The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 254: : Rolling (top)

Plain, natural, casual.

On and off the court, with the eyes of the world focused, everyone could clearly feel Li Kuangtu's confidence.

It was an indescribable high-spirited indifference that self-confidence could easily swept away.


No one deserves to be his opponent.

Including Li Tianlan, the so-called number one on the list of gods.

From the so-called half-step Tianjiao to the real Tianjiao, officially entering this supreme realm, it seems that there is only half a step, but this half step is completely the gap between heaven and earth.

All-round breakthrough of will.

Spiritual power can be unbridled in various situations.

The mental power that can be mobilized by the so-called all-out blow that used to be injured in the past can now explode faster and stronger with just a single thought. This step is the most exaggerated transformation.

At this moment, Li Kuangtu stood there, feeling like a god, truly in control of everything.

Therefore, he didn't care about Beihai Wang's exit at all.

This world, this era, is destined to belong to the Li family.

He is at the top and has no opponents.

Wang Shengxiao is undoubtedly smart.

Li Kuangtu's breakthrough has completely wiped out the balance of the alliance. In this case, assisting Li Kuangtu to kill Li Tianlan is of no benefit. Once Li Tianlan dies, the next one will be the King of Beihai, so after Li Kuangtu's breakthrough, he will help The more you have, the faster you die.

Seeing the situation clearly, he turned around without hesitation, and was neat and tidy.

But what's the point?

What is the so-called intelligence before absolute power?

The corners of Li Kuangtu's mouth raised slightly, his smile was cold and wanton.

He knew what Wang Shengxiao was looking forward to at this time. It was nothing more than that he and Li Tianlan were both lost. If Li Tianlan had to die before, then it was in Beihai's best interest that Li Tianlan was alive now.

It's just that Wang Shengxiao retired so quickly, is he too confident in Li Tianlan?

Both lose...


Li Kuangtu's laughter couldn't be concealed: "You have indeed contributed a lot to the East Palace, and I am very satisfied with it. In return, you can choose a method of death that is not painful, and I even allow you to be buried. How about being around Li Honghe?"

Li Tianlan looked at him silently.

There was no anger, fear or fear in his expression, but a rare peace of mind.

It wasn't until Li Kuangtu finished speaking that he smiled: "Have you finished your pretense?"

Li Kuangtu: "..."

"Anything else to say?"

Li Kuangtu continued to ask. At this moment, he suddenly thought of Ning Qiancheng, who is now in charge of Xuanyuan City. When they first entered the Sky Academy, Ning Qiancheng is said to have the title of pretending to be a force. People in Jianghu call it a force. Li Tianlan hadn't seen him much, and it was probably because his personality had become more stable after he joined the Frontier Guard Corps.

However, Li Kuangtu's current performance has roughly allowed Li Tianlan to see a bit of the charm of Ning Qiancheng when he was young. If it wasn't for the difference in seniority between the two, Li Tianlan would have wanted to call Li Kuangtu a compulsive brother.

A playful smile flashed across Li Tianlan's mouth.

Li Kuangtu's complexion gradually changed, and finally became expressionless.

"I don't know what, I gave you a choice, you don't want it yourself."

He has broken through.

Now he is the only genius in the dark world.

Maybe many people don't realize what the current Li Kuangtu means.

To be precise, the current Li Kuangtu is not even a martial artist.

He has an understanding of martial arts and a concept of kendo that can almost surpass the world of darkness.

But there is no martial arts foundation.

His foundation is spiritual strength.

what does that mean?

His philosophy and vision are all there, which means that with this breakthrough, the martial arts he imitated with spiritual power is no less than Wang Tianzong when he broke through, and compared to martial arts, the attack methods of spiritual power are even more bizarre and ever-changing. At the same time, he also has the ability to influence Li Tianlan in the spiritual realm, even if he can't achieve the exaggerated degree of Qin Weibai, but as long as he can influence Li Tianlan in the slightest, in a battle of their level, it is a huge bargain.

So now he can be said to have taken into account the dual advantages of martial arts and spirituality, with martial arts as the main and spiritual as a supplement.

In the decades before and after, there were only three people who could truly stand on the same level as him.

Wang Tianzong of Murmans that night.

Holy Emperor of the Sanctuary.

Qin Weibai now.

Among the four of them, Li Kuangtu could definitely be said to be the most difficult one.

It can even be said to be the strongest.

Li Kuangtu looked at Li Tianlan coldly. He was not afraid of procrastination, and he was not in a hurry at all. It was difficult to stabilize after breaking through the realm. If Li Tianlan wanted to, he would not mind chatting with him all night, because he was changing every minute. powerful.

"If you want to court death, I will do it for you."

Li Kuangtu's voice was calm and leisurely.

"If you're done..."

Li Kuangtu laughed: "Then it's my turn to pretend."

The ruthlessly transformed black trench coat stretched on him, covering almost all corners of his body.

Pieces of intricate patterns continued to extend as the windbreaker stretched, reflecting a mysterious and majestic luster. The windbreaker grew bigger and bigger, almost like a cloak, completely wrapping Li Tianlan in it.

Li Kuangtu's expression slightly condensed.


The air around Li Tianlan instantly exploded into a white ring.

He is not at all different from Li Kuangtu.

The latter pretended to use his mouth.

Li Tianlan's ability to act is absolutely not nonsense.

The physical transcendence factor.

Instantly breaks the sound barrier.

The distance of hundreds of meters came in an instant.

The maddening sound of the air vibration was immediately suppressed by the deafening dragon roar.

In front of Li Kuangtu, there was already a completely boiling frenzy of power.

Li's Dragon Fist!

Li Kuangtu's pupils suddenly contracted slightly.

Spiritual power exploded directly around him, sword energy spread layer by layer, and an obscure light flashed in his eyes at the same time.

Li Tianlan's fist only trembled slightly, and the next second, it directly collided with the sword qi that filled the sky.

The power and sword energy suddenly spread.

Forward, attack!

The second punch came without hesitation.

All the power exploded in an instant, unreservedly released with full force.

Li Tianlan's body directly passed through the spiritual sword energy in front of Li Kuangtu.

The sharp sword light left countless wounds on his body, blood dripping, and Li Tianlan, whose spirit and energy were completely condensed, rushed over directly.

The dazzling light completely illuminated the night sky.

Sword energy and power surged at the same time.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the battlefield between the two had moved to a distance of 100 meters.

Confusion of light and shadow.

The roaring noise was completely left behind by the two of them.

The black cloak was constantly flying in the light and shadow, and the golden patterns one after another became more and more shining.

Be proud of you in the spiritual realm.

This is Li Kuangtu's advantage, but it is also his disadvantage.

Because it is destined that his control and adaptation of spiritual power is not as neat and neat as martial arts, he needs to stabilize his state and adapt to spiritual transformation.

To a certain extent, Li Kuangtu could indeed be said to be the strongest among the four in the same realm as him, but he could also be said to be the weakest.

Because his mental fluctuations are now obviously unstable.

It may be the most extreme state of the half-step Tianjiao, or it may be the invincible state that truly belongs to Tianjiao.

The two states are constantly switching, and the current Li Kuangtu, at least at a certain moment, will not be as powerful as he himself imagined.

He overestimated himself, and at the same time underestimated the current Li Tianlan.

Li Kuangtu had absolute confidence because of his breakthrough.

And now Li Tianlan, even if he doesn't make a breakthrough, he still has the confidence to crush everything.

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