The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 263: : Chaos (1)

Every force has its own plan.

Wang Xiaoyao and Wang Qinglei have their own goals.

Central Continent, Dongdao, Annan, the tyrannical powers of the European continent, and the major chaebols also have their own goals.

From Annan to Tiannan, the war was raging.

Outside the battlefield, the dark world seemed to be calm, and the turbulent undercurrent had already turned into a huge wave.

The alliance's actions are the focus this time.

Around this focus, countless people, different forces, terrifying capital, huge power, and powerful force began to extend from different corners, and the whole situation was fundamentally turbulent when it seemed the most peaceful.

The large-scale fighting in Tiannan did not stop.

It's just that in the high-intensity battle that lasted for more than two hours, the conflict has slipped from a high point to a low point.

The corpses were all over the field, and the blood flowed into rivers.

A large number of corpses almost covered the ground. The strong smell of blood and billowing smoke filled the air. The sparks of fire were everywhere. A lot of materials were scattered in the pool of blood. The deafening gunshots and explosions stopped. The sporadic sound, the large muzzle flashed sparks occasionally, bullets and even fire sword bullets and the remaining bullets occasionally flew in the air, accompanied by the rhythmic sound of the sniper rifle, the momentum was still amazing, but the overall situation was the same as when the battle started. Worlds apart.

The rolling torrent of warriors stepped forward on the corpse, like a terrifying tide, and adjusted the formation with different orders in the fast movement.

Charge, fire, cover, chase.

Blood-covered warriors were scattered everywhere, but under one order after another, they were neatly organized as a whole, and they acted clearly with the top-down orders.

No vocals.

The world seemed to be silent amidst the occasional explosion.

Thor stepped across the pool of blood with an expressionless face, lifted the almost blood-soaked military boots, and stepped on the chest of a middle-aged man.

He lowered his head, looked down at the man under his feet, and said indifferently, "I know you, we met during the exercise five years ago, when the Huangfu Yi you were protecting was almost beheaded by me with the Pegasus Legion. Remember?"

The blood-covered middle-aged man's eyes were a little slack. He struggled hard, but his so-called struggle had no strength at all when he was exhausted. The only thing he could feel was that the military boots that Thor stepped on his chest were getting harder and harder. , as if the bones in his chest began to deform slightly under the oppression of huge force.

He laughed, his voice weak and hoarse: "The King of Beihai will not let you go, Dibingshan will never let the Dongcheng family go, Lei Shen, your good days are over, I will wait for you first."

"Tsk, I don't see that you are quite charismatic."

The corner of Thor's mouth twitched: "It's just that you don't think it's worth it? Your white shark is also at the peak of the Thunder Realm. It's unnecessary to die here like this. Tell me what I want to know, and I promise to give you a way out. It's definitely much better than when you were in the Huangfu family, how about it?"


The white shark spat hard.

Lei Shen was not angry, he smiled and said: "Tell me where your so-called allies are now, don't need to be too detailed, just tell me the general location, especially Kunlun City, I probably know where the people of the Holy Inquisition Legion are, but Kunlun City You can really hide, I need to know their location. In other words, the relationship between you Beihai and Kunlun City is not very good. You are all so miserable, don’t you want to make your allies miserable? I can help you, I OK."

"Dreaming, there is a kind of you that kills..."


Thor's soles stepped directly down.

The blood-soaked military boots stepped into White Shark's chest and smashed his heart.

White Shark opened his eyes subconsciously, but the brilliance in his eyes quickly disappeared.

"I got you done."

Thor murmured to himself, "Shame on you."

The white shark's body twitched, and then it stopped moving.

Thor continued to walk, and next to the body of White Shark, there was also a middle-aged man in casual clothes.

The alliance has invested all the money this time, and the people who appear here are the real elite army, and those who can wear casual clothes in the army are not a matter of dignity at all. It is no exaggeration to say that everyone wearing casual clothes, At least they are all experts who belong to the Thunder Realm in the alliance.

White sharks are so.

And the same is true of the man in front of Thor.

As Thor came, including the white shark, the number of corpses in casual clothes here was close to twenty.

Aside from the vagueness of the identities of the two, Thor was able to call them all by name.

Five belong to the Legion of Purgatory.

The remaining thirteen belonged to the Beihai Wang clan.

In addition to this, there is also the Thunder Realm where people are piled to death in the chaos of war.

In the absolute **** cruelty, this battle also brought unimaginable heavy losses to the Beihai Wang Clan.

Beihai Wang Clan, Emperor Bingshan, the seven sword-wielding families...

All kinds of so-called guest ministers, so-called elders, the backbone of one after another, hundreds of Thunder Realm masters, dozens of Thunder Realm peak masters, and even half a step invincible...

After tonight, Thor will let them lose at least 90%.

At that time, the entire Beihai Wang clan will have only two or three big cats and kittens left in the entire Beihai Wang clan who can move freely, except for the Beihai Navy regiment that needs to stay in place to maintain stability and some experts. Such Beihai, What else is there to threaten?

"I'd like to tell you everything."

As Thor stopped, the Thunder Realm master next to the white shark corpse smiled bitterly: "But I don't know much, only know..."


Thor kicked the opponent's head directly with another kick.

"You don't know much, you talk shit."

He said softly, wiped the blood on his face at will, turned and crossed the crowd, looking into the distance.

In the distance is a surging crowd, rushing towards the south.

Thor watched silently, his eyes getting colder.

It was the collapsed army of the Beihai Wang clan and the Purgatory Legion.

Since the beginning of the battle, Huangfu Yi has not planned to fight with them to the end.

More than 20,000 people are facing nearly 100,000 **** legions. The overall quality of the **** legion is placed here, not to mention that Thor personally commanded, even a pig commanded here, they can completely wipe them out.

It is simply not realistic to win more with less.

Totally unrealistic.

Not even the slightest possibility.

Therefore, the first time he encountered the **** legion, Huangfu Yi's order was to break through the siege.

Victory is impossible.

But breaking through is equally difficult and frustrating.

After more than two hours of fierce fighting, they were fighting every minute and every second, and the **** legion had completely turned into the most terrifying meat grinder, completely showing the absolute strength of their first legion in Central Continent.

They did not completely stop the Beihai Wang's breakthrough.

However, in the more than two hours of fierce fighting, less than one-tenth of the Beihai Wang Clan and the Purgatory Legion managed to break through and escape, less than 2,000 people.

Among them, more than half of the masters of the Thunder Realm died.

Huangfu Wing was seriously injured.

Almost half of the successful breakouts were slightly or severely injured, and even the few who were unscathed lost all will to fight.

Such a group of people will hardly pose any threat in the following actions.

But Thor did not intend to let these people go.

The two divisions of the Bloody Legion chased after them immediately, biting them tightly.

It is Thor's goal to make the Alliance lose more than 90% of the masters and elites, and it is the lowest goal.

Thor wouldn't mind annihilating them all if conditions allowed.

"The fourth and fifth divisions continue to pursue."

Thor said calmly: "The seventh division cleans the battlefield, and at the same time stands by in place and joins the Free Legion. The rest rest for half an hour and continue south."

Thor took out a map from his arms and glanced at it.

His eyes fell on a certain corner, which was a dense forest about 20 kilometers away from here, and it was also the location of the Holy Inquisition Corps in the intelligence.

"Eight thousand holy warriors?"

Thor smiled disdainfully: "A group of ants."

at the same time.

In the office of Zhongzhou Hidden Dragon Sea.

The big screen in front of him has been divided into two pictures.

One is the station where Li Tianlan is.

The other is Tiannan where the Beihai Wang clan was completely defeated.

The silence in the conference room has been completely broken.

The office was in chaos.

Everyone knew that Beihai elites would definitely lose in the face of the bloodbathed army. Even if their combat power was almost the same, the absolute disadvantage in numbers made it impossible for them to come back. In fact, the previous satellite images had already explained this.

But no one could have imagined that the losses of the Beihai Wang Clan would be so heavy.

They saw the defeat of Beihai and the breakthrough of Beihai, but how many people escaped in the end?

several hundred? Thousands? Or two or three thousand?

Beihai also has hundreds of thousands of elite troops.

But now that the alliance has invested all its blood and wants to swallow the East Palace, more than 20,000 people can be said to be the elite of the elite. This group of people lost here, not to mention the casualties of those masters, just these people, just Enough to make the Northern Navy Regiment unable to slow down for several years.

In the chaos, Wan Qingyun was venting his emotions hysterically, yelling: "Bastard! Bastard! What does Lei Shen want to do? Do you want to kill him? He has already won, he has won, and all his actions tonight will be remembered by the council. , he will go to the desert prison, no, he won't even have the chance to go to prison!!"

"To kill them all?"

Dongcheng Wudi suddenly sneered: "So what? Isn't this what the Beihai Wang Clan has been doing? United Sanctuary, United Rothschild, and a large number of foreign forces to attack the Eastern Palace. Does the Eastern Palace belong to Central Continent? Can they be protected by Central Continent? Does the North Sea belong to Central Continent? What do they want to do?

Wan Qingyun was furious, but before he had time to roar, with a bang, the door of the office was pushed open from the outside.

With a dignified expression, Ma Si walked in from outside.


Li Huacheng frowned slightly.

Ma Si took a deep breath and said solemnly: "There is a situation over Dongdao."

The atmosphere in the office suddenly fell silent.

East Island?

What's going on in the East Island now? Still not giving up?

"what's the situation?"

Li Huacheng looked into Ma Si's eyes.

Ma Si did not evade his gaze, and said slowly, "Dongdao has gathered the power of the emperor and has officially entered Linghai in Central Continent. has officially entered the North Sea area."

In the eerie silence, Wan Qingyun's face changed dramatically.

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