The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 168: : It's cheaper for you

A cold wind suddenly blew in front of the Shengshi Building.

Li Tianlan.

Wang Shengxiao.

Just a few meters away, the surrounding space seemed to be completely frozen at this moment.

Sternly and severely.

Wang Shengxiao's expression remained unchanged, and he maintained a smile that he didn't feel stiff, but his eyes were constantly fluctuating. It was not timidity and retreat, but the kind of warfare that seemed to burn at any time.

Li Tianlan did not move.

Wang Shengxiao did not move either.

The two sides held a stalemate for a while, until the cold voice rang.

"Thank you brother."

Huangfu Qiushui leaned slightly towards Wang Shengxiao, walked slowly behind Li Tianlan and stopped.

This sentence is again.

from past to now.

Thank you brother.

These four words were the most that Huangfu Qiushui had ever said to him. All the connections between the two seemed to be only these four words.

Wang Shengxiao narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Huangfu Qiushui.

There is no expected guilt, anxiety and panic.

Huangfu Qiushui had these emotions when he was on Dibing Mountain not long ago, and when he came to Huating with him. Those emotions were obvious, but more obvious, it was Huangfu Qiushui's determination under these emotions.

And now...

All the guilt, anxiety and panic disappeared.

That extra enchanting face that had grown since childhood was all cold at this time.

She stood beside Li Tianlan, staring directly at Wang Shengxiao without giving way.

Beihai Wangshi, Donghuanggong.

The masters of the two superpowers are here at this time, with a clear stand, Huangfu Qiushui walked from his side to behind Li Tianlan, without nostalgia.

Ungrateful, wolf-hearted and shameless?

Suddenly Wang Shengxiao didn't bother to think about it, Huangfu Qiushui was so determined, so determined that he didn't even know whether it was stupid or brave.

But no matter what it is, no matter which choice it is, what most people in this world lack the most is this kind of person who can let go of everything and choose freely.

Huangfu Qiushui had indeed betrayed the Wang Clan of Beihai, in every sense, it was unclear, but she didn't care at all.

Such a resolute attitude made Wang Shengxiao unable to even feel a minimum of disgust.

After taking a deep look at Huangfu Qiushui, Wang Shengxiao said in a flat voice: "It's not a threat. To be honest, I appreciate your courage. But again, as I said on the road, the Eastern Palace is not a good place to stay, and it is not even with Li Tianlan. , You stand over now, I just hope you don’t regret it one day."

Huangfu Qiushui was silent for a few seconds, then nodded, and said again, still those four words: "Thank you, brother."

Wang Shengxiao couldn't help smiling bitterly. He glanced at Li Tianlan and then at Qin Weibai. He didn't know what emotion was in his tone, and said slowly: "Yuetong is like this, Xiao Qiushui is like this, no, She is even worse than Yuetong. You said, am I not lucky? How else would I meet such a sister, and how could my mother meet such a student?"

"Actually you are lucky."

Qin Weibai suddenly said.


Wang Shengxiao was a little puzzled.

Qin Weibai was too lazy to pay attention to him, and fell silent again.

Wang Shengxiao and Xia Zhi had good luck.

Li Tianlan said this yesterday.

At that time, she and the military division were present, and they all knew what Li Tianlan's words meant.

Li Tianlan said good luck, not praise, he was just stating a fact.

Perhaps there will be natural disasters and man-made disasters in the North Sea Wang Clan in the future, or nothing will happen. No matter what, at least it is certain that Wang Shengxiao and Xia Zhi will have good luck in the next conflict between the Beihai Wang Clan and the East Palace.

At least in the event that Xia Zhi and Wang Shengxiao will die, Li

Tianlan might let them go.


Naturally because of the broken heart sword.

Qin Weibai didn't like Li Tianlan's decision, but he wouldn't be too opposed to it.

The Wang Clan of the North Sea has formed the highest-level anti-East Palace alliance in the dark world today. If this alliance can win the action against Li Tianlan, it means that Li Tianlan has completely fallen. At this time, it is meaningless to say that it is kind and merciful. .

But if you look at it the other way round, if it was Li Tianlan who won this time, then it would not make much sense for Xia Zhi and Wang Shengxiao to die. If you want to kill them, you can do it at any time, and leaving them is also meaningful to the Eastern Palace. .

Perhaps Li Tianlan just wanted to save Wang Yuetong's face for their lives.

But Qin Weibai was not so kind.

She will act with Li Tianlan this time. Xia Zhi and Wang Shengxiao can indeed live when needed, but they must also pay enough chips for their lives.

And these, now there is no need to tell Wang Shengxiao.

Kuangtu Li knew that she had entered a transcendent state, but Qin Weibai was certain that he had forgotten the news now.

She will be the biggest surprise given to the enemies by the Middle East Palace in this operation, and Qin Weibai does not intend to give them any psychological preparation.

"come in."

Li Tianlan spoke slowly, turned and walked into the Shengshi Building.

The atmosphere seemed to loosen unconsciously.

Wang Shengxiao smiled, and followed a few absolute high-levels of the Eastern Palace into the same elevator. The elevator went all the way up, and the atmosphere was still quiet, but compared to just now, it could be regarded as absolutely peaceful.

This feeling is a bit subtle.

As long as you think that maybe a few days later, maybe ten days later, the two sides will truly fight for life and death, but now they are riding in the same elevator, and maybe they will have to drink coffee and eat potluck and chat for a while. The key parties still know each other's thoughts well.

Even Wang Shengxiao had never experienced such a scene.

"Is there something to come to Huating?"

Li Tianlan asked casually.

"Isn't this sending your people back."

Wang Shengxiao smiled and said: "If Xiao Qiushui had an accident in Beihai, the consequences would be disastrous, so I would just send it back personally."

In fact, Dijiang should have come to send Huangfu Qiushui.

But when things came to Lintou, Dijiang was stunned.

He didn't say anything about not coming, but the tragic and majestic face before getting on the plane made Wang Shengxiao unbearable, so when the plane was about to take off, Wang Shengxiao personally replaced Dijiang.

He can understand Di Jiang's mind.

Looking at the entire dark world, Di Jiang can definitely be regarded as the top genius, no, he can definitely be regarded as the top powerhouse.

Born in the wealthy Jiang family, he has acquired all the inheritance of his ancestor Heavenly Sword since he was a child. At the same time, he has absorbed the essence of Dao Dao on Emperor Bing Mountain. Is one of the most dazzling people of this era.

For more than two years in Beihai Prison, it was nominally imprisoned, but Dijiang was not actually detained in Beihai Prison.

He lives next door to Wang Tian.

It is no exaggeration to say that he came into contact with Wang Tianzong’s sword aura earlier than Wang Shengxiao. For more than two years, although Dijiang did not produce a sword aura coat like Wang Shengxiao did, Wang Tianzong’s sword aura and his own The sword intent of has been merged together, and the Shuanglei veins have almost been stimulated to the extreme. Although the current Dijiang is not a peak invincible master, he can completely face-to-face the tough king Xiaoyao.

Such strength can definitely stand on the top of the dark world.

But in front of Li Tianlan...

Not enough to see.

Dijiang is really not enough to see.

This is Huating.

If he sends Huangfu Qiushui to Huating, if Li Tianlan wants to keep him, he would say that he has treated ants a bit too much, but it really won’t be a waste.

What strength.

This is tantamount to the fact that the operation against the Eastern Palace hadn't started yet, and Beihai had lost one cadre.

So Wang Shengxiao came in person.

He knew that he was not Li Tianlan’s opponent now, but this was not the Eastern Palace, but Huating. Li Tianlan wanted to do something with him in Huating, unless he was crazy, as long as he didn’t go crazy, once Wang Shengxiao resisted, Li Tianlan couldn’t take it in a short time. He, the consequence is that all the civilians in all the neighborhoods near Huating will die unfavorably in their battle. Li Tianlan didn't have the guts.

"The battlefield is not located in Beihai, are you relieved?"

Wang Shengxiao laughed, "Guess, where is the battlefield?"


Li Tianlan sneered and looked at Wang Shengxiao: "Don't breathe a sigh of relief, what about in Beihai? Call everyone you can call, make an appointment, I will go over, come here in an open manner, how about? Make an appointment?"

"No appointment."

Wang Shengxiao shook his head without hesitation: "Brother-in-law, let's not make an appointment."


Li Tianlan's mouth twitched, and he said faintly: "How do you plan to deal with me? If you are not in Beihai, you have no winning rate. You form a strong alliance, but after all, it just looks strong. There are two or three kittens and puppies. Abandoning the base camp of Beihai, what can you do?"

"It will give you enough surprises."

Wang Shengxiao smiled and said: "I can be sure that it is a surprise you can't imagine."

Li Tianlan remained silent.

He also prepared enough surprises for Wang Clan of Beihai.

At this moment, both sides can say that everyone thinks that they are the one with the cards, and they are full of confidence.

The elevator rose all the way to the top floor.

Li Tianlan stepped out of the elevator and nodded: "Then I'll wait and see, but kindly remind you, brother, if you can't kill me this time, then Beihai won't have a chance to turn over. You'd better think in advance. With my kneeling position, I am in a good mood. Maybe I will give Beihai some breathing room. Think about it, I want the most sincere one."

His footsteps paused, and he said, "Military Master?"

"His Majesty."

The military division took a step forward.

Li Tianlan smiled: "Pour a glass of tap water for my elder brother, and let him get out of it after drinking it. I'm tired and want to rest."

He spoke and walked towards the apartment where he lived without looking back.

Qin Weibai gave Wang Shengxiao a blank expression, then turned to follow.

Huangfu Qiushui, who had been silent, opened his small mouth and looked at Li Tianlan’s back, feeling a little dazed. Just when she wanted to go back to the room she lived in last night, Qin Weibai, who had walked a few steps aside, suddenly turned around. , The voice said flatly: "You come with me."

Huangfu Qiushui was stunned.

The faces of the saints, including Wang Shengxiao, were a little weird.

Wang Shengxiao thought of what Xia Zhi had said on the synagogue stage, and the expression in Qin Weibai's eyes became a little complicated for a while.


Huangfu Qiushui obediently responded, pursing his small mouth, and quickly followed Qin Weibai.

Li Tianlan entered the room.

Qin Weibai also took Huangfu Qiushui into the room.

The door closed.

All voices are completely isolated.

In the room, Li Tianlan looked at Qin Weibai unexpectedly, then at Huangfu Qiushui, and then asked, "What did you bring her in for?"

"Install. Continue to install."

Qin Weibai looked at Li Tianlan with a non-smiling smile: "Would you not know that I brought her in?"

Li Tianlan gave a dry cough and touched his nose a little embarrassingly, as if he wanted to say something to change the subject.

"You go into the room."

Qin Weibai looked at Huangfu Qiushui and pointed to her and Li Tianlan's bedroom.

Huangfu Qiushui flushed, his breath blurred.

Qin Weibai glared at Li Tianlan lightly, with a slight voice, and said in a low voice, "It's cheaper for you tonight."

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