The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 142: : Bragging

The rapid and frantic button press sounded continuously, and the characters on the screen were still struggling to attack. Wang Shengxiao looked at the screen in front of him intently. Pressing the buttons, up and down, front and back, the screen was a shadow of a sword, he watched helplessly. As his Xiahou Dun was hammered to death by Zhao Yun on the screen, the bloodline returned to zero, he shook his head in a fit of anger, and threw away the game controller in his hand: "I don't want to play, I'm boring, you don't know how to let me click."

"Eight to zero, Caiji, I feel even more boring to play with you. After playing for a long time, even the level will go backwards."

Di Jiang laughed, and threw away the handle in his hand: "What can I eat at noon? Brother show you a hand?"

"Instant noodles."

Wang Shengxiao thought for a while, and chose a food that could prove his desire to survive.

"Who do you look down on?"

Di Jiang was a little dissatisfied.

"Can you eat other things you make?"

Wang Shengxiao sneered: "Don't tell me, don't remind me of your cooking, otherwise I don't want to eat instant noodles."

"It's a crime..."

Dijiang sighed and took out two buckets of braised beef-flavored instant noodles from the corner, and said in a bad mood: "Don't froze, make water."

Wang Shengxiao's throat moved, looking at the familiar instant noodles that was already vomiting, and resisting the discomfort, she walked into the kitchen and boiled a pot of water.

When the water boiled, Dijiang had already torn open the instant noodle seasoning package in the living room, put the seasoning in and waited for the boiling water.

Wang Shengxiao poured boiling water into the instant noodle bucket, closed the lid, and handed Dijiang a cigarette.

Di Jiang took it and lit it, took a deep breath, and said, "It's been three days, right?"

Wang Shengxiao nodded and looked at the wall clock on the wall: "By ten o'clock tonight, it's almost there."

They are now located outside of the third ring of Youzhou. It is an ordinary hardcover apartment. The owner is a second-hand car dealer and innocent, but in fact it is the one of the dark sons of the Beihai Wang family arranged in Youzhou. First, it is not responsible for transmitting information on weekdays, and does not have any intersection with the North Sea Wangs, and when important people in the North Sea need to hide for some reason, it will provide shelter here.

A special temporary shelter.

Or called a safe house.

Similar safe houses, Beihai Wangs has nearly a thousand in the area of ​​Zhongzhou, and there are more than ten in the area of ​​Youzhou, and this one is the most concealed one.

There are a large amount of food in the safe house all year round, various medicines, medical equipment, and the study room has been sterilized and transformed into a sterile environment, and simple operations can even be performed in it.

Both bedrooms have the high-level dormant warehouses in Beihai, and they store genetic potions that can cope with most situations.

Now the two sleeping bins in the two bedrooms are in operation.

Lying in it were Jiang Shangyu and Gu Xingyun.

Almost no one can believe that Jiang Shangyu and Gu Xingyun, who were seriously injured, would use Beihai Wang's immortal potion, and use Beihai Wang's dormant warehouse and safe house to recover from their injuries.

Similarly, no one can believe that as the two recover from their injuries, Wang Shengxiao and Di Jiang, the patriarch of the Beihai Wang clan, will personally guard them by their side.

The so-called trust is sometimes very simple and sometimes very complicated.

When both parties have the same interests and have the same absolutely powerful opponent, trust does not need to be cultivated at all in an environment where there is no way out.

Jiang Shangyu and Gu Xingyun have been lying in the dormant cabin for three days.

But Wang Shengxiao and Di Jiang really stayed in this apartment for three days without going out.

Although everyone knows that accidents happen at this time, such as

It is completely devastating.

"I also find it strange."

Jiang Shangyu took a sip of the soup: "But it's not a big problem. At least don't worry about them as actors. If he really wants to play us, he will pretend to be more like anyone. But the other party hasn't pretended it now, so I feel more at ease. ."

Di Jiang frowned and said nothing.

"Anyway, there is still time, you can continue to observe if you don't worry."

Wang Shengxiao smiled.

Di Jiang nodded, humming.

"My preparations are already being done."

Di Jiang slowly said: "What about other aspects?"

Everyone knows that the Eastern Palace’s annexation of Tiandu Purgatory is just the beginning. It is only supported by the inexhaustible financial resources of the Shengshi Fund. As long as no one is organized, the entire Eastern Palace will enter a state of expansion that will make everyone tremble. Maybe it will be the rate of expansion that makes the whole world crazy.

So Wang Shengxiao could not sit still.

Many people can't sit still.

That's why this alliance was born.

This was the final attack on Li Tianlan by the various forces. With all the cards out, everyone will do whatever it takes.

The formation of the alliance will naturally not be the masters of these few.

Everyone in the alliance wants more than just killing Li Tianlan, they will also completely destroy the Eastern Palace.

This is a battle in the dark world.

Headed by the Wang Clan of the North Sea, all the forces involved have already taken out their wealth. In their plan, as soon as Li Tianlan falls, their organized elite will directly rush into Tiannan, the fastest The speed directly pushes Xuanyuan City.

This is a dead end against Li Tianlan.

And this round has to be done a little bit.

Dispatching troops, gathering elites, everyone in the alliance has its own mission.

"A lot of things are still being prepared."

Wang Shengxiao said calmly: "There is not much time left for us, but the more this time, the more we can't worry. When the two in the house wake up, Jiang Shangyu will leave Zhongzhou for the first time and do what he should do. Probably will leave with him. With such a big movement, it is impossible to avoid the Eastern Palace completely in a short period of time. Therefore, the time must be extended, half a month, a month, or even two months. It doesn't matter, the key is that this round must be done well."

"On my side, I may not be able to hold it for two months."

Di Jiang was a little absent-minded and pulled the instant noodles in front of him.

"Two months is a relatively exaggerated statement, and it won't be that long."

Wang Shengxiao said softly.


Di Jiang smiled and glanced at Wang Shengxiao: "Eat, why don't you eat it?"

"I feel sick when I eat."

Wang Shengxiao shook his head: "There are a lot of living supplies here, vegetables and meat are fresh, but the two of us ate instant noodles here for three days, two buckets at a time, three times a day, and sometimes even supper is instant noodles, mom. Irritability."


Di Jiang bowed his head and drank the soup: "How about a different taste? How about sauerkraut beef?"

"Brother Jiang..."


"I'm also stupid. When you said you were good at cooking, I believed it. I should have brought a cook over. No, just one of those three toys from Jiang Shangyu can make a decent meal. ?"

"That's because you don't know how to appreciate, why is my cooking bad?"

Di Jiang defended loudly.

"Not to mention this, I just want to say, can we stop bragging in the future? Can it? If this happens next time, I'm afraid I can't help but beat you to death."

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