The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 153: : Drunk

When I opened my eyes, the sky in Huating was already dark, and the curtains were drawn. In a large, dimly lit bedroom, the bedside lamps on both sides of the bed illuminate the small corners.

There was a little alcohol in the very familiar fragrance around him. Li Tianlan rubbed his forehead and saw Qin Weibai beside him pulling the quilt to get up quietly.

Li Tianlan let out a long sigh, his body moved.

Qin Weibai turned around to look at Li Tianlan and blinked.

The soft light in the bedroom is mixed with darkness. She sits at the junction of light and darkness, her outline is vague, there is an indescribable mystery and charm.

"Woke up?"

Qin Weibai laughed softly.

Li Tianlan gave a hum, his mind was still a little dizzy, he sat up and asked, "What time is it?"

"It's almost seven o'clock."

Qin Weibai moved, put on slippers and stood up, trotting out of the bedroom.

Li Tianlan sat quietly, too lazy to think or do anything for a while.

A meal at noon lasted more than three o'clock in the afternoon.

Li Tianlan rarely drank too much.

In terms of his current physical fitness, as long as he doesn't want to, drunkenness is almost non-existent, but from beginning to end, Li Tianlan did not suppress anything. He drank a cup of white wine, allowing the alcohol to ferment in the body and merge with the blood. , The spirit gradually trance, slowly rotating around, the kind of feeling of knowing who you are and not sure who you are is strange and exciting.

Li Tianlan only remembered Dongcheng Invincible holding his shoulders. The two of them kept talking, drinking more and more, but he couldn't remember exactly what he said.

You can clearly feel the high spirits of Dongcheng Invincible.

Perhaps it was because Qin Weibai called his father in front of the two deans of Sky Academy and Deep Sea Academy.

Or maybe it is for other reasons.

But the two deans were shocked and confused and with a little bit of stunned eyes, Dongcheng Wudi seemed to have completely lost the calm and soberness of the past, and his emotions were a little out of control. Li Tianlan's emotions were also inadvertently infected, and he indulged himself once and became drunk. To some degree of unconsciousness, this was the first time in Li Tianlan's life.

However, with his physical fitness, he could be so drunk, Dongcheng Invincible, the two directors, Zhou Yu and even the military division, I am afraid that they are not much better.

For a lunch of seven people, it seems that except for Qin Weibai, all six of them have been wiped out.

Li Tianlan shook his head, raised his hand and scratched his hair.

The bedroom door was opened again.

Qin Weibai came in with a cup of strong tea, and whispered, "It happened to be drunk, sober up, and boiled it all afternoon, and I told someone to cook it while I was eating."

Li Tianlan took it and drank half a cup.

The tea is very strong, slightly bitter, sweet and long, with a full aftertaste.

Li Tianlan cheered up a bit, handed Qin Weibai the tea cup, stretched his waist, and rubbed his head again.

"The first time I was drunk, it is probably the last time. I won't drink so much in the future."

Qin Weibai chuckled lightly and left with a teacup. When she came in, she brought a cigarette and an ashtray. She lit Li Tianlan's cigarette, took off her shoes and went to bed again, stretched her slender legs and held Li Tianlan's. The head let him lie on his lap and stretched out his hand to gently massage his scalp.

The sensation of rubbing his nails and fingertips on his scalp was numb, slightly cool, and Li Tianlan lay lazily on Qin Weibai's legs, smoking a cigarette, closing his eyes, enjoying himself.

"If you are hungry, tell me, we will go out to eat."

Qin Weibai said softly.

"Too lazy to move, wait, I'll take you to the Bund later."

Li Tianlan closed his eyes and said, "I heard that the night view of the Bund is pretty good."


Qin Weibai smiled calmly. In fact, they are currently on the 68th floor of the Shengshi Building. After walking two steps in the room and opening the curtains, you can directly see the rushing water of the Huangpu River, the Pearl Tower, and the financial center. Yinmao Building, these three buildings that will inevitably appear as long as Huating on TV will appear in front of them. Although it is not a condescending overlook, this height can also provide a full view. These three buildings are to some extent A landmark building that can represent Huating, this area contains countless glory, wealth, love and hatred, but also buried too many ambitions and dreams. Standing on the top floor of the Shengshi Building, there will be a sense of superiority beyond the object.

Qin Weibai has no interest in the so-called night view of the Bund. She spent most of her time in Huating in the years before she met Li Tianlan. There are three company groups in the financial center that can be regarded as subsidiaries of Shengshi Fund. As for Shengshi Fund's holdings. A company with a large number of shares in a financial center

I can’t count my hands. I’ve stayed here for a long time and watched for a long time, but it’s really meaningless.

But in the meaningless Bund, there are people she is interested in.

Qin Weibai pressed Li Tianlan's head with one hand, and reached out with the other hand, grasping Li Tianlan's non-smoking hand, and his slender and cool fingers stretched out along his fingers, tightly with his palm. Buckle together.

Watching the Bund alone.

Followed by him to see the Bund.

The scenery should be different, right?

interlocking fingers.

Li Tianlan's palm was tight, and he smiled and said, "You like this action very much?"

This is probably Qin Weibai's favorite little action.

From the very first time between the two, on that sofa that Li Tianlan would never forget, Qin Weibai clasped his palm in this way, opened those bright and mysterious eyes, and confronted him. Watching, let him break into her soul.

There are many, many times, perhaps Qin Weibai himself did not realize that when the two are together, what Qin Weibai likes most is to put her fingers in his fingers. Her palms are white and soft, like a piece of Weibai. Cool jade.

Li Tianlan also liked this feeling very much.

The kind of feeling that you may not have too much passion and impulse but you can be sure that you have each other.


Qin Weibai looked at Li Tianlan in confusion.


Li Tianlan's palm tightened again: "It's just that I suddenly thought of the past, when we first met, ah, when it comes to the past, I suddenly wanted to eat the braised pork made by Yu Lao. The first time I saw you, it was probably me. The best meal ever in my memory."

At that time, Li Tianlan had just arrived at Huating from Li’s camp. In his memory, he was the camp with no food, and the prison in the endless desert. He came to Huating for the first time. At that time, he was actually very concerned about the prosperity of Huating. It wasn't too deep impression. On the contrary, Qin Weibai's flourishing beauty and that top private kitchen were even more indelible in Li Tianlan's memory.


Qin Weibai’s fingers rubbed Li Tianlan’s hair, and said softly, “I made that meal at the time, and Yu was just beside me. I learned all his cooking skills. Of course I gave it to my man. Make him his first meal since joining the WTO."

Li Tianlan laughed happily, and said complacently: "Right? Did you consider me the first time you met? I have such a great charm?"

Qin Weibai glanced at Li Tianlan lightly, somewhat charming: "Narcissistic."

"Just thinking about it, it’s still a bit unreasonable. At that time, I could say that I had nothing. The identity of Li’s heir was worth a bit of money, but for most people, it was a huge trouble. It’s worth selling me. In the end, instead of selling me, you also...well...why?"

"What else?"

Qin Weibai looked at him with a faint smile, "Why didn't you finish?"

"You know what I mean."

Li Tianlan shook Qin Weibai's hand: "So I never understood why you treated me that way? And why did Grandpa give me your business card before I left?"

"Just treat it as I fell in love with you at first sight."

Qin Weibai chuckled softly: "The first time I saw you, I felt that your wise **** Wuer was extraordinary, and he unconsciously bowed under your jeans. Are you satisfied with this explanation?"

"Very satisfied."

Li Tianlan laughed. He might have been puzzled in the past, but that was not important. The important thing was that the goddess who was amazing when we first met, has now become his own woman, that's enough.

He began to brag shamelessly: "Facts have proved that your vision is still good. At that time, you seduced me. It was a very correct decision."

"Who seduce you? Who seduce you?"

Qin Weibai pulled Li Tianlan's face and smiled.

Li Tianlan threw the cigarette **** into the ashtray and waved his hand. The ashtray fell on the floor unmistakably. He suddenly turned over and pressed her to the bed in Qin Weibai's exclamation.

"I knew that you slept all afternoon, and you must be fine at night."

Qin Weibai stared at Li Tianlan.

"You obviously like it, why not a good thing?"

Li Tianlan reached out and touched Qin Weibai's soft red lips, ready to move.

"no kidding."

Qin Weibai whispered softly: "Don't you want to eat the braised pork I made? I will cook it for you now. What else do you want to eat? The ingredients in the Shengshi Fund's kitchen are still very rich."

"eat you."

Li Tian

Lan's voice was a little hoarse. After drinking sober tea, enjoying a massage, and smoking a cigarette, he had just woke up, he was now energetic and absolutely full of blood.

I'm a little sorry for myself if I don't stay home for a while when I'm full of blood.

"Dad and they are not awake yet, maybe they will look for you in a while."

Qin Weibai stretched out his hand and touched Li Tianlan's head, and smiled: "Goodbye, after dinner, I said, you still want to take me to the Bund. If you succeed, you will only be able to see the Bund. The night scene is now, but the Bund in the morning."

Li Tianlan was stunned, a little surprised: "The Minister hasn't woken up yet?"

"It's not just that our dad didn't wake up, the two deans were still asleep, and Zhou Yu didn't wake up either. This afternoon was the final exercise of the two houses. There were several courses of competition. Our dad represents the parliament and the two deans represent. In the two houses, both of them did not attend because of the unconsciousness of the drinkers. This is a record.

In the afternoon, Huating seemed to have a board meeting, and Zhou Yu was also absent. Perhaps in a few days, rumors would spread outside, saying that we were too domineering and abused our privileges, blocked traffic, affected the exercise, and interfered with the parliament. At this point, Huating's normal operation has been affected. If it goes too far, maybe the parliament will issue a document asking us to go back to Tiannan. "

Qin Weibai hummed.

Li Tianlan got down from Qin Weibai, looked at the ceiling, thought for a while, and asked, "What was the result of the exercise in the end?"

"not bad."

Qin Weibai apparently collected this information: "The results of the personal exercise came out in the morning. Huangfu Qiushui was the first place. In the afternoon, it was the competition of various courses. Huangfu Qiushui took three first places, and other courses were also very advanced. No. I know that I should say that the students of this year are too brilliant or Huangfu Qiushui is too brilliant. Her name as the first person of the young generation is really lacking in water. Unlike your meeting, Wang Shengxiaojiang can pass the rain, but Gu Hanshan is such a thing. ?"

"I am a young man too."

Li Tianlan sighed softly.

"But now no one dares to treat you as a young man."

Qin Weibai smiled and asked, "Would you like to see the final exercise tomorrow? The organization that Huangfu Qiushui created in the Sky Academy is called Kuanglan. Coincidentally, the two backbone forces of the Kuanglan team, Cang Lei and Guardian, are both today. She was seriously injured in the personal exercise. In tomorrow’s team exercise, although Kuanglan is a team player, in fact only Huangfu Qiushui participated in the exercise. She is now so famous that she will be boycotted by other teams. The situation is almost the same, are you interested?"

Li Tianlan did have some interest: "Huangfu Qiushui's strength is still in the thunder state for the first time?"

He has watched all the fighting videos that can be found by Huangfu Qiushui.

Various data show that it took less than two months for Huangfu Qiushui to break through and enter the Thunder Realm, but when she was in the Fire Realm, her real combat power was no less than the senior Thunder Realm. Now after entering the Thunder Realm, his The strength is afraid that it can crush most of the peaks of the Thunder Realm. In fact, Li Tianlan can see that Huangfu Qiushui is still suppressing her realm. She is still too young. The power of the Thunder Realm has already begun to destroy her. Body, her body has already shown signs of collapse.

Strictly speaking, it is her physical fitness that has not fully reached the peak that restricts her strength.

If her physical fitness can reach the standard, she can break through and enter the peak of thundering realm overnight.

At that point, Huangfu Qiushui's real combat effectiveness should not be much worse than Li Tianlan's combat effectiveness during the final exercise more than two years ago.

"Strength has not changed."

Qin Weibai said: "It's just that it hasn't changed. Tomorrow's situation will be more complicated. Although she is strong, she is not too strong. Tomorrow she will participate in team exercises by herself. The pressure will be great. That girl will be more stubborn. Since she dared to invite you, then no matter whether you show up or not, she is probably desperate to get the first place. Maybe tomorrow when she shows up, she will already be at the peak of thundering realm. I don’t know much about martial arts, but At her age, the Thunder Realm is already very reluctant. If she continues to break shouldn't be a good thing for her, right? Will it affect her future potential?"

"That's not enough."

Li Tianlan shook his head: "But overall there is still some trouble."

"Then shall we go tomorrow?"

Qin Weibai asked, then blushed: "I mean you want to go?"

She is more self-aware, at least she might not be able to go tomorrow, and she has to take a rest!

Li Tianlan thought for a while and said, "In this way, inform the military division and ask him to contact Huangfu Qiushui and ask her to come and see me."

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