The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 268: : Chaos (6)

The sunset is like fire.

When the Mitaka Fund was still working together with major funds, Alice had already walked out of the gate of the Mitaka Building and got into an extended version of the sedan.

"go home."

Instructed the driver lightly, Alice, who was holding the mobile phone in her hand, called the phone at home, her tone was gentle and strong: "My dear, I need you to go to the basement now, in the collection room No. 3, there is an oil painting there. .

Yes, I need that. I've just left Mitaka now, well, I'm already on my way. I'm sorry I can't accompany you to dinner, I'm going to visit the Earl of Churchill, yes, that oil painting is a gift I intend to give to the Earl of Chougill. "

The baffles have been lowered in the spacious cabin, which is completely isolated from the cab.

Alice sat on the vertical soft seat and took a sip from the drink handed by her assistant, her eyes shining with an inexplicable light.

Only she and her assistant were in the carriage.

There were also eight bodyguards in the front car and the rear car respectively. The three cars formed a delicate and luxurious convoy, which drove through the square in front of the Mitaka Building and entered the city.

The assistant who won Alice's trust waited until she put down her phone before she said in surprise, "Boss, are we going to visit Earl Choujir?"


Alice nodded and smiled suddenly: "Do you know what that means?"

The assistant's expression changed slightly.

Earl of Chougir.

To be precise, it should be the Choujir family.

Although there is no duke title in the Chougir family today, the existence of a marquis and an earl is still enough to explain their status in England and even in the entire continent.

This is one of the most prominent families in England. Unlike Rothschild's emphasis, most of the members of the Choujir family are concentrated in the two realms of the righteous king. The distinguished history and glorious present are worthy of their status as the top nobles, while The Earl of Chougir, whom Alice is about to visit, is a special person in the entire Chougir family.

In other words, Count Choujir is the representative of the Choujir family in the business world, and the spokesperson of the royal family in the eyes of everyone in Europe.

Choujir is currently in charge of over 80% of the royal family's property, and also controls all the commercial power of the Choujir family, and has a very strong influence in the entire European continent. Although Alice was born in Rothschild, she is a Without a title, she is not considered a direct descendant, and she is really nothing in front of Count Chugil.

"I seem to have heard that we have contacted this legendary earl before, but he is not enthusiastic about our actions..."

The assistant said softly, as if thinking of something, his pupils shrank abruptly.

"Yes, but that was before."

Alice lit a lady's cigarette with a chuckle, turned her head to look at the receding street scene outside the window, and said with a smile, "Now, he is enthusiastic and sincere."

The assistant took a deep breath to hide the shock in his heart, and his tone trembled slightly: "The royal family?"

"Of course, that's the obvious question, isn't it?"

Alice's smile became more and more arrogant, and there was a hint of mockery in her eyes.

Earl Choujir is the spokesperson of the royal family. The other party knows very well their actions against the Shengshi Fund. Alice even visited the other party once, hoping to get the other party's support.

It's just that Choujir refused very simply.

When many people see the crazy returns after defeating the Shengshi Fund, there are also many people who can see the risks of fighting the Shengshi Fund. The return is proportional to the risk, but this is not what the earl likes, it is also in line with his character.

But now such a prudent earl has suddenly changed his mind, calling to invite her to dinner, or the day before they are about to act, the meaning of this is very subtle, subtle enough to make Alice completely sure of a certain person. something.

"So there are some things that can't be said indiscriminately."

Alice sneered: "You can't even talk about some awesome people."

He was almost certain that what made Qiu Gil change his mind was because of Li Tianlan's words.

The sixth strongest player in the world.

To be precise, this sentence directly changed the attention of the royal family.

This is bound to happen.

Li Tianlan announced in front of the whole world his ambition of one person and one country. Some people will accept it, such as Dongdao, and some people will be silent, such as Zhongzhou, but there will also be people who will react, such as the current England.

Zhongzhou's silence is because Li Tianlan is from Zhongzhou. His status is getting higher and higher, which will bring some disadvantages to Zhongzhou, but it also has benefits. How to control it is Li Huacheng's business.

Under such circumstances, among the five powerhouses, Zhongzhou looked at Li Tianlan in a completely different way from the other four powerhouses.

Zhongzhou may not like Li Tianlan's arrogance and ambition, but he is destined to hesitate, and then calmly adjust his thoughts, suppress and win over at the same time, win over suppression, guide cooperation, and use various means to make the East Palace and Zhongzhou Station stand. together.

This is the most sensible thing to do.

As long as Zhongzhou can do this, whether Li Tianlan is the sixth most powerful country is not important to Zhongzhou at all, because their positions are completely the same, Zhongzhou is one, Li Tianlan is six, this is the strength improvement after one plus six .

But such a result is impossible for Xingguo, England, France, and Snowland to accept.

One person, one country.

This is unimaginable arrogance and arrogance.

How can a real strong person accept that a person can stand at such a height?

Li Tianlan's performance is obvious to all.

They recognized Li Tianlan's strength, but would not accept his status.

So some targeted actions are bound to occur.

Strictly speaking, this kind of thing does not have too much relationship with Earl Choujir. The business currently controlled by the Choujir family is very closed, not to mention Li Tianlan and the East Palace, many businesses are not even the Rothschild family. , so the rise of Li Tianlan's status will not stimulate the Qiu Jier family, at least it will not make Count Qiu Jier change his mind so quickly.

So the only explanation, the change in the attitude of Earl Chugil, is because of the royal family.

And this is just the beginning.

This visit seems ordinary, but Alice is clearly smelling the smell of surprise.

What is a strong country?

A strong country has the dignity and pride of a strong country, a power that cannot be offended.

They may procrastinate in some areas, but when it's time to be decisive, they are more decisive than anyone.

When Li Tianlan's threat is so great that powerful countries should pay attention, they will definitely take targeted measures immediately.

The fight over money is only the first step, even trivial.

Alice said in a calm voice: "Believe it or not, after tonight, not only the royal family, but the various giants in Europe, who once rejected our power, will become our allies, including Morgan and Rockefeller of Star Country, and Snow Country, All the forces will be concentrated together, this is a force that can completely destroy the Shengshi Fund, and this force is so huge that we don't need any tricks at all."

The assistant hesitated for a moment and reminded: "You seem to have forgotten Zhongzhou's attitude."

The Prosperity Fund is located in Central Continent, and Central Continent is the strongest overlord.

If the Shengshi Fund is completely destroyed by external forces, the East Palace will suffer heavy losses, but Central Continent will also suffer great losses, and even the core industries in many fields within Central Continent may be affected by external forces. Once Central Continent fights back , What is their power?

At present, the top five powerhouses in the world are Middle-earth, Star Country, England, France and Snow Country.

Who is more powerful, Central Continent at the forefront and Snow Country at the end?

The answer is self-evident.

It must be that Central Continent is stronger.

But does this so-called stronger actually make sense?

More powerful and absolutely powerful are different after all.

There may be strengths and weaknesses among the five powerhouses, but in the most extreme cases, each has the ability to completely destroy each other.

This is the basis for equal dialogue between the five powerhouses, even if they are strong or weak.

But when they ruled out the most extreme cases, in terms of conventional power, a Middle Continent has the ability to overwhelm the other four.

Li Tianlan has already announced his ambitions.

Whether his ambition matches his strength or not, let's not say, at least as long as he is on Zhongzhou's side, then Li Tianlan's existence is a trump card for Zhongzhou to deal with the other four old opponents. At the time of his attitude, Zhongzhou would definitely have to react for this trump card.

To what extent this matter will end up, no one can say.

"Our action this time was originally to cater to the attitude of Central Continent."

Alice said calmly: "Have you forgotten the Beihai Wang Family? If we defeat the Shengshi Fund this time, all the properties of the Shengshi Fund in the Central Continent will be given to the Beihai Wang Family, and then the Beihai Wang Family will give a considerable portion to the Central Continent. , Zhongzhou can also use some chips to appease the East Palace and reach a new balance, the transaction in this is very complicated."

Alice was silent for a while, then continued: "If you have to describe it exactly, it is the world's five major powerhouses, plus Li Tianlan, plus our major giants... Everyone is surrounded by everyone. In the hands of each of us Both have knives. When we stab the knives into each other's body, we also have to put the cake in the other hand into each other's mouth, so the final result may be that everyone is dripping with blood, but Everyone will be well fed.”

"So in the end, everyone's comparison is who has less blood and who eats more cake. It's too naive to want to leave intact."

"An interesting description."

The assistant smiled.

"this is the truth."

The car turned the corner, Alice opened the window, reached out, and threw the cigarette **** out of her hand.

Biting coldness followed by silent danger.

The palm that Alice was about to withdraw suddenly numbs.

Huge pain surged through my brain in an instant.

Knife lights flickered outside the window.

The fierce light fell from the sky like a cold wind.


With the sound of heavy objects falling on the roof, the light slashed down the car window and crossed Alice's wrist. In an instant, Alice's entire palm was directly cut open, and in the gushing blood, her The palm flew out directly.


No sign.

Under the severe pain, Alice's sharp screams echoed wildly in the car.

The assistant whose expression changed dramatically has not had time to speak.


The specially made sturdy roof was slashed open by someone, the sunroof was completely shattered, and the top-down blade pierced the assistant's head directly, smashing his body into two halves instantly, and a feminine face pierced through the shattered face. The roof of the car appeared in front of Alice.

Alice, who was screaming wildly, froze for a moment.

The next second, her extremely distorted and frightened voice rang out again.


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