The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 160: :Prepare

After the exercise, Li Tianlan met with the saints, and then returned to the Shengshi Building.

The deans of the two institutes hoped that Li Tianlan could say something, make a summary, express his opinions, and then inspire the teachers and students of the whole school, but Li Tianlan pushed all of them. He didn’t bother to do this kind of thing in the Eastern Palace. It will not waste any energy in the Sky Academy.

The saint said that everything about the recruitment of newcomers in the Eastern Palace was as expected, with no surprises and no surprises. It was quite satisfactory.

This so-called moderately satisfactory, or the expectation of the Eastern Palace, is to take away more than 90% of the students from the two houses in this year. All this is going well. There are 6,000 students in the two houses in this year, 90%. There are five thousand four hundred people, and the saints can already be sure that the number of people who will eventually join the Eastern Palace will exceed this number, but it is not much, so there is no surprise.

They had no surprises, but it is conceivable that a few days later, the major special warfare organizations and special forces in Central Continent were destined to be full of complaints. Six thousand people were taken away by the Eastern Palace by 90%, and the rest was a large number of institutions throughout Central Continent. The scramble, special forces, field operations teams, intelligence organizations, and major special operations bureaus, when these hundreds of people are divided, are really a bit of soup.

Many of the students in this class originally came from various departments and were recommended to study in the two hospitals. As a result, a considerable number of people left their old units and entered the Eastern Palace after graduation, but no one dared to reason with the Eastern Palace. , I didn't dare to be too tough in protest, it was a blood loss.

When leaving the Sky Academy, the military division's car was very famous in Huating. The black Rolls Royce, which also made a big bed for Li Tianlan and Wang Yuetong back then, slowly entered the Sky Academy.

The power of the Eastern Palace officially entered.

The military division will work with the saints to determine the position of the more than 5,000 graduate students in the Eastern Palace, and then the next step will be drastic reforms.

The chaos inside the Eastern Palace has reached a critical point. After absorbing these talents, internal rectification is no less important than external expansion.

In the current Eastern Palace, the interior can be described as diverse.

The power of the City of Sighs led by Situ Cangyue.

The power of Shushan led by Li Baitian.

Li Xili Qingcheng's mother and daughter formed a separate line, and because of Lin's leisurely pursuit, they got closer and closer to the two schools and one line represented by the Nightmare Legion.

As they swallowed Tiandu Purgatory, Li's power also expanded rapidly in the Eastern Palace.

Lin Youxian, even though Qin Weibai, who is now the patriarch of the Lin clan, is free, many people regard them as the power of the Lin clan in the Eastern Palace.

Bai Youming, Xu Chu, and some Yaochi swordsmen represented the power of the wealthy group and Yaochi's figures are also looming.

Decent sects headed by Ning Qiancheng, Han Xinyan and others are becoming more and more important.

The old part of the Reincarnation Palace represented by the saints of the military division is still the largest power in the Eastern Palace. However, as more and more industries from the Tiandu Purgatory are absorbed and this two-house exercise is over, the two-house and one-faculty and the old part of the Li family are also Will further narrow the gap with the power of reincarnation.

As the Eastern Palace became stronger and stronger, individual circles also formed within the Eastern Palace, and conflicts in various aspects began to increase. Now it seems that it is only a contradiction, but if left alone, it will escalate into grievances sooner or later.

Li Tianlan is now able to control all this with absolutely invincible strength, but after all, it is not a long-term solution, and it is urgent to rectify the interior.

This time, these thousands of graduates from the two institutes entered the Eastern Palace, which is an opportunity. While improving various departments, Li Tianlan also hopes that the various forces in the Eastern Palace can be diluted. It can become clear that competition is worthy of encouragement, but in the current situation of internal chaos, many disputes are actually meaningless at all. The military division once joked that if there is a person with superior intelligence in the Eastern Palace. If the enemy is undercover, it takes almost no effort to provoke infighting in the Eastern Palace.

Reorganize the interior and make the chaos inside the Eastern Palace become clear, and then their expansion will become a lot easier.

And this kind of work was done secretly by the general manager of the Eastern Palace. The military divisions and saints are now officially taking over, and then even Qin Weibai will join in. When there is a clear direction in general, Li Tianlan Join in and control the overall situation.

And this kind of rectification, in the plan of the East Palace, will last for nearly a year.

When the election is over, the dust in Zhongzhou is settled, and when Li Tianlan leaves the East Palace again and enters Youzhou, the noise and game inside the East Palace will also settle.

When I returned to the Shengshi Building, it was already more than three o'clock in the afternoon.

Qin Weibai had just gotten up, and after washing, she sat in a daze at the dressing table in the bedroom. His face was rosy and charming, but his eyes were a little tired.

Li Tianlan in certain conditions is simply a beast. Qin Weibai is a little sweet and helpless. The obsession of the man he loves deeply with him is enough to make any woman feel happy, but Li Tianlan's physical fitness is really good. After a little bit, the interest came up with all night and night of conquest, screaming, acting like a baby, begging for mercy, being pitiful, being made to cry, and then completely collapsed, the brain was blank, trance and messy, she fell asleep in the morning, even if there was After getting enough sleep, I still feel a little bit physically weak and mentally exhausted when I wake up.

When the door was pushed open, Qin Weibai was stunned and recovered. He saw Li Tianlan in the mirror and did not get up. He continued to sit lazily and asked, "How was the result?"

Her voice was soft, and her cold voice was a bit hoarse.

"It didn't disappoint me."

Li Tianlan smiled: "I notified the restaurant to start preparing food, and I didn't eat at noon. I will have something to eat later."

He walked over and bent over to hug Qin Weibai.

The rich fragrance is silky strands.

Qin Wei slumped his mouth and said a little bit aggrieved: "I'll have a hard time following you. What's the use of prosperity and wealth? The work and rest hours are messy, and I won’t sleep at night, and I’ll eat irregularly. I will continue to do so. Will not grow old, will you not want me at that time, will you?"

"Thinking wildly all day long."

Li Tianlan couldn't laugh or cry, put her on the bed and hugged her, jokingly: "So women also have sage time, right? You didn't feel so wronged last night."

"I obviously cried last night."

Qin Weibai stared at Li Tianlan.

"You wet the bed last night."

Li Tianlan squinted his eyes, playing with Qin Weibai's smooth long hair.

Qin Weibai flushed, and his little hand pushed Li Tianlan's chest hard, and said in shame: "You go, you go, I don't want to care about you."

Li Tianlan was not pushed down. Instead, he got closer and closer. He smiled and said, "Look at Xia Zhi Lixi, and Aunt Situ and others. Which one has

A sign of old age and decay? The maintenance of women is very complicated and not complicated at all. All major forces have their own biological laboratories. They cannot make immortal potions, but it is not difficult to keep a woman’s face, and the cost is very small. It's just expensive. I don't have no money. As long as I'm here, you won't have the possibility of old age. "

"That's not OK."

Qin Weibai couldn't push Li Tianlan away, so he slipped into his arms, twisting and twisting: "I want to sleep tonight, I want to rest."


Li Tianlan nodded: "I'll accompany you. Don't worry, let you go tonight, at most."

"Do you believe this?"

Qin Weibai blushed and took a bite on Li Tianlan's mouth.

"You dare to question my character, then you still don't sleep tonight."

Li Tianlan smiled presumptuously.


Qin Weibai wrinkled her nose: "I knew you were forcing me, and wanted me to agree that you accepted that little girl, right?"

"Where did you want to go?"

Li Tianlan shook his head, took the ashtray on the bedside table, took out the cigarette and lit it: "I talked about this topic last night. I am not a saint. To be honest, I have really moved my heart, but it's just that. You still said others. It's a fairy. In my heart, you are a fairy. It doesn't matter if Huangfu Qiushui doesn't get it, but if he doesn't get you, it will really drive me crazy."

Qin Weibai chuckled, tilted his head and looked at Li Tianlan: "Where is she?"

"Back to Beihai."

Li Tianlan shook the ashes and continued to swallow the clouds and mist: "This is her request. She is willing to come to the Eastern Palace, but she must have an explanation to Dibingshan. Some guilt may not be able to make up, but she has to face it. She still has courage.

She is going to see Xia Zhi, return the Qiushuijian to Dibingshan and the Huangfu family to explain her decision, and then return to Huating to form an internal guard. She also said that if Xia Zhi wanted to kill her, she would not resist and run away. If she died, ask us not to avenge her, tusk..."

Qin Weibai thought for a while, playing with the taste: "Will Xia Zhi kill her? Or, if Xia Zhi really killed her, would you kill God Soldier Mountain? The future Valkyrie of the East Palace, very valuable. ."

"It doesn't really matter what I do."

Li Tianlan smiled, seemingly not at all worried: "The key is what Xia Zhi thinks I will do. If what I have done since joining the WTO makes him think that I am an honest person with no temper, maybe she really dare to do it. NS.

Now, I don't think she has the guts. "

"It makes sense to say that, but sometimes people become impulsive, and they are often the least reasonable. Huangfu Qiushui has a very high status in Dibing Mountain.

She was young and did not hold any specific positions. Before entering the Sky Academy, there were not many people who even knew of her existence, but in Beihai, she was very famous. The term Valkyrie came into being five or six years ago. , This alone shows how important Xia Zhi is to her. If there is no accident, she will be very, very high in the sequence of Beihai in the future.

Now that such a talent has been abducted by you, can the Xia Solstice be reconciled? In other words, even if these are not considered, you think she dare not do it, but what if they are now ready? "

Qin Weibai asked suddenly, her voice fluttering, but extremely quiet.

Li Tianlan's eyes narrowed.

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