The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 185: : The most trusted person

After returning to the Eastern Palace, Qin Weibai's mood became completely different from when he first returned to Tiannan.

This Chinese New Year, from the 28th of the twelfth lunar month to the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, I went to Huating, Central Plains, Youzhou, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and met many people every day, but Qin Weibai was not tired, she followed every day. Li Tianlan met with important figures from the new group or the wealthy group or even the academic school. From the feedback after engaging in it, these groups that can be called allies or own people gave her an excellent evaluation.

As a woman, no matter how goddess, Qin Weibai will have more or less vanity. Especially when she is with Li Tianlan, she cares more about other people's evaluation of her. She hopes to make the whole world feel that she and him She is a destined natural couple, very good match, she can stand beside him silently, help him deal with countless things in the Eastern Palace, and become his wise helper. This kind of evaluation is far more beautiful and perfect than others praised her. It makes her feel happy even more.

It's just that some of the big groups who haven't seen her before will be more or less confused, thinking that the Qin Weibai we saw during the Chinese New Year seems to be different from the previous rumors.

For most of the time, Qin Weibai smiled quietly, without sharp edge, no mountains and no water leakage, even if he spoke occasionally, he didn't talk much. Compared to the rumored goddess who is almost omnipotent except martial arts. , She is more like the green leaves set off by Li Tianlan.

In stark contrast to her low-key, Li Tianlan’s adaptation speed in various situations, who he meets, what he talks about, what requirements he makes, what kind of posture he should assume, or what benefits he will give to the other party, are so subtle. Pauses in speech, eyes, expressions...

During the Spring Festival, Li Tianlan was changing at an unimaginable speed.

And all this comes from Qin Weibai.

Before Li Tianlan meets with other people, she will collect the other party's information in advance, and compare it with the information of the Eastern Palace, and then figure out the other party's psychology and even personality, and then, she will teach Li Tianlan one-on-one.

It may be a bit ugly to say that teaching, but facts are facts.

She gave him the reincarnation palace, gave him the stability when he needed it most, gave him the Prosperity Fund, and gave him a sky without shadows.

When Li Tianlan's personal strength was at the peak of the world, Qin Weibai was also working hard to turn his man from a master into a qualified leader.

The process of teaching is not the kind of harshness.

On the contrary, it is extremely fragrant.

Sometimes Qin Weibai was not sure if Li Tianlan would think too much, but she really did her best to avoid the possibility of making Li Tianlan uncomfortable.

So these few days alone, or even in front of Huangfu Qiushui, Qin Weibai will be extra gentle and charming. Many times, she is wearing the sexiest clothes, kneeling down in front of Li Tianlan and letting Li Tianlan's palm rest. Over her head, in the ups and downs, softly suggested that Li Tianlan might be able to do so.

Often at this time, Li Tianlan couldn't hear anything, but he could remember everything carefully.

Even Huangfu Qiushui, who has completely surrendered to Li Tianlan with all his heart and soul, sometimes even feels that his wife really spoiled his majesty.

But Qin Weibai was really happy. Seeing the little changes in his man, he didn't leave any bad impression in front of Li Tianlan's family, let alone embarrassing accidents. All this is worthy of joy, as far as dignity is concerned. What? Qin Weibai has always felt that it is ridiculous to talk about this in the relationship between husband and wife. It is like two willful and irresponsible children who care about dignity, sometimes even more than money. horrible.

She gave herself completely to Li Tianlan, which naturally also included the so-called dignity. Between husband and wife, dignity is right with each other. Sometimes Li Tianlan is really strong. For example, he treats certain things as discipline to them. Whether he has a good taste or a hobby, after getting out of the bed, Qin Weibai never felt that Li Tianlan disrespect him in any way. If this is not clear, she did not dare to let Huangfu Qiushui on the twenty-eighth night of the twelfth lunar month. Sitting directly on Li Tianlan's face.

Manage the relationship with Li Tianlan, manage your future with Li Tianlan, and describe the road of the Eastern Palace...

Qin Weibai still has many plans.

As the patriarch of the Lin clan, the Lin clan called her before the New Year, hoping that she can go back to the home for the New Year, Qin Weibai pushed it, and pushed Lin Fengting, the old patriarch who was traveling in Australia, over.

She doesn’t know how long she can stay in the Eastern Palace, so she instinctively wants to do everything she can. Regarding the Eastern Palace, she still has too many plans. The current development plan of the Eastern Palace is Wang Yue. The new city plan proposed by Hitomi at the beginning involves all aspects, exquisite and compact like a work of art, but the Eastern Palace at the time was not merged with the Shengshi Fund. Wang Yuetong, who was born in Beihai, had that pattern, but did not have the financial support. The new city plan she made, because of the reality, will inevitably be different from the current situation.

Qin Weibai intends to take advantage of this time to refine the new city plan, supervise the establishment of the various departments of the Eastern Palace, and unite the various departments to form a real system, and then open up new talent recruitment channels.

The Eastern Palace has gained a lot in the two houses this time, and it is foreseeable that they will also gain a lot in the next session, but what about the next one? All this is hard to say, because at that time, six years later, the Eastern Palace will be unprecedentedly strong, and some systems will also be initially solidified. The two-yuan graduates who join the Eastern Palace now have the ambition to create the future by themselves, but At that time, such opportunities are much less, and it is obviously unrealistic to rely solely on recruiting talents from the two houses.

Qin Weibai intends to merge the new recruiting channels with the intelligence organization of the East Palace. As for other expansion plans such as East Island, America, Europe, and Snow Country, Zhongzhou will also be formally put on the agenda. A lot of work...

Qin Weibai planned to take advantage of his good mood to finish all of these little by little.

But on the car back to the East Palace, the phone call was splashed down like a basin of cold water, and her good mood instantly sank to the bottom.

Li Tianlan was obviously aware of this.

He didn’t listen to Qin Weibai’s call, he didn’t know who was calling, and he didn’t know what the other party said. After Qin Weibai hung up the phone, he was obviously in a trance, and his mental power fluctuated obviously. Li Tianlan didn’t ask at that time. When he returned home, Huangfu Qiushui followed Xiao Mohai to arrange the internal guards. Li Tianlan took Qin Weibai’s palm and asked directly, “Whose call was just now? Annoyed you. ?"


Qin Weibai shook his head and walked into a pavilion nearby.

It's a cold winter, but the sunshine in the southern part of the sky is still warm like spring, warm and splendid.

The golden retriever lying lazily on the grass nearby and waving his tail leaped over after seeing the two of them. Li Tianlan continued to circle around the two of them. Li Tianlan touched the head of the golden retriever with the other hand and smiled: "Lin Things within the clan? Is it inconvenient to talk about?"

"It has nothing to do with the Lin clan."

Qin Weibai smiled lightly: "I'm just thinking about another thing."


Li Tianlan picked up the golden retriever and placed it between himself and Qin Weibai.

Golden Retriever squatted on the chair obediently, lowered his head and licked Qin Weibai's hand.

Qin Weibai chuckled lightly, seeming to be itchy, then shook his head and whispered in a low voice: "I'm thinking, in the dark world now, who can easily kill Li Kuangtu anytime and anywhere..."

She turned to look at Li Tianlan: "Can you?"

Li Tianlan was stunned for a moment.

Easily kill Li Kuangtu who has restored his peak state anytime and anywhere...

There is no need to think about this problem. Li Tianlan shook his head directly: "I can't do it."

With his current strength, it is not difficult to defeat or even seriously injure Li Kuangtu. In theory, he can kill Li Kuangtu without being injured himself, but if Li Kuangtu wants to run, it will be a short while, Li Tianlan. There is nothing he can do with him. If he is really intent on killing, he will go all the way to hunt down. As long as he doesn't give up, Li Kuangtu will die sooner or later, but it is a bit nonsense to say that it is easy and anytime, anywhere.

"Probably only Wang Tianzong of Moormans that night can do this. With Wang Tianzong's state at the time, Kuangtu Li didn't even have a chance to run."

Li Tianlan said.

"Don't think about Wang Tianzong."

Qin Weibai shook his head: "If you are ruthless, can you do it?"


Li Tianlan shook his head: "Although it is not easy to analyze the specific situation, there are still opportunities to kill him, but you use too harsh words, easy, anytime, anywhere, how is it possible..."

"It is possible."

Qin Weibai murmured to himself, "If you can't do it, then Wang Shengxiao and Jiang Shangyu should not be able to do it either."


Li Tianlan sneered: "They almost mean it. Now Li Kuangtu has returned to the peak. To be honest, if he is really going to fight to the death, it is hard to say whether Jiang Shangyu is Li Kuangtu's opponent, at least in my opinion, Li Kuangtu and Jiang Shang Yu’s reckless death fight to the end, the probability that Li Kuangtu can win is nearly 80%. As for Wang Shengxiao, if his sword-qi coat can withstand the consumption, he can probably be 50-50 with Li Kuangtu. Don’t believe in the rankings of gods. Putting Li Kuangjue behind Jiang Shangyu, if it were not for Jiang Shangyu's age to add points, in terms of strength alone, after me, the person who should be the second most is actually Li Kuangyu."

If it were in the past, Qin Weibai would definitely look at him with a smile, showing a proud and proud expression very cooperatively, but now, Qin Weibai’s mind is obviously not here, she gently holds the golden hair next to him and lifts it up. One of his paws became more and more tranced: "So... the person who can easily kill Li Fantu anytime and anywhere does not rely on strength."

Li Tianlan squinted his eyes and asked, "Do you believe there is such a person?"

"If such a person exists, he can kill Li Kuangtu anytime and anywhere. In theory, he can also kill me. Such a person does not currently exist in the dark world."


The light in Qin Weibai's eyes trembled violently.

Li Tianlan was a little disapproved. It was not that he was floating. It was an absolute confidence in his own domain. He really didn't think anyone in the dark world could kill him: "Then tell me, who can kill Li Kuang? Can you kill me again? Or is it that easy anytime, anywhere?"

"I'm not sure who killed Li Fanzi, but I know who can kill you easily."

Qin Weibai's face was strangely pale.

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows.

Qin Weibai gave his answer: "I can."

Her voice trembled a little.

Who can kill Li Tianlan?

At present, there may be only one person in the world who can easily kill him.

Qin Weibai, only Qin Weibai.

Not because of how strong she is.

It was because Li Tianlan didn't have the slightest defense against her. If she wanted Li Tianlan's life, there were too many ways, and they were all easy.

"I believe."

Li Tianlan nodded solemnly: "You said you wanted to clamp me to death last night."

Qin Weibai blushed, gave him a white look, and didn't bother to care about him.

"So in terms of strength, there is no person who can do this, but if viewed from other aspects, today's dark world can easily kill Li Kuangtu..."

Qin Weibai said silently, and finally sighed softly: "That must be Kuangtu Li who can be absolutely trusted without any defense."

When saying this, Qin Weibai instinctively thought of several names.

Who can make Li Kuangtu absolutely trust and defenseless?

In the current purgatory legion, how many such people are there?

Dawn, dawn, phoenix.

Apart from that, there is no one else.

Qin Weibai's eyes were a little confused. She sat quietly and suddenly laughed at herself: "Tianlan, I suddenly found out that I did something stupid a long time ago, what should I do?"

"Since it's a long time ago, it means it's all over."

Li Tianlan said quietly, "No one can't make mistakes."

Qin Weibai pursed his mouth tightly, before murmured: "I should have found out long ago..."

If anyone can kill Li Kuangtu at any time...

Qin Weibai thought of another time and space.

In that time and space, even after Li Tianlan's fall, Li Kuangtu was still alive.

But the problem is that the person who just called her, Li Tianlan currently does not know his existence, but his loyalty to Li Tianlan does not need to be questioned.

In another time and space, this person also exists. The most ironic thing is that it was Qin Weibai who killed him personally without knowing his identity at the time.

If that person is still alive in another piece of time and space, it is at least certain that Li Kuangtu will fall prematurely during the siege where Li Tianlan fell.

If Li Kuangtu falls, will it change the ending?


Qin Weibai gave a wry smile.

"Don't you want to tell me?"

Li Tianlan looked at Qin Weibai and suddenly asked.

"do not have much left."

Qin Weibai shook his head, adjusted his mood, smiled and said, "It's over, I'm fine."

Li Tianlan glanced at her, smiled, and said no more.



"If you have a person you trust the most... I am not talking about me, but the person you trust the most besides me, how would you arrange for him?"

"Of course I stayed with me."

"Yes, I also think this is the best choice."

"Why do you suddenly ask?"

"Just think of some strange phenomena."

Qin Weibai whispered: "There are many big people in the dark world who don't choose to keep the people they trust the most, because they trust them enough, so these people will be arranged in the most hidden corners and carry out the most hidden plans. Hidden to the extent that apart from this big man, no one else knows his existence. Because they absolutely trust the loyalty of the other party, there is no need to worry about betrayal. From this point of view, it is really good for such a person to be placed in a hidden corner. use."

Her voice was calm: "It just seems that in some extreme situations, this approach may be the most stupid approach."

Li Tianlan understood.

Naturally, he would not know that Qin Weibai was talking about Li Honghe.

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