The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 131: : Inspection

Take control of Tiandu and preside over the overall situation.

Li Huazhang knows very well what this means. On the first day he joined the Eastern Palace or returned to the Li family, Li Tianlan directly placed him in the position of mayor of Tiandu City.

In Tiannan's current Xingzheng system, this position is second only to Ning Qiancheng.

This means that Li Tianlan has given him a path with extremely broad prospects, a path where he will have a high status in the future as much as he is capable.

Tiannan can be said to belong to the Eastern Palace at present, but in a practical sense it is not entirely the Eastern Palace. At present, among the five cities in Tiannan that belong to the Eastern Palace, only Xuanyuan City actually belongs to it.

Ning Bien behind Xuanyuan City was half of it.

Although the Southern Liberty Army can be said to be the power of the Eastern Palace, as long as Ning Zhiyuan, the commander of the Liberty Army, did not formally announce to join the Eastern Palace for one day, then Yongbyon is nominally the base of the Liberty Army, even if the commander is Xuanyuan City. Long father.

But now with the dissolution of Tiandu Purgatory, after Li Kuangtu went to Youzhou, Tiandu City will become the second city in Tiannan to be completely controlled by the Eastern Palace after Xuanyuan City.

The Eastern Palace does not care about the money, nor the resources needed to build the city, which means that Tiandu has a development opportunity second only to Xuanyuan City.

The first mayor of Tiandu.

The second mayor in the Tiannan Xingzheng system.

As long as Li Huazhang can live in Tiandu stably and develop Tiandu...

The development of this is not only in terms of economy and people's livelihood, but the most important thing is the current echelon of the East Palace which is urgently lacking.

If he can cultivate a righteous echelon of his own in Tiandu, for the Eastern Palace, which is in short supply of talents in this area, the people he cultivates will inevitably be reused.

At present, only within the scope of Tiannan, there are only two people who can train such talents, one is Xuanyuan City, and the other is Tiandu City where he is about to pass.

He and Ning Qiancheng are responsible for expanding the righteous power of the Eastern Palace.

It is no exaggeration to say that the talents he cultivated in Tiandu City will become his foundation in the Eastern Palace in the future. These people will appear in various places in Tiandu City in the future, appearing in Xuanyuan City, Ningbian City, and free. Cities, appearing in various locations throughout the southern province of Tiannan.

With these people promoted by him, his position in Tiannan and East Palaces will also be extremely stable.

Ning Qiancheng will inevitably leave Tiannan, maybe ten years later, maybe fifteen years later, he will walk from Tiannan into Youzhou, into the center, and even into the cabinet. Only he will go out from Tiannan. , Tiannan’s righteous power and the new group will be perfectly integrated.

This is Ning Qiancheng's chance.

He is currently in this position, but in the future, absolutely

Will become one of the directors of Zhongzhou.

After Ning Qiancheng left, Li Huazhang, who also had a solid foundation in Tiannan, would be the best candidate for the chairman of Tiannan Province in the future.

Regardless of whether he will become a councilor or not, a congressman cannot escape, and he is the speaker of the southern province.

This status is basically equivalent to that of Wen Siyuan, the chairman of the Beihai Provincial Assembly, in the Wang Clan of Beihai.

And whether Li Huazhang can have this status, the most important thing is to see if he can stabilize his foundation before Ning Qiancheng leaves Tiannan.

Li Tianlan has already paved the way for him.

He is unfamiliar with Li Tianlan, and has not even met a few times. Although Li Tianlan killed Wumingzi on the first day after joining the Eastern Palace, Li Huazhang can feel it at least in terms of his arrangements. Li Tianlan values ​​himself.

He is very satisfied with this arrangement.

Very satisfied.

"Uncle Qilin will go to Tiandu with my uncle, so let's be my uncle's assistant temporarily."

Li Tianlan continued.

Li Huazhang nodded his head with a calm expression. He was not surprised by this arrangement, nor disgusted. After all, he and Li Tianlan are really unfamiliar and have no feelings. He opposes Li Kuangtu, just because Li Tianlan was appointed by Li Honghe. Clan Chief Li, in this case, Li Tianlan had doubts about him and he could understand it completely. At the very least, Li Tianlan trusted the more familiar Qilin more than trusting him completely.

"One-eyed and Humber two uncles will stay in the Eastern Palace temporarily."

Li Tianlan's voice did not fluctuate.

One-eyed and Kohaku glanced at each other, and the corners of their mouths showed a smile at the same time, and they nodded.

Think tank among these people.

Li Huazhang, Thousand Chance, Thousand Heavy, White Fox, Stone Heart, Spirit Monkey, Moon Worship...

They will worry about their future position in the Eastern Palace.

But One-eyed Amber was not worried at all.

Kirin's future delusions have become clear.

As for them, naturally they will not be wronged.

If the think tank people are useful in Li Tianlan's eyes, then the three of them are truly trustworthy in Li Tianlan's heart, and they are the real people.

Li Tianlan lit a cigarette on his own, and glanced at Han Xinyan lightly.

Think tanks are not omnipotent. Regardless of Li Huazhang or others, they will have a focus on certain aspects, and they are also the areas where they are best at and able to exert their abilities.

Li Tianlan admits that he is lazy. Even now, he pursues personal force more than development power. The intelligence system of the Eastern Palace is not bad at all, but he is really too lazy to read too much information, so that he is too lazy to look at these think tanks. Understand, he is far inferior to Han Xinyan.

He knows what Li Huazhang is good at, and arranging him in Tiandu is definitely the best choice.

As for the others...

Han Xinyan can arrange it properly.

Han Xinyan wrinkled her nose and whispered softly, "Worshiping the moon to enter the Xuanyuan City Hall, you can serve as a senior judge or a secondary executive officer."

"Thousands of opportunities can go to South America, Europe can also be, these are the most suitable places for them."

"White Fox can join the Shengshi Fund and be my father's assistant. She is good at all business tasks."

"Shi Xin and Linghou can be responsible for part of the intelligence work."

In their respective areas of expertise, whether it is to make suggestions or implement them specifically, as long as they have no two minds, Han Xinyan can be sure that they can all do well.

What Li Tianlan doesn’t worry about most is that these people play the trick of being in Cao Yingxin’s Han Dynasty. There is a wife who has entered a transcendent state in the spiritual realm in the family. After waking up, whether the people who joined the Eastern Palace from Tiandu Purgatory had two hearts, she could filter it out one by one, or even piece by piece.

"You will arrange these and implement them as soon as possible."

Li Tianlan said.

Han Xinyan snorted.

Li Tianlan flicked the soot and stood up.

He glanced around again, and calmly said: "I hope you can get acquainted with your job position as soon as possible. Within a week, I need your work report... well... let's leave it to Xinyan."

Work report or something...

I don’t want to read it, I don’t want to read it, I don’t understand...

But what Li Tianlan wants is their attitude.

Han Xinyan rolled his eyes and let out a weak hum.

"His Majesty..."

Li Huazhang spoke hesitantly.


Li Tianlan looked at him quietly.

"Heaven's property and supplies..."

Li Huazhang reminded.

If it was just a few of their think tanks, Han Xinyan could decide their positions on their own.

Li Tianlan personally appeared here, mainly because of the large amount of industries and materials left behind after the dissolution of Tiandu Purgatory.

However, Li Tianlan has not mentioned this yet.


Li Tianlan nodded: "New face?"


Han Xinyan blinked and looked at Li Tianlan.

"get ready."

Li Tianlan said: "We will visit Tiandu in person, and send my uncle to work by the way."

Li Huazhang blinked.

Is this... an inspection?

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