The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 150: :pause

"Do you want to go back?"

He Yishui, who was going to the nearest subway station, stopped at Huating West Station, where people were coming and going. Looking at his pale-faced girlfriend, his eyes widened: "But we just arrived at Huating."

"I know."

Li Mutong was silent for a while, then nodded and said softly: "It's just that I suddenly want to go back, sorry."

He Yishui raised his hand in distress, grabbed his hair, and said incomprehensibly: "You obviously said something is going on in Huating... We just arrived... Are you really done with your business?"


Li Mutong’s eyes were a little apologetic. She knew that He Yishui had made a lot of preparations for coming to Huating this time. It was even secondary to discuss business and sign contracts. She had a good time in Huating for a few days, with basic arrangements for food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, except that there were more than 20 places to check in.

Huating He Yishui of course had been here before, but there are totally two concepts between a person rushing over to talk about business and having fun with his girlfriends. Li Mutong originally planned to relax, but the man is in Huating now, and Li Mutong doesn’t want to meet him. Any accidents.

In fact, even if it is found, it’s nothing. After entering the Eastern Palace, she will even get a more prominent and noble identity than the little princess of the North Sea. Xiao Tide will also become a real princess, but what can she do?

She once tried to resolve the contradiction between Li Tianlan and Wang Clan of Beihai, tried everything, but the facts proved that she did not have this ability.

She didn't have this ability more than two years ago, and she won't have the same after more than two years.

Meeting the North Sea Wang Clan, she would be embarrassed, and returning to the East Palace was the embarrassment of her and Li Tianlan. Such an environment would not be a good thing for their daughter.

So it's better to be an ostrich with its head buried in the sand, and can't see anything, don't want to see anything.

Since there is no ability to solve the problem, the wisest choice is to stay away.

She really didn't want to go back, and didn't want to be found, didn't want to participate in those things, countless causes and effects, entanglement, as long as she thinks about it, she will feel very tired.

"Feel sorry."

Li Mutong took He Yishui's palm: "I don't want this either, but something unexpected happened. It is the best choice for me to return to Qingzhou. If I have a chance in the future, I will accompany you to play again, OK?"

He Yishui's mouth slumped, and he looked at his girlfriend seriously.

Li Mutong's eyes were bright, with a sincere apology, and a touch of anxiety and panic that he didn't know how to conceal.

"Do you have to go?"

He Yishui said.

"I go back first."

Li Mutong shook He Yishui's palm and smiled reluctantly: "You stay here to discuss business first, remember to bring me a gift."


He Yishui frowned.

"I'm not a kid anymore."

Li Mutong said dubiously.

He Yishui thought for a while, then looked at the time, and took the initiative to take Li Mutong to buy tickets.

The next train that can go directly to Qingzhou is two hours later.

Li Mutong gave up his plan to go straight to Qingzhou without hesitation.

She was indeed a little uneasy, and instinctively wanted to leave Huating.

She is not sure how powerful the East Palace and the North Sea Wang Clan are in Huating, but based on her knowledge of Li Tianlan, the people in the East Palace should have started to move.

The entrances and exits leading to Huating must be the first place they were looking for.

And compared to the Eastern Palace, what Li Mutong is most afraid of now is the Wang Clan of Beihai.

She is also not sure whether the Wang Clan of Beihai knew about her in Huating now, if, in case they also knew the news, and found her one step forward...

What will happen next?

I bought a ticket to pass through Quancheng in 20 minutes, and while waiting for the ticket check in a few minutes, she kept going

Looking down at the time on his watch.

He Yishui called his driver and told him the time when Li Mutong arrived in Quancheng. He asked the driver to rush from Qingzhou to Quancheng to pick up people. This was Li Mutong's request.

People come and go in the waiting room.

Li Mutong clutched the ticket in her hand tightly. She forced herself to calm down, but the panic in her heart became stronger and stronger.

The possibility that the Eastern Palace could find itself has been ignored.

A chill-like fear continued to rise in her heart with a huge shudder, becoming stronger and stronger.

Since childhood, there has never been a day when Li Mutong was so afraid of the family that raised her.

What will happen to the Wang Clan of Beihai when she finds her?

In any case, the following will be an absolute disaster.

She doesn't really need to think too much about how she is.

East Imperial Palace and Beihai Wang Clan, no matter who finds her, the two forces cannot harm her.

But the most important thing is...

If the Wang Clan of the North Sea is one step ahead of the East Palace, what will the small tide do?

Do you want to stay in Qingzhou?

But does it make sense to stay in Qingzhou?

Wang Clan of Beihai will definitely investigate everything she has done over the past two years as soon as she finds her, Xiao Tide simply can't hide it.

That is her daughter.

They are the biological daughters of the little princesses of the North Sea, Wang Yuetong and Li Tianlan.

What would the Wang Clan of Beihai do if this child went to Dibing Mountain?

What will Li Tianlan do?

If Di Bingshan were to threaten Li Tianlan with this child, then what would she be?

Perhaps only she would think about such a problem.

On Dibing Mountain are her family members, relatives who are related to her by blood.

She didn't want to think of those people so badly, but there are some things that can't happen if they don't want to.

Under the situation that Li Tianlan and Donghuanggong can completely threaten the foundation of the Beihai Wang family...

If everything can be saved by sacrificing a child, or sacrificing a mother and daughter, will Emperor Bingshan do it?

This answer does not require thinking at all.

Her biological brother has become the patriarch of the Beihai Wang family and the leader of the entire Beihai. Facing the future of Beihai, he can sacrifice himself without hesitation. Why can't he sacrifice his sister?

Wang Yuetong absolutely believes in her brother.

What she couldn't believe was the identity of the clan chief of the Beihaiwang clan.

Li Mutong suddenly made up his mind.

She took out her mobile phone, quickly entered a string of numbers on the screen, and then sent it to He Yishui.

He Yishui glanced at the phone, and said with some doubts: "What is this? Whose phone number?"

"Listen to me first."

Li Mutong lowered his voice and whispered: "I will call you within ten minutes after I arrive in Qingzhou. Please pay attention to the time. If you don't receive my call, immediately notify Aunt He, Uncle He, and ask them to take it with you. Xiao Chao Shi hides first, and then you call the phone I sent you to tell her about me and Xiao Chao. She will arrange the next thing, understand?"

He Yishui looked at Li Mutong blankly.

She suddenly discovered that her best friend who had been with her for more than two years had become a little strange today.

Holding the phone, she looked at the unfamiliar number and said in confusion: "This is...what's wrong?"

"I'm very sorry."

Li Mutong shook his head: "I did hide some things from you, but I have no malice. Even if I was found, they would not embarrass the He family. Yishui, we are friends. I can believe it now. There is only you. There may not be any accidents today, but if there are accidents, I hope you can help me, just make a phone call, okay?"

He Yishui nodded blankly, then hesitated: "Tongtong, whose call is this?"

"My sister's."

Li Mutong's voice was very calm.

What she said can be regarded as truthful.

What she gave to He Yishui was not Li Tianlan's phone number, but Qin Weibai's phone number.

Qin Weibai's person is set there, and the entire dark world recognizes it. In most cases, telling her the news, she can be more calm than Li Tianlan.

"Do not worry."

Li Mutong smiled suddenly: "I'm not a spy, don't think too much about it."


He Yishui gave Li Mutong a white look and complained: "You are mysterious, making me a little scared."

"I just hide from some people and don't want to be found by them."

Li Mutong said softly: "I am very satisfied with my current life."

"Your home is in Huating, right?"

He Yishui asked suddenly: "And it's not an ordinary family, right?"

"It's really not an ordinary family, but it's not in Huating."

Li Mutong shook his head.


He Yishui nodded suddenly: "I see, that **** is in Huating, right? You tell me who he is, I will help you out, no, I can make chance encounters, how about splashing coffee on his face while he is not paying attention? ?!"

His voice gradually became sharper, with some gritted teeth.

Son of a bitch.

This word, in He Yishui, only represents one person, that is, Xiaochao's biological father.

"not like this."

Li Mutong smiled bitterly and shook his head: "He is not a bastard, but..."

She shook her head: "It's very complicated, Yishui, don't ask."

He Yishui hummed twice, although he was still a little uncomfortable, but he did not go on.

The sound of broadcasting rang from the station.

Li Mutong looked down at the ticket in his hand, stood up and said, "I'm going to check the ticket, remember my words."

She looked at He Yishui deeply, her eyes very serious.

He Yishui also nodded seriously.

This scene is like two like-minded comrades handing each other an extremely sacred mission and task, which is suitable for the beginning and end of most stories.

Li Mutong laughed suddenly: "Don't worry, it's okay."

She said no more, holding the ticket and hurried towards the ticket gate.

He Yishui sat quietly, watching Li Mutong's back disappear at the ticket gate.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

The train passing by Quancheng slowly left Huating.

He Yishui sat quietly.

The Li Mutong train left less than ten minutes.

There was another riot in the railway station of Huating.

A large number of police officers and plainclothes entered the station, scattered around the station in a tacit and professional manner, looking for something seriously and intently.

Police, plain clothes are just the vanguard.

He Yishui even saw the traffic police in the team looking for someone.

Immediately there were a large number of soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms, but none of them wore weapons.

The broadcast in the station did not know when it suddenly stopped.

The big screen, which played the trains in a loop, also froze.

In an uproar, the station broadcast officially announced the suspension of operations at Huating Station.

It's not just West Station.

All railway stations in Huating, all highway entrances and exits, national highway entrances and exits, various terminals, and various airports are all temporarily suspended.

It seemed that there was an incomparably powerful force directly pressing down, suspending all internal and external traffic of Huating.

He Yishui sat on a chair in the station, listening to the radio dumbfounded, watching everyone in the station temporarily trapped in the station, watching the entrance and exit of the station set up a strict temporary passageway, and seeing each one paying special attention to young women. The plain clothes and the police were completely confused.

Her eyes were very dazed, and everything around her seemed to be unreal, as if she were dreaming.

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