The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 189: :report

Lin Fengting has seen many young people like this in front of him.

The people he had seen before may not be young anymore, but in a sense, they are indeed the same as Lin 11 in front of him.

With longing, with nostalgia, with longing, want to come back.

The headquarters of the Lin clan is a worry-free place that cannot accommodate too much ambition and conspiracy. It is easy to get out from here, and it is easy to use the resources of the Lin clan, and there is almost no threshold.

Similarly, if you want to come back after going out, there is actually no threshold, just one condition.

The condition is...debt repayment.

Every member of the Lin family can get a sum of money when they leave the headquarters. The procedures are not troublesome. First, apply for a new branch and register in the register, and then give a reason for the need for the money. There can be many such reasons, even Just say that you can get money if you want to simply go out for a walk, or give a business plan.

When the applicant needs it, the Lin Family Headquarters can contact other branches to help the applicant set up a company in accordance with the business plan.

The applicant’s business plan will be evaluated by professionals, and the evaluation does not affect the funding. That is to say, even if the business plan is a **** in the eyes of professionals, the Lin family will still give the money that should be given.

After that, the Lin family will occupy a certain amount of shares in this company, waiting for the annual dividend.

It sounds tedious, but the whole process can only take two or three days at most.

Of course, there are also those who leave the Lin clan without asking for money. Such people are not considered branches in the Lin clan’s archives, but belong to outsiders. There is no threshold for such people to leave, and there is no need to complete any conditions when they come back. , Because in the Lin Clan’s archives, he is only an outsider, not a branch of the leaving family.

Of course, among the very casual Lin people, a considerable part of the so-called outsiders have been outside for hundreds of years. Basically, after leaving, they don't know where to go, and they don't bother to come back for a lifetime.

Only those who are funded by the Lin clan, or who actually get money from the Lin clan, are considered a branch of the clan in the eyes of the Lin clan.

Such a person needs to fulfill a condition to come back, and that is to return the money that the family funded him before leaving the family, without the slightest interest.

After paying back the money, you can come back here again and accept the family's dividends in the annual festival again, just like before leaving.

Of course, even if you don’t pay back the money, it’s nothing.

No one is chasing the village, no interest, no time limit for repayment...

A series of very tender decisions established an absolutely indifferent rule.

Those who are unable to repay their debts, after leaving the forest clan, they can only be branches, and cannot return to their heads. Even the branches that are desolate, or even disappear, are branches.

Lin Fengting has seen too many branches taking advantage of various situations to get rich overnight and soaring to the sky, and then feed back to the family's astronomical wealth and interests. Also saw too many stumbling and stumbling after leaving the Lin clan and being displaced and finally being destitute and completely bankrupt because of inability. A branch that can't return due to debt repayment.

Success and failure, brilliance and downfall, survival and death, all of this stimulates the vitality of the Lin family all the time, and also allows the headquarters to maintain its original heart.

This is the future planned by God of War.

Under such circumstances, in terms of comprehensive strength, the comprehensive strength of the entire Lin clan can be said to be far better than that of the Beihai Wang clan.

However, the densely arranged branches eventually formed a transaction-like relationship with the headquarters. This was also destined to lack the ultimate cohesion within the Lin clan, which seemed very loose, so that the overall strength surpassed the situation of the Wang Clan of Beihai. Under the circumstances, the overall combat effectiveness is far different from that of the Wang Clan of the North Sea.

But the relatively loose structure keeps the whole family stable and stable.

This may be what the God of War wanted most.

Various thoughts flashed in Lin Fengting's mind. When he stretched out his hand to hold Lin Xi's hand, he glanced at the opposite young man again.

It is roughly the same as many people in the impression.

Some yearning, some lost.

But what is different from those people is tolerance.

It's hard to describe this kind of thing. If you insist on saying it, it's probably the temperament that you have experienced over a long period of time, and that you have shown in your every move.

The temperament is extraordinary.

This feeling made it difficult for Lin Fengting to determine whether he was an ordinary person, but it was certain that the other party was definitely not a loser.

"Do you want to come back?"

Lin Fengting suddenly asked: "I am Lin Fengting. If you want to come back, I can call you back."

This is not in line with the rules, but it is in line with the authority of the old patriarch.

"Can't come back."

Lin Shixi whispered, his eyes almost empty in a trance.

Lin Fengting's heart trembled for no apparent reason. At this moment, from the guy on the opposite side, what he felt was a turbulent and almost involuntary emotion, extremely deep, with nostalgia.

"Nothing is impossible."

Lin Fengting calmly said: "If you have any difficulties, I can help you solve them, I can help you with the procedures for your return, and even restore your rating."


In Wangyou Villa, which does not require money, rating is extremely important.

Everyone has their own rating, from teenagers to middle-aged and elderly people.

The highest rating is X, with S below.

These two ratings basically belong to the head of the patriarch and some other high-level members of the Lin clan headquarters.

After S, there is ABCDEF, with six ratings, subdivided layer by layer.

Within the Lin Clan, the rating symbolizes personal files and records the important experiences of each person’s life. According to different performances on different occasions, the rating will also be fine-tuned, upgraded or downgraded at any time, which will directly affect every aspect of the Lin clan. No matter how inconsistent with the world, the Lin family also needs management and right wisdom. The level of the rating directly determines the right to speak in certain things, and the performance of a person from being sensible directly determines the level of the rating.

Those with high ratings can be regarded as elites of the Lin clan. There are almost no accidents. Most of the accidents have been eliminated by the Lin clan’s internal rating system that is constantly fine-tuned.

If this system is applied to people who want to leave the Lin Clan to establish a branch, the gap is even more obvious. An A-rated elite can get eight-figure francs on the first application, and it will be nine people when replaced by Zhongzhou coins. According to the follow-up development, the headquarter will continue to make additional investments.

And an F-rated person can only get funding of several hundred thousand francs from the family at most, and the difference can be said to be heaven and earth.

Facts have also proved that the branches of the Lin family that have been proliferating over the centuries can truly give back to the interests of the department. Most of them are elites rated at C or above, and in desperation, they can apply for bankruptcy or even fail to return. , Mostly EF level.

At this moment, Lin Fengting looked at Lin Xi and made up his mind with a mood that he didn't quite understand. No matter what the other party’s rating before leaving the Lin Clan, he can help the other party to complete all the formalities, as long as the other party Willing to come back.

"Where did you go when you left the Lin Clan?"

Lin Fengting asked.

Lin Shixi was stunned. For a moment he didn't know how to answer. The real time of five hundred years is really a matter of seniority. He is the youngest son of God of War. It can be said that he is the ancestor of Lin Fengting's ancestor. He went after leaving the Lin clan. where? Do you want to tell him to go to the stars?

Lin Shixi thought for a while and said, "Fei Lu."

When he came here, he used to cover up his identity in Fei Lu at the beginning. It was a descendant of a branch of the Lin clan who had lost contact with the Lin clan for a long time, and starting from this cover-up identity, his first two generations , It should be available in the Lin clan at present.

"Not Lu..."

Lin Fengting murmured to himself.

Non-land is a place where the power of the forest tribe is active, but it is rarely a choice for the forest branch to take root. In recent decades, there have been fewer than 20 forest branches that choose to develop in the non-land region, even if the time is extended to For hundreds of years, this number will only be over a hundred, and those who can eventually survive in that chaotic land will not save one or two. Obviously, Feilu is not a good place.

At least in Lin Fengting's impression, he chose the non-Lu rooted forest branch, and the rating hardly exceeded the C level.


Lin Fengting patted Lin Xi's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Welcome home."

He glanced at the apostle standing next to Lin Shiyi, and asked, "This one is?"

"my teacher."

"I'm just a servant."

Lin eleven and the apostle spoke at the same time, and their answers were not tacit.

But this is the truest thought in the hearts of the two of them.

Lin Fengting couldn't help but looked at the apostle.

There are not so many fiery eyes in the world that can see through people's fictitiousness at a glance, but Lin Fengting keenly perceives that the so-called teacher or servant has a stronger aura than his young master.

A master and servant?

Or, a pair of teachers and students?

It's interesting.

"Let's go."

Lin Fengting walked to the core area of ​​the Lin Clan that was extremely mysterious in the eyes of outsiders, but was laughed and teased by the people of Forgotten Worry Villa. The area that looked like a villa area had forests in it. An organization that handles all kinds of affairs. Unless there is something for the residents of the villa, they really don’t bother to go around. It’s meaningless.

But this is also where Lin Shixi wants to go most.

"You accompany me to drink some tonight and talk about your story. Just stay with me tonight, and I can arrange a place for you tomorrow. There will probably be an inspection of you next. Don’t be nervous, it’s just a normal process. After that, you will be re-rated. If you have a grade of D or higher, you can choose to find a leisurely job in the headquarters. Well, it is difficult to find someone who is not free. Most of them are idle jobs. If you don’t want to work, you can live with peace of mind. Just fine."

Lin Fengting said casually, "What's your father's name? Maybe I will know or have heard of it."

Your Highness's father, if you say it, I'm afraid it will scare you to death.

The apostle said something wickedly in his heart.

Lin Shiyi's voice was very calm: "Our family left the headquarters very early. When my grandfather's generation was in the family, it was only a name in the headquarters information. As for my father, you probably haven't heard of it. Ever."

This situation is not uncommon among countless branches of the Lin Clan, and Lin Fengting just sighed and said nothing more.

"Why do you want to come back suddenly?"

Lin Fengting smiled and said, "Maybe your father's generation was a bit unsatisfactory, but it doesn't look like a loser from your appearance. Are you tired of going home, or come to seek cooperation?"

There are actually many similar people seeking cooperation. Branch families have fallen behind and have risen again. There are still many examples of this. The headquarters of the Lin family can check the information of the branch. If the identity can be confirmed, cooperation is much easier. Compared with angel investment, the cooperation model is faster and trustworthy. Because it is the relationship between his own people, the Lin clan will also be much more generous in terms of capital and technology.

If Lin 11 does not intend to come back but to seek cooperation, then he has to take out all of his current family property. The Lin family will evaluate in this respect, and finally give out the amount of investment and the shares that need to be occupied. Of course, these All can be discussed.


Lin Shixi shook his head: "I have no plans to come back, nor seek cooperation. I am about to do a very dangerous thing. No, to be precise, I am doing a very dangerous thing, and when things break out Before, I wanted to see the Lin Clan, I wanted to remember this place, and I also wanted to remember my elders who had lived here."

"Don't you need family help? People, or funds, or technology, or intelligence..."

Lin Fengting asked.

He doesn't know why, maybe it's the nostalgia of Wangyou Mountain Villa in his eyes, maybe it's the expression of him sitting on a bench quietly and out of place with the people around him, or maybe it's something else, in short he There is a sense of intimacy with the young man in front of him that he can't even speak of himself, and instinctively wants to help him.

"Need not."

Lin Shixi shook his head and said with a smile: "I am not short of money."

After a pause, he suddenly asked with curiosity: "I heard that the system that the Lin Clan originally established to support the major branches is actually relying on the Star Country to compete for compensation?"

The current core system of the Lin clan was implemented when Wangyou Mountain Villa was just established. From that time on, everyone in the Lin clan can get money as long as he reaches out his hand, and it is an astronomical wealth.

For example, the European branch, which is the strongest among the branches of the Lin clan in the world, has been inherited with the Lin clan for hundreds of years.

The founder of the European branch of the Lin Clan is now in the War God Realm. His name is Lin Shuhua. He is a cousin and uncle of Lin XI. He is the pinnacle of the eighth level of authority. He guards the Fei Martian River. It seems that he has been abused by the apostle many times. , So the relationship with the apostle is extremely poor, the apostle loves the magma flying to the Martian River, Lin Shuhua almost never gives him a drop.

When the European branch was established, God of War gave extremely huge support. At that time, there were few Lin people and there was no clear rating system. What the Lin people provided to the European branch was not only the initial protection of force, but also a steady stream of wealth. support.

That's not tens of millions, or hundreds of millions, but hundreds of billions!

And it was the currency of the star country at that time.

Even today, the European branch of the Lin clan can be regarded as the most terrifying super wealthy in the world, but the kind that can beat Rothschild in many areas.

"Indeed it is."

Lin Fengting nodded: "After the defeat of Star Nation, he paid astronomical compensation. In the past ten years, they paid out 80 trillion Xingyuan, which is equivalent to their fiscal revenue for more than ten years. This may not be Star Nation. The whole reason for stepping down from the international throne, but definitely one of the main reasons.

Zhongzhou got the money, but the most important thing was to establish its international status and open a lot of deadlocks. As one of the biggest heroes of Zhongzhou in that era, the Lin family received a 15 trillion star in compensation. The kings of Beihai are the same, and everything else belongs to Zhongzhou. Fifteen trillion... Oh, the Lin family spent hundreds of years with this money, and now their total assets have not decreased, but have increased. "

Speaking of these, Lin Fengting's tone carried a hint of pride that he hadn't even noticed.

In recent decades, the Lin clan has developed very steadily and rapidly. The European branch remains strong, with no signs of decline, while the American branch is rising. The Asia-Lu branch headed by Lin Xianxian is like a sunrise. All this proves his forest clan. The chief of the patriarch, what he did was pass.

But now Qin Weibai has taken charge of the Lin clan, and the Eastern Palace is in full swing. In the next few decades, the Lin clan is destined to be even more brilliant and unstoppable.

A smile was drawn at the corner of Lin Shi's mouth.

"I am very interested in the history of the family."

He walked beside Lin Fengting and laughed softly.


Lin Fengting also laughed: "I may have forgotten the names of certain presidents in Zhongzhou, but I know the history of the Lin clan best."

Lin Fengting walked ahead.

Lin Shixi followed him.

Behind him is the apostle.

The three of them walked into the core manor of the mountain villa, which was incompatible with the surroundings, but in fact it was not much different from the surroundings. Lin Shixi looked at the surrounding plants, trees and bricks, and said softly for a long time. : "In this situation, you can drink."

The three of them really had a good drink in the villa where Lin Fengting lives.

Lin Fengting did not hear Lin Shi's story.

But Lin Shixi heard a lot of stories about the Lin clan.

From the beginning to the present, from the invincible God of War to the present goddess, the patriarchs of the past, countless turning points, many decisions.

Lin Fengting was talking all the time, and his expression was flying high.

The wine was drunk from the afternoon until late at night.

Lin Shixi visited the core manor of the Lin clan and left with the apostle.

Lin Fengting personally sent the two out, and gave Lin Eleven a contact method where he could be reached at any time.

Lin Shiyi also left Lin Fengting's own phone number, but it was destined to be meaningless.

The three of them bid farewell in front of the gate of Wangyou Villa, whose symbolic significance is far greater than the actual meaning. Lin Fengting watched Lin Shi get into a mid-range car that was popular in Europe, and looked a little uncomfortable with the painful apostle. He started the car, and the car left at a tortoise speed. Lin Fengting waved his hand until the car went far away and disappeared from the field of vision, before he put his hand down.

The night wind blows.

Slightly cool.

Lin Fengting touched his chin, stood there, and remained silent for a long time before he seemed to have suddenly reacted, muttering to himself: "What the hell, how do I feel like I am reporting to someone else? Same..."

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