The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 266: : Chaos (4)

East Island, Phoenix Palace.

In the spacious and comfortable hall, Mai Shiranui sat upright on the sofa, staring intently at the screen in front of her.

The meeting has ended.

In the huge hall, only the elderly Tianhuang sat opposite Mai Shiranui, watching the pictures on the screen.

The huge screen that occupies almost the entire wall is divided into three parts.

Part of it is the station yard in the northern border of Annan.

Part of it is the station yard at the junction of Tiannan and Nagumo.

The third part is a scene on the vast sea level, where the power belonging to the East Island is all the way north.

In a short time after the Beihai decisive battle, Dongdao wanted to seize the opportunity to fight the Beihai Wang clan again.

This time, there are no so-called allies and external forces to support.

This is Dongdao's own gamble.

And this big gamble was a suggestion from Mai Shiranui, the personal maid of the Eastern Emperor Li Tianlan.

Tianhuang agreed to Mai Shiranui's proposal without much thought, but what he didn't expect was that when discussing this matter with the cabinet, the authorities in the cabinet also did not think much about it, and did not even hesitate to support the Phoenix Palace's proposal. proposal.

Bet again.

Even if you go bankrupt, you have to gamble once.

So in just a few hours, with the calls from the Phoenix Palace and the Cabinet, various orders were accurately conveyed, and the entire East Island moved at an unimaginable speed.

The elites of the top ten martial arts schools in Dongdao gathered.

Thunder Realm, Burning Fire Realm, Ice Condensation Realm, one counts as one, all go north!

One after another, Junjian drove out from the port.

The elite of Junzhong's troops came out, and three large-scale monarch groups were temporarily formed.

The power of Kongjun is fully activated.

All power.

is all.

As long as Dongdao can take it out, all of them are gathering towards the north at this time.

This sounds like a very exciting scene.

But in fact...

The number of people Dongdao used this time with real combat power... is less than 30,000.

Including the three temporary 'large monarch groups. ’

And that one after another Junjian...

Well... nine ships.

Much older.

There is no clear organization, escort, cruise, expulsion, transportation, etc., everything that can be boarded.

Shabby, desolate, miserable.

After being hit again and again, Dongdao really has nothing to do with it anymore. This time, when they went north, it was entirely because the Phoenix Palace and the cabinet desperately squeezed out the last bit of Dongdao's strength to gamble.

Regardless of whether he wins or loses, it will take at least twenty years for Dongdao to regain the strength of its former heyday.

Tianhuang stared blankly at the sea on the screen, his eyes were a little sad, and he said softly: "In about twenty minutes, our first batch of leading troops will officially land in Qiushui City, and we have no turning back."

His voice echoed in the hall, a little sad.

"Is Your Majesty not reconciled?"

Shiranui Wu chuckled softly and asked softly.

"Not reconciled..."

Tianhuang thought about it seriously, and then sighed: "It's just... a little scared."

He looked at Mai Shiranui seriously: "Beihai still has a certain strength, the outcome of this operation is unpredictable, but no matter whether we win or lose, Dongdao will fall into an unprecedented weakness. After tonight, we will not have any external We won’t even have the power to maintain internal stability anymore, but what do we get?”


Shiranui looked at Tianhuang's old and haggard face seriously, and said calmly: "We have received the protection of His Majesty the East Emperor, whether we win or lose, this is the case, isn't that enough?"

Tianhuang was silent for a while, and finally smiled bitterly: "I understand the truth, and I also know what you mean, Dongdao is already very weak now, even if we hide this little power tonight, we can't actually do anything, but... .."

He shook his head and said nothing.

Strictly speaking, this is not something to regret or complain, but the old man's instinctive unease, and something strange and uncomfortable.

"I understand."

Mai Shiranui nodded: "The area of ​​Dongdao is very small, but even now, no one can deny that we are a big country. From the past to the present, we have never completely pinned the fate of a country on one person. Especially this person is still an outsider in the eyes of many people. But Your Majesty is confused, why do you have to regard His Majesty the East Emperor as a person?"

Tianhuang was stunned.

"Obviously, the members of the cabinet are more rational and decisive than you. They know better than you that the current Emperor Donghuang is not alone."

The corners of Shiranuiwu's mouth raised an incomparably seductive arc: "He is the sixth most powerful country in the world. Isn't this identity enough to impress you? From today, our East Island will not be attached to one person, but a country."

After a pause, Shiranui Wu continued to speak lightly: "We should be very experienced in this kind of thing, right?"

Tianhuang's face was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't refute anything.

East Island is indeed a big country.

But internationally, they have never had the dignity of the strong.

That's the truth, what's the point of refuting it?

They once launched a fight against Central Continent hundreds of years ago. After failing, they attached to Xingguo, and then Xingguo used it as a **** against Central Continent. At the same time, Xingguo squeezed and even exploited the creation of East Island people again and again. wealth.

Then, with the rise of the Beihai Wang clan, the first-generation patriarch of the Beihai Wang clan and the first-generation God of War of Central Continent broke the dominance that belonged to the Star Nation at that time, and then the first-generation God of War shattered the interests of the Star Nation. group.

In desperation, Dongdao began to kneel and lick Central Continent.

Of course, they also resisted, but those resistances were like a joke in front of Zhongzhou, who had risen completely at the beginning.

Beihai bullied them, Zhongzhou was too lazy to take care of them, Ou Lu looked down on them, and they were not human inside or outside.

Continuing until the collapse of the Li Clan and Gu Xingyun's ascendance, Zhongzhou's status seems to be shaken a little.

Dongdao began to flirt with Xingguo again, and then he was taught to be a man by Zhongzhou in a decisive battle in Tiandu. The subsequent chaos in the Snow Kingdom and the decisive battle in Beihai made Dongdao clear.

They are strong.

But they have always chosen to attach themselves to people who are stronger than themselves, so that they never get the status they deserve.

In terms of attachment to the strong, they are professional, or even the most professional.

They are not attached to individuals.

But what if Li Tianlan was regarded as the sixth most powerful country?

Tianhuang finally wanted to understand why the cabinet agreed so simply.

The whole world interprets Li Tianlan's words.

No one knew what the five overlords were thinking, but it didn't matter to Dongdao at all.

The important thing is that the Dongdao cabinet recognized Li Tianlan's words.

They acknowledged Li Tianlan's sixth position in the world, and chose to go up without hesitation.

The emperor sighed deeply, and said in a low voice, "I understand. Tonight, Dongdao will attack with all his strength, Qiushui, Canglan, and Tongtian are our sincerity to the Dong Palace."

Mai Shiranui nodded, and continued to look at the screen: "When the test has a clear result, it's time for me to set off."

Yes, the first batch of people who went to Beihai was just a test, not even a master.

Because there are no masters in Beihai now who can do it.

Dongdao has now gathered all the masters. Once they clearly see the reality of the North Sea, all their masters will go all out.

"If it fails..."

Tianhuang couldn't help but say something, looking a little frowning.

"It doesn't matter if you fail."

Shiranuiwu's expression remained unchanged: "These people, these armaments, everything that happened tonight is our attitude, our sincerity. His Majesty the East Emperor will see it, so success and failure are not what we should consider, we only We need to go all out to do our best, even to die, and use all these strengths before the Eastern Palace will recognize our sincerity."

It was cruel and morbid.

But this is very in line with Dongdao's concept.

Shiranui Wu suddenly smiled: "And...I can't think of the reason why we will fail tonight. Obviously, the Beihai now has no enough strength. What happened in Tiannan, haven't His Majesty realized that? what?"


Tianhuang was a little bewildered.

He watched with his own eyes the **** legion completely ripped apart the power of the Beihai and purgatory legions in Tiannan. He was shocked and delighted, but what else could he explain? Who can guarantee 100% that it is really the last bit of power in the North Sea?

"The North Sea and Purgatory Legion did not receive any support in this battle."

A strange smile appeared on Shiranuiwu's face: "Didn't you find out? Tiannan's battle lasted for two hours, more than 100,000 people, it can be said to be earth-shattering, but so far, the entire Tiannan , and even Annan, it turned out to be calm, what does this mean?"

Tianhuang was stunned for a moment, and then the whole person's scalp seemed to explode, and he couldn't help shivering.

This scene... what does it mean?

In the East Island of Central Continent, the whole world knows that when the North Sea and the Purgatory Legion suffered heavy losses in Tiannan, the other forces of the alliance, even Annan's, did not respond to this?

Tianhuang doesn't think this is a betrayal.

In the case of betrayal, this lack of response is too dry to even make sense.

The only explanation...

It is the other forces in the current alliance and the whole of Annan.


They didn't get the message!

what does that mean?

How familiar is this scene?


Just like the night of the decisive battle in the North Sea, the entire Dongdao was engrossed in the whole process, and they made countless calls, but in the end it turned out that what they saw and heard were all wrong news.

How similar is this scene to that night?

No one can say exactly what this power is, but it can be used in Tiannan, why can't it be used in Beihai?

When the power of Dongdao enters the North Sea, will all aspects of the North Sea also face such a completely incomprehensible situation?

An excited flush appeared on Tianhuang's face: "If that's the case, then we..."

"His Majesty..."

A voice suddenly sounded from outside the hall.

Tianhuang's life assistant walked over quickly, lowered his voice, and said respectfully, "Li Huacheng from Zhongzhou wants to talk to you."

At this moment, Dongdao gathered all the power.

At this moment, Dongdao is about to enter the North Sea.

At this moment, Li Huacheng's call came to Tianhuang.

The overwhelming pressure was directly suppressed.

Central Continent. Middle-earth!

The muscles in Tianhuang's face twitched obviously. Facing this call, he was a little reluctant to answer, but he had to answer.

His body sat stiffly on the sofa for two or three minutes before he said hoarsely, "Come in!"

The assistant nodded and controlled the screen.

The screen was divided into four parts, and the call from Central Continent was placed in the center.

Li Huacheng's figure appeared on the screen.

Tianhuang stood up and respectfully bowed to Li Huacheng in accordance with Dongdao's etiquette, being meticulous, without the slightest slack.

Li Huacheng just nodded casually and said with a smile: "The power of Dongdao has entered the North Sea, what does your majesty mean? When targeting the North Sea, did you forget the Central Continent Council?"

Does Xingshi ask for guilt?

The pressure is mounting.

Tianhuang bent down again and said in a serious voice, "Your Excellency, that's not the case. Dongdao can explain it and make a reasonable explanation for all this."


Li Huacheng laughed.


Tianhuang gritted his teeth: "We are just carrying out His Majesty Li Tianlan's will, Dongdao's action tonight is entirely for the Dong Palace, we will take the land in the southern part of the North Sea, but not for Dongdao, this will be a gift, A complete gift to His Majesty Li Tianlan."

A gift from Beihai for the Eastern Palace.

The Middle-earth Council would be fine to watch a play.

This is what Tianhuang means.

Li Huacheng was silent.

long silence.

He was silent for more than half an hour!

In the Zhongzhou conference room, Wan Qingyun was already going crazy.

The power of Dongdao had officially landed in the North Sea more than ten minutes ago.

A **** battle broke out without the slightest suspense.

But Li Huacheng was still silent.

Forty minutes.

fifty minutes.

One hour!

Li Hua seemed to be asleep.

Just when Wan Qingyun couldn't bear it anymore, Li Huacheng suddenly smiled, looked at the other direction of the screen, and said with a smile: "Is this Miss Shiranuiwu?"


Shiranui Wu stood up and bowed slightly: "Hi, Your Excellency Li Huacheng."

"I heard that you became Tianlan's maid, and you are considered noble in Dongdao, so I have wronged you."

Li Huacheng said with great interest.

"It's my pleasure."

Shiranui Mai looked serious.

Li Huacheng burst out laughing, extraordinarily hearty.


He chatted with Mai Shiranui.


Are you talking about mud horses? !

Wan Qingyun stared at Li Huacheng, but at this moment, he fully understood what Li Huacheng meant.

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