The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 270: : Chaos (8)

The sound of the wind whistling in his ears.

Below your feet is a regressive landscape.

Floating, charging, dense blue light arcs spread out in the air, as if it became a bridge.

Alice felt like a kitten and puppy, casually held by Shura in her hands, dashing towards the unknown destination quickly.

The familiar neighborhood quickly retreated.

Alice, who had never been exposed to martial arts in her life, now had a perspective equivalent to that of a top half-step invincible master like Shura.

Stand tall and see far.

Running wildly above the sky, looking from the top down, the crowds on the ground are like ants, and the outlines of the streets are even a little blurred. The urban area with many high-rise buildings and several blocks are all displayed in front of Alice. .



The huge chaos is sweeping through the fog at an alarming speed, spreading from every block, causing the entire fog to move.

A large number of scene vehicles drove from different directions, followed by trucks loaded with a large number of anti-report scene police. Holding their shields, they rushed out of the truck compartment and organized their formation into a fighting state.

Helicopters rushed in different directions through the gaps in the tall buildings.

Gunshots, flames, thick smoke, the crowds who fled in the collapse, the screams one after another spread throughout the city with the siren in fear, as if the fog was crazy.

The fog that was peaceful and calm a few minutes ago seems to have completely changed. All order has been completely overturned, and chaos has dominated. All this happened too fast. Apart from Jing Fang's unprepared instinctive reaction, Jun Fang and Wu The city's special operations department has only just received the news now.

In a foggy city where chaos has begun to spread, England's losses are visible to the naked eye every second.

What the **** is this doing?

Alice stared blankly at the city below. Growing up in this city, she had never seen such a foggy city. There was even a sense of helplessness in the huge chaos, and the chaos was still spreading. , This is simply not the effect that the Duke and Shura two half-step invincible masters can create.

A terrorist attack? Doomsday? Black State Rush? or something else?

Why did the fog suddenly turn into this look?

Behind the scenes in this scene, what is the purpose of the people creating all this chaos?

Alice looked at all this sluggishly, seeing scenes she had never seen before, the huge impact even made her forget her fear of being in the sky.


Shura's figure crossed the most chaotic block in the air, and then in a huge sense of weightlessness, he grabbed Alice's body and fell directly.

Alice's scream sounded again.

Shura's figure smashed heavily on the ground, and the street where he landed was directly smashed into a huge pit, and the dense cobweb-like cracks spread out from around the pit, as if the entire street shook.

Shura still held Alice and walked out of the pit step by step.

In front of the two is an off-road vehicle that is more than one lap bigger than an ordinary vehicle.

Shura took out the key, opened the door, and threw Alice into the co-pilot. With the roar of the engine, the huge off-road vehicle suddenly accelerated and rushed out of the block.

"What are you going to do?"

Alice's voice was more of a pleading than a questioning one.


Shura's answer was short and clear.

"If it's just killing people, is it necessary to do this? You are now... ah!!"


Screams and bangs sounded at the same time.

The off-road vehicle crossed the red light, and in the center of the intersection, a row of normally-running emergency vehicles almost watched the off-road vehicle rush over, and before he had time to react, Shura turned the steering wheel, and the huge front of the off-road vehicle collided with the two. The front and rear of the car, as if it saw two pebbles while driving, ran over the obstacles without caring and rushed out.

The two Jingcha cars slid out of the street for a distance of nearly ten meters with a harsh sound. The traffic lights completely collapsed, and the colors of red, green and yellow kept flashing. The dizzy Jingcha climbed out of the car and subconsciously aimed at Yang Chang. The Mercedes-Benz that went away kept shooting, and the Jingche team, which had a clear purpose, immediately divided half of its forces and started chasing the Mercedes-Benz.

Abrupt, funny, messy.

No one can tell where the source of the chaos is. Shura, the Duke, and other places are like a branch of chaos that spreads out, driving the rhythm of the entire fog.

In the Mercedes-Benz, Alice's voice was angry and frightened: "You are announcing England! You will not end well!"


Shura's response was flat.

Alice suddenly didn't know what to say. She clutched at the seat belt as the speed of the car was getting faster and faster, and listened to the sound of the chasing cars behind her. She suddenly felt that life was so exciting, and she couldn't help herself.

The body was reinforced, and the modified Mercedes-Benz, which was somewhat insane, was completely turned into a bumper car in Shura's hands.

The concept of avoiding obstacles and other traffic lights seems to be non-existent. The heavy-looking off-road vehicles are racing all the way, and any vehicles that are not pleasing to the eye are directly hit.

Street lights, vehicles, shops on the side of the road, rampage, ignoring everything.

The speed is still increasing.

The urban area of ​​Wudu fully felt how crazy the speed of nearly 200 kilometers per hour was.

Alice only felt that the world was spinning. The Mercedes-Benz, which was rushing in a straight line one second, often rushed onto the sidewalk, rushed into the store, and then rushed out from the other end of the store.

The route kept changing and turning, Jingche could no longer see the shadow, and the air pursuit power that Alice longed for never appeared. Several drones that always followed behind Mercedes-Benz were also smashed by Shura with a few shots. After special modification Mercedes-Benz is almost as sturdy as the main station Tanker. She really wants to go wherever she wants, and hits all obstacles all the way. The chaos spreads all the way as Mercedes-Benz releases herself, and Alice suddenly finds herself lost. .

She, a person who grew up in Wudu, has no idea where she is now under Shura's crazy operations.

Alice gave up resistance completely and smiled bitterly: "I want to know where exactly you are taking me."

"Reincarnation Gongwudu No. 3 Base."

Shura's voice was stiff and calm.

"Reincarnation Palace?"

Alice frowned: "Your Reincarnation Palace actually has at least three bases in Wudu? No, it should be called the East Palace now, you guys..."

"Reincarnation Palace!"

Shura emphasized once more.

Although after the destruction of the Samsara Palace, all the properties of the Samsara Palace belonged to the Eastern Palace, but in this regard, the Eastern Palace did not gain much benefit.

At that time, the Eastern Palace was not as powerful as it is now, and Li Tianlan at that time did not have the status he has now. It was not like Li Kuangtu conceded defeat and all his industries, including bases all over the world, were merged into the Eastern Palace. With the fall of the reincarnation palace lord, apart from the Shengshi Fund, which still maintains a secret, the Eastern Palace has hardly gained much substance.

For example, the dozens of bases of the Reincarnation Palace in Europe were directly destroyed by the major forces in Europe, and the property on the bright side of the Reincarnation Palace was also divided up by the major giants.

Among them, the No. 1 and No. 2 bases of the Reincarnation Palace in Wudu at that time were destroyed by the power of Rothschild and the Shadow Throne.

It's just that no one thought that the Reincarnation Palace actually has a No. 3 base here.

"Where is your No. 3 base?"

Alice asked.

If this kind of question is facing the Duke, she doesn't even have the courage to ask. Although Shura's image is rather scary, at least he is a normal person who can communicate, not like a lunatic like the Duke, which inevitably makes Alice's heart become again. Active, even if this kind of communication does not allow her to find a chance, it can at least ease some inner tension and fear: "After the death of the Palace Master of Samsara, the Rothschild family participated in the annihilation of the Palace of Samsara, although I did not have that meeting. Participate, but I know the result, the first base and the second base of the reincarnation palace belong to the royal family and the shadow throne respectively, if you still have the third base... how did you avoid the intelligence of England?"

Shura turned to look at her.

The moment he turned his head, the Mercedes-Benz, which had already reached a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour, slammed into a car in front of him. With the violent impact, the off-road vehicle almost ran over from the top of the car.

Shura turned his head and twitched the corners of his mouth: "Do you know what the Samsara Palace is?"

Alice was startled.

Reincarnation Palace.

Even someone like her who has never participated in the affairs of the dark world in the financial world knows what the reincarnation palace means.

The behemoth between the first-line forces and the super-power, the legendary Reincarnation Palace Lord, the famous Twelve Heavenly Kings, the fact that the rapid expansion and development and the rise in a short period of time make the entire Reincarnation Palace look like a miracle in the dark world. .

In fact, countless people in the dark world have regarded the Palace of Reincarnation as a superpower.

Compared with superpowers like the Beihai Wang Clan, the original Samsara Palace also had a complete echelon of peak invincible masters, murderous soldiers, and thunderclap masters.

Compared with the real superpowers, what they are inferior to is the background, the real estate that can be called the foundation of their own, the unshakable kind of piles of various scientific research projects and Jun Gong projects.

But aside from these words, simply comparing the conventional combat power, the combat power between the Samsara Palace and the super powers is almost the same.

"what do you mean..."

Alice asked cautiously, she suddenly felt that Shura's expression was a little strange at this moment.

"You'll know."

Shura said indifferently: "You will know what the Reincarnation Palace is. It has been at the peak for more than ten years, but its main scope of activities has always been in the Reincarnation Palace in Europe. You will see what it really looks like. It's your pleasure, Lady Alice."

Mercedes-Benz still rampages in the streets.

Shura's voice continued to sound: "Don't you want to know where our No. 3 base is? 25 Notting Street, we'll be there soon, face your fears."

Facing fear?

25 Notting Street...



"Twenty-five Notting Street?!"

Alice screamed suddenly, her expression distorted in an incomparably exaggerated range, and the whole person seemed to have seen a ghost.

Shura stopped the car, dragged Alice out, and punched the Mercedes-Benz. A violent electric current and lightning shrouded the entire body. In the next second, this luxury car, which only required eight figures for modification, exploded.

The air was billowing, and in the thick smoke, the air was slightly distorted, and the silhouettes of Shura and Alice disappeared abruptly.


at the same time.

Sanctuary of Los Italy.

In the brightly lit Sacred Palace, the Sacred Emperor walked out of the prayer room and saw a man sitting on the sofa in the living room coughing lightly.

The man looked to be in his thirties, with red hair, soft facial features and even handsome, tall and straight, but his face was extremely pale. When he coughed, he covered his mouth with a handkerchief and put it down. At the time, the Holy Emperor clearly saw the blood stained on the opponent's handkerchief.

The Holy Emperor squinted his eyes, and his voice was cold and indifferent: "When did you become so particular about it?"

"I'm not so particular about being outside. Sitting like this, for the first time in my life, it's inevitable that I'm a bit pretentious."

The young man with a standard European appearance smiled, his eyes were very deep, and the whole person seemed to be a little older than the appearance, but his breath was a little weak, and as he spoke, he even gave people a sense of superiority. Out of breath feeling.

He coughed again, pointed to the surroundings of the reception hall, and said with a smile: "And I'm also afraid, I'm not at my peak now, look at the appearance of these idiots around, they are all about to move, and they can't wait to rush over and kill me. If you eat it, even if you don’t eat it raw, the three mature people will think about it, right? With them guarding here, if my careless blood contaminates the Holy Palace, they will have an excuse to do it.”

"Since you're afraid, you shouldn't come."

The Holy Emperor, dressed in a white robe, sat peacefully opposite the man, waved his hand casually, and signaled the people around him to back away. As the world's farthest transcendental realm in the spiritual realm, his safety does not need anyone else to protect him. .

The living room is full of well-armed elites of the Holy Inquisition Corps, seven or eight high-levels in the Thunder Realm, and dozens of soldiers in the Fire Realm. , Mighty, everyone is staring at the man opposite the Holy Emperor at this time, eyeing tigers, and their hostility is not concealed. With the wave of the Holy Emperor, these people hesitated and began to walk out of the living room one by one.

"I've moved up one more place on your most wanted list. This is your horse. I don't think I've done anything in the past few years. The Dark Knights are honest, and I haven't even shown up. It just doesn't make sense to scurry up."

As the man spoke, he couldn't help coughing again.

The corner of the Holy Emperor's mouth showed a smile that he didn't know whether it was sarcasm or gloomy. He said indifferently: "You come to me to protest this kind of thing? You should find the Samsara Palace Master, and the East Emperor."

As the only superpower in the world between light and darkness, Sanctuary has always had its own wanted list. Everyone on the list has brought great harm to Sanctuary and caused them heavy losses. People, the sanctuary gave them the big hat of endangering the safety of the sanctuary, and even the safety of human beings, and did everything possible to target them, saying that they were intentional and needed redemption or judgment.

Yes, there are two wanted lists in the Sanctuary, and the whole world knows it.

Redemption List, Judgment List.

Those who are on the trial list are basically the ones who don't need to hesitate to kill when they meet. Such people are often very hostile to the Sanctuary, but they are extremely insignificant compared to the Sanctuary.

The redemption list is different. Even if such a person has caused great losses to the sanctuary, as long as they are sincere and willing to join the sanctuary and become a vassal, they belong to the kind who can not only survive but also live well. kind.

The most straightforward statement is that those who were not good enough and offended the Sanctuary were basically killed... well, they were judged.

And those who joined the Sanctuary at the end of their lives were redeemed, because they had the value of being redeemed. As for those who would rather die than surrender, they would either be held in prison and slowly redeemed, or they would be judged on the spot.

Everyone on the redemption list has extraordinary value to the sanctuary. Obviously not everyone is eligible to be on this list. In the past ten years, only five people have occupied the redemption list for a long time.

Zhongzhou Sword Emperor Wang Tianzong.

Reincarnation Palace Lord.

Rothschild Patriarch Paul.

Rafael, leader of the Dark Knights.

And Donghuang Li Tianlan, who was on the list after the Beihai decisive battle some time ago, Li Tianlan can't even be regarded as occupying this list for a long time.

The five people on the list are enough to show that not everyone is eligible to be on the list, not even just force.

Wang Tianzong and the Beihai Wang family.

The Lord of the Reincarnation Palace and the Reincarnation Palace.

Rafal and the Dark Knights.

Paul and Rothschild.

As well as Li Tianlan and the East Palace.

Of these five people, anyone being redeemed to become a vassal of the Sanctuary is enough to greatly increase the strength of the Sanctuary. This is the value of redemption in the eyes of the Sanctuary.

It's just that in recent years, with Wang Tianzong's serious injury and the fall of the reincarnation palace master, the leader of the Dark Knights Rafael's ranking has continued to rise. Now with the fall of Paul, Rafael has rushed to the first place in the Sanctuary Redemption List. One, as for Li Tianlan...

Judging from his declaration tonight and the fighting ability he showed, as long as the Sanctuary is not stupid, Li Tianlan will basically be removed from the list soon.

So after tonight, Rafael naturally became the first person on the Sanctuary Redemption List.

This kind of change made Rafael a little confused, and while laughing at himself, he didn't forget to joke with the Holy Emperor in person.

"So, are you bringing it to your door now?"

A gloomy smile appeared on the old face of the Holy Emperor: "It's really courageous."

"I came because you were waiting for me. Although they are enemies, the situation is interesting, isn't it? I think we have a lot to talk about."

Rafael said lightly. As he spoke, he coughed violently again. Even the entire handkerchief was dyed red, and a faint smell of blood began to permeate the living room.

"You are seriously injured."

The Holy Emperor narrowed his eyes.

After the Battle of Snow Country, the Queen of Darkness Mochizuki Xiange entered the Dark Knights. Rafael was seriously injured and recuperated, and he has not recovered until now. An inexplicable look flashed in the eyes of the Holy Emperor.

Rafael seemed to sense something, raised his head to look at the Holy Emperor, and said with a half-smile, "Why don't you try it?"

The Sage Emperor looked at him silently, and Rafael also looked at the Sage Emperor silently.

The two looked at each other for five minutes before the Holy Emperor took a deep breath, suppressed the urge in his heart, changed the subject, and said lightly, "How do you know I'm waiting for you?"

"If you weren't waiting for me, how did I get into the Holy Palace? How could I sit here? I'm a careless person, and I will soon become the only careless person on the redemption list."

Rafael said casually.

The Holy Emperor did not speak.

"You know that the Palace of Reincarnation is at Base No. 3 in Wudu."

Rafael pointed out: "Before the Snow Country Chaos happened and for a period of time after it happened, Sanctuary and Samsara Palace had cooperated. From then on, you knew that Samsara Palace was at Base 3 in Wudu. ."

The Holy Emperor still did not speak.

"But so far, Rothschild doesn't know, what does that mean?"

Rafael smiled: "Does this mean that when you tried to kill the Eastern Emperor, you were also showing goodwill to the reincarnation palace that no longer existed? Or, is it a signal of cooperation with the Shengshi Foundation?"

The Holy Emperor raised his eyebrows slightly.

"So, let's cooperate."

Rafael said lightly, "How about we join forces to destroy Rothschild with such a good opportunity?"


long silence.

The clock in the parlour was ticking.

I don't know how long it took before the Holy Emperor's voice sounded, short and clear: "Okay."

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