The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 145: :pay a New Year call


In the softly lit living room, a one-year-old girl sitting on the lap of the old man, shouting childishly, and at the same time stretched out her chubby hand to grab a small handful of goat whiskers that the old man had carefully taken care of. The old man smiled and bowed his head. Send the beard to the girl's palm, let her beard be messed up by those little hands, her eyes squinted, and she didn't mean to be angry at all.

He Yishui lightly slammed his girlfriend on the shoulder, and laughed softly: "The old man really regards Tide as his own granddaughter. If I dared to grab his beard when I was young, I might be beaten and cry."


Mother He who was sitting on the side laughed and cursed: "When you were young, your grandparents were still there, and your dad didn't have a beard. When you were young, your dad almost spoiled you to the sky, without a conscience."

Li Mutong sat quietly on the sofa, watching his daughter play with Father He, his eyes soft and indulgent.


He's mother suddenly thought of something and stood up and smiled: "I went out with a friend the other day and saw a nice little dress in Hualian, so I bought it, and I'll give it a try for Tide."

Li Mutong was taken aback, but he was not polite, and nodded directly: "Thank you, Auntie."

"What silly thing to say?"

He Mu shook her head and went upstairs, and soon took a beautifully packaged box down.

"Little tide, come and see if you like it or not."

He mother smiled, opened the box, and took out a red children's outfit with exquisite workmanship.

Li Chaoxi got down from the old man's lap and lay on the coffee table, watching curiously.

Li Mutong glanced at the packaging box, and only by looking at the brand, she probably understood the value of the clothes. Such a children's clothing cost at least four digits. She shook her head and whispered, "Auntie, it's really unnecessary now. Buying such expensive clothes for her, the child will grow up fast and will not be able to wear it next year."

"Chinese New Year."

Old man He smiled and said, "I'm going to dress beautifully, like a little princess."

Xiao Chao Shi put on his new clothes and ran in the living room with a crisp laugh.

Li Mutong watched quietly, his eyes softened.

Near the end of the new year, Li Mutong also came directly from He Yishui’s villa to the He family’s villa. Compared to a cold and cold Spring Festival, the New Year here is obviously better for the growth of children. He’s family is not a family, it can only be said. A wealthy businessman, there is not the kind of people coming and going and intrigue in the rich. As the distance gets closer and closer to the Spring Festival, the place becomes cleaner.

He Yishui also has an older brother. He is currently the vice chairman of Qingzhou. The more he gets busy during the Spring Festival, he is currently investigating. It is estimated that the New Year’s Eve dinner will be eaten in the county below. There are only the old couple left in the He’s villa, plus their mother. There are only five women and He Yishui. They are neither deserted nor excessively noisy, everything is just right.

She loves the He family from the bottom of her heart.

He is a father who has a broad mind and peace of mind to live a retirement life.

There is a kind, gentle and even carefree mother.

He Yishui who looks like his own sister and like his own sister but not like his boss.

He has tried to show her his thoughts to her and has not gotten a response.

Such a family, if it were placed a few years ago, she would not even notice it.

Compared with the Wang Clan of Beihai, this family is really ordinary and can't be ordinary.

But ordinary people also have the warmth and kindness of ordinary people.

She was very grateful to the He family. The two elders really treated her as their own daughters, and they were very fond of Xiaochao. When she was busy at work, these two elders were helping her with the children. They I don't have any purpose for my own good, just because of love, pure and warm.

This kind of warmth and calm gradually washed away the halo and brilliance from her body, and in the increasingly stable environment, her heart became more and more peaceful.

Raising her daughter to grow up, grow old, and die slowly. There is no turbulent situation, no deceit, no swords and shadows, ordinary, no worries about food and clothing.

Such a life is really good.

The wall clock in the living room rang.

Li Mutong smiled, looked at his daughter running around in the living room, smiled and stretched out his hand, softly said: "Tide, mother hug."

Xiao Chao Shi glanced at her mother, walked over with short legs and smiled, and grabbed her.


Li Mutong picked up his daughter and hugged him in his arms and kissed gently.

At seven o'clock, the news is broadcast.

Father He insists on watching the news every day.

After the news is dinner.

Chatting, resting, sleeping, it's a new day.

Comfortable and laid-back can make people forget all the stressful life.

Li Mutong took a breath, squeezed his daughter's soft face, and laughed.

In the news broadcast, the director of Zhongzhou, the Minister of Supervision of Zhongzhou, Ji Wenwen, visited Huating and delivered an important speech.

He Yishui licked melon seeds and said, "I will also go to Huating in two days and stay for two days. Then there will be nothing a year ago. Tongtong, do you want to go play, go shopping, and experience the big The life of the city is still too small in Qingzhou, and many brands are not available here."

"It's okay to relax."

He mother handed Li Mutong a handful of dried fruits: "Are you young people, you have to go out more. When we are our age, I really don’t bother to move. Tide will just follow me. This kid is obedient and rarely crying. ."

Xiao Chao Xi raised her face to look at her mother, then at her grandma, silently picked up a dried fruit and played with it.

"not going."

Li Mutong smiled and shook his head: "It's a business to go to Yishui. It's a hurry, and the body can't bear it. You should keep warm after you pass. Huating's winter is also very cold."

"Have you been to Huating?"

He Yishui blinked and made no secret of his desire to explore.

The He family rarely talks about Li Mutong’s past. This is like a forbidden zone. Even if they talk about it occasionally, the two elders will be kind and avoid them. They don’t know the origin of Li Mutong, but they get along on weekdays. It can be felt that Li Mutong is definitely not a child that ordinary people can cultivate. The academic ability can be cultivated. However, talking about temperament, dealing with people, and many things need to be touched from childhood to big ears. They also guessed that Li Mutong must be The wealthy daughter, the family's assets are even richer than He's family, but it is just a curious guess and there is no follow-up.

A young woman living with a child in an unfamiliar environment, not mentioning her family, her husband or boyfriend, is obviously sad. Since Li Mutong didn’t say anything, they didn’t want to take care of her feelings. Will ask more.

Only He Yishui would ask occasionally. It was purely out of curiosity about her girlfriends. She wanted to study the past of her girlfriends. Li Mutong did not say, she was not angry, just like playing a puzzle game. Opportunity research research.


Mother He frowned, trying to interrupt her daughter's question.


Li Mutong smiled, her mind flashed through the streets of Huating, camphor trees, Sky Academy, and the man she met for the first time in that city.

Li Mutong's eyes were a little dazed, and he bit his lip tightly.

There was an unexplained colic in her heart, and the tearing pain seemed to make her escape from the warm environment in front of her.

Li Mutong's eyes were a little sad.

He mother glared at her daughter fiercely.

He Yishui also seemed to know that he had said the wrong thing, what he wanted to say, but he didn't know how to say it. He just reached out and shook the palm of his girlfriend.

Wang Yuetong shook her back and said with a smile: "It's okay to say, why are you so nervous."

"I'm not nervous, I'm just thinking about how to consume when I go to Huating. What gift do you want?"

He Yishui laughed.

The news network is still going on.

The news that the director of Zhongzhou and the executive minister of the military, Dongcheng Wudi, inspected Huating was broadcast.

"Why did these people go to Huating?"

He Lao whispered to himself.

Wang Yuetong smiled slightly and did not speak.

She is not surprised that Dongcheng Wudi is in Huating. The day after tomorrow will be the day for the final exercise of the Central Continent. One of Dongcheng Wudi and Li Huacheng must be present, but this news will not be broadcast. Instead, the Ji article appears in Huating. It is the most unusual signal.

Everyone knows how sensitive Zhongzhou will be next year, but it has nothing to do with her now.

The news network is over.

Before the weather forecast was broadcast, Radio Midland first broadcasted the New Year greetings from the leaders of Midland to the whole country.


Li Huacheng first appeared on the screen. Behind him was the presidential office, which was solemn and majestic.

He Yishui watched the TV and smiled and said, "Tongtong, I bet with you that after next year's general election, Li Huacheng will be re-elected. Believe it or not?"

"I believe it."

Wang Yuetong nodded naturally, and said slyly: "What to bet on?"

He Yishui's expression was slightly stagnant, and he snorted angrily: "I'm boring."

"Dad, do you think my brother can continue to move up after the election?"

He Yishui turned to look at his father and asked.

"What do you move? Now you are the deputy speaker. It's best to stay still."

Father He frowned and sighed: "Next year, it will be difficult..."

The father and daughter began to discuss the future of their son and brother.

Wang Yuetong watched TV silently.

After Li Huacheng, Dongcheng Invincible, then Guo Wentian, Wan Qingyun, Zou Mulin, Hua Zhengyang, Ji Wenwen, Zhou Yunhai...

In the past few years, she has seen people called uncles and uncles, who appeared on TV one by one.

The screen flickers.

Li Mutong was taken aback suddenly.

The next second, she froze on the sofa.

A face appeared on TV that was so young that people across the country were a little bit astonished.

Calm, gentle, with a faint smile.

Behind him is a castle, and a black giant sword stands in front of the castle, thrusting into the sky.

He stood in front of the screen, saying New Year's greetings, calmly and calmly, with light clouds and breeze.

But his appearance alone was enough to cause an unprecedented violent impact on the people of the whole country.

Li Mutong was holding his daughter in his arms, his body trembled slightly, his eyes were chaotic.

Nine, um, after eight directors, he appeared in front of the whole country.

Everyone who saw this video almost realized something, but then they couldn't believe it.


The little tide in Wang Yuetong's arms suddenly stretched out her little hand, pointed at the young man on the TV and laughed, seeming to be extremely happy.

"Who is Li Tianlan?"

He Yishui looked at the TV screen and curiously said: "The first few have positions. Who are these? They are too young, right? Why didn't they introduce his position? It is impossible to be the secretary of the president, right? Members do not have such a position. Treatment, what does he do?"

He Yishui's voice became more and more surprised.

He was silent for a while, and whispered: "This should be the one from the south? I also know his name for the first time. In next year's general election, this may be the real protagonist. He looks only 20 years old. Years old, shit, amazing..."

The father and daughter are still discussing.

Li Mutong sat on the sofa stupidly, and subconsciously hugged the daughter in his arms.

An unspeakable coldness was passing through her heart and soul, spreading rapidly throughout her body, almost freezing her blood.

She vaguely understood what this video meant.

The rise of Donghuangdian has been unstoppable.

The ability of Li Tianlan to appear on this occasion has already explained his status.

Li Mutong had no feelings of comfort or joy.

At this moment, she was just thinking about what kind of influence will be brought to her former family with Li Tianlan's appearance this time.

No matter what the impact, Li Mutong can be sure that such an impact is absolutely negative.

What does Li Mutong know best?

There is no need to ask this question at all. What she knows best is undoubtedly the place where she grew up, the family she used to know best, and the Wang Clan of Beihai best.

So in the first time Li Tianlan appeared on TV, Li Mutong was already certain that they would definitely do something after the video was broadcast in the style of his family.


Li Mutong spoke suddenly, her voice became a little hoarse.


He Yishui turned his head and saw the extremely pale face of his best friend.

"what happened to you?"

He Yishui was taken aback, somewhat inexplicable.

"I'll go to Huating with you."

Li Mutong smiled reluctantly.

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