The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 134: :presumptuous

Before the Spring Festival in Youzhou, it snowed for several days.

There is not much snow, but it has been rolling down without stopping, quietly covering the various urban areas of Youzhou, covering the Qingshan, and the whole city is a cold and quiet.

Before and after the Spring Festival, Youzhou is cold and cold, and with continuous heavy snow, the streets are even more sparse with vehicles and pedestrians, like an empty city.

The **** red flag slowly drove out of the hidden dragon sea in the flying snow, driving on a quiet street, constantly speeding up.

Gu Xingyun sat in the back of the vehicle with a gloomy face, smoking a cigarette.

Hongqi has a lot of rear space, but this kind of model that is basically not on the market, the pursuit of natural dignity and majesty is better than the pursuit of comfort to some extent. This kind of car is basically a symbol of the brand, and even wins. After the deterrence of the license plate, this kind of car driving on the street, as long as it is not a fool, can understand that the owner of the car can be worthy of the title of the leader of the central continent in the news network.

Gu Xingyun doesn't really like this big red flag. From the exterior to the interior, he feels a little depressed, so this car is in a state of dust accumulation most of the time, but the more it lacks, the more he thinks about it. It’s the same to show off. In recent times, this big red flag has become Gu Xingyun’s exclusive car, because this car represents dignity, majesty, and power.

What this car represents is also what he is about to lose.

It's not just a car. Three days ago, Gu Xingyun even lived in Yinlong Sea.

The whole Zhongzhou and even the whole world knew that Li Tianlan was about to crush Gu Xingyun, but as long as Li Tianlan did not take office for a day, Gu Xingyun would still be the God of War of Zhongzhou. As the God of War of Zhongzhou, in the hidden dragon sea, he had a Own small building.

Like this car, Gu Xingyun didn't like living in Yinlonghai before, but now he still lives in.


Zhongzhou director, Zhongzhou second minister, and the leader of the academy, Hua Zhengyang, who is now second only to Li Huacheng, personally talked to him today.

The conversation was very short. After less than thirty minutes of the conversation, the black red flag appeared on the streets of Youzhou.

Quiet, empty, cold...

Such a Youzhou can only be seen in the few days before and after the Spring Festival.

The car began to accelerate gradually, sailing from the Hidden Dragon Sea into the east of the city, and finally into the Qingshan of the east of the city.

Along the mountain road of Qingshan all the way up, Dahongqi stopped in front of a single-family villa area.

Gu Xingyun, who had smoked a small pack of cigarettes along the way, opened the door and got out of the car, entered the password and entered the yard.

The yard was covered by snowflakes, and some plants were white, with only scattered footprints, which looked a little fuzzy on the gravel path.

People live here, but obviously people who live here rarely go out.

Gu Xingyun took out the key and opened the door of the villa.

Warmth rushed towards her face, and in a vague way, there was a girl's giggle.

Gu Xingyun frowned and walked in slowly, his face a little cold.

Passing through the hallway and entering the living room, gentle warmth rushed over his face. Jiang Shangyu sat on the sofa with his back to Gu Xingyun, and a young woman was sitting on his lap.

The other two women are on the opposite side of the sofa, and a chess board is placed in front of the four people, playing backgammon.

"Teacher, let's get off here."

"Well, here, if he gets here, we will lose."

"But I can only get down here, dying to struggle."

"Little Hoof, did you deliberately give me a trick and want to admit defeat? If you lose again, you will get naked."

"Teacher, you hate it. It's obviously not enough for you to pester your husband..."

"Furthermore, let you say more..."

"Gluck... I was wrong, forgive me..."

During the fight, the two women raised their heads inadvertently, only to find a strange man walked into the house. The woman who was called the teacher screamed, stood up subconsciously, and then made another harsher sound. Called, and immediately squatted down again.

The moment she stood up, Gu Xingyun saw a pair of slender and long legs, perhaps because these legs were so white and tender that the trim black in the middle became more and more conspicuous.

Gu Xingyun frowned tighter.

A woman looks about 30 years old, and her actual age should be a little bit older. Her whole body is filled with a charming, mature and intellectual that is moisturized to her bones. Her appearance is not in the eyes of the more stunning Gu Xingyun. It is too outstanding, but the whole person has a very charming temperament, a very dignified and attractive taste, every move, even every inch of skin, has a fascinating charm.

She is a teacher, so the students next to her are naturally students. At this moment, she is squeezing beside her teacher, her long soothing hair covers half of her face, her white teeth are clenching her lower lip, and her face is flushed. The long hair scattered with the eyes was misty, with a little arrogance, but with the meekness of being conquered.

Gu Xingyun did not see her face clearly, but he was sure that the other party was definitely regarded as a rare beauty. If it was a student, it would be the kind that would allow the seniors to line up to lick themselves. But the arrogant beauty who was cold and dismissive, she was huddled with her teacher at this time, a little embarrassed, a little shameful, and a little angry.

Gu Xingyun's gaze swept across the living room quickly.

Women's clothes, small suits, silk trousers, skirts, stockings, and underwear and shirts that seemed to be sprinkled with water were scattered on the floor, and an ambiguous atmosphere floated around.

Gu Xingyun took two steps forward.

The mature woman as a teacher stretched out her small hand and tried her best to pull her shirt down to hide something, embarrassed and pitiful.

Gu Xingyun glanced at her subconsciously.

Compared with students, mature women undoubtedly attracted his attention more, and I don't know why, Gu Xingyun always felt she was a little familiar.

"Why don't you say hello before you come?"

Jiang Shangyu, who was sitting on the sofa, didn't get up. He wrapped his arms around the girl's slender waist and waved to the two women in front of him. His laughter was faint: "You go upstairs first."

The two women hesitated. The mature woman kept squatting on the ground and moved her steps carefully, grabbing her shirt and small suit in a panic, and wrapping her around her waist and the student's waist, standing up, shaking her snow-white calf and hurried up. building.

The **** Jiang Shangyu's lap also stood up, a little bit shy, a little embarrassed, flashing her clear eyes and glanced at Gu Xingyun.

Jiang Shangyu pulled her back into her arms again, and smiled: "You don't need to go up, just stay here."

The girl was even more shy. She blushed and glanced at Gu Xingyun. She wanted to get off Jiang Shangyu's legs, but she couldn't get away. She looked at him grievously, timidly and with sorrow.

The girl at this moment seems to be shining, pure and beautiful, so that people don't dare to look directly at it.

Gu Xingyun's expression became even more gloomy.

He stared at Jiang Shangyu fiercely, then glared at the young **** his lap, gritted his teeth and said: "You are really interested!"

Jiang Shangyu smiled and said, "It's just a coincidence, don't you need to apologize?"

Gu Xingyun narrowed his eyes.

The temperature in the warm living room began to plummet without the slightest sign.

There seemed to be countless invisible edges in the air.

Gu Xingyun's eyes fell on the girl.

The pure and beautiful almost dazzling beautiful girl stiffened suddenly, looking at Gu Xingyun with some horror.

She is just a student.

She didn't understand martial arts, didn't understand the so-called spiritual realm, and didn't understand any special warfare system. She was just a simple student, but at this moment, under the eyes of Gu Xingyun, she clearly understood her situation.

This man wanted to kill himself.

He wants to smash himself into pieces!

This feeling made her extremely scared, and it also made her extremely ridiculous.

Since childhood, she has seen countless men's eyes with different meanings.

From elementary school, junior high school, high school, university...

She is really beautiful.

These two words can be used to describe different people on different occasions, which means that there is more than one person.

But it is really rare to be able to be called stunning among a group of stunning beauties.

In this regard, the girl has considerable self-confidence. In terms of beauty, she has never seen anything more beautiful than herself since she was a young girl, in reality, on the Internet.

She has long been accustomed to the feeling of a group of opposite sexes turning around her, and she is also accustomed to the yearning and coveting in the eyes of different men when they see herself. She cannot be said to be the goddess in the hearts of men, but fairies. Angels, beautiful, innocent, and lovely are fairies who can make people of the same **** willing to surround her without being jealous.

She has seen many men, her classmates, teachers, or some bosses. They look at her with the same eyes.

Seeing a lot, she thought that men all over the world only had this kind of look.

And now, she clearly saw a look in Gu Xingyun's eyes that she had never seen before.

Cold, cruel, angry, and with a trace of disappointment, after all the emotions merged together, all the temperature was completely lost, only strong

The idea of ​​destruction.

He really wants to kill himself...

The girl's stiff body trembled slightly, tears filled almost instantly in her beautiful big eyes, and she became weaker and more aggrieved.

"You scared my little baby."

Jiang Shangyu's calm voice rang.

Gu Xingyun's mouth twitched, took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and said gloomily, "How did you know?"

"I should thank you for this."

Jiang Shangyu laughed.

A fierce flash in Gu Xingyun's eyes: "Are you provoking me?"

"Just tell the truth."

Jiang Shangyu's expression was calm, and his palm opened the hem of the girl's clothes and stretched in casually.

The girl got rid of the lock of murder, and subconsciously hid in Jiang Shangyu's arms.

She was wearing a very pure cartoon compassionate shirt, long hair fluttering, and a miniskirt. Following her movements, Gu Xingyun accidentally saw the white translucent **** under the girl's miniskirt.

The killing intent in Gu Xingyun's eyes grew fiercer.

"Didn't you recommend me to go to Lao He's banquet the other day? I went to play, and then I met."

Jiang Shangyu smiled and said, he has never disliked any banquet, and he was willing to join in the fun when he was fine. It was a complete coincidence that he met these three women.

A teacher and two students are both from Youzhou Film and Television Academy. The teacher is very famous in the society. In the first two years, he was also regarded as a big hit in the entertainment circle. He was also a professor at the Film and Television Academy. In a semi-retired state, he takes students on weekdays.

These two girls are the treasures she discovered. Their talents, looks, knowledge and conversation are quite good, especially in terms of appearance. Even in a place where beautiful women like the Film and Television Academy gather, the conditions of the two of them are extremely rare.

On the night Jiang Shangyu went to the banquet to join in the fun, the star teacher also took her proud students to the banquet. The teacher’s husband is a wealthy businessman, and he is the kind who can get on the table in Youzhou circles, so she There is no threshold for participating in the banquet. I hold two precious students in my hand, thinking about taking them to get familiar with the so-called upper class society, and find a suitable opportunity. If you can meet any sponsor, you can. Putting this pair of students on the market and making a combination is basically a magical tool for making money without any disadvantages.

Then they saw Jiang Shangyu, who was young and unknown at the banquet.

The name Jiang Shangyu is not very loud in the upper layers of Youzhou, but it is highly valued in Yinlonghai. It is precisely because Jiang Shangyu was there that even a congressman attended the banquet, and the whole banquet was around him.

In the eyes of the teacher, Jiang Shangyu is undoubtedly a figure in the sky.

What surprised the teacher the most was that Jiang Shangyu took the initiative to strike up a conversation with them, to be precise, with the pure and somewhat dazzling student next to him.

There was no jealousy or something, and all she saw was an extremely shining path.

So that night, the teacher seduce Jiang Shangyu intentionally or unintentionally. He was charming and charming. The two students were a little uncomfortable at first, but after Jiang Shangyu showed some strength intentionally or unintentionally, they were both obedient. Come closer.

Everything is going well, very smoothly for both parties.

Jiang Shangyu did not consider which one to choose.

And these three beauties did not give Jiang Shangyu this opportunity.

That night Jiang Shangyu took them to this villa.

What should have happened happened.

That night, it was in this living room, on the sofa, when the little fairy who looked the most pure and beautiful in appearance cried out Jiang Shangyu's father, and Jiang Shangyu, who became completely crazy, gave the whole villa directly to this place. A little mistress who made him a little bit in love.

"Don't think too much, I said it, it's really a coincidence."

Jiang Shangyu's smile was full: "Moreover, this girl looks innocent, but she is actually pretty on the bed. Even the big sister who just went in can't compare with her. You are so sensitive and make me very embarrassed. My taste, you It should have been known a long time ago."

The girl's face became more and more ruddy, her watery eyes staring at the rain on the river, she looked a little embarrassed, but with a touch of amazing flattery.


Gu Xingyun gritted his teeth: "Get on!"

The girl didn't move, but looked at Jiang Shangyu hesitantly.

Jiang Shangyu smiled and let go: "Go up and wait for me."

The girl got up obediently, walked carefully by Gu Xingyun, swinging her waist upstairs.

Gu Xingyun took a deep breath, suppressing the killing intent in his heart, his gloomy face seemed to have a touch of iron blue.

He didn't care about Jiang Shangyu playing with women, it was human nature, but seeing that girl sitting on Jiang Shangyu's lap was frivolous, but his inner anger couldn't be controlled.

Maybe the temperament is a little different, but the girl who just went upstairs, no matter her appearance or figure, is actually five or six points similar to Li Qingcheng.

Li Qingcheng is the daughter of Gu Xingyun.

Although Li Tianlan has now been taken to the Eastern Palace, the blood relationship is there after all. No father can see a person who looks exactly like his own daughter sitting on the lap of another man and still be indifferent, no matter this What a failure my father did.

Jiang Shangyu waved his hand, and the air was surging, and he threw a cigarette towards Gu Xingyun.

Gu Xingyun reached out to take it and lit it, and took a deep breath.

Jiang Shangyu also lit a cigarette, and inhaled silently: "I thought you let it go, Qingcheng is now in the Eastern Palace, but it is full of wind and water."

Gu Xingyun twitched the corners of his mouth as if stimulated.

In the entire Youzhou, there are not many that can be beaten by Li Qingcheng in terms of appearance. As Gu Xingyun’s biological daughter, Li Qingcheng naturally has her own aura, except that Gu Xingyun hid her in the past. Too deep that not many people have actually seen her.

If Kunlun City does not have so many accidents, but continues to develop, Li Qingcheng will undoubtedly become one of the core figures of Kunlun City in the future. She will occupy the most important position in the Phoenix Pavilion. The nature of the Phoenix Pavilion is no longer a secret. , To seduce men, use men, it sounds really bad, but in fact, the real good women in Phoenix Pavilion are not bad, and the identity of Li Qingcheng is placed here, she enters Phoenix Pavilion, and the men she can meet in the future will be natural. It is also top-notch, at least in the eyes of Gu Xingyun, it is bound to be a great person who can bring great benefits to Kunlun City. In this way, the home of Kunlun City can be obtained, and the interests of Kunlun City can also be guaranteed. This is true A win-win situation.

As for feelings, and even love, it's completely empty-headed things. Gu Xingyun once believed it, but now he doesn't care anymore. Since he doesn't care, he won't think about it for his daughter.

It’s just that now that as Li Xi took her daughter to join the Eastern Palace, all of Gu Xingyun’s plans have been completely frustrated, and Li Xi has become the deputy palace owner of the Eastern Palace, whether it is for Li Xi’s face or Dongcheng. For the sake of face, Li Tianlan, who is the brother-in-law, can't treat this real sister-in-law badly.

So although it didn't take long for Qingcheng to enter the Eastern Palace, he had already found his own sky and future.

The current Li Qingcheng is Han Xinyan’s assistant, a somewhat frightening position that won’t attract attention but has a lot of power. It is low-key, but extremely pragmatic, and has countless possibilities in the future. Wait until Han Xinyan takes over the military division’s squad and becomes Dong After the CEO of the Imperial Palace, as Han Xinyan’s assistant, Li Tianlan’s lazy nature is equivalent to the current Han Xinyan. She can’t control most of the affairs of the Eastern Palace.

As long as the Eastern Palace doesn't completely collapse, Li Qingcheng at that time will have a higher status in the dark world than Gu Xingyun.

Gu Xingyun smoked heavily, barely suppressing his complex feelings, and said lightly: "I heard that Lin Youxian is very courteous to my daughter. I don't know if the two have established a relationship now."

Jiang Shangyu's expression remained unchanged.

He likes to leave Qingcheng.

But it's not that he likes to leave Qingcheng.

To be precise, what he likes is Li Qingcheng in another time and space.

Now Li Qingcheng, Jiang Shangyu in this time and space likes it.

It’s just that since the decisive battle in Beihai, Jiang Shangyu has entered the deepest sleep. Now he is unaware and emotionally unable to synchronize. Hearing Gu Xingyun’s words, Jiang Shangyu just feels a little weird, but But there is no irritation.

"Tsk tut... Lin is leisurely..."

Jiang Shangyu sighed: "Among my peers, I don't have much eye-catching. Needless to say, Li Tianlan, I am not qualified to comment for the time being. Besides Li Tianlan, Wang Shengxiao is one, and Li Baitian can also be eye-catching, and then Lin Youxian. If nothing else, after giving him ten years, ten years later, in the Eastern Palace, he will be the closest person to Li Tianlan. This kind of person can become a wealthy family after leaving the Eastern Palace and bring them to the Lin family. Come to a powerful branch that is no less powerful than the Lin clan's headquarters in terms of ultimate strength. If you don't leave the Eastern Palace, you will probably be the strongest deputy palace owner."

Jiang Shangyu picked up the tea cup in front of him and smiled lightly: "Anyway, it's much better than your waste."

Gu Xingyun took a deep breath and closed his eyes, but his chest pained for no apparent reason, like a knife that pierced his chest deeply, dripping with blood.

The waste in his house...

Gu Xingyun laughed mockingly.

He knew who Jiang Shangyu was talking about, and he couldn't refute this sentence himself.

Because in the eyes of everyone, including Gu Xingyun, the one in his house is indeed a waste.

Ancient cold mountain.

Now in Zhongzhou, this is a long forgotten name.

But if the time is pushed forward a few years, this name is enough to be tied with Wang Shengxiao.

Gu Xingyun's son, with the heart of heaven, was tied with Wang Shengxiao for the first place among the top ten masters of the young generation, suppressing Jiang Shangyu, and even suppressing Li Tianlan, who entered the world for the first time.

The young master of Kunlun City at that time was a young Tianjiao who was as famous as Wang Shengxiao.

At that time, Guhan Mountain, as long as it didn't die halfway, the worst would be invincible.

So at that time Gu Xingyun could dream.

He dreamed that Kunlun City could surpass himself under the leadership of his son. He even helped Gu Hanshan win over Jiang Shangyu, and even had the thought of beating Li Qingcheng to Jiang Shangyu.

At that time, Jiang Shangyu was very well-behaved, standing quietly and low-key beside Gu Hanshan, willingly acting as a green leaf, perfectly in line with Gu Xingyun's positioning.

At that time, Gu Xingyun very much hoped that his son would create a prosperous age that belonged to Kunlun City, even a dynasty belonging to Kunlun City, with the help of Jiang Shangyu.

But all this, with the passage of time, has completely changed.

Since when did it start to change?

This answer is too clear.

The final exercise of the previous two houses!

A lot of factors have already been revealed before, in other words, some factors have caused some problems in Gu Hanshan's mental state.

But the point where these problems completely broke out was the final exercise between the two houses.

The last two-house final exercise can be said to be the most exciting one in Zhongzhou in decades.

If time continues to pass, it will be even more shocking to come up with the list of the final exercises between the two houses in the next few decades.

Li Tianlan, Wang Shengxiao, Jiang Shangyu, Gu Hanshan, Song Ci... and even... Wang Tianzong who made a shot in the end...

In that exercise, Li Tianlan completely destroyed the strongest combination of the young generation in Central Continent with his own power.

Gu Hanshan had a problem during that exercise.

In other words, it was a psychological shadow.

It's just that even Gu Xingyun did not expect that his son's psychological shadow would be so intense.

That is to say, after that exercise, Gu Hanshan's Heavenly King's heart had a huge problem.

The most important thing about the heavenly heart is the state of mind, the invincible will.

There was a problem with his will, and his realm immediately began to fluctuate.

Jiang Shangyu said he was trash.

This sentence may not sound very pleasant, but it is not a provocation, but the truth.

It’s just that even Jiang Shangyu is not sure what the current state of Gu Hanshan is. He only knows that the other party’s state should be extremely bad, otherwise it is impossible not to appear for such a long time, because the current Kunlun City desperately needs a hope, even if it is in the future. , There is some illusory hope. Under such circumstances, Gu Han Mountain is still missing. That can only mean that Gu Han Mountain is now appearing, and it will not bring any hope to Kunlun City at all.

"What is his current state?"

Jiang Shangyu asked suddenly, with pure curiosity.

Gu Xingyun's face became more and more ugly, as if he hesitated, his voice hoarse and said: "It's useless."


Jiang Shangyu frowned.

"I retreated a thousand miles in my own realm. Three months ago, I officially withdrew from the four realms of martial arts."

Gu Xingyun said lightly.

Jiang Shangyu: "..."

Jiang Shangyu suddenly didn't know what to say.

Officially withdraw from the four realms of martial arts...

In other words, the last time the final exercise was in the thunder-thundering realm Guhanshan, now even the imperial air realm can't be maintained, that is, an ordinary person with a little stronger strength?

Jiang Shangyu's eyes were a little tranced. The hearts of the kings are the heaviest will, and their will is far stronger than ordinary people. This is also the biggest advantage that the hearts of the kings can go straight to the invincibility without encountering the threshold. Many half-step invincibility masters cannot enter the invincibility. , Is stuck in his own will not firm enough to complete this step of transformation, according to Jiang Shangyu's understanding, it is not enough preparation, not qualified to assume that kind of authority.

It is also because of this that once the will of a person with a heavenly heart collapses, the reaction is much greater than that of ordinary people. But like Gu Hanshan, he has withdrawn from the four realms of martial arts all the way. As time went by, instead of getting better, it collapsed completely, and there was no hope of martial arts for life.

"No wonder..."

Jiang Shangyu took a deep look at Gu Xingyun and said meaningfully: "It's no wonder that our initial cooperation was so smooth."

Smoothly convinced Gu Xingyun, let Gu Xingyun surrender two-thirds of the power of the special warfare system to him and Li Fanyi, and smoothly let Gu Xingyun enter the chaotic-controlled mountain village...

All this, Gu Hanshan is the answer.

"I have no choice."

Gu Xingyun said coldly.

Li Xi and Li Qingcheng have already gone to the Eastern Palace, and the possibility of returning probably only exists in their dreams.

And Gu Hanshan was completely abandoned again.

Strictly speaking, it is difficult for the current Gu Xingyun to give Kunlun City a hope for the future.

So he could only let himself take a gamble. When he was still in his prime, he would crush all the chips and the life and death of his whole family to fight Li Tianlan.

Everyone is happy to win.

If he loses, there is nothing to lose, because if Li Tianlan continues to be allowed to develop, as he grows old and weakens in the future, he will hand over Kunlun City to Gu Hanshan, the result will only be even worse.

"Remind you."

Jiang Shangyu spoke suddenly.


Gu Xingyun frowned.

"I understand your situation, and I also know your mentality, but there are some old problems, you have to change it."

Jiang Shangyu looked at his eyes and said lightly.

"for example?"

Gu Xingyun's voice was cold.

He didn't know what Jiang Shangyu was talking about, but he instinctively didn't like Jiang Shangyu's tone. No one in the upper ranks would like others to talk to himself in this tone.

"For example, taking advantage of my daughter's old problems."

Jiang Shangyu said calmly.


Gu Xingyun looked unhappy, when did he use his daughter?

"Adopted daughters are also daughters. Maybe the biological daughters will use them more easily?"

Jiang Shangyu laughed: "I know you don't know what I'm talking about, but it doesn't matter, I just remind you, of course, you can also understand it as a warning, it doesn't matter.

In dealing with the East Palace, our position is the same. This is the basis for our cooperation. It can even be said that this is the basis for our survival in Central Continent, but it should not be an idea, you better converge.

Qingcheng is currently very good in Tiannan. She is not only your daughter, but also the woman I like. One day, I will bring her to me. You are his father who didn’t do it, but he shouldn’t do it. You shouldn’t do it. If you think, I advise you not to do it, and don't think about it. There are many ways to deal with the Eastern Palace. I will stare at you. If I find out that you have the intention of using Qingcheng to deal with the Eastern Palace...hehehe..."

Jiang Shangyu laughed: "I killed you, believe it or not?"

Gu Xingyun's gloomy expression changed little by little, getting darker and darker.

Jiang Shangyu could even clearly see the pulsating veins on his forehead.

Gu Xingyun started to have a headache.

The severe headache affected his consciousness and set off endless anger.

Countless thoughts surged with anger in his mind.

He remembered the news he received today.

I remembered the conversation with Hua Zhengyang when he was in Yinlonghai.

Thinking of Li Xi, thinking of Li Qingcheng.

Jiang Shangyu sat in front of him with Erlang's legs crossed, sipping tea leisurely, and didn't seem to realize how ugly what he just said.

Gu Xingyun turned his head slowly, staring at the rain on the river.

His eyes were scarlet: "Do you think that I have to cooperate with you to live? Do you think that I can't offend you now? Do you think that if you are higher than me, you can treat me? Is it mad?"

"Jiang Shangyu... Am I showing you a face so that you dare to speak to me like this?!"

Jiang Shangyu squinted his eyes and glanced at Gu Xingyun unexpectedly.

Gu Xingyun looked at him with gloomy eyes, and an extremely strong aura continued to rise on his body.

Jiang Shangyu put the tea cup in his hand on the coffee table.

Amid the soft sound of the collision between the teacup and the coffee table, Jiang Shangyu's voice rang: "Presumptuous!"


(A big chapter of eight thousand words... I really should be in the group... but it's been broken for two days, so forget it, the next chapter will be a big chapter... That must be a big chapter... )

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