control over the system?

Is there really such a fantastical talent in reality?

At least Li Songping has never heard of anyone who can be so high-end.

"Manual operation!"

Li Songping shook his head, and the whole person suddenly became furious: "Are you a pig? Contact the major bases, manually operate the weapons, and force the system to shut down. Do you think Annan's security is guarded by the network and the system? Humans No need for those systems, we can fire weapons as well, bastard, give me manual control!"

The system was invaded and the network was under control, but Annan could still launch weapons through the local area network. Although the so-called intrusion was an accident, it was far more than making the entire Annan lose his ability to do it.

"it's useless..."

Jin Yongcheng's voice is still ringing, faint, with endless despair and powerlessness: "Speaker, I can't contact the major bases..."

Li Songping's brain was suddenly dizzy for a moment, his eyes were red, and he roared word by word: "You, say, what, what?!"

"I can't contact the major bases..."

Jin Yongcheng repeated the content somewhat numbly: "All bases are currently in a state of disconnection, our communication is still normal, but no one answers the calls of the major bases at all, all bases, island bomb bases, Kongjun bases, Lu Jun base...all bases...all lost contact."

"Are you kidding me?"

Li Songping felt like a dream: "Even if it is Central Continent, it is impossible to invade all our bases in such a short period of time."

"I can't explain it."

Kim Yong Sung murmured, "But that's the truth, although some don't want to admit it... But Speaker, it seems like we... really lost."

"At least now... we have lost all our weapons, all our capital..."

"I think we... should beg for mercy..."

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