The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 138: : Communicator

When Xuanyuan Wushang walked to the entrance of the Eastern Palace Hall, he saw a group of somewhat unfamiliar middle-aged people walking out of it in the uniform of the Nightmare Corps.

Each of them looked extremely solemn, and Xuanyuan Wushang even noticed the cold sweat on their foreheads that seemed to ooze out of tension.

The two sides looked at each other for two seconds, nodded symbolically, and passed by.

Qin Weibai is very busy.

To be precise, after Li Tianlan returned to the Eastern Palace yesterday, Qin Weibai became busy.

There are not many people from Tiandu Purgatory who have joined the Eastern Palace, but Qin Weibai has always maintained the utmost patience. As the mistress of the Eastern Palace, he met and talked with these people in batches.

Every Li's elite who came to the Eastern Palace from the Heavenly Purgatory was like an enemy.

In their opinion, Li Tianlan has nothing to fear. He is indeed worthy of the words “Invincible under Heaven”, but in the final analysis, he is the patriarch of the Li clan. From Purgatory of Heaven to the Eastern Palace, he seems to have changed his position. But in fact, they are still within and outside of Li's position. From this point of view, the changes are not big. They confirm their value, so they are not worried that Li Tianlan will not use them.

Both they and Li Tianlan think they are a family.

But seeing Qin Weibai...

Everyone is very nervous. If Li Tianlan is in Tiandu Purgatory and everyone's mind is that the identity of the patriarch of the Li family is greater than that of the palace lord of the Eastern Palace, then Qin Weibai in their hearts is that the identity of the mistress of the Eastern Palace is much greater than that of the Li clan’s daughter. The identity of the master.

Event after event can prove the mistress's means, her scheming and IQ, as well as her madness.

This is a woman who has put all her thoughts on Li Tianlan.

The destruction of the Samsara Palace completely illustrates one thing, that is, she can set off the snow country chaos for Li Tianlan and finally destroy the Eastern Palace. Then she also has the courage to not care about Li and the Eastern Palace. As long as it is beneficial to Li Tianlan, what can she do? Don't care, you can give up everything.

This leaves many people at a loss.

When they came to the Eastern Palace, some recognized Li Tianlan, some were for the future of the Li family, and some had other thoughts. In front of this exquisite mistress, no matter what thoughts they hold, they are first of all a guilty conscience.

Since noon yesterday, Qin Weibai has not slept for nearly twenty-four hours until now.

Even Li Huazhang, who had already gone to Tiandu, was summoned by Qin Weibai.

Starting from the great think tanks in Tiandu Purgatory, and later the operational staff of the family's Eastern Palace, nearly two hundred middle and high-level officials in Tiandu Purgatory's headquarters lined up to be summoned by Qin Weibai.

The effect of the conversation is almost immediate.

In nearly twenty-four hours, six middle-level and high-level officials from Tiandu Purgatory committed suicide.

Yes, suicide.

Six people, one at the pinnacle of the thunder-thundering state, two in the thunder-thundering state, and three in the fire-burning state, all died in the same way, and they all committed suicide.

Ironically, two of the six were from Kunlun City, one was from the Jiang clan, and three were the dark sons of the Beihai Wang clan lurking in Tiandu Purgatory.

When they were in Tiandu Purgatory, they avoided Tiandu Purgatory's internal inspections again and again, but completely exposed themselves on the first day when they came to the Eastern Palace.

Among them, there is no chess piece that Kuangtu Li placed in the Eastern Palace. From this point, it can be seen that Kuangtu Li's surrender is extremely simple, and he has no intention of playing any tricks in this regard.

And the same, in nearly twenty-four hours

Nearly ten Li's veterans quietly left the reception room, and then left the Eastern Palace without being assigned any duties.

Some of them are simply tired, and some of them don’t agree with the Eastern Palace’s current practices. They came here with the intention to deal with it, but in front of Qin Weibai, they unknowingly told the truth. talk.

They are not undercover agents, but people who have truly contributed to Lee's.

Therefore, Qin Weibai did not embarrass them, fulfilled their behavior of leaving Tiandu Purgatory and then leaving the Eastern Palace, and gave everyone an almost astronomical pension, and also gave them the status of Honorary Guest of the Eastern Palace. In addition to their housing in the inner city of Xuanyuan City, as well as a lot of benefits such as the work of their children.

Li's future has nothing to do with them from that moment.

But for their future, Li and Donghuanggong will be responsible to the end.

Good to get together, good to go.

When Xuanyuan Wushang came over, most of this special conversation had been going on.

Outside the meeting room, Li's elite gathered together, and the atmosphere became more and more solemn.

Everyone knows Li Tianlan's trust in Qin Weibai.

So their future, it is no exaggeration to say, is in the next conversation.

And as the conversation continued, they had already received a clear reminder from the mouths of those who passed the test.

That is...

Can only tell the truth.

Everyone stood silently and waited silently.

Xuanyuan Wushang glanced at them, did not say anything, just nodded to the knight guarding the door of the meeting room, and walked directly in.

The knight stood upright and said nothing.

The crowd outside was also silent for a while. Many people took a deep look at the back of the fat man, but didn't say anything.

It just happened when the last group had just left and the next group hadn't come in yet.

The living room is very quiet.

Han Xinyan is sorting out some conversation materials with a serious expression. She has not slept from yesterday to now, but now she is not tired.

The daughter of a military strategist, the next-generation chief executive officer of the Eastern Palace that everyone is paying attention to.

After officially entering the Eastern Palace and clarifying his future path, Han Xinyan did not learn from his father, but was learning or even imitating Qin Weibai.

She will ask her every bit, how she speaks, every movement, thinking mode, and what she doesn't understand, and Qin Weibai will also explain it to her.

Although it is tiring not to sleep all day and night, she has seen the conversation again and again, and it has been very rewarding.

Opposite Han Xinyan is Tianyin who sits on the sofa and sits upright.

This veteran of the Li family, who first met Li Tianlan in Snow Country, left Tiandu Purgatory and joined the Eastern Palace immediately after the chaos in the Snow Country. At present, it can be said that Qin Weibai’s first trusted person is in Qin Weibai. In another piece of time and space, Tianyin seemed to have died in the hands of Dawn in the end. His death was miserable, but he never betrayed Li Tianlan at all. Inside the Eastern Palace, everyone’s responsibilities were being clarified a little bit. Tianyin has now started to formally contact the intelligence network of the East Imperial Palace, and on the other hand, he has begun to reduce the pressure of the military division. After he is fully used, Tianyin should be the intelligence chief of the East Imperial Palace.

He can appear here. In addition to being a veteran of the Li family, he knows all those outside. It also means that as Tiandu Purgatory merges into the Eastern Palace, Tianyin's position will once again leap forward.

It's like a piece so that all those people can

The higher Tianyin's status is in the archway that can be seen, the more at ease the people who come from Tiandu Purgatory will be.

There is more than one such archway in Tianyin. Li Tianying and Huo Nan are now in the Xuewu Army.

Aoba of the Ministry of Security...

It can be said to be an archway.

The more the better.

Qin Weibai sat on a sofa in the middle of the living room, closing his eyes and resting, as if regaining his energy.

Gu Xianyan was leaning against her, her head little by little, and she was too sleepy to open her eyes.

Xuanyuan Wushang walked into the living room.

Passed through a secret but extremely turbulent spiritual storm.

The mental storm that fell in the eyes of others like a dream had no effect on him at all, and he walked directly in front of Qin Weibai.

Qin Weibai opened his eyes and glanced at her.

Han Xinyan and Tianyin, who were quietly flipping through the information, were also looking at him.

Gu Xianyan raised her head, her little head lowered again.

"You can afford it?"

Qin Weibai asked curiously.

She really didn't know what to say to this'brother' who called her sister-in-law.

An internet addicted man who drove a clinic to drink Coke every day and play games without serious business, Qin Weibai didn't even have the mood to complain.

It can be said that he has a huge effect, but the other party does not care about anything. Every day is just for fun. During the one month of the establishment of the clinic, because of the free medical care in the Eastern Palace, the clinic’s profit is zero, but this fat man spent it. The money is already close to nine figures.

Qin Weibai was still interested in seeing what he was doing at first, but after watching it once, he didn't bother to pay attention anymore.

Buy Coke, recharge card, watch live broadcast, buy membership...

Xuanyuan Wushang basically won't buy anything that can spend money on the Internet.

Even the coke supplier in Xuanyuan City seemed to know that there was a fat man in the Eastern Palace who was particularly good at drinking.

Qin Weibai had nothing to say.

She knew that Xuanyuan Wushang was special, and she didn’t worry about him drinking Coke and drinking herself to death. As for money, the Eastern Palace is really not bad at the moment. You can make it whatever he wants. Not to mention that he called Li Tianlan to his brother and called himself to his sister-in-law. For the sake of saving Li Tianlan's life and helping him break through the invincible realm, Qin Weibai didn't care about the money anymore.

"Wandering out, my body is about to rust."

Xuanyuan Wushang chuckled: "And by the way, give my sister-in-law a gift, absolutely good thing."

"What good thing?"

Qin Weibai smiled and didn't care much.

Xuanyuan Wushang took out the Rubik's Cube glowing with blue light from his pocket.

The shadow of Dawn Twins has risen to the center of the Rubik's Cube, and it pauses temporarily, not rising, falling, or spreading.

"what is this?"

Qin Weibai raised his eyebrows slightly.

There are mental storms everywhere in the living room.

She can clearly feel the Rubik's Cube in front of her eyes, the small shadows in the Rubik's Cube are all illusory, only a small invisible thing is staying, even with her mental power, it is difficult to see clearly. What on earth is that, but you can feel its existence.

"This is the good thing I'm talking about. It can protect my sister-in-law... Well, you can understand it as a piece of equipment."

Xuanyuan Wushang thought about his name for playing games, and continued: "But I feel even more that this is a communicator. It should be a woman who wants to chat with you."

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