The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 203: : Early treatment of the aftermath

Li Huacheng also didn't expect that his office would be like this when the world's eyes were focused on Tiannan.

When there is no official business or there is not much official business, around 9 o'clock in the evening is usually Li Huacheng’s time to rest, and he can handle some not too important documents, or chat with the secretary about some news from various places. Let Ma Si be dealt with. Responsible for follow-up. When it is ten thirty, there are no emergencies, and basically rest, and then get up at five o'clock the next morning to start a new day's work.

Hua Zhengyang came to the door while Li Huacheng was chatting with Ma Si. As soon as he came, the chatting ended naturally. Ma Si made tea for Hua Zhengyang, walked out of the office, and sat in his seat for less than five minutes. Dongcheng is invincible at the door.

Then there is Ji article.

Then there was Guo Wentian.

Ma Si, who obviously felt something was wrong, looked at the time. It was nine thirty in the evening.

In the next half an hour, Zhou Yunhai, Wan Qingyun, and Zou Mulin stepped onto the door in turn.

Ten o'clock in the evening.

Today, the eight directors of Zhongzhou have all arrived without a meeting, as if everyone had made an appointment in advance to meet here.

Ma Si has been with Li Huacheng for so many years, at least in his memory, this situation seems to have happened for the first time.

Ma Si was not quite sure what this meant for a while. At the moment, this kind of scene is not strictly a meeting, but the eight directors are sitting together, and it is impossible to talk about gossip and gossip. In the meeting room, but the identity is on the bright side, sitting together, it is naturally a meeting, and it is a very special kind.

All kinds of thoughts flashed in Ma Si's mind. He made tea for the directors, prepared cigarettes and compotes, and then went out of the office to let other staff leave work early, while he quietly stood at the door, thinking silently. Then, his face gradually became serious.

He looked at the closed office door, his brows frowned slightly, and the world inside he was completely unqualified to participate in, was it a rattling sword or a gentle drizzle?

The atmosphere in the office is not gentle and drizzle, but there is nothing arrogant. After all, this is not a formal meeting room. In private, even two red-faced directors who had just quarreled in the meeting room, while walking in the Hidden Dragon Sea, You can also chat peacefully. This has little to do with hypocrisy and the city government. Every director can be called the most powerful person in Central Continent. Behind this identity, each position represents a different group of people. Different demands, conflicts, competition, and inconsistencies in ideas are natural problems. People in this position may clearly realize that they may be rivals, but they are definitely not enemies.

As long as it is not very special, it is impossible for two or more people with personal grievances to become directors at the same time. This is a comprehensive consideration in the selection of each session of the parliament. When private grievances really exist, someone will come up. Someone has to go down.

Therefore, the directors who can sit together at this time may have huge differences in work, but in private, it really can't be said to be hostile.

Li Huacheng calmly watched the directors sit down at random and greeted each other. In the relatively harmonious atmosphere, he seemed to be the only one who was surprised. Others were in a state of predicting this. , He touched his chin and smiled: "What's the situation today? I rarely have such a lively time here. If you add Tianlan to this, you can join the board of directors."

"How can he take care of anything else now?"

Guo Wentian shook his head, his eyes on Dongcheng Invincible, Ji Wenwen and Wan Qingyun swept quickly, and said indifferently: "He is in the Eastern Palace, now he is probably staring at Beihai fully, right?"

"Beihai is indeed very active during this time."

Hua Zhengyang spoke calmly, his eyes looked at Ji Wenwen and Wan Qingyun: "Is it a bit too much trouble in the south?"

Dongcheng Invincible did not speak.

He seemed to be very interested in the fruit plate in front of him, bending over and gnawing on the watermelon. The freshly cut watermelon was very fresh. With the extremely low temperature in Youzhou at this time, it tasted completely different from midsummer.


Wan Qingyun shook his head: "Can't persuade."

There is no doubt that this is the truth.

The Beihai Wang family dominates the Southeast Group in Zhongzhou, but at some point, what the Southeast Group wants to see may not be what Beihai is willing to accept.

At least in the view of the Southeast Group, suppressing the East Palace to a certain extent, allowing him to exist, but not threatening his status, this is the best result.

But now with the crazy development of the East Palace, when the North Sea Wangs were destined to be unable to suppress the East Palace, and the Southeast Group had no good solutions, the North Sea Wangs chose to use their own methods.

Form an alliance, sniper Li Tianlan, endless siege.

This situation is by no means what the Southeast Group wants to see. No matter who wins or loses on both sides, it is destined to have a huge impact on the overall situation in Central Continent. Anything that has nothing to do with stability is not what the major groups want to see.

But they couldn't stop it.

I have persuaded, but I can’t persuade, it can only be the result.

"Actually, there is no need to persuade."

Dongcheng Invincible threw away the watermelon rind in his hand, took a paper towel and wiped the corners of his mouth: "Not convinced by each other, just fight. As for the result, both sides should be mentally prepared. One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, Donghuanggong and Beihai Wangshi The opposition cannot be resolved, so we can simply divide it this time. In this way, although there are many things we have to deal with in the future, they are all short-term. In the long run, it should be more stable."

"Li Kuangtu and Xia Zhi have left the purgatory legion camp."

Hua Zhengyang said silently, then looked at the two directors of the Southeast Group: "The alliance's actions should begin? Tonight? Or tomorrow?"

"have no idea."

Wan Qingyun and Ji Wenwen shook their heads at the same time.

"This matter can't be taken up. It will have a great impact when it breaks out. Therefore, we have to do the work in advance. We will list both possibilities and discuss a plan for the aftermath. Stability must be the first priority. One point, Minister Dongcheng, and you two, what do you think?"

Hua Zhengyang asked.

"I have no opinion."

Dongcheng Wudi smiled: "The Southeast Group should not move this time, but the North Sea Wang family is destined to be bleeding. The rise of the East Palace cannot be stopped. I am here tonight to listen to your talk. I will be in two hours' time. The plane flies south to the clouds."

His smile glowed with bloodthirsty rays in the office: "The Bloodbath Legion has moved. When I pass by, I will find Ye Qingquan as soon as possible and kill his whole family with my own hands."

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