The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 285: :idea

Song Ci seemed to lose all its voice for a while.

In the dark, the second uncle who even betrayed the Beihai Wang clan, but still made her feel kind, seemed to be completely separated from the voice on the other side of the phone.

The other party was threatening his niece-in-law with his once favorite nephew.

Separation, three people, three cities, just a deal, the last chance.

Wang Xiaoyao's voice was calm, but it carried a scorching power that seemed to devour everything.

That kind of power called ambition rushed forward, easily shattering all the expectations and fantasies in her heart.

Wang Xiaoyao wanted more than just family separation.

The other party didn't even hide his fundamental purpose, maybe it was disdain, or something else, he clearly stated his plan.

He just wants to take the three cities in the south of the North Sea with the least price, and then use the greatest strength to fully occupy the entire North Sea.

His family, his elder brother whose blood is thicker than water, and his sister-in-law who have grown up with him since childhood.

Family affection, the kind of bond that they felt sad when they watched him hurt Beihai in Dibing Mountain, but they couldn't hate it.

Glory, hundreds of years of Beihai Province, relying on its own cohesion and its own strength to stand at the peak of the dark world.



In Wang Xiaoyao's eyes, it doesn't matter anymore.

The important thing is that he wants Beihai and wants to be the patriarch of the Beihai Wang clan. This is his goal. Anyone who stands in his way, whether it is a big brother or a sister-in-law, or a nephew...

Anyone will become the target of his slaughter.

Song Ci's eyes were a little empty.

After the expectations in her heart were completely broken, she was filled with an extreme coldness. She held the phone and seemed to feel the coldness from all over the world.

"Second uncle..."

Her voice was soft and she murmured, "How did you become like this..."

"People always have goals in life, don't they?"

Wang Xiaoyao was silent for a while, then laughed softly.

"Is it because of Qin Weibai?"

Song Ci suddenly asked.

"What the **** is this?"

Wang Xiaoyao laughed dumbly.

Song Ci said softly: "Actually, I was there that night when you and Dad quarreled, and my mother and I were chatting upstairs..."

Wang Xiaoyao seemed to be stunned, and was silent again.

From childhood to adulthood, he and Wang Tianzong quarreled for the first time, even to the point of fighting, because of Qin Weibai.

That was when he was madly pursuing Qin Weibai without even having any reason.

He told Wang Tianzong that he wanted to marry that woman back to Beihai, he told Wang Tianzong that she would do better than Tang poetry and Song poetry, he told Wang Tianzong that she was the woman he was destined for, and he also said...

He said a lot.

Then Wang Tianzong just said: "Not only will he be better than Tang Poetry and Song Poetry, she will even become the most outstanding patriarch in the history of the Beihai Wang clan, but you marry her back, and after she has mastered the Beihai Wang clan, the Beihai clan at that time will be The Wang family, is it the Wang family or the Beihai Qin family?"

Just this sentence, in fact, has already demonstrated Wang Tianzong's attitude.

"She is outside the Beihai, so there is nothing to worry about, even if one day she can really become the Wu Zetian of the dark world, it does not matter, Beihai has never been afraid of strong opponents, and there is no lack of strong allies.

But if such a woman enters the door of the Beihai Wang family, and if she is given ten years, even I will not be able to hold her down. If you are sold by her, you will probably help her count the money with a smile.

marry her? Why are you? Just like other fools in the dark world, you feel that your status is high enough, your family background is prominent, you feel that you are good enough, you feel that you have seen the scenery at the peak, and then you dare to go to that woman.

You people do have capital, but why can't you look at your own capital?

Who told you that beautiful and perfect must belong to you?

She is more beautiful than your sister-in-law, and more beautiful than Tang poetry and Song poetry. If I were a dozen years younger, I might be tempted. But do you know where I am better than you? I am more self-aware than you.

This kind of woman, even if I met when I was young, I would not dare to touch it.

What does it mean for a woman who is in her teens to go to Europe alone, and who can replace the lord of the samsara palace in a few years to control the samsara palace? You still dare to make up your mind, do you think you are worthy? I'm not worthy, this kind of woman, unless she is willing to bow her head and walk to someone, no one is worthy of her.

You have been chasing someone for so long, has the other party ever responded to you? If she really likes you and is willing to consider for the Beihai Wang clan, and you get married, I will invite her into Beihai by carrying a large sedan chair, and it will be fine to carry the sedan chair myself, but you have no such ability.

You haven't even touched someone's hand, so you came to me and told me you were going to marry her? how to marry? It's not soft, what else do you want to do? Are you going to use Beihai Wang's resources to coerce and lure you next?

You are a so-called free-spirited king who eats, drinks and doesn’t do the slightest thing all day. In the eyes of others, you are probably just a **** from Beihai. Why do you think you are worthy of her? Wang Tianzong's younger brother, does it sound awesome? Sorry, but I really don't think this identity can subdue that kind of woman.

I can't control you now, if you don't give up, you can continue to chase, but don't use Beihai's resources, what happens is your own business, but she enters Beihai, I don't agree. "

In Wang Xiaoyao's memory, it was one of the very few times that Wang Tianzong told him so much.

His voice was flat, but every word was heartbreaking.

It was on that day that Wang Xiaoyao and Wang Tianzong had the most intense quarrel in their lives. Since then, there seems to be a slight gap between the two brothers. People are aware of it, but have no idea how to make up for it.

"it's useless."

Song Ci said softly: "Just like what Dad said at the beginning, she has taken the initiative to bow her head and willingly walked to Li Tianlan's side, when Li Tianlan was nothing at that time. Now that the Eastern Palace is in full swing, you can even be the patriarch of the Beihai Wang clan. , is there really any chance?"

Wang Xiaoyao suddenly laughed.

"Actually that night, no, even afterwards, every time I think about that night, when I'm most emotional, I can't help but think about it.

At that time, the eldest brother said that Wang Tianzong's younger brother was not worthy of her status. In this case, I simply became another Wang Tianzong.

This kind of thinking has really happened, but if you say it seriously, it is just a prank idea.

I want the entire Beihai Wang clan, I betrayed Emperor Bingshan, from Zhongzhou, to Beihai, to the Snow Country, affecting the entire dark world, the fate and life and death of hundreds of thousands of people, Xiao Song Ci, if I say all this is just because of one For a woman, this so-called excuse is too incompetent and cowardly.

I liked her and I like her now.

But these are two different things. She may be just one of the reasons, but the most important reason is that I want Beihai. Whether or not Qin Weibai appears, I want Beihai. I don't think I am worse than anyone. Now Beihai So disappointing, weak and even a little ridiculous.

I admit that there is my reason for this, but it is Emperor Bingshan who can bear this embarrassment. The situation is clear now, isn't it? The current situation is that only I have the ability to control all of this. You are clinging to the North Sea to resist me. Who are you obsessed with? "

Song Ci took a deep breath and sneered: "Second uncle, you look very paranoid now like Li Kuangtu."

"Li Kuangtu?"

Wang Xiaoyao said with a playful voice: "The current Li Kuangtu seems to be a complete defeat, but he has made a breakthrough tonight, and the future is still unknown. It's not bad to be able to reach his level. You are still too naive."

"It's absurd..."

Song Ci sneered: "Second uncle, do you really hope we all hate you?"

"It's your business."

Wang Xiaoyao's voice was calm and gentle: "I'm just thinking about the issue from Beihai's standpoint. I am now the most suitable person to lead the Beihai Wang clan. If my ambition hurts you, I'm sorry, but for Beihai, it is necessary to sacrifice is your duty."

"Sounding high!"

Song Ci's voice became more and more cold.

"All right."

Wang Xiaoyao smiled and said softly: "I don't mind continuing to chat with you, but I have to remind you that time is running out, the loss of Sheng Xiao's contact is directly related to me, and I am arranged on the battlefield. The people nearby have already started a carpet search for his whereabouts, and they can't run away. So, would you like to use the three cities in Beihai to replace three people with me? As long as you want, I will send them back to Beihai. "

"When Sheng Xiao returns to Beihai, he will be able to use his father's sword energy again, and his combat power will once again surpass the peak invincible state. How dare you let him go?"

Song Ci's voice is indifferent.

"So you are still too naive. The combat power beyond the peak of invincibility is no longer invincible."

Wang Xiaoyao coughed again, and when the coughing stopped, he took a breath and asked directly, "Change?"

There is no room left.

With two simple words, Wang Xiaoyao directly forced Song Ci into the corner.

Song Ci did not hesitate.

She didn't even think about the question that Wang Xiaoyao raised.

Her breathing was steady and steady, and all her emotions seemed to be completely suppressed by her.

At this moment, in the communication room that Wang Xiaoyao could not see, holding the mobile phone, Song Ci's bright eyes shone with two completely different rays of light.

One is hysterical madness.

On the other hand, it is extremely repressed calm.

"I'm from the Beihai Wang family."

Song Ci said.

"Is this your answer?"

Wang Xiaoyao was not smiling this time.

There was no emotion in his voice.

Song Ci didn't say anything, but hung up the phone directly.

In a small town in Annan.

The pale-faced Wang Xiaoyao put down the phone, and a complex light flashed in his eyes.

He knew the meaning of Song Ci.

Song Ci rejected his proposal.

Three people for three cities.

Song lyrics do not change.

Even if Wang Shengxiao died, even if Xia Zhi died, even if Di Jiang died.

Song Poetry is not changed.

Wang Shengxiao they can die.

The big deal is to open up all the trump cards, cast aside all concerns, and everyone will die together.

She is a member of the Beihai Wang clan, and naturally follows the ideas of the Beihai Wang clan.

For hundreds of years, in times of desperation, Beihai Wang's philosophy has only eight words.

Rather Stick to your guns.

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