The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 199: : The best is dumplings...

On the second floor of the small building facing the flagpole, Li Kuangtu leaned on the railing and stared at Xia Zhi's buttocks playfully.

His eyes are not fiery, but he is absolutely unscrupulous, with countless clearly visible negative emotions.

It seems that the war is imminent. The clothes on the summer solstice are not gorgeous. Loose black trousers, casual outerwear for sports, and flat shoes are simple and simple, but they can be worn on her, but they have an almost fatal seductive charm. .

She is not young anymore, but after taking the eternal life medicine that year, her appearance was fixed at the most beautiful time. Time flies. Now over fifty, she still looks the most charming when she was thirty. The appearance is mature and peaceful, dignified and charming.

Li Kuangtu's eyes are from top to bottom, from bottom to top, slender waist, slender legs, plump but not bloated buttocks, almost gushing out malice like a knife, carrying it as if it can stab people. The bruised and bruised edge of his body.

Xia Zhi and Cang Qiong said a few more words.

Cang Qiong nodded, and when he turned and left, he glanced at Li Kuangtu. His eyes were a little cold, but he didn't have the slightest emotion.

Xia Zhi turned around slowly and frowned slightly when he saw Li Kuangtu's gaze.

Fanatic Li's eyes did not evade the slightest, he still looked unscrupulously, from the back to the front, he seemed to see more scenery, the interest in his eyes was higher, and there was a touch of undisguised hideousness and cruelty.

His eyes scanned slowly, and finally stayed in a position that no woman could tolerate, and then he never moved away.

Xia Zhi took a few steps forward, squinted his eyes, and said calmly: "You look like a pervert now, and it makes me feel a little disgusting."

"I'm just more real than most people."

Li Kuangtu had a smile on his mouth, his eyes still motionless: "How many people in the world imagine that I see you this way? But how many of them really dare to see? They don't dare to see, but they are afraid of dreaming, right? "

Xia Zhi's eyes were full of disgust: "I want to kill you more and more, you deserve to die."

"Twenty years ago, didn't you want to kill me? It's a pity that I didn't live as you wanted. As for this time, I think I will still be lucky, but you and your good son very dangerous."

Li Kuangtu laughed casually, he was talking about the possibility of real existence. If the battle situation is tense to a certain extent, Li Tianlan will definitely work hard, and relative to his own strength, Li Kuangtu and Jiang Shang are in the same realm as him. Yu, Wang Shengxiao and Xia Zhi, who only rely on a sword aura to maintain this level of combat power, are undoubtedly better breakthroughs. The sword aura coat is indeed very strong, but it may not be unbreakable. At least comprehensively, the defense is definitely not as good as Li Kuang. Disciple.

Although they are now an alliance, in the final analysis, he and Jiang Shangyu are not in harmony with Beihai. If Li Tianlan chooses to kill Xia Zhi and Wang Shengxiao to give them a chance, they are absolutely willing to take this opportunity to let their allies sacrifice to the sky and take the opportunity to severely damage Li Tianlan. .

"Is it?"

The sound of the summer solstice was flat without the slightest fluctuation.

"Of course, it's not impossible for you to survive. If the action is successful, if we are all alive by then, I would rather touch your ass. I have been observing for a long time. ."

Madman Li laughed haha.

Xia Zhi was not angry, but his eyes became more and more contemptuous.

This is actually very familiar to her ears.

Many, many years ago, before they broke through the invincibility, Kuangtu Li also said to Bai Qingqian, the eldest of the Bai family at the time, that Dongcheng Invincible was almost desperate with Kuangtu Li at that time and fell straight away. A special warfare squadron came to surround the hotel where the banquet was held at that time. Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Kuangtu ran fast, but Wang Tianzong, who came out to carry the pot, was beaten severely.

The series of things that happened to the young and frivolous may be interesting, but in the case of a broken relationship, all the old things of the year are so inexcusable.

"This is a bit familiar, I seem to be talking..."

Li Kuangzu touched his chin, muttered to himself, and then smiled: "I remember, it seemed that Dongcheng Invincible had said that I was going to abolish me because of this. It was a big noise, and Wang Tianzong was beaten. Hey, although your man is not very useful, he still has the ability to hold back the pot."

On the summer solstice, the invisible sword-qi coat began to rise and fall slowly.

"Am I wrong?"

Li Kuangtu sneered: "This is the truth. Without your words more than 20 years ago, Beihai should have the surname Li now. What use is he? After more than 20 years, Beihai is alive and dead. What use is he? Taiping The prosperous age is a hero, and at the critical moment, the dignified Beihai turned out to be a wife, which can be heard as a joke."

"I was in a bad mood."

Xia Zhi said indifferently: "But your success makes me happy."

All the past about Li in my mind began to dissipate gradually, those more or less sad, more or less guilt, more or less nostalgia began to turn into a bit of awe-inspiring killing intent.

She had also thought about what the future of Beihai and Li would look like if it wasn't Li Kuangpu back then, or if he wasn't too ambitious.

Maybe they will still be intimate.

Maybe Li Tianlan will marry Wang Yuetong back to Li...

Oh, no, if Li Kuangtu had no ambitions, then there would not be Li Tianlan now, but Li Ruye, or something else.

Then she and her son may be a natural pair in everyone's eyes, and Beihai and Li will become closer because of this, and become truly invincible in this era.

But there are no ifs in the world.

Li Kuangtu's ambition ruined all things, ruined all possibilities, and ruined some people, some things, and some that could have been a beautiful future since the summer solstice.

Various emotions are constantly changing.

Xia Zhi opened his palm, and those sadness and guilt were suppressed again in Li Kuangtu's provocation. Xia Zhi smiled nervously: "I am very happy now, but I am very upset, what do you say?"

Her somewhat crazy smile carried a strange charm in the evening at the turn of day and night.

Kuangtu Li's pupils shrank slightly, and he wisely chose to be silent.

He was not familiar with this summer solstice, to be precise, he had only seen it once.

It was on the battlefield of the war of treason more than 20 years ago.

This seems to be the most essential summer solstice.

Crazy, indifferent, somewhat distorted, unscrupulous.

Fucking crazy!

Li Kuangtu cursed in his heart. He knew exactly what this summer solstice meant. This meant that as long as he dared to say something that offended her, the other party would immediately follow him, even the kind of endless death.

The big picture? Li Tianlan? future? Forbearance take a step back for a moment, calm the sea and the sky?

These are no problem with the summer solstice under normal conditions.

Can you tell a neurosis that these are of no use?

"That's it."

Fanatic Li finally shifted his gaze, curbed his malice, and calmed down.

"End here?"

Xia Zhi’s laughter became a bit sharp, and the hysterical state became more and more obvious, but he did not make a move.

Li Kuangtu breathed a sigh of relief.

But in terms of strength, he is naturally not afraid of Xia Zhi, but the alliance action is in front of him. At this time, it is really impossible to fight Xia Zhi first.

The state of Xia Zhi is very good, and it is what he needs. As long as Xia Zhi doesn't do anything with him, Li Tianlan will have a headache by then.

Xia Zhi looked at Li Kuangtu silently, as if he was already thinking about **** him in his mind.

Fan Li remained silent.

He knew very well that the alliance's operations would be very lively, whether it was before, during, or after the operation.

Dispatch troops before the action, and fight life and death during the action. After the action, there may be some changes that both sides know well, provided that one party can give the opportunity.

Jiang Shangyu, Li Kuang and Gu Xingyun trio.

The King of Summer Solstice Shengxiao Dijiang trio.

Adding Wang Shengxiao's allies who haven't shown up yet.

And Rothschild.

For any party, this alliance is tantamount to seeking skin with a tiger. Li Tianlan will die in the action, and after Li Tianlan's fall, the alliance wants to dissolve peacefully in situ.

Xia Zhi must be thinking about solving their upcoming trio after taking care of Li Tianlan.

And the three of them must also want to take advantage of Beihai Wangshi's sentence to sweep away all obstacles.

Jiang Shangyu is prepared for this.

And Li Kuangju was naturally prepared.

At present, it seems that Gu Xingyun is silly waiting for Li Tianlan to fall. Since the breakthrough of his realm, Gu Xingyun’s IQ seems to have a linear downward trend. Although it was not high before, at least it will not be as it is now. so.

Kuangju Li calmly shifted his eyes, and didn't look at Xia Zhi.

He didn't know what he had prepared for himself after the action was over in the plan for the summer solstice.

But he can be sure that what he prepared for the summer solstice is definitely a real surprise.


At the same time, Tiannan, Xuanyuancheng Railway Station.

In the darkness that had just fallen, a young man who seemed to be about 30 years old walked out of the exit.

Xuanyuan City was already ablaze with lights in the night.

With a smile in his eyes, the young man lit a cigarette, his other hand seemed to be hungry, and he touched his stomach casually.

No one came to pick him up.

He stood alone on the square of the station, scanning the city that seemed to be changing and becoming more and more luxurious at any time. After staying for a while on the neatly planned shops around the square, he smoked. After smoking, I walked into the nearest dumpling restaurant and ordered a plate of dumplings.

The dumplings were quickly served by the waiter.

The waiters are constantly beautiful, but they smile and are very kind.

The young man who just ordered a plate of dumplings and didn't order food, smiled and asked the waiter for some chili oil and garlic cloves, then took a dumpling and handed it out in his mouth, and nodded in satisfaction.

The heat of the dumplings rose slowly in front of the youth.

He smiled and peeled the garlic cloves in his hands, the light flashing in his eyes was very strange.

He thought of a woman who was many years older than him.

When he was very young, it seemed that his biological elder brother was too taciturn, so he wanted a biological sister very much. She was beautiful and gentle. She would touch her head and bring herself a lot of delicious snacks, and amaze the people around him. All small animals will stand up to protect themselves when their father punishes them...

But these can only be thought of after all.

Because he did not have a sister since he was born, he is destined to never have another sister.

Later, the same solemn and silent father brought back a young lady from outside. Occasionally, there seemed to be rumors that his father had killed the other party's family.

The young lady back then became the fiancée of her brother.

My sister became a sister-in-law.

But it became just a title.

Her existence almost satisfies all his imagination of his biological sister.

Their relationship is very good. It seems that he was seen by his sister-in-law since he was a child, so in the eyes of many people, their relationship is even the same as that of his own brother and sister.

He respected her, admired her, and even relied on her a little.

Until he finally left the home where he grew up.

In life, everyone is destined to carry something on their backs.

This is destiny.

He was peeling garlic, eating dumplings, gulping.

No one nearby could hear his muttering.

"The best is dumplings, the best to kill is my sister-in-law...hehe...hehehehehe..."

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