The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 214: : A handful of murderous soldiers and twelve men

Even if the whole world had already anticipated it, when the alliance's operations officially began, a huge storm still swept the entire dark world in a matter of minutes.

It is far more than Central Continent that can clearly see the picture of the southern and northern borders in the fastest time.

Annan is not a particularly developed country, and the level of scientific research is not excellent, which means that too many countries can crush Annan technically in different fields.

So in less than five minutes after everything broke out, with Zhongzhou as the leader, Star Country, Snow Country, East Island, and the European Union almost all saw the scene of the Eastern Palace encountering in the northern border of Annan and South.

Then the whole world was completely plunged into a greater shock.

Freezing ice and fire.

Burning ice and fire.

Is this unprecedented attack method a new type of weapon developed by Beihai Wang?

How was this incredible technology developed?

If this kind of technology can be used by our own team, what does it mean in small and medium-scale competitions?

How does this technology work? Which combat method is most suitable?

The dark world is almost crazy.

A weapon that has never been seen before.

Unbelievable effect.

For a while, I don't know how many people were moved by this. Various top-secret orders were issued from all corners of the world. A large number of intelligence organizations and lurking personnel hidden in the dark all acted to obtain information on this weapon.

While staying in the station area, Speaker Annan Li Songping, who had witnessed all of this with his own eyes, was even hotter. He stared at the completely frozen base in his sight, his body trembled, and his breathing frequency was almost out of control. Is getting more and more urgent.

Everyone in the alliance is dead silent.

Including Wang Shengxiao, who had already known a few things in advance.

When the extremely dazzling artillery fire was lit up, in the alliance, Li Kuangtu, Jiang Shangyu, Wang Shengxiao, Xia Zhi, almost everyone shot at the same time.

The domain and the sword aura spread out at the same time, and the sword aura and the domain continued to agitate and permeate within a 10,000-meter area.

Everyone is trying their best to search for something, but everyone has found nothing.

They clearly remembered the meteor that crossed the sky, the flames and glaciers that shot from the meteor, but no one knew what it was except Wang Shengxiao.

But even Wang Shengxiao can't find the apostle who has turned on the mecha stealth mode now.

Jiang Shangyu covered his forehead subconsciously.

Familiar with.

All this is inexplicable but extremely familiar.

He feels like he has seen this kind of weapon, he even feels that he knows the origin of this kind of weapon, knows what it means behind this kind of weapon...

But there seemed to be countless shadows covering his consciousness in his brain, and everything seemed familiar before him. Even Wang Shengxiao’s ally named Lin Shixi was extremely familiar, but he couldn’t remember what it meant. .

"That is..."

Li Songping looked at Wang Shengxiao.

His voice trembled uncontrollably, with enthusiasm and excitement: "What is that?"

At this moment, he felt that Annan had an advantage that no excess in the world had ever occupied.

While other countries were still wondering, Li Songping stood here but saw the whole process.

He also did not see the apostle in the invisible state.

But he saw the whole process from the launch to the end of this weapon.


That was the speed that completely made him unable to react.

He just blinked.

One second before.

No, it was the base that was calm and perilous in the first half of a second and changed to what it is now in the second half of a second.

Freeze and burn.

Are these important?

It really matters.

But the most important thing is that incredible rate of diffusion.

What is certain is that this unknown weapon is suitable for air strike operations.

In terms of the coverage speed of this weapon, theoretically, if an aircraft is fast enough, it can completely freeze the world in the shortest time.


Even the masters who surpassed Invincible Realm couldn't react.

Everything will be frozen, and there won't even be time to resist.

Central Continent, Star Country, Snow Country, England, France...

Their big mushrooms can also destroy the world, but compared to the ice layer that has solidified the entire base, what are those?

No pollution, no radiation, no high temperature.

Some are just solidification and removal in the blink of an eye.

If this is really a weapon, can it freeze the entire planet in a flash when the equivalent of this weapon reaches a certain level?

Some science fiction.

No, it's a bit fantasy.

But when all this appeared in front of Li Song's plane, he had to think so.

The world's science and technology are developing, and martial arts are also developing.

The appearance of the invincible state, the appearance of the peak invincible state, and even the masters who have surpassed this level began to appear one after another.

What I have to admit is that when science and technology continue to develop and modern weapons are becoming more powerful, these weapons have become less and less deterrent to some very few pinnacle masters.

Therefore, in recent years, countries all over the world have begun to attach importance to the research and development of individual weapons and various individual equipment. When Li Tianlan joined the WTO six years ago, the Dongcheng family's sniper rifle that can kill the thunder-thundering masters can be said to be an artifact. In just a few years, three or four different types of sniper rifles that can pose a huge threat to thunder-thunder masters have appeared in the world.

Different countries are even creating super fighters to stimulate the human body's potential.

The progress of various studies is not slow.

This is also the research that Annan is currently not qualified to participate in.

But compared to the new weapons that appeared tonight, nothing matters anymore.

When everyone thinks that the ultimate force is gradually out of the deterrence of modern weapons, the scene before him is completely the absolute crushing of martial arts by technology!

Mainly still the issue of weapon equivalence.

The lethality of a small tactical mushroom with a 100-ton equivalent and a strategic mushroom with a one-million-ton equivalent is not the same thing.

So what is the equivalent of this new type of weapon that can instantly cover the base? If it is increased tenfold, the killing area continues to increase...

What is martial art?


Don't say Li Tianlan has not made a breakthrough.

Even if Li Tianlan completely broke through and became the supreme arrogant talent, when faced with a new type of weapon that could instantly cover a city, he could not run too late.

Technology crushes martial arts.

It should be.

Li Songping's breathing became more and more rapid.

This is the weapon of the alliance!

Whether it's a hole card or anything else, this is enough to shock the world.

Fortunately, at this time, he and his Annan are in the alliance.

At this moment, he was no longer puzzled by the result of this alliance operation.

As for this kind of weapon, reason told him that he shouldn't expect extravagance, but he always felt that it was not impossible for Annan to obtain this kind of weapon.

"This is a surprise I prepared for you all."

Wang Shengxiao smiled, no one noticed the flash of self-deprecation and jealousy in his eyes: "It's just that this surprise is a bit big, and even I am scared."

"This is... a newly developed weapon in Beihai?"

Fanatic Li's voice became a little hoarse, and there was a deep jealousy in his eyes.

If this was developed by the Wang Clan of the North Sea, no matter how much this weapon is in stock, as long as there is, then at least theoretically it shows that the North Sea has mastered a power that can destroy the world.

Wang Shengxiao was silent for a while and whispered, "No, this weapon belongs to my friend."

He looked towards the empty night sky, and his voice calmly said: "Since it's here, don't you want to meet everyone? Apostle?"


An extremely clear metal tremor sounded in the night sky.

A pair of humanoid metal mecha perfectly ergonomically appeared beside Lin Shixi silently.

Lin Shiyi glanced at the apostle.

Oh, brave...

Such an ancient thing is really long-lost.

There was a smile at the corner of his mouth, with nostalgia in one eye, but an absolute indifference and dead silence in the other.

Everyone looked at Lin Shixi and the apostle silently.

Looking at the mecha that looks heavy but extremely light.

The mecha is silently guarding Lin Shixi, changing colors continuously as the surrounding light and environment change.

Flat, simple and elegant.

The mecha looked like a model, and they didn't even see any weapon interface.

"Have we met?"

Jiang Shangyu broke the silence and asked when he looked at Lin Shixi.

Lin Shiyi glanced at him and said calmly, "It's not me that you saw."

Jiang Shangyu thoughtfully, her eyes became more and more perplexed.

"I can feel your hesitation, even fear."

Lin Shiyi suddenly spoke softly.

Including Wang Shengxiao, everyone was startled.

"I thought I was going to stay here for many years, but... I'm tired and don't want to wait anymore."

Lin Shiyi whispered: "So, my goal tonight is the same as you all. I will fight to the end in the face of His Majesty Li Tianlan. The cooperation will also end. You don’t need to worry about anything. All the technologies that appear here tonight belong to the apostles, and they will only appear in tonight’s actions. They will not be leaked and have nothing to do with any forces."

This is a bit more informative.

A strange look flashed in Li Fantu's eyes.

Your Majesty Li Tianlan...

The strange young man in front of him said plainly, but when these words were mentioned, what the **** was that kind of inexplicable respect or even reverence?

"This is my promise."

Lin Shixi's expression was calm: "We are just passing by."

He looked at Wang Shengxiao: "So, there is no need to introduce yourself to these nonsense. Our goal tonight is the same. Based on this, that's enough."

"Where are the saints?"

Wang Shengxiao asked suddenly.

Saint Wei Kunlun?

Others subconsciously flashed a name in their minds.

"When you need her, you will see her."

Lin Shiyi said silently.

Wang Shengxiao is not talking.

Everyone fell silent.

Lin Shiyi resumed the initial state again, sitting in silence.

The mecha regained its invisibility, and no one felt his presence anymore.

Even people can't even feel Lin Shixi.

He obviously sat there, but it seemed as if he didn't exist at all. If he were not staring at him, everyone would subconsciously ignore him completely.

Mysterious, powerful, and unfathomable.

Jiang Shangyu and Li Kuangtu looked at each other, and both saw a complex look in each other's eyes.

Wang Shengxiao lit a cigarette, inhaled it, and kept silent strangely.

No one spoke at the scene anymore. Everyone was looking at the frozen base two kilometers away, with different thoughts flashing in their minds.

It took nearly half an hour.

Wang Shengxiao said indifferently: "Everyone."

Everyone is tense.

"time is limited."

Wang Shengxiao said silently: "Since everyone has the same goals, there is no need to talk nonsense. Good luck to everyone."

His figure took a step back.

In silence, Wang Shengxiao's figure disappeared from the observation platform with the slightly fluctuating sword aura.

Xia Zhi chuckled slightly, and her figure slowly disappeared in the surge of sword energy caused by Wang Shengxiao.

Then there was rain on the river.

Li lunatic.

Gu Xingyun.

There are fewer and fewer figures on the lookout.

When they didn't make a move, everyone suppressed their breath, and no one knew where they were right now.

Only Lin Shixi sat silently on the spot, like a statue.

Standing in place, Li Songping suddenly felt an extremely strong anxiety and loneliness again.

He laughed self-deprecatingly. On the battlefield where he was not needed, he glanced at the base one last time and turned to leave.

Lin Shishi still sat silently, looking into the distance.

Wang Shengxiao. Summer solstice. Emperor Jiang. Paul.

Rain on the river. Li lunatic. Gu Xingyun. Moled.

Ramillon jumping horizontally repeatedly.

It's like Lin eleven who doesn't exist.

The apostle in invisibility.

Saints who have never seen their faces.

Twelve people, a handful of murderous soldiers, form the ultimate alliance in the dark world today, and it is also the most dreamy and luxurious lineup.

The observation deck became empty.

Everyone is gone, but no one has ever left.

All over the world.


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